

  初二英语上册 unit 8 english week 阶段性检测
  1.it’s a wise to wear the white tie. it matches your shirt well.
  a.agreement b.support c.choice d.condition
  2.---what a good you’ve given me! thanks a lot.
  ---my pleasure.
  a.information b.news c.suggestion d.advice
  3.you look tired. you’d better a good rest.
  a.stop to have b.stop having c.to stop to have d.to stop having
  4.the chinese national women’s badmimton team the japanese team by 3:1 in india on may 24.
  a.won b.lost c.beat d.missed
  5.---class four is going to hamlet
  ---it must be interesting.
  a.put up b.put down c.put in d.put on
  6.he advised her at night.
  a.not to go out b.to not go out c.not go out d.not going out
  7.this film is worth .
  a.see b.seeing c.to see d.saw
  8.the policeman suggested the boys on the playground.
  a.play b.to play c.playing d.played
  9.---have you ever seen jack?
  ---no, we haven’t each other for many years.
  a.communicated to b.communicated with
  c.faced to d.faced with
  10.---i’m sorry. i forgot to bring your textbook.
  ---never mind. i will borrow .
  a.some else b.someone’s else c.someone else’s d.someone’s else’s
  a king was old and he knew it was time to choose a new king. he told all the young people in his country, "i will give ___1___ of you a seed (种子). plant it and bring it back one year later. show me the plants that you bring, ___2___ i’ll choose a new king from you."
  a boy ____3____ peter got a seed, too. he planted it ___4__. but the seed didn’t grow at all. a year later, peter had to take his ___5___ box to the palace. others all brought beautiful plants there and peter felt ___6___.
  the king ___7___ the palace and looked around. when he found there was nothing in peter’s box, the king smiled and said to the others, "one year ago, i gave everyone a seed ___8___ couldn’t grow. but all of you, ___9___ peter, have brought me plants and flowers. peter was the only one with the honesty (诚实) and courage to bring ___10___ a box. so he will be the new king!"
  1.a. neither b. each c. both
  2. a. but b. although c. and
  3. a. helped b. asked c. named
  4.a. carefully b. careful c. careless
  5.a. full b. empty c. beautiful
  6.a. excited b. sad c. happy
  7. a. reached b. got c. arrived
  8. a. who b. what c. which
  9.a. besides b. except c. with
  10.a. such b. so c. as
  reading is a good hobby for all kinds of reasons.
  first, reading is fun. you can always keep yourself happy if like reading. you will never feel bored or tired.
  next, you can read a book anywhere--- in a car, on a plane, or even in the bathroom. all you need is a book!
  another good reason for reading is that it is useful. if you read as a hobby, you will get better and better at it. and you will read faster and find it easier to understand what you read. as your reading skills improve, you will probably find your schoolwork becomes much better.
  some people say that reading is out of date (过时的). this is not true. you can read on computers, and the better you read, the better your computer skills will be.
  good readers may become writers, too. they always have more things to write about.
  reading is a wonderful hobby. why not start reading right now
  1.reading can always keep yourself ______________.
  a. bored b. happy c. tired
  2. you can read a book ______________.
  a. anywhere b. only on a plane c. when you are driving a car
  3.you can read faster _____________.
  a. after you read a book b. if you are a student c. if you read as a hobby
  4.it is _____________ that reading is out of date.
  a. true b. not true c. sure
  5.what does the passage mainly tell us
  a. reading is a good hobby.
  b. you can read on computers.
  c. good readers must be good writers.
  the best way of learning a language is using it.the best way of learning
  english is talking in english as much as possible.sometimes you"ll get your
  words mixed up(混合) and people will not understand you.sometimes people
  will say things too quickly and you can"t understand them.but if you keep your
  sense of humor(幽默感),you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you
  make.don"t be unhappy if people seem to be laughing at your mistakes.it"s better
  for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you,because they don"t
  understand what you are saying.the most important thing for learning english
  is:"don"t be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes."
  1. the writer thinks that the best way for you to learn a language is _______.
  a. writing b. using it
  c. listening d. learning grammar
  2. what should you do in learning english?
  a. be careful not to make any mistake.
  b. write as quickly as you can.
  c. speak english as much as you can.
  d. laugh more often.
  3. when people laugh at your mistakes,you should _______.
  a. not care b. be happy
  c. feel worried d. be unhappy
  4. when you make a mistake,you should _______.
  a. keep quiet b. get angry
  c. be kind d. keep your sense of humor
  5. the story tells us:_______.
  a. only foolish(愚蠢的) people make mistakes
  b. few people make mistakes
  c. people never make mistakes
  d. there is no one who doesn"t make mistakes
  1.would you give me a c to play this game? i really want to have a try.
  2.anna is a little bit s . she doesn’t like to talk with others.
  3.he is a r man and has a lot of money. but he is very mean.
  4.there is a n saying "keep off the grass" in the park.
  5.he wanted to h the knife, but he didn’t succeed. the child found it in the end.
  ,what he said is not true at all.
  we should keep quiet .
  we often in english our friends.
  4.当心! 这把刀很锋利。
  ! the knife is very sharp.
  class three will a play tonight.
