

  一. 教学内容:
  Unit 5 The Secret to Success. lesson 4
  二. 重点、难点:
  ‘wh’ questions
  what is this about?
  which question word should we choose?
  why are we studying this?
  who thinks this is boring?
  how can we understand it?
  where are we going with this topic?
  when can we go home? let’s take a look: we use question words such as what, which, where, when, why and how to ask for information. 1. we use what to ask questions about something that you don’t know: what did you do yesterday? 2. we use which to ask questions when there are two or more possible choices: which button do you press, 1 or 2? 3. we use where to ask questions about location: where is the post office? 4. we use when to ask questions about the time: when is your birthday? 5. we use why to ask questions about the reasons: why did you leave early? 6. we use how to ask questions about the way to do something: how do you use this telephone?  now you try: 1. which do you prefer, apples or oranges? 2. who is calling please? 3. how much time do you have? 4. where does a teacher work? 5. when do you plan to leave? 6. why are you so tired? 7. what are they talking about?  a work by yourself make your own questions. 1. what is your name? 2. where are you going? 3. why do you want to do it? 4. when do you get up in the morning? 5. which book do you like best? 6. how can he success?  b work in pairs with your partner, make questions for these answers. ·he prefers swimming.  what does he prefer? ·i’ll take the bus.  how will you do? ·i’d like two liters, please. how many would you like? ·because i was feeling sick. why do you go to the drugstore. ·it’s on january first.  when is it on? ·it’s across from the swimming pool.  where is it across from? now, write down the questions in your notebook. don’t forget the question marks! perhaps some words in the word bank can help you. which does mike prefer, swimming or climbing? what do you use lemon soda? when is your birthday? where do you have your gymnastics lesson? why is gasoline too expensive now? how do you go to the hospital?  word bank computer chalk laundromat gasoline bakery hospital eraser machine medicine tennis court plum juice gymnasium running instrument textbook birthday doctor olive oil climbingskipping health center lemon soda drugstore
  三. 具体内容: 课文讲解:
  listen and speak conversations in context warm –up have you ever given advice to someone? what made you do so? everyone needs advice now and then. what should we keep in mind when giving someone advice? 1. one day, xiaohai receives a phone call from jennifer, who is feeling sick. jennifer asks xiaohai to accompany her to the hospital. jennifer: hi, xiaohai? this is jennifer. xiaohai: hi, jennifer. how are you doing? jennifer: not too good, actually. i’m feeling sick. xiaohai: i’m sorry to hear that. what’s wrong? jennifer: i have a fever and a sore throat. xiaohai: i think you should go see a doctor, then. jennifer: could you come with me to the hospital? xiaohai: sure, i can do that. ·what’s wrong with jennifer? ·what does jennifer ask xiaohai to do? ·guess why jennifer asks xiaohai to accompany her to the hospital.  2. later, at the hospital, jennifer and xiaohai meet a doctor. doctor: how long have you been feeling sick? jennifer: i first felt sick last night, and this morning it’s gotten much worse. doctor: what are your symptoms? jennifer: i have a bad cough, runny nose, and my whole body aches. doctor: that’s too bad. i know how you feel. i’ll prescribe some medicine for you. jennifer: thank you, doctor.
  on your own have you been to the hospital recently? when? why did you go? ·how long has jennifer been feeling sick? ·what are her symptoms?  3. jennifer and xiaohai go to the pharmacy to pick up some medicine. pharmacist: how may i help you? jennifer: i’ve just been to the hospital, and here is my prescription. pharmacist: okay, just a few minutes, please. (in a few minutes, the pharmacist gives jennifer some medicine.) here you are. jennifer: thank you. pharmacist: you should be much better in a couple of days. jennifer: okay, great. ·where is this dialogue taking place? ·what does jennifer give the pharmacist?  【典型例题】 ( )1. the little accompanied his mother to __________.  a. the concert  b. listen to the concert  c. give a concert  解析:本题考查accompany 的用法,意为"陪同某人去某地",固定搭配为accompany sb.  名词,但accompany sb.  to do 是错误的。因此本题选a。 ( )2. young man, if you _________late again, you will lose your job.  a. will be  b. were  c. are 解析:if 引导的条件状语从句,主句是将来时,从句应为一般现在时,故本题选c。 ( )3. —have you decided ___________you will leave? —yes, tomorrow morning.  a. which  b. how  c. when  解析:本题考查 ‘wh’ 问句。根据下文,本题要选择表达时间的疑问副词,故选c。 ( )4. —could you tell me ________? —it’s next to the post office.  a. where is the supermarket  b. where the supermarket is  c. where was the supermarket  d. where the supermarket was  解析:本题考查宾语从句使用陈述句语序的问题。而且"could you tell me…"不是过去时,它表示建议和请求,故本题选b。
