

  module1 our body and healthy habits复习学案i. 知识点回顾: 1. be fit for … be fit for sb. to do sth.  it is fit for sb. to do sth it is fit that…  cf: fit表尺码、大小适合某人/suit表颜色、花样或款式的适合/match表大小、色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配。 2. be anxious about… be anxious for… be anxious to do sth. àeager? 3. head for/towards… 动词eye/finger/skin/face/mother/nurse/shoulder… 4.be crazy about… be crazy for… be crazy to do sth. it’s crazy of sb. to do sth.  5. lose weight ßàput on weight  6. that couldn’t be better.  7. as结构:adj. + as + 主 + 系 pp. +as +主 + 系  n. + as +主 + 系 adv. + as +主 + 谓 v. + as + 主 + 谓语一部分(情态/助动词) 8.wound/damage/destroy/harm/hurt/injure  9. as/when/while引导时间状语从句eg. 10. make sure (that)… make sure of /about sth. be sure to do sth. be sure of /about sth. be sure + that … (比较sure /certain : it is certain that….) 11. would rather do sth.  would rather … than….  would … rather than…  would rather (that) sb. did sth. /had done sth. 12. captain, chairman, king, president, monitor等表职位或官衔的名词在句中作表语、同位语或主、宾语补足语时,前面不加冠词。eg. 13. 祈使句 + or/and + 陈述句 = if 引导的条件状语从句,陈述句 work hard and you’ll succeed. = if you work hard, you’ll succeed.14. as a result as a/the result of 15. without/with + n. + adv. he went out without a jacket on.  16. will, shall/be going to /be to do /be about to/ be doing ii. 随堂练习:a. 单项填空1. the enemy army _______ the small village in order to take it by surprise. a. was heading b. was heading for  c. was heading at d. was heading from2. my mother has always made sure ___very healthily. a. us eating b. us to eat c. we eat d. our eating 3. two days ago, i hit a dog when ___my car for pleasure. a. drove b. driven c. to drive d. driving 4. i’m ___of the class team at school and i’m also ___of the senior high team. a. captain, member b. captain, a member  c. the captain, member d. a captain, member 5. the problem ___this system is ___poor people don’t have _____money to pay for private health insurance. a. of, that, a b. of,/, the c. with, that, a d. with, that, the 6. what surprised me was ___what he said ___the way he said it. a. not, but b. just, but c. not, and d. just, and 7. --- shall we go skating or stay at home? ---which ___do yourself?a. do you rather to b. would you rather c. will you rather d. should you rather8. mrs. black doesn’t believe her son is able to design a digital (数码的) camera,____? a. is she b. isn’t she c. doesn’t she d. does she9. i’m rather anxious ____ her, for i haven’t heard from her for a long time.a. towards b. over c. in d. about10. --- mr. smith looks very fit. --- he takes ____ every day. a. many exercises b. much exercise c. little exercise d. few exercises11. ---shall i give you a ride since you live so far away? --- thank you. _______. a. it couldn’t be better. b. of course you can c. if you like d. if you are convenient 12. it’s impolite for one to talk_____.a. with his mouth full b. without his mouth full c. with his full mouth d. when his mouth full 13. to enjoy the scenery, irene would rather spend long hours on the train_____ travel by air.  a. as b. to c. than d. while 14 i feel that one of my main duties _____a teacher is to help the students to become better learners.  a. for b. by c. as d. with 15. i paid ____five yuan ____the old book.
  a. he, of b. him, for c. /, on d. /, for
  16. --- when will you help me with the gardening job? --- i ____ to in a few minutes.
  a. am about b. am going c. have d. used
  17. he told us he was ____ in the shoulder by a bullet(子弹).
  a. hurt b. injured c. damaged d. wounded
  18. mr. green felt very relaxed with all the things ___.
  a. solved b. solving c. to be solved d. to solve
  19. britain is the first country in the world to have a free health care system _____ by the government.
  a. to pay for b. paying for c. paid for d. to pay
  20. as soon as he comes back, i’ll tell him when ____ and see him.
  a. you will come b. will you come c. you come d. do you comeb.单词拼写
  根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,在句子右边的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空只填一词)。1. he waited at the door_______(焦虑), waiting for the news.2. don’t drink____(不健康), or you’ll damage your health.3. the boy ____(受伤)himself when he played with a knife.4. there is a famous saying : "no _____(辛苦), no gains."5. too rich a ____(饮食)is not good for you.6. the cow has four _____(胃).7. give me red meat, please. i don’t like ____(肥肉).8. you should go to the _____(牙医)to examine your tooth.9. when we saw him he was ____(呼吸)hard.10. when something is ______(稀缺), it must be expensive.c.   some chinese proverbs on health: • 1. 病从口入。 a close mouth catches no flies.• 2. 健康胜于财富。health is over wealth.• 3. 饭后百步走,延年又益寿。after dinner sit a while; after supper walk a mile.• 4.冬吃萝卜夏吃姜, 不用医生开药方。carrots in winter and gingers in summer keep the doctor away.• 5. 青菜萝卜,各有所爱。you are what you eat.
  module 1 our body and healthy habits复习学案ii. 随堂练习答案:a. 单项填空:1----5 bcdbd 6---10 abddb 11---15 aaccd 16---20 adacab. 单词拼写: 1. anxiously 2.unhealthily 3. injured 4.pains 5.diet6. stomachs 7. fat 8. dentist’s 9. breathing 10. rare
