

  uint 1
  read the textbook aloud
  get the pronunciation right
  by reading the sentences
  be patient with sb
  the expressions on their faces
  discover the secret
  look them up in the dictionary
  make mistakes in grammar
  repeat out loud
  take notes in english
  write e-mails to my pals
  improve my physics and chemisty
  memorize sentence patterns
  pronounce the words
  increase my reading speed
  be born with the ability to learn
  create an interest in learning english
  use your brain
  take an active part in
  pay attention to correcting your mistakes
  connect sth with sth
  knowledge comes from questioning
  a lifelong journey
  learn wisely and learn well
  admire the moon and share the mooncakes
  the lantern festival
  visit a stranger and relatives
  put on five pounds
  traditional folk stories
  whoever=no matter who
  steal-stole –stolen the medicine
  lay- laid –laid eggs
  lay out her favorite desserts in the garden
  start the tradition
  dress up as spiders and ghosts
  trick or treat
  merry christmas
  celebrate christmas
  in the shape of
  throw –threw thrown at
  be similar to
  lie the true meaning of christmas
  a short novel written by luxun
  on christmas eve
  his dead business partner
  punish sb
  haunted house
  warn sb not to do sth
  end up speaking chinese
  at present
  treat sb with kindness and warmth
  spread love and joy
  give them a treat
  play a trick on sb
  unit 3
  collect some stamps
  beside the bookstore
  send a post card to the staff
  between the restroom and the flower store
  i beg your pardon
  we normally say toilet
  pass by public library
  isuggest going to central park .
  buy some grapes
  pardon me
  mail a letter to him
  go east along the street
  at the corner of the street
  ask for information politely
  similar requests for directions
  ask a question correctly
  in different situations
  much more polite
  less direct
  proper language
  your e-mail address
  an underground parking lot
  a good place to eat
  could you possibly tell me the way to
  spend time leading in to a request
  unit 4
  keep silent
  from time to time
  get good scores on the exams
  have good background
  be interviewed by the reporter
  in asian countries
  used to take up singing to deal with her shyness
  dare to sing in front of the crowds
  get tons of attention
  have much private time
  the guard won’t let you in
  require lots of talent and hard work to succeed
  read books on european history
  read books on african culture
  teach british english
  give a speech in public
  ants and other insects
  seldom cause problems
  influence his schoolwork
  be absent from classes
  fail in his examinations
  send her to a boarding school
  advise sb to talk with him in person
  it was exactly what i needed
  take pride in \ be proud of
  give a general self –introduction in a job interview
  unit 5
  silver chopsticks are made in korea
  steel forks are used for eating
  cotton is grown in xinjiang.
  the science fair
  environmental protection
  be made of wood
  be made from grape
  be made in switzerland
  for example
  as far as i know
  by hand
  on the last friday of each month
  make high-technology products
  the earth’s surfaces
  fly a kite in the sky
  be covered with
  a symbol of
  at a very high heat
  on the sides of mountains
  traffic accident
  a kite festival
  turn into
  send out
  rise into the sky
  paper cutting
  during the spring festival
  sky lanterns
  eat grass and leaves
  tea is widely produced in china.
  be known for
  pack the tea and send to many countries
  in the local shops
  can hardly avoid buying products made in china
  no matter what =whatever
  mobile phone
  everyday english
  avoid living in germany
  speak german
  use the best materials to make dresses
  the gloves are made of cotton..
  the competitors competed in the international kite festival.
  have its own forms
  one of the liveliest celebrations
  according to a chinese fairy tale or historical story
  complete the sentences
  polish and paint the clay pieces
  unit 6
  shoes with special heels
  hot ice –cream scoop
  change the style of the shoes
  my life is full of pleasure
  in our daily lives
  have a point
  set up a website to sell her bags
  young pioneers
  it mentioned that
  an accidental invention
  by accident
  boil drinking water
  some leaves fell into the water and remained there
  the hot mixture produced a pleasant smell
  national flag
  make a list
  the tea trade
  take place
  without doubt
  at a low /high price
  translate into
  lock the door
  the earthquake happened all of a sudden
  start eating biscuits and crispy cookies
  musical instruments
  potato chips were invented by mistake
  salty enough //sour enough
  welcome the customers
  the olympics
  pide into
  the popularity of basketball
  not only but also
  look up to the heroes
  professional basketball players
  be used for seeing in the dark
  the saint of tea
  a cook called george
  stop sb from doing
  lead to
  achieve one’s dreams
  such a great invention//so great an invention
  unit 7
  driver’s license
  be worried about the students’ safety
  give up smoking
  find a part-time job
  should be allowed to get their ears pierced
  stop wearing that silly earring
  use a flash
  stay by the tiny baby ‘s side
  stop the baby from crying
  run through the field
  give me a hug and lift me up
  shout/talk back angrily /loudly
  give me awful dreams
  regret talking back
  do social work for their community
  keep teenagers from the internet
  give teenagers chances to make their own decisions
  educate them to take care of themselves
  manage to do
  in most asian societies
  get in the way of our schoolwork
  support every one of his races
  enter university
  have nothing against running
  make my own choice
  go to the shopping center
  be excited about
  be serious about
  care about his success
