

  unit 10 where did you go on vacation?教案
  language goal:
  in this unit students learn to talk about recent past events.
  new languages:
  1. master the new vocabulary words.
  2. master the past forms of the regular and irregular verbs.
  3. new target language:
  where did you go on vacation?
  we went to new york city.
  did you go to central park?
  yes, i did.
  how was the weather? it was humid.
  4. be able to talk about the recent past events.
  difficult points:
  1. master the past forms of the regular and irregular verbs.
  2. use the new language to talk about recent past events.
  teaching aids:
  some pictures of activities and places
  teaching periods:
  period 1: section a 1a—grammar focus
  period 2: section a 3a—4
  period 3: section b 1a—2c
  period 4: section b 3a—self-check
  period 1
  teaching aims:
  1. learn the new vocabulary words:
  2. target language:
  where did you go on vacation? we went to summer camp.
  where did he go on vacation? he stayed at home.
  where did they go on vacation? they visited the museum.
  did you/he/she/they go to central park?
  yes, i/he/she/they did.
  no, i/he/she/they didn’t.
  3. master the past forms of the regular and irregular verbs.
  4. learn to talk about recent past events.
  teaching procedures:
  step 1. warm-up
  2 talk about the past activities:
  a: how was your weekend? b: it was great.
  a: what did you do last weekend? b: i…
  a: how was his/her weekend? b: it was awful.
  a: what did he/she do last weekend? b: he/she…
  ask and answer more activities.
  step 2. learn the new vocabulary words
  1. teacher asks one student to read the new words. and see if he or she can read the new words correctly.
  2. practice reading the new words: repeat after the teacher; read together/in parts/one by one. then read and remember the words.
  3. explain some words: go to a summer camp; a central park; have a math exam
  step 3. presentation
  1. show a picture of new york city. ask "where did you go on vacation last summer?" present students to say: "i went to new york city." then ask more students to answer the question. their answers may be varied. (summer camp; went to the beach; visited museums.)
  2. ask some students to ask and answer the questions in pairs.
  a: where did you go on vacation?
  b: i went to the beach.
  practice asking and answering the conversation.
  step 4. 1a look and match
  1. the teacher reads the instructions to the students.
  2. students read the activities in the box first. teacher can get one student to explain them in chinese. then get students to complete by themselves.
  3. check up the answers.
  step 5. 1b listening practice
  1.the teacher reads the instructions to the students.
  2. get the students to read the names in the box after teacher.
  3. tell students to look at the pictures and say what the person did in each picture. for example: she went to the mountains.
  4. tell students they will hear three conversations. people talk about what they did on vacations. then play the recording. students listen the first time.
  students only listen.
  5. play the recording again and try to fill in the blanks with the numbers.
  6. check up the answers.
  play the recording, let the students repeat after the recording. then practice reading the conversation.
  step 6. 1cpair work
  1. the teacher explains the instructions to the students.
  2. the students practice reading the conversation below inactivity1c.
  3. make their own conversations with the activities in activity 1a. ask
  "where did brad/sally/tom go on vacation? "then work it in class.
  step 7. 2a listening practice
  1. get students to read the names and the activities in the box. tell students: they will hear three conversations about three people’s vacations. match the people with the activities.
  2. play the recording the first time, students only listen.
  3. replay the recording and try to match.
  4. check up the answers.
  step 8. 2b listening practice
  1. students look at the chart and read the names and the activities.
  say, listen to the conversations and check "yes, i did." or "no, i didn’t."
  2. play the recording the first time. students only listen.
  3. play the recording again. students try to fill the blanks.
  4. check up the answers.
  5. get the students to repeat after the recording.
  step 9. 2cgroup work
  1. the teacher explains the instructions to the students. students read the
  example in the speech bubbles.
  2. work in groups to role play the conversation. you can talk about the
  activities from the chart in 2b or other activities. the teacher move around and give help if students need.
  3.ask one or two groups to work in class.
  step 10.grammar focus
  the students read the sentences. and find if there are some questions. if
  have, explain them.
  step 11. summary
  1. the new vocabulary words.
  2. the new target language.
  step 12.homework
  1. revise the vocabulary words.
  2. make a conversation about your last vacation.
  period 2
  teaching aims:
  1. learn the useful expressions.
  2. be able to use "was" and "were".
  3. learn to talk about the past events.
  teaching procedures:
  step 1. warm-up
  1. check up the homework.
  2. get some pairs to work their conversations about last vacation.
  then talk about your last vacation.
  step 2. learn the new vocabulary words
  1. teacher asks one student to read the new words. and see if he or she can read the new words correctly.
  2. practice reading the new words: repeat after the teacher; read together/in parts/one by one. then read and remember the words.
  3. explain some words: be rainy; "fantastic" is the opposite to "awful". be unfriendly to;
  "was" is the past form of "is, am".
  "were" is the past form of "are".
  step 3. 3a reading and writing practice
  1. the teacher reads the instructions to the students. and explain: "was, were" are the past forms of "am, is, are".
  2. get the students to read the conversation and try to fill in the blanks with "was" and "were".
  3. check up the answers.
  4. practice reading the conversation in pairs.
  step 4. 3b pair work
  1. the teacher gets students to look at the bus trip picture. and practice a
  dialogue with a student. for example: t: how was the bus trip? s: it was relaxing.
  2. get the students to make a conversation in pairs.
  give some help if they need.
  3. get some pairs to work in class.
  step 5. part 4 vacation album
  1. teacher explains the instructions to the students. they are going to make a vacation photo album and talk about it with their classmates. teacher may provide students with magazines which they can cut up for their photo albums, or ask them to draw the photos or make it at home for homework.
  2. have students interview their classmates about their vacation photo albums. use the simple past tense.
  3. have some students work to the class.
  step 6.summary
  1. using of "was" and "were".
  2. how to talk about the past events.
  step 7.homework
  write a passage to describe your last vacation using the new words and
  phrases learned in this lesson.
  period 3
  teaching aims:
  1. learn the new vocabulary words and useful expressions.
  2. learn to talk about the past events.
  teaching procedures:
  step 1. warm-up
  1. check up the homework.
  2. get some students to read their passages.
  step 2. learn the new vocabulary words
  1. teacher asks one student to read the new words. and see if he or she can read the new words correctly.
  2. practice reading the new words: repeat after the teacher; read together/in parts/one by one. then read and remember the words.
  3. explain the new words: "expensive" and "cheap" are opposite.
  step 3. 1a 1b match and write
  1. have students read the words and make their meanings clear.
  2. get the students to look at the pictures and try to match.
  3. check up the answers.
  4. 1b. teacher explains the instructions to the students. be sure the students can know what to do. look through the words in 1a.
  5. let the students write the words in the chart.
  6. check up the answers.
  step 4. 2a 2b listening and writing practice
  1. the teacher reads the instructions to the students. say: vera is talking about her vacation. listen and answer the following two questions.
  2. get students to read two questions first.
  3. play the recording the first time. students only listen.
  4. play the recording again and try to answer them with the short answers.
  5. check up the answers.
  6. students read the chart in 2b first. say, listen to the recording again. this time write what vera thinks about these things in the blanks in the chart.
  7. look at the sample answer. —what does vera think of her vacation? —it was great.
  8. play the recording and try to fill in the chart.
  9. play the recording again and check up the answers.
  10. play the recording and repeat after the recording.
  step 5. 2cpair work
  1. the teacher reads the instructions to the students. look at the information in activities 2a and 2b. make a conversation to talk about vera’s vacation. work in pairs, vera & vera’s friend.
  2. have the students work it. teacher moves around the room and gives some help if they need.
  3. ask some pairs of students to role play the conversations in class.
  step 6.summary
  summarize the new words and the useful expressions.
  step 7.homework
  1. remember the words and expressions.
  2. write down a passage about vera’s vacation on the exercise book.
  period 4
  teaching aims:
  1. learn the new vocabulary words and useful expressions.
  2. learn to talk about the past events.
  3.train the reading and writing abilities.
  teaching procedures:
  step 1. warm-up
  1. check up the homework.
  2. have some students to read passages about vera’s vacation.
  step 2. learn the new vocabulary words
  1. get all the students to look at the vocabulary words. try to read the new words by themselves. then the teacher gets one student to read the new words.
  2. practice reading the new words. (a) read the words after the teacher.
  (b) read them together/in parts/one by one.
  3. read the new words and remember them.
  4. explain: at the corner of; in the corner; make sb do sth; walk back to;
  decide to do
  step 3. 3a reading practice
  1. the teacher reads the instructions to the students. circle the good things and underline the bad things.
  2. ask the students to read bob’s travel diary. try to circle and underline the things inpidually.
  3. the teacher reads the diary to students and checks up the answers.
  4. students read the diary again and find their questions. explain to them if they have. some important sentences:
  we had great fun playing in the water. it was kind of boring.
  i found a small boy crying in the corner. that made me feel happy.
  we decided to play tennis.
  step 4. 3bwriting practice
  1. the teacher explains the instructions to the students. imagine you are an american student on vacation in beijing. write a travel diary like the one in 3a.
  2. look at four pictures and read the beginning of the diary. get students to write their own diaries. get some help from activity 3a. teacher moves around and gives some help if they need.
  3. get a few students to read their diaries to the class.
  step 5.group work part 4
  1. the teacher explains the instructions to the students. talk about an
  imaginary vacation. imagine you are a foreigner who came to china on
  vacation. think about where you visited.
  2. ask students to work in groups of four. one student in each group begins by telling where he or she went. the other students ask questions.
  3. change roles, so each student has a chance to tell the others about his and her vacation.
  4. have some groups of students present their conversations in class.
  step 6. review the words self-check 1&2
  1. students read the words in the box and check all the words they know. they can circle the words they don’t know. then ask them.
  2. make their chinese meanings clear. then ask and answer the chinese meanings in pairs or in groups.
  3. ask each student to write five new words on their notebooks. then share them with the others in groups.
  step 7.self-check 3 make a survey and complete the form
  1. students look at the form and the instructions.
  think about how to ask the questions.
  2. ask students to fill in the blanks with the information about their last
  3. have students get into groups of four.
  tell them to ask questions about their last vacation.
  4. after finish asking the questions, ask students to discuss the best place for vacation.
  5. ask some students to tell the class which place is the best place for vacation.
  step 8.summary
  summarize the new words and the useful expressions.
  step 9.homework
  1. remember the words and expressions.
  2.write a report on students’ vacations.
