

  unit2 comic strips & welcome to the unit
  知识目标 to recognize the names of different colours
  能力目标 to recognize the colours of the rainbow and the order of the colours
  情感目标 to encourage students to show love to those in need
  教学重难点 to master the new words and phrases
  1.do you know how many colours there are in a rainbow?
  can you write them down in order?
  2. try to fill in the blanks according to the dialogue
  eddie wants to ________ clothes. hobo brings him two clothes, one is ________, the other is _______. eddie thinks he _______ ________ wear _______ than ________ because _______ is a girl’s colour. hobo says there is _______ wrong ________ pink and helps eddie put on a blue _______. eddie feels shy but hobo says blue _______ good ______ him.
  3.listen to the tape several times,read the dialogue by yourselves and try to recite it.
  4. can you understand the following sentences:
  1) i’d rather wear blue than pink. 2) there’s nothing wrong with pink.
  3) blue looks good on you. 4) do you know how many colors there are in a rainbow?
  act out the dialogue on page 24 and the dialogue on page 25 and try to make similar ones.
  1. would rather do sth than (do) sth
  2.there is nothing wrong with …= nothing is wrong with ….
  3.blue looks good on you .= you look good in blue.
  1. i want to tell my friends about the colours of the ________________(彩虹).
  2. i’d rather ______________(穿)blue than green.
  3. pink is a g___________ colour, and boys don’t like it.
  4. my favourite colour is v__________, i think.
  5. —this sweater l___________ good on you.
  —thank you.
  1. there is _______________(anything) wrong with my computer.
  2. i’ve _____________(see) a kite in the sky. it’s beautiful.
  3. i’d rather _______________(not tell) you about it.
  4. these clothes are very nice. i want _______________(buy) one.
  5. my father called me _________________(tell) me about the film.
  1. there isn’t anything wrong with pink.(改为同义句)
  2. there are seven colours in a rainbow.(对划线部分提问)
  3. i like to listen to country music better. (改为同义句)
  4. we should do some housework. it’s important.(两句合并为一句)
  9aunit2 readingⅰ
  知识目标 to understand what colours represent.
  能力目标 to recognize and understand vocabulary about emotions.
  情感目标 to match colours to the characteristics.
  教学重难点 to recognize and understand vocabulary about emotions.
  学过了welcome和comic strip之后,还记得你学的生词吗?请用这些词来填空。
  1. i’d rather ________(穿)blue than green.
  2. simon wants to tell his friends about the clours of the __________(彩虹).
  3. i think black l_________ good on you.
  4. attention! the traffic lights turned y__________.
  5. we’d r________ sing this song than that one.
  6. how many c_________ are there in the rainbow?
  7. my watch doesn’t work. i think there is _________(nothing) wrong with it.
  8. the world would be a dull place _________(with) colours.
  9. she prefers a ___________(colour) dress to a white dress.
  wisdom, growth, power, purity, joy, calm
  1. blue represents ________________.
  2. orange represents _________________.
  3. white represents _________________.
  4. red represents _________________.
  5. green represents ________________.
  6. yellow represents _________________.
  calm coloursblue___________, sadness
  warm colours_________________joy, ____________
  yellowwarmth, __________
  energetic coloursgreennew life, energy, nature and _________
  strong colours_____________________________
  and strong feelings
  language points
  1.colours can change our moods and make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.
  ( 颜色会改变我们的情绪,让我们感到高兴或悲伤,充满活力或昏昏欲睡。)
  make sb. do sth. "使得某人做某事",后接宾语和宾语补足语。
  e.g. the news made her very sad.
  2.wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room is good for the mind and body because this colour creates the feeling of harmony.
  be good for … "对…有利"
  e.g. taking a walk after supper is good for our health.
  它的反义词是 be bad for
  e.g. reading in bed is bad for your eyes.
  3.i am feeling blue. 我感到伤心。
  e.g. a green hand 生手 a white lie 一个善意的谎言
  4.people living in cold climates prefer to use warm colours in their homes to create a warm and comfortable feeling.
  prefer "更喜欢",后可跟名词、代词,也可跟动词不定式或动名词。
  e.g. he prefers coffee.
  i prefer to live in a city.= i prefer living in a city.
  e.g. he prefers football/playing football to basketball/playing basketball.
  5.orange can bring you success and cheer you up when you are feeling sad.
  cheer sb up 使某人振作起来
  6.yellow is the colour of sun, so it can remind you of a warm, sunny day.(黄色是太阳的颜色,所以它能使你想起温暖、晴朗的日子。)
  remind sb of sth/ sb. "使某人想起某事/某人"
  e.g. he reminds me of my brother.
  7.this can help when you are having difficulty making a decision. (当你难以作出决定的时候,它会帮助你。)
  make a decision "做决定"/ have difficulty(in)doing sth. "做某事有困难"
  1.would rather … than ____ 2.a rainbow in the sky _____
  3.a world full of colors ______ 4.be good for the mind and body __
  5.affect one’s mood _____  6.产生和谐感 ______
  7.带给你成功 ______ 8.感到轻松 _______
  9.做决定 ________ 10.让…高兴 _______
  1.orange__________(代表 )joy. it can bring you ___________ (成功)and cheer you up.
  2.yellow is also the colour of _______________( 智慧 )
  3.nanjing is so hot in summer ,i like to live in cooler______________(气候).
  4.every time my father drinks a cup of hot tea, he feels very____________(满足).
  5.when i saw the old picture, it______________(使想起 )me of my childhood.
  6.did you know colours can ____________(影响) our moods?
  7..green is the colour of money and ______________( 妒忌).
  8.he is under great____________(压力)because of his new job.
  9.wearing red makes it easier for you to take_____________(行动 ).
  10.i had ____________(困难 )making a decision.
  _______ blue clothes _______good __________your ______and body.
  yellow is the colour ________the sun,so it can _______you _______a warm and
  orange can bring you ______and _______ _______ ________when you are ____.
  red represents ____________.it is the ________ of ________.
  9aunit2 readingⅱ
  知识目标 to master what colours represent
  能力目标 to use vocabulary about emotions correctly
  情感目标 to express the characteristics by using colours
  教学重难点 to recognize and understand vocabulary about emotions
  1. different colours may represent different characteristics. ( )
  2. blue is a calm colour. it can create the feeling of joy. ( )
  3. white will make you feel stressed. ( )
  4. orange and yellow are warm colours. ( )
  5. if you feel tired or weak, you should wear green. ( )
  6. red represents a strong feeling; it can help you take actions. ( )
  1. colours can change our moods and make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.
  2. people living in cold climates prefer to use warm colours in their homes to create ….
  3. …it can remind you of a warm, sunny day.
  4. this can help when you are having difficulty making a decision.
  language points
  1.get good marks in tests
  2.help people calm down
  calm down 意为"平静,镇静"
  calm sb down意为"使某人……平静,镇静"
  3.give her energy
  (给她提供能量) energy是不可数名词,其形容词为 energetic.
  calm coloursblue is good for the ______ and body and it represents ________.
  white is the colour of _______. you should wear white when you feel _________.
  warm coloursthese colour give you a happy and _________ feeling. orange represents ______. it can bring you _________ and _____ you up.yellow can remind you a ______, _____ day. it is also the colour of ______.
  energetic coloursgreen can give you _________ because it represents _________ and ________. it is also the colour of ______ and the colour of money and _______.
  coloursred represents ______ and it is the colour of ______ and _____ feeling.
  (1)colours can make us____(feel) happy or sad, energetic or _________(sleep).
  (2)when i go to the teachers’ office, i will feel___________(relax).
  (3)i like blue and the walls were__________(paint) blue in my bedroom.
  (4)__________(wear)blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room is good for the mind and body.
  (5)green represents new life and_________(grow) and blue represents_________
  (6)his english was very poor and he spoke with____________(difficult).
  (7)i hope we can make a ___________(decide) today.
  (8)this summer, the terrible weather has greatly___________(affect) out moods.
  (9)"cheer up" means "make someone_____________(happy)".
  (10)my parents were__________ (satisfy) with my marks.
  taking action, cheer…up, feel better, would rather…than ,remind…of
  1.when i feel sad, my friends always ________ me __________.
  2.orange can ________ you ________ a warm, sunny day.
  3._________ is more difficult than making a decision.
  4.i hope you ________________.
  5.he _________ wear blue ______________ pink.
  do you know that colour can ________________________________________?
  many people like white, because it ______________________________________.
  blue can__________ the feeling of ________________
  red can help you when you are ________________________________________
  she worries a lot and often ___________________________________________
  ( )1.they would rather using colours like orange and yellow.
  a b c d_________
  ( )2.green represents new life and grow and it is the colour of nature.
  a b c d_________
  9aunit2 vocabulary
  知识目标 to understand what synonyms are
  能力目标 to master the usage of synonyms
  情感目标 to express emotions by using synonyms
  教学重难点 to recognize and understand synonyms
  1、happiness_______________2、strong __________________
  3、sad_______________4、 begin ________________
  9、need_______________10、sadness _________________
  11、movie _______________12、moods_________________
  13、hope_______________14、big _________________
  step 1: presentation
  (change the sentences according to the request)
  1. he is very kind to us all. (同义句)
  he is very ______ to us all.
  2. thank you for asking me to your birthday party.( 同义句)
  thank you for ______ me to your birthday party.
  ask students to write out the answers: 1.good/friendly;
  2. inviting .
  tell the ss that "kind /good /friendly", "ask/invite" are two pairs of synonyms.
  synonyms are words that mean the same or nearly the same thing.
  step 2: word matching
  a b
  seldom quick
  small cheerful
  fast inexpensive
  happy rarely
  cheap little
  wrong incorrect
  calm fault
  mistake relaxed
  step 3: a game
  ask some ss to supply some words, let their partners give the synonyms of these words, let us see which pair works fastest and the most correctly.
  step 4: practice
  step 5: extension activity
  ( ) 1. when ____your father ___back? when he __ back, please give me a ring.
  a. does; come; will come b. will; come; comes
  c. will; come; will come d. does; come; comes
  ( ) 2. he ____________last week.
  a.caught a coldb.got a coldc.had a coldd.all the above
  ( ) 3. ---how long has your aunt______here?
  ---for three months.
  ()4.she ________us where____________.
  a.adviced,to eatingb.advised,to eatc.adviced,eating d.advised,eating
  ()5.---did you play table tennis yesterday?
  ---yes.but i _______play table tennis these days because my right foot hurts.
  ()6.there _______traffic on the road every day.
  a.are manyb.is a lotc.are lots ofd.is much
  ()7.---can you help me repair my computer tomorrow?
  ---no ___________.
  ()8.---must we hand in the homework right now?
  ---no,you ______.you can hand them in _______tomorrow.
  a.mustn’t,sometimeb.don’t have to,sometime
  c.can’t,sometimesd.needn’t,some time
  ()9.these young trees require ______________.
  a.to look afterb.looking afterc.to be looked sfter d.both b and c
  9aunit2 grammar a&b
  知识目标 to understand what synonyms are
  能力目标 to master the usage of synonyms
  情感目标 to express emotions by using synonyms
  教学重难点 to recognize and understand synonyms
  1. are there any changes about the two patterns?
  can you express the two ,using some other patterns?
  " would rather do than do …." "prefer…..to……."
  2. how many kinds can indefinite pronouns be pided into ?
  what refers to people?
  what refers to things?
  what refers to both people and things?
  3. finish the contents from pages 31 to 35.
  1.would rather do than do =prefer to
  2.prefer sth to sth = like sth than sth
  1. i‘d rather do my homework by myself than copy others’ when i was a student.
  2. there is nothing wrong with my car.
  3. she prefers walking to jogging.
  4.he wants to play football instead of basketball.
  5.i would rather have fish than meat.
  6.there is nothing wrong with your eyes.
  7.jim liked english better than japanese.
  8.there is something wrong with my bike.
  ( )1.i prefer apples ___________ oranges. apples are my favourite.
  a. than b. with c. to d. and
  ( )2.---what do you like better, trousers or a skirt?
  ---i ___________ wear trousers _________ a skirt.
  a. prefer….to b. would rather….than
  c. would rather…..to d. prefer……..than
  ( )3. blue looks good _________ you, it means you look nice _________ blue.
  a. in, on b. on, in c. in, in d. on, on
  ( )4.i’d rather than .
  a. read books; watch tv b. reading books; watching tv
  c. to read books; watch tv d. read books; to watch tv
  ( )5. daniel prefers playing computer games .
  a. to shop. b. to shopping c. than shop d. than shopping
  1. 我们宁愿去见他,也不愿在这儿等他。
  we _________________ meet him than _______________ him.
  2. 他宁可今天去那儿,也不愿明天去。
  he would__________________________ today ____________ tomorrow.
  3. 以前孩子们喜欢步行上学而不乘车。
  in the past the children ____________________ there to _______ a bus.
  4. 你是喜欢茶还是咖啡?
  which ___________________________, coffee or tea?
  5. 他宁愿和女孩们一起去野餐。
  he _________________________ on a picnic with the girls.
  6. 他宁愿去看电影也不愿呆在家里。
  9aunit2 grammar c&d
  知识目标 to learn the indefinite pronouns that refer to people and things.
  能力目标 to use the indefinite pronouns that refer to people and things.
  情感目标 to learn to care about the things and people around.
  教学重难点 to master the usage of these indefinite pronouns.
  .1.尝试理解 someonesomebodyanyoneanybodyno onenobody用法区别;
  2.尝试理解somethinganything nothing none用法区别;
  3.尝试理解noneno one nobody谈论人时的区别;
  --what is in the fridge?--- -- there is in the fridge.
  --who is in the room? ------ is in the room?
  --how many students are there in the room? --- .
  ---how much milk is there is the bottle? --- .
  of them likes football. of the books is new.
  1. a:i left my pen in the classroom. maybe ___¬¬____________ is using it.
  b: but ____________ is in the classroom now.
  2. a: has ____________ told you that yellow is the colour of the sun?
  b: ______________ has told me before, but i forgot.
  3. a: can i have ______________ to drink? i’m thirsty.
  b: sorry, there is ___________ in the fridge. you can go downstairs to buy ___________.
  4. a: there is ___________ wrong with my computer. it doesn’t work.
  b: i’m afraid ________ here is good at computers. you can go to the computer room, maybe _______ there can help you.
  5. there isn’t __________ in the office. if you want to find _________, you can go to the playground.
  1. 不定代词做主语,谓语动词使用单数;
  2. someone/somebody用于肯定句,通常指代"一个人";
  3. anyone/anybody 用于疑问句;
  4. anyone/anybody;和no one/nobody 用于否定句;当anyone/anybody用于肯定句时,表示任何人;e.g. anyone needs water and air in the world。
  nothing表示"没有什么东西" ,只能指物; 用what 进行提问;
  none表示"没有一个事物或人";用 how many/ how much提问;
  注意:形容词与something; anything; nothing连用时,要置于它们之后。
  注意none, nothing, no one的区别: none 可以和of 连用,其它的不能和of连用; none 与all 反义。
  no one(=nobody) 一般用来指人,使用时不受一定范围的限制。
  1. the game is very popular. ____________ is interested in the game.
  2. if you don’t tell ________ about it, _________ will know.
  3. please get _________ ready at once. we’ll go at nine o’clock.
  4. would you like ___________ to eat?
  5. is there ____________ here? i want some help.
  6. there’s ___________ in the bag. it’s empty.
  7. i wanted some more coffee but there was ________ left.
  8. there isn’t __________ watching tv at the moment.
  9. i didn’t invite all of them, but _________ has come.
  10. will you ask __________ to carry this bag for me, please?
  1. there is something wrong with the radio.(否定句)
  there _______ ___________ wrong with the radio.
  2. all of them want to go to hainan.(同上)
  _________ of them _______ to go to hainan.
  3.there is nobody in the classroom.(同义句)
  there ________ _________ in the classroom.
  4.uncle li didn’t say anything at the meeting.(同上)
  uncle li _________ ___________ at the meeting.
  5.i could see somebody in the dark room.(一般疑问句)
  ___________ _________ __________ __________ in the room?
  6.somebody broke the glass of the window.(反意疑问句)
  somebody broke the galss of the window,_________ _______?
  i found __________ ________ ________in the classroom.
  he __________ _________ _________ to tell you.
  _______ ______ _________ ________in today’s newspaper?
  i think __________ can __________ __________.
  ___________ _________ _________ __________you at the school gate.
  9aunit2 integrated skills
  知识目标 to understand the context of an advertisement and a tv demonstration.
  能力目标 to get information from a printed advertisement and a tv interview.
  情感目标 to learn about different feelings according to different colours.
  教学重难点 to understand how a color therapist does.
  2预习课本p37speak up,听录音并能正确地朗读。
  (6)people with dark hair and dark skin_________________________________
  (7)rub white oil into the head_______________________________________
  (8)give sb. free oil_______________
  language points:
  1.he should rub white oil into his skin.他应该把白色的油擦在皮肤上。
  rub 用动动词,意思是"擦,擦净,搓"。它的现在分词是rubbing,过去式和过去分词都是rubbed.如:
  ①he was rubbing his hands together 他正在搓手。
  ②he rubbed his hands with the soap.他用肥皂擦洗双手。
  2.pale 一词的用法
  pale 作形容词用,意思是"苍白的,暗淡的,白皙的"。如:
  ①he turned pale at the news. 他听到那个消息面容失色。
  ②you are looking pale today.你今天看上去气色不好。
  ③he grew pale with fear.他害怕得脸色发白了。
  ④the candle gives out pale light。那蜡烛发出微弱的灯光。
  3. millie, could you give me some advice?米丽,你能给我一些建议吗?
  give sb. some advice 给某人一些建议
  ‘advice’是不可数名词,不能加-s. 表示"一个建议"要说 ‘a piece of advice’
  (1)she can__________(advice) people what colours to wear.
  (2)blue will make you__________(feel) calm.
  (3)the classroom_____________(clean) by us every day.
  (4)can you hear the girl ___________(sing) in the next room?
  (5)the boy___________(call) tom is my classmate.
  sandy wants to_______________________.can you________________________?
  you are right .blue__________________________________________________.
  when you are tired. you can ____________________________________for a while.
  she was so__________ that she didn’t know____________________________.
  she will____________________________________________________________.
  people _______________________________________________________in white.
  the oils she uses have_________________________________________________.
  9aunit2 pronunciation
  知识目标 to understand the difference between the voiced and voiceless ‘th’ sounds.
  能力目标 to pronounce the two ‘th’ sounds correctly.
  情感目标 to know the importance of correct expressing.
  教学重难点 to distinguish the voiced and the voiceless ‘th’ sounds.
  一. 预习导学
  1.thin___________2.teeth ____________
  1."my little cat has died," the mother said_________(sad).
  2.we ___________(learn) english for almost three years.
  3.it’s hard for him to make a _____________(decide).
  4.she often feels____________(sleep) in class, but she doesn’t dare to sleep.
  5.i’m sorry to keep you_______________(wait) for a long time.
  6.they gave me a ___________(suit) dress to wear.
  7.they would rather____________(play) football than play basketball.
  8.as soon as he__________(come) back ,please_____________(call) me.
  1 当位于词首时,可以从词性上判别其应有的读音。请看:
  第一类:在以下四种词类th读清音,即国际音标的/θ/ :
  a. noun 名词:thing, theatre, thumb, thunder, thermos, thursday, theory, theme, throat, thread
  b. verb 动词:think, thank, throw, thrive, thicken
  c. numeral 数词:three, thirteen, thirty, third, thousand
  d. adjective 形容词:thin, thick, thirsty, thoughtful, thorough彻底的
  第二类:在以下两种词类th读浊音, 即国际音标的/ /:
  a. pronoun 代词:they, them, their, theirs, this, these, that, those, there, thy[旧时用法]你的
  b. functional terms 功能词:the, than, then, though, thus, therefore
  2 当位于词尾(或音节之尾)时,其读音多数是清音,如:bath, breath, both, cloth, tooth, health, wealth, arithmetic 等。只有在少数单词中,如:with, smooth 中读浊音。
  3 当位于两个元音之间时,其读音多数是浊音。如:other, mother, brother, another, father, weather, feather, leather, further, breathe.
  但是,也有读清音的。如在单词 method, nothing, anything, sympathy, sympathetic, mathematics, healthy, wealthy, luther, marathon(马拉松)等。
  ()1.i went to the classroom just now, but i didn’t see ___in it.
  a. no one b. anyone c. someone d. everyone
  ()2.could you give me some__ ?i don’t know how to learn english well.
  a. advices b. advises c. advice d. advise
  ()3.i don’t have ___to buy my favourite cds.
  a. money enough b. enough money c. moneys enough d. enough moneys
  ()4.it’s foolish__ you ___such a thing.
  a. for, to do b. of, to do c. for, do d. of ,do
  ()5.the world would be a dull place___________ colours.
  a. without b. with c. in d. for
  ()6.he was in a bad mood and didn’t talk to___________.
  a. somebody b. nobody c. anybody d. everybody
  ( ) 7. i_____ to attend a meeting yesterday.
  a. told b. am told c. was told d. tell
  ( ) 8. could you tell me what _____ like?
  a. is it b. does it c. it does d. it is
  ( ) 9. a woman with her two children _____ in the shopping center now.
  a. shops b. shop c. are shopping d. is shopping
  ( ) 10. daniel’s bag must be in the room, _____ ?
  a. is it b. isn’t it c. mustn’t it d. must he
  9aunit2 main task
  知识目标 to organize ideas and build a plan.
  能力目标 to write a report about moods and colors and what they represent.
  情感目标 to learn to express ideas to others.
  教学重难点 to learn how to present a report.
  2预习课本parta 试着完成课文。
  1使她自己看起来更有力量--------------- 2有点紧张----------------
  3很好的搭配------------------ 4在图片中的女人-----------------------
  5一个好的手机广告------------------------ 6他们衣服的颜色------------------
  prefer to , remind… of, give…feeling ,feel stressed ,make…look, make feel
  1.red and yellow __________you a contented____________.
  2.when you_____________, going out for a walk is good way.
  3.the song__________ me__________ the times of war.
  4.the feather in the blue hat _________her _________ prettier.
  5.my father often ___________take a shower when he felt tired.
  6.light music can _________us __________happy and relaxed.
  language points:
  1. i think the woman is feeling weak and a little bit stressed.
  ( 我想这个妇女感到虚弱和一点压力。)
  a little bit stressed’ 有一点压力, ‘a bit’ 表示"一点儿",修饰形容词时,相当于 ‘a little’
  e.g. he felt a bit tired after the long walk.= he felt a little tired after the long walk.
  2. red represents power and strength. (红色代表力量。)
  ① it is out of my power to help you.
  ( 我没有能力帮助你。)
  ② the animals has the power of changing its color.
  ( 这种动物有改变颜色的能力。)
  ③ you are taxing your powers too much.
  ( 你在耗费太多的精力。)
  ④ knowledge is power.
  ( 知识就是力量。)
  ① we should have a powerful body.
  ( 人们应该有强健的身体。)
  ② the wine is very powerful.
  ( 这酒力很强。)
  ③ onions have a powerful smell.
  ( 洋葱有气味很强。)
  ④ tom is a very powerful swimmer.
  ( 汤姆是位游泳健将。)
  ⑤ without your support, i am powerless.
  ( 没有你的支持,我无能为力。)
  ()1.what colours can give you a happy and contented feeling?
  a. blue and yellow b. orange and white
  c. orange and yellow d. red and yellow
  ()2._________green or ______in a light green room ________good for us.
  a. wear, sleep, is b. wear, sleep, are
  c. wearing, sleeping, is d. wearing, sleeping, are
  ()3.________represents calm and __________represents power.
  a. white, green b. orange, red c. blue, red d. blue, yellow
  ()4.people ______pale skin and blonde hair look good _______yellow and pink.
  a. have, in b. with, in c. have, on d. with, in
  ()5.______is very important for us. when i chat with my friends, i feel very___.
  a. relaxing, relaxing b. relaxing, relaxed
  c. relaxed, relaxing d. relaxed, relaxed
  ()6.if ______can _______,i will give him a present.
  a. anyone, cheer up her b. anyone, cheer her up
  c. someone, cheer up her d. none, cheer her up
  ()7.the teacher always gives me _________learn english.
  a. advice on how to b.advice about how to
  c. advise on to d.advice about
  b.根据汉语提示完成句子. 新课标第一网
  green represents ________________,but it’s also___________________.
  she wants to__________________________________________________.
  red and white is__________________________________________________.
  ________________________are used to give_____________________________.
  9aunit2 checkout
  知识目标 to review key vocabulary and grammar items taught in the unit.
  能力目标 to practice the grammar and vocabulary items.
  情感目标 to make ss gain confidence through reviewing.
  教学重难点 to check key vocabulary and grammar items taught in the unit.
