

  XX届高考英语unit 2 english around the world精讲复习教案
  unit 2 english around the world
  base vt.以……为根据;n.基部;基地;基础
  教材原句p10:it was based more on german than the english we speak at present.当时的英语更多地是以德语为基础,而我们今天所说的英语不是。
  ①this provides a good base for the development of new technique.这为新技术的发展提供了良好的基础。
  ②this film was based on a real story,which was very moving.
  ③we should base the theory on careful research.
  ④this is the basic theory of language teaching.
  many students believe that the choice of their courses and universities should__________________________(以他们个人的兴趣为基础).
  答案: be based on their own interest
  command n.[c] 命令;指令;[u] 掌握;vt.命令,指挥,支配
  教材原句p12:can you find the following command and request from reading?
  ①the armed police arrived and took command of the situation.
  ②applicants will be expected to have a good command of computer skills.申请人必须有很好的电脑技能。
  ③the boss commanded that his workers (should) not leave their office before dark.
  ④he commanded us to start at once.
  command后面引起的从句要用虚拟语气。谓语动词形式是should 动词原形,should可以省略。
  ____________________________both chinese and english,she had an advantage over others.
  答案: with a good command of
  request n.& vt.请求;要求
  (1)make (a) request for请求;要求……
  at sb.’s request at the request of sb.应某人之要求
  (2)request sb.to do sth.请求/要求某人做某事
  request that...(should) do sth.请求……做某事
  request sth.from/of sb.向某人请求某物
  ①i made a request that the students should be well prepared for the exam.我要求学生对考试做好充分的准备。
  ②we should make a request for help.我们应该请求援助。
  ③you are requested not to smoke in the library.
  ④his new job requested that he (should) be at the office before 7 00.他的新工作要求他七点前应该到办公室。
  常用(should) do构成虚拟语气的动词口诀:
  3.(XX•山东实验中学模拟)—may i come on sundays and do some reading here?
  —sure.my secretary and library will be at your________.
  解析: 短语at one’s service表示"随时为……服务"的意思。
  答案: c
  4.i shouldn’t have accepted the man’s present,but i found it difficult to turn down his________.
  解析: 本题考查名词辨析。从句子的意思分析,此处用名词offer,表示无法拒绝他的这种好意:主动给予礼物。
  答案: a
  5.(天津高考)don’t respond to any e­mails________personal information,no matter how official they look.
  解析: 考查词语辨析。根据句意可知,不要回复任何"要求"提供私人信息的电子邮件。前两项需要在后面加for;d项表示"质疑;提问",不合题意。
  答案: c
  6.—why were you late for such an important meeting?
  —the plane arrived at the airport after a________ of two hours.
  解析: 考查名词辨析。由上句中的late可知,应是"延误"了两个小时,故选delay,意为"耽搁;延迟"。rest休息;request请求;要求;trip旅行,均不合题意。
  答案: c
  recognize vt.辨认出;承认;公认
  教材原句p13:although many americans move a lot,they still recognize and understand each other’s dialects.虽然许多美国人经常搬家,但是他们仍然能够辨别和理解彼此的方言。
  ①the moment i answered the phone,i recognized his voice.
  ②we all recognized her talent for dancing.
  ③i recognize that i am not fit for the job.
  ④lincoln is recognized as one of the greatest presidents in america.林肯被认为是美国最伟大的总统之一。
  7.(XX•安徽卷)i haven’t seen sara since she was a little girl,and she has changed beyond________.
  解析: 根据前一分句的内容可知她变得让人"辨认"不出来了。
  答案: c
  because of因为;由于
  教材原句p9:later in the next century,people from england made voyages to conquer other parts of the world and because of that,english began to be spoken in many other countries.
  ①there are many homeless people because of the earthquake.
  ②she was angry because of what you had said.
  辨析:because与because of
  (1)because of是复合介词,表示原因,意为"因为",后接名词、代词或what引导的宾语从句,在句中作状语。
  ③i think it’s because you are doing too much.
  8.(XX•辽宁卷)the old man asked lucy to move to another chair________he wanted to sit next to his wife.
  a.although b.unless
  c.because d.if
  解析: 句意为:那位老人请lucy换坐另一个椅子,因为他想挨着他妻子坐。本题考查状语从句引导词。由句意分析前后为因果关系,所以选because。a.尽管;b.除非;c.因为;d.如果。
  答案: c
  9.(浙江高考)the open­air celebration has been put off________the bad weather.
  a.in case of
  b.in spite of
  c.instead of
  d.because of
  解析: 句意为:户外庆典由于恶劣天气被推迟了。in case of万一;in spite of尽管;instead of代替;because of因为。
  答案: d
  come up走近;上来;被提出;发芽
  教材原句p10:american amy:yes.i’d like to come up to your apartment.美国的埃米:好的,我很乐意到你的公寓去。
  ①a policeman came up and asked if he could help.
  ②it is hoped that the question will come up at the meeting.
  ③i’ll let you know if anything comes up.
  come about发生
  come across(偶然)遇见
  come on加油;出场
  come up with追上;赶上;想出(主意);找出
  come out(照片上)显露,结果是;出版
  come to恢复知觉;共计;达到(某种状态)
  ④how did it come about that he knew where we were?
  ⑤i came across an old school friend in oxford street this morning.今天早上我在牛津大街碰见了一位老校友。
  (1)it’s already 10 o’clock.i wonder how it________________that she was two hours late on such a short trip.
  (2)believe it or not,my first novel________________while i was college.
  (3)when he ________________,he found himself surrounded by a great many strangers.
  (4)—have you________________________some new idea?
  —yeah.i’ll tell you later.
  答案: (1)came about (2)came out (3)came to
  (4)come up with
  make use of利用;使用
  教材原句p10:so by the 1600’s shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary than ever before.
  make full use of充分利用
  make good use of好好利用
  make little use of不充分利用
  take full advantage of充分利用
  make the most of最好地利用
  ①the six­party talks is practical to solve issues and we should make good use of the effective platform.六国峰会对于解决问题非常实用,我们应充分利用这一有效平台。
  ②we must make full use of our natural resources.
  ③we should consider what use can be made of such a material.
  11.the manager of the company told us that very little________was made of the waste material in the past.
  解析: 注意make use of的被动形式。
  答案: c
  12.the money collected should be made good use________the people who suffered a lot in this terrible earthquake.
  a.of helping
  b.to help
  c.to helping
  d.of to help
  解析: 此题考查make good use of sth.to do sth.用法。
  答案: d
  native english speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of english.
  even if或even though意为"即使,尽管",引导条件状语从句或让步状语从句。
  ①even if i have to walk all the way,i’ll get there.
  ②i’ll go to her birthday party even if it rains tomorrow.
  ③he likes to help us even though he is very busy.
  13.(天津高考)it is difficult for us to learn a lesson in life________we’ve actually had that lesson.
  a.until b.after
  c.since d.even if
  解析: 句意为:"对我们来说在生活中得到启示是很难的,直到我们真正得到了那一启示。"a项为"直到";b项为"在……以后";c项为"自从……以来";d项为"即使,尽管"。
  答案: a
  14.(浙江高考)many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice,________they knew it to be valuable.
  a.as if b.now that
  c.even though d.so that
  解析: 此题考查状语从句。as if犹如,好像;now that由于……,既然……;even though即使,纵然;so that为的是,以便;结合句意,应选c。
  答案: c
  15.(湖南高考)allow children the space to voice their opinions,________they are different from your own.
  b.even if
  d.as though
  解析: 句意为"给予孩子们足够的空间提意见,尽管他们的不同于你自己的"。
  答案: b
  16.your uncle seems to be a good driver,________,i wouldn’t dare to travel in his car.
  a.even so
  b.even though
  解析: even so副词短语,意为"即使这样"。
  答案: a
  it was based more on german than the english we speak at present.当时的英语更多的是以德语为基础,而我们今天所说的英语不是。
  ①i was more angry than worried when they didn’t come home.
  ②it was more the way he said it than what he said that made her sad.造成她不愉快的原因,与其说是他所说的话,倒不如说是他的说话方式。
  ③she was more sad than angry when her son lied.
  (1)more than 名词:不仅仅,不只是
  (2)more than 数词:超过,多于
  (3)more than 形容词/副词:非常、十分,与very同
  ④he is more than a scientist;he is also a poet.
  ⑤i’m more than happy to take you there in my car.
  17.—he failed the exam again!what should i do,miss wang?
  —in my opinion,your son is________than stupid.
  a.quite lazier
  b.much lazier
  c.more lazy
  d.lazier rather
  解析: 句意为:依我看来,与其说你儿子笨,倒不如说他懒。
  答案: c
  18.it took________building supplies to construct these energy­saving houses.it took brains,too.
  a.other than
  b.more than
  c.rather than
  d.less than
  解析: more than 名词,意为"不仅仅"。
  答案: b
  19.—do you need any help,lucy?
  —yes.the job is________i could do myself.
  a.less than
  b.more than
  c.no more than
  d.not more than
  解析: more than超过;less than少于;no more than不过;仅仅;not more than不超过;至多。
  答案: b
  1.(XX•安徽江南十校联考)—long time no see!you look fine.
  —________.you look well,too.
  a.thanks          b.great
  c.oh,no d.congratulations
  解析: 考查情景对话。句意为:——好久不见,你看起来不错。——谢谢,你也不错嘛。答语是对第一个人的客套表示感谢,用thanks,选a项。
  答案: a
  2.(XX•东北三校联合模拟)—karen,can i talk to you for a minute?
  a.how come b.what’s up
  c.how’s that d.what for
  解析: 考查交际用语。"what’s up"的意思是"怎么回事",相当于"what’s the matter"。a项表示"怎么会?",c项表示"那是怎么回事?",d项表示"为何目的/为何理由?",均与所给语境不符。
  答案: b
  3.(XX•黑龙江高考适应性考试)—please sit down and have a break.you have been working non­stop for two hours.
  a.i’m not in the least tired  b.i’m too tired to move
  c.i’m not a little tired d.i’m a bit tired
  解析: 考查交际用语。从no,thanks可知,语意应该表示"我一点儿都不累"。b项表示"太累了",c项表示"我很累",d项表示"我有点累",都不符合语意。not in the least表示"一点儿也不",符合语境,故选a项。
  答案: a
  4.(XX•福建龙岩毕业班质检)—would you mind if i closed the window?
  —________.it’s that cold outside.
  a.sorry,i’m afraid
  b.yes,help yourself
  c.sorry,you don’t
  d.no,go ahead
  解析: 考查情景对话。此处根据语意可知应是不介意,用no,go ahead (不介意,做/干吧)。a、b和c项都表示介意,所以选d项。
  答案: d
  5.(XX•浙江金华联考)—there is still an hour to go.could we sit somewhere to have a drink?
  a.let’s have a try. b.sure.
  c.that’s right. d.well done!
  解析: 考查交际用语。sure表示答应对方的请求,意思是"当然可以"。其他选项均不符合语境:a表示"让我们试一试",c表示"对的",d表示"干得好"。
  答案: b
  1."make good use of your time," advised mr lee.
  mr lee advised us________ ________good use of________time.
  答案: to make;our
  2."don’t look out of the window when you have classes," our english teacher told us.
  our english teacher told us________ ________ ________out of the window when________ ________classes.
  答案: not to look;we had
  3."would you like to listen to my new cd?" jim asked.
  jim asked me________i would like to________ ________ ________new cd.
  答案: if/whether;listen to his
  4.the guide told them not to touch the exhibits in the museum.
  "________ ________the exhibits in the museum," the guide told them.
  答案: don’t touch
  5.the teacher asked the students to stop talking.
  the teacher said to the students,"________talking."
  答案: stop
  【1】 i _____ to take a holiday this summer, but i had to change my plan .
  【译文】 我原打算今年暑假休假,但我不得不改变主意。
   a. would hope   b. was hoping
   c. had been hoped   d. had hoped
  【答案及简析】 d。 hope动作发生在had to change动作之前,是"过去的过去",故用过去完成时。
  【2】 -i heard back street would sing at the new theater. -where did you _____?
  【译文】 ——我听说back street将在新戏院演唱。  ——你从何处得到这个消息的?
   a. pick that up   b. put that up
   c. make that up   d. take that up
  【答案及简析】 a。 pick up为"获悉或打听到消息"之意。
  【3】 -are you satisfied with her answer? -not at all. it couldn’t have been _____.
  【译文】 ——你满意他的回答么?   ——一点也不满意。不应该这样的糟。
   a. worse   b. so bad
   c. better   d. the worse
  【答案及简析】 a。 can’t/couldn’t与比较级连用时表示"再也没有更……的了"。
  【4】 i will give the book to _____ wants to read it.
  【译文】 我将把这本书给那些想读它的人。
   a. whoever   b. whomever
   c. who   d. whom
  【答案及简析】 a。 whoever在引导的名词性从句中作主语,整个从句做介词to的宾语。此处可用anyone who来替换。
  【5】 -thank you very much.  -you are welcome. i was _____ glad to help.
  【译文】 ——非常感谢你。    ——欢迎你。我很高兴能帮助你。
   a. too much   b. only too
   c. not so   d. very much
  【答案及简析】 b。 too…to…前面有only时表示肯定含义。
  【6】 if _____ the same treatment again, he’s sure to get well.
  【译文】 如果再进行同样的治疗,他肯定会好的。
   a. giving   b. give
   c. given   d. being given
  【答案及简析】 c。 在条件状语从句中,如果其主语和主句的主语一致,那么可以把条件句中的主语和系动词be同时省略。此题中即是在if后省略了he is。
  【7】 his best known work that is _____ all praise can be seen in the museum.
  【译文】 在博物馆将会看到他那令人赞叹不已的最出名的作品。
   a. with   b. beyond
   c. without   d. within
  【答案及简析】 b。 此处beyond意为"超出(……的范围)"。
  【8】 -what do you think of the book?  -oh, excellent. it is worth _____ second time.
  【译文】 ——你认为这本书如何?   ——喔,不错!只得再看一遍。
   a. to read a   b. to read the
   c. reading a   d. being read the
  【答案及简析】 c。 be worth doing本身就表示被动含义,即"值得做某事"。a second time表示不确定的"第二次",实为"又一次",并非特定,故不用the。
  【9】 let us hope we can settle the matter without _____ more trouble.
  【译文】 让我们希望解决这个问题没有任何麻烦。
   a. any   b. a little
   c. some   d. little
  【答案及简析】 a。 any一般用在具有否定意义的短语或句子当中。
  【10】 charles did what he could _____ the servant, although he himself was in danger.
  【译文】 尽管他自己也在危险中,charles尽了他的一切努力救助他的仆人。
   a. rescue   b. rescued
   c. to rescue   d. rescuing
  【答案及简析】 c。 此题中could后省略了do,而不定式to rescue是目的状语。
  【11】 -when ____ you return the dictionary to me? -only when i ____ you next sunday.
  【译文】 ——何时还我的词典?    ——只有下个星期天我见着你的时候。
   a. will;see   b. do;will see
   c. will;will see   d. do;see
  【答案及简析】 a。 以if, when, before, as soon as等引导的条件句和时间状语从句通常用一般时态表示将来。
  【12】 -mary, would you like to come to my birthday party?  -_____.
  【译文】 ——玛丽,你能来参加我的生日聚会吗? ——肯定要来。
   a. of course, you could   b. sure. go ahead
   c. sorry, you may not   d. no, you mustn’t
  【答案及简析】 b。 根据问句,答句应当表明"我"的想法。
  【13】 -what’s the old man standing there?  -he is _____, a new comer.
  【译文】 ——站在那边的那个老人是干什么的?   ——他是新来的工程师。
   a. mr. white   b. an engineer
   c. joe   d. joe’s brother
  【答案及简析】 b。 根据问句可知询问人的职业。
  【14】 if you carry on working like this, you will _____ sooner or later.
  【译文】 如果你继续像这样工作,你迟早会病倒的。
   a. give off   b. get down
   c. break down   d. hold on
  【答案及简析】 c。 break down意为"不支","病倒","衰弱"。
  【15】 -have you got your test result?  -not yet. the papers _____.
  【译文】 ——你知道你的考试结果了吗?   ——没有。试卷正在评改。
   a. are still being corrected   b. are not correcting
   c. have already been corrected   d. have not corrected
  【答案及简析】 a。 根据题意应选用被动语态的选项, b
  【16】 if you keep on, you’ll succeed _____. wish you success in the examinations.
  【译文】 如果你继续努力,你早晚会成功的。祝你考试成功。
   a. in time   b. at one time
   c. for the same time   d. sometimes
  【答案及简析】 a。 in time此处意为"sooner or later"即"早晚","终究"。in time另外的一个意义是"及时"。
  【17】 -when are you leaving?  -my plane _____ at six.
  【译文】 ——你什么时候出发?  ——飞机6点起飞。
   a. took off   b. is about to take off
   c. takes off   d. will take off
  【答案及简析】 c。 因为主语是飞机并非"我",所以此句只是说明"飞机6点起飞"这个事实。
  【18】 i need some red ink badly, but there’s _____ at hand.
  【译文】 我急需一些红墨水,但手头一点也没有。
   a. nothing   b. a little
   c. none   d. not
  【答案及简析】 c。 none这儿指的是没有红墨水。
  【19】 is there a cinema around _____ i can see a movie?
  【译文】 附近有能看电影的电影院吗?
   a. that   b. which
   c. where   d. what
  【答案及简析】 c。 where引导定语从句修饰cinema。
  【20】 you can go out _____ you promise to be back before 11 o’clock.
  【译文】 只要你保证在11点前回家,你可以出去。
   a. so that   b. as far as
   c. so long as   d. in case
  【答案及简析】 c。 as/so long as在此表示"只要"。
