

  一、学习目标【话题】1. 熟悉了解主要英语国家的艺术形式。2. 了解中外著名画家、艺术家、建筑师,以及不同的艺术、建筑风格。【词汇】talent, key, beauty, appearance, quiet, worldwide, at times二、知识要点1. kong goes for folk! 孔喜欢民歌。go for①喜欢 be fond of, like, enjoyi don"t go for beijing opera. 我不喜欢京剧。②去做let"s go for a walk. 我们去散步吧!③去取(请,叫)ask him to go for the doctor. 让他去请医生来。④努力想获得go for the championship 努力想获取冠军⑤适用于what i said about peter goes for you, too.我说的关于彼特的话也适用于你。2. …surprised his fans last week by giving a concert combining classical music with chinese folk music.…通过举办了一场把古典音乐与中国民间音乐相结合的音乐会,让他的歌迷感到新奇。①by giving… 介词by短语作方式状语。the old man made a living by selling vegetables.②combine…with… 把…和…结合起来(混合)combine theory with practice 理论结合实际she combines wit and beauty. 她才貌双全。combine hydrogen with oxygen 使氢与氧混合(同mix…with…)3. his mother couldn"t buy him a piano until he was seven.他妈妈直到他七岁时才给他买了一架钢琴。not…until… 直到…才…until前主句为否定句时,谓语为终止性动词;其主句为肯定句时,谓语用延续性动词。he didn"t go to bed until his mother came back.直到他妈妈来到他才去睡觉。the boy slept until his mother came back.那个男孩一直睡到他妈妈回来为止。4. she had to draw piano keys on a piece of paper so that he could learn to play as early as possible.她不得不在纸上画钢琴键,为了他能够可能早地学会弹钢琴。①so that"为了",引导目的状语从句,从句中常用can, may, could, might等情态动词。he got up very early so that he could catch the early bus.他起得很早为了是能赶上早班车。so that也可引导结果状语从句,意"以至于…,结果…"。he was lazy at study so that he didn"t pass the exam.他学习很懒惰,结果没能通过考试。可用"so 形容词/副词 that"表示结果。he was made to practise the piano so much that, at times, he thought about giving up.他不得不每天花很多时间练习弹钢琴,有时他都想放弃了。kong"s new experiment in chinese folk music is so important that he even changed his appearance.②as early as possible尽可能早 as early as sb. can/ could又如:as fast as possible, as many/much as possible, as soon as possible, as tall as possible5. whether kong is changing his appearance or transforming his music, he is a pioneer in music today.不管孔祥东正在改变他的形象,还是他对音乐进行改革,他都是当今音乐界的先锋。whether…or… 不管…还是…,引导让步状语从句。whether he takes the bus or drives his car, he"ll be here on time.不管他乘公交车还是开车来,他总是会准时到达的。whether you accept or refuse the invitation, you should let me know.6. the concert last week was such a success that kong"s dream tour concert is expected to run for the next two years in beijing,…上周的音乐会非常成功,以至于他的梦幻之旅音乐会要在北京,…等城市进行为期两年的巡演。such (a/an) 形容词 名词 that…,可引导结果状语从句。he came to such a sudden stop that we almost hit him.他突然停下来以至于我们差一点撞到他。they are such kind people that we all like them.三、语法----状语从句
  引导原因状语从句的连词有:because(因为),since(既然,因为),as(因为),now that(既然),considering that(考虑到),seeing (that)(鉴于,由于,既然,因为)等。例如:
  the football match was put off because the football fans made trouble last week.
  since we have no money,we can’t buy it.
  as antonio did not have any money just then,he went to shylock.因为安东尼奥当时没钱,他就去找夏洛克了。
  now that they could ride horses,it became easier to hunt the bison.既然他们会骑马了,猎取野牛也就容易了。
  considering that they are just beginners,they are doing quite a good job.考虑到他们才刚刚学做,他们算是做得很不错了。
  seeing that he is ill,he is unlikely to come.
  —why did you do it? 你为什么这么做呢?
  —i did it because i like it.我这么做是因为我喜欢。
  since no one is against the plan,we’ll carry it out.
  as he was not well,i decided to go without him.
  结果状语从句可以由so that(因此),so...(that)(如此……以至于),such...that(这样……以至于)等词引导。例如:
  he didn’t plan his time well,so that he didn’t finish the work on time.他没有把时间计划好,结果没按时完成这项任务。
  the film was so interesting that we all laughed a lot.
  i was still so angry (that) i was determined to tell him what i thought of him.我仍满腔怒火,便决定把我对他的看法告诉他。
  we left in such a hurry that we forgot to lock the door.
  there is so little water in the bottle that we have to share.
  he didn’t finish his homework,so (that) he was punished.
  目的状语从句可以由that,so that,in order that,in case(以防,免得),for fear that(以免,以防)等词引起。目的状语从句中常用情态动词can,could,may,might,从句若为否定结构,也可用should。例如:
  let’s take the front seats so that we may see more clearly.
  i cycled in front of him,got off my bicycle and laid it down on the road in front of his car in order that he couldn’t drive off.
  i shall stay in the hotel all day in case there is news of the missing child.我将整天呆在旅馆以防会有失踪孩子的消息。
  she hid her jewellery for fear that it would be stolen.
  they took away the knife so that the boy should not hurt himself.他们把刀拿走,免得那小孩伤了自己。
  注意:so that既可以引导结果状语从句也可以引导目的状语从句。引导结果状语从句时,从句之前常常有逗号。若没有逗号,要看从句中是否有情态动词,如果有,则多半是目的状语从句;反之,多半为结果状语从句。例如:
  i turned up the radio,so that everyone heard the news.
  (1)由when,while,as,after,before,once,since,till/until,whenever,as soon as来引导的时间状语从句。
  ①remember to buy me a dictionary when you go out.
  ②i’ll finish all the homework before i go to bed.
  ③i’ll tell him as soon as he comes back.
  ④once started,there’s no way to stop it.
  ⑤they sang songs as they marched forward.
  (2)the minute/moment/time,everytime ,the first/last time也可以引导时间状语从句。
  ①we shot the enemy plane down the moment/the time it appeared.敌机一出现我们就把它打下来了。
  ②don’t let me see you again.i’ll beat you every time i see you later.
  ③they fell in love the first time they met.
  ①i fell asleep directly i went to bed.我一上床就睡着了。
  ②we rushed in immediately a gunshot was heard.
  (1)由though/although(尽管,虽然),even if/even though(即使)引导。
  ①we’ll try to finish the work in time though/although we are short of man power.
  ②although journalism seems like a good profession,i would prefer to be a teacher.
  ③even though/if he knows much,he is modest.
  ①late as it was,they kept on working.
  ②child as he is,he knows a lot.
  ③a young man as he is,he is already a professor.
  ④much as i admire his father,i don’t like john.
  ⑤try as you may,you might fail as well.
  (3)由 no matter what/which/who/when/where或whatever,whichever,however等引导的让步状语从句。
  ①whichever/no matter which side wins,i shall be satisfied.无论哪一方赢,我都感到满意。
  ②wherever/no matter where he is,he will be thinking of you.不管他在哪里,他都会想着你。
  ③you have to go on,whatever/no matter what difficulties you meet.无论遇到什么困难你都得继续下去。
  (4)由whether/no matter whether(不管……是否,不管是……还是)引导。
  ①i"ll do it whether you like it or not.
  ②no matter whether you have time or not,you must deliver these clothes today.
  不管你是否有空,你今天必须去送这些衣服。 练习检测:ⅰ. 单项选择1. i think the curtains don"t ________ the paint.a. match b. match with c. fit d. suit2. the american ________ western food, but he ________ chinese food now.a. is used to eat, used to b. used to eat, is used toc. used to eating, is used to d. used to eat, used to3. -when will his new album ________?-in a month.a. come up b. come down c. be come out d. come out4. the superstar played a few songs from her new album, ________"you are my honey".a. for example b. as c. such as d. take for example5. there was not an empty seat anywhere in the concert hall at last thursday"s event, ________it was an extremely cold night.a. because b. though c. as if d. however6. we"ll hold a party when the guests ________.a. arrive b. arrived c. will arrive d. are arriving7. -how would you like your coffee, sir?-________.a. i like it very much b. very nicec. it’s well done d. the stronger, the better8.-i want to leave tomorrow. do you think it will rain?-________. why not wait here for two more days?a. no, i"m afraid not b. all rightc. i am afraid so d. go ahead9. the role mr. white ________in the play was very successful.a. did b. played c. made d. performed10.-what do you think of micky?-i don’t ________men of this type.a. fond of b. go in c. go for d. be fond of11. he ________the river until he walked 10 miles.a. didn"t find b. found c. would find d. hasn"t find12. he saw ________that he couldn"t remember them all.a. such many new things b. so many new thingsc. many new such things d. many so new things13. ________you are an official or a clerk, you must obey the law.a. if b. because c. while d. whether14. many people went to visit the sick old man, ________.a. include mr. black b. mr. black includingc. included mr. black d. including mr. black15. have you seen a girl who ________white?a. are dressed in b. dressed inc. are dressing d. dressesⅱ. 根据所给单词的首字母或汉语写出所缺单词的适当形式。1. did the medicine have any e________ on his disease?2. i know two m ________who can play many different instruments.3. as a student, it is good for us to c________ learning with fun.4. the manager often goes to the workshop to talk with the o________ workers.5. there are thousands of a________ watching the play in the theater today.6. i felt very ________(失望)to hear what he had done.7. mozart was one of the most famous ________(钢琴家)in the world.8. no one can enter the lab without ________(允可).9. the play was well ________(表演)by the students.10. their three ________(代)live in the small flat.answers:ⅰ.单项选择1. a. match意"两者相搭配",后直接加名词;c指大小、尺寸适合;d指颜色、式样等适合某物/人。2. b. 第一空指"过去常常(吃西餐)";第二空意"(现在)习惯中餐了"。3. d. come out意"出版",没有被动语态。4. c.5. b although"尽管",引导让步状语从句。6. a. 时间状语从句中一般不用将来时态(主句已用将来时)。7. d. 由would可知,应是问"你想要什么样的咖啡",不是"你认为你的咖啡怎么样?"8. c. 意"明天恐怕要下雨",和下文"为什么不在这里多呆两天呢"相一致。9. b. play a role in…。10. c. go for喜欢。11. a. not…until…意"直到…才…",否定句中主句谓语用终止性动词。12. b. 形容词many, few, much, little表数量修饰名词时,其前常用so。13. d. whether…or…不管…还是…。14. d. including是介词,逗号后不能用谓语形式。15. a.为be dressed in sth.的现在时态。ⅱ. 根据所给单词的首字母或汉语写出所缺单词的适当形式。1. effect 2. musicians 3. combine 4. ordinary 5. audience 6. disappointed 7. pianists 8. permission 9. performed 10. generations
