

  review of units 9---10
  一. 重点词语
  1. as的用法
  ①(理由) 因为……
   as it rained,i stayed home. (多用于句首)
  ②(比较) as…as… 同…一样
   例如:    he is as tall as i (am).
  ③(表结果、程度) 所以,致使
   例如:    i got up so early as to be in time.
   he spoke so loudly as to be heard by everyone.
  ④书面语虽然…但是;同though 注意词的排序
   例如:    young as he was,he works hard.
  2. in the same way
   in the same way 意思为"同样地,用同样的方式",常接在动词后用作方式状语。
   way 和不同的介词连用,有不同的意思,区别如下:
   in the way 就这样,用这种方式
   by the way 顺便问一下
   on the way 在去……路上
   例如:    he finally worked out the problem in the way.
   by the way,how old is your son?
   on the way to school,he met an old friend of his.
   如:    on the way home 在回家的路上
  3. prefer的用法,宁可,宁愿,更喜欢。
  (1)prefer sth.
   例如:    i’d prefer meat,please.    我更喜欢吃肉。
  (2)prefer sth. / doing to sth. /doing
   i prefer dogs to cats.    我喜欢狗,不太喜欢猫。
   i prefer reading to singing.    我喜爱读书胜过唱歌。
  (3)prefer to do sth.
   would you prefer me to come on monday?    你是否宁可要我星期一来?
  (4)prefer to do … rather than do …
   he prefers to write his letters rather than phone them.他喜欢自己写信,不愿意给他们打电话。
  4. neither和either的区别
  (1)neither 具有否定性词义。用作形容词时,作"两者均无/皆非的"解,后接单数名词或代词;用作代词时,作"(两者中)无一个"解,与之搭配的谓语动词一般用单数式,间或用复数式;用作副词时,作"(两者中的另一个(也不"解,将其置于句首时,其后的主谓语须倒装;用作连接词时,作"也不"解,常与nor连用,构成等立连词,作"(既)不…也不"解,该词组连接两个主语时,谓语动词通常与邻近的那个主语在人称和数方面取得一致。
   neither street/neither of the streets is clean.    两条街都不干净。
   neither bill nor his parents were at home.    比尔不在家,他的父母亲也不在家。
   there is a bus-stop on either side of the street.  大街的两旁都有公共汽车站。
   she hasn"t read this book,and i haven"t either.  她没有读过这本书,我也没有读过。
   it"s either red or green;i can"t remember.它不是红色的,就是绿色的,我记不清楚了。
  5. alone和lonely的区别
  (1)alone 可以用作形容词或副词,作形容词时,只能在句子中充当表语或宾语补足语。它用来陈述"单独一人"、"无其他人"这样一个事实。
   you can"t do the job alone.    这活你一个人干不了。
  (2)lonely 只能用作形容词,在句子中充当表语或定语。指人时,作"孤单的"、"寂寞的"解;指地方时,作"荒凉的"、"人迹稀少的" 解。
   i live all alone but i don"t feel lonely.    我一直一个人生活,但不感到孤单。
   the house was in a lonely place.    那幢房屋位于一个人迹稀少的地区。
  6. cross,across和through的区别
  (1)cross 是动词,指从一边到另一边的动作。
   be careful when you’re crossing the street.    过街的时候要当心。
  (2)across 是介词,表示从一边到另一边的意思,其含义与on有关,表示动作在物体的表面进行。
   we ran across the bridge.    我们跑步过桥。
   the bookstore is across the street.    书店在街对面。
   it took them three hours to walk through the forest. 他们花了三个小时才穿过那片森林。
  7. hope,wish和expect的区别
   hope 后接to do或从句
   wish 后接to do,sb to do, sb/sth+ 名词 或从句(虚拟)
   expect 后接to do,sb. to do,或从句
   i hope to be happy.
   i wish you to be happy.
   i expect you to be happy.
   i hope that you can come.
   i expect that you can come.
   i wish that you could come.
   i wish you success.
  1. 过去进行时
  ① 表示过去某一时刻正在进行着的动作:
   ——what were you doing this time yesterday?     昨天这个时间你在干什么?
   ——we were watching tv this time yesterday     昨天这个时间我们在看电视。
  ② 表示过去某一阶段在进行的动作:
   mary was talking with her friends the whole afternoon yesterday.
   tom wrote a letter to his friend last night.
   tom was writing a letter to his friend last night.
    i was reading an english novel last night. 昨晚我在看一本英文小说。(可能没看完)
    i read an english novel last night  我昨晚看了一本英文小说。(已经看完)
  2. 一般将来时:
   肯定形式:①am/is/are going to + do;②will/shall + do.
   否定形式:①am/is/are going not to + do;②will/shall not + do.
  (1)表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、计划或准备做某事。将来一般时用来表示单纯的将来事实。将来一般时常和表将来的时间状语连用,如:tomorrow,next week,next month,next year,in a few days等。
   he’ii come next week. 他下星期来。
   it wiil be long before he wili come back. 他要过很久才会回来。(此句重点是 before从句)
   i wiii come tomorrow if it will suit you.  如果对你方便的话,我明天来。
  3. 现在完成时:
   肯定形式:have/has + done
   否定形式:have/has + not +done.
   the car has arrived.    车子来了。(结果:车子已在门口)
   someone has broken the window.  有人把窗户打破了。(结果:窗户仍破着)
  (2)现在完成时常用来表持续的动作或状态,亦用来表过去重复的动作。常用的时间状语:recently,lately,since…,for…,in the past few years already,in the past等笼统地表过去的时间状语边用。
   i have lived here for more than thirty years.    我已在此住了30多年。
   he has visited china for three days.    他在中国进行了三天访问。
  4. 过去完成时:
   以过去某个时间为标准,在此以前发生的动作或行为,或在过去某动作之前完成的行为,即"过去的过去"。常用的时间状语:before, by  the end of last year(term, month…)等。
   肯定形式:had + done.
   否定形式:had + not + done.
   the class had already begun when i came to school.
  三. 练习检测
  ⅰ. 单项选择
  1. he got up,washed himself and then got _____.
  a. dressed    b. dress   c. to dress    d. dressing
  2. —what are you ______?    —i’m _______ my lost pen everywhere.
  a. finding,looking for   b. looking for,finding
  c. looking for,looking for     d. looking,looking
  3. my old grandpa is ______ at home every day.
  a. alone   b. lonely   c. alones    d. oneself
  4. look! some people are talking ___ the trees and some monkeys are playing ___ the tree.
  a. in   in   b. on   on    c. under in    d. under on
  5. they had a good time last sunday,_____ they?
  a. hadn’t   b. didn’t    c. had    d. did
  6. i ___________ this book for two weeks. i have to return it now. 
  a. borrowed   b. have borrowed   c. kept     d. have kept
  7. the glass ______. it _____ by little tom this morning.
  a. broke,is broken    b. is broken,was broken
  c. was broken,broke    d. has been broken,broken
  8. there are many tall buildings on _______ sides of the street.
  a. each     b. every     c. both      d. either
  9. he told me ______ to bring you ______.
  a. don’t,something  b. don’t,anything  c. not,something   d. not,
  10. his grandfather ____ for ten years.
  a. died     b. was dead   c. has been dead   d. has died
  ⅱ. 句型转换
  1. she teaches maths.(完成反意疑问句)
   she teaches mathes,________ _________?
  2. i didn’t know about this . hetold me last night.(用not … until连接两句子)
   i ________ know about this _________ he told me last night.
  3. he jumps the highest in his class. (变同义句)
   he jumps higher than any _____ _____ in his class.
  4. the old man doesn"t know the way to the station. (变同义句)
   the old man doesn"t know _____ _____ get to the station.
  5. i"ll ring you up this evening. (变同义句)
   i"ll _____ you a ____ this evening.
  ⅲ. 选词填空,用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,每个词语只能用一次。
  1. the supermarket _________ at 8:30 every morning.
  2. which is the ___________ city in the world?
  2. tomorrow is saturday. the browns _________ the summer palace.
  4. ________ you ________ well in biology last term?
  5. _________ the teachers" help,we can"t make any progress.
  ⅳ. 阅读理解
  there is no other five-year-old like him. he has a potato-shaped head and a voice that is not easily forgotten. he is not a trouble maker,but trouble follows him wherever he goes.
  crayon shinchan(蜡笔小新) enjoys great popularity in china. he has many fans in hong kong, taiwan and on the mainland. and he is one of the hottest cartoon characters(卡通人物) in his home country,japan.
  but,the trouble-maker"s show was thought to be the no. 1 most unwanted cartoon program by japan"s parents" association(家长协会) on april 18.
  more than half the parents who took part in the study thought shinchan was not a good model for children. they believed his actions and words were grown-up in nature and not fit for kids.
  many parents and education experts in china agree with them. shinchan,they say,is really offensive. "crayon shinchan is full of dirty humor(幽默). the boy shows some terrible thinking which doesn" t match his age,"said a teacher from beijing normal university. the teacher further pointed out that shinchan destroys the image(形象) of a polite,hard-working boy. she is afraid that some children may copy his action and harm their psychological(心理的) development.
  the teacher and many others in china think thru shinchan is a cartoon for grown-ups,not for children.
  but some,kids disagree. jiangxin,a middle school student in beijing,became a fan of shinchan after he first saw the cartoon two years ago. he said it was shinchan"s humor,courage (勇气),and cleverness that made him and his friends love the little cartoon character. "shinchan looks at the grown-ups" world with a kid"s eyes,"said jiang."we watch it just for fun."but jiang also agreed that shinchan is not good for all ages."it may not be fit for little kids. they may try to blindly copy him."
  shinchan"s"father",japan"s popular cartoonist(漫画家),yoshito usui,never thought shinchan would result in such a discussion.
  he said that shinchan is a childish copy of japan"s middle-aged men. the boy does everything that grown-ups would like to do,but don"t dare to do."people can easily excuse him because he"s only five years old,"said yoshito.
  1. many children like shinchan very much mainly because _____________.
  a. he always does something funny
  b. the cartoon character is suitable for all ages
  c. they think he is humorous,clever and brave
  d. he is a childish copy of japan"s middle-aged men
  2. teachers and parents dislike crayon shinchan because ________.
  a. he looks very funny
  b. he has caused such a discussion
  c. the character was invented by a middle-aged cartoonist
  d. he is thought as a bad model for children to follow
  3. the underlined word "offensive"in paragraph 5 probably means ___________.
  a. humorous   b. bad-looking  c. funny   d. unpleasant
  4. according to the passage,it is likely that crayon shinchan will not _________.
  a. say dirty words  b. tell lies  c. work hard at his homework
  d. make a loud noise in class
  ⅴ. 完形填空
  thomas edison was a famous american inventor.  1  he was a child,he was always trying out new  2 . his parents loved him very much.  3  called him tom. young tom was  4  for only three months. during those three months he  5  his teacher a lot of questions. most of the questions were not  6  his lessons. his teacher thought he wasn’t  7  and told his mother to take him out of school.
  edison’s mother had to  8  him herself. edison learnt very quickly. he read a lot later he became very inter4ested in  9  and invented many  10  things.
  1. a. because    b. if         c. when         d. and
  2. a. answers    b. ideas       c. questions      d. ways
  3. a. he      b. she         c. they         d. we
  4. a. at home    b. on the farm    c. by the river    d. in school
  5. a. asked     b. answered     c. gave         d. told
  6. a. by      b. at         c. to          d. about
  7. a. kind     b. clever       c. bad         d. forgetful
  8. a. write     b. play        c. teach        d. read
  9. a. science    b. art        c. english        d. music
  10. a. easy     b. beautiful     c. dangerous      d. useful
  ⅵ. 补全对话
   i                       ii
  1. hello,who’s that,please?         a. oh, i’d love to. thank you.
  2. i’m sorry i’m late.           b. i like them very much.
  3. what’s the date today.           c. yes. it’s on the other side of the street.
  4. would you like to come to supper?     d. that’s right.
  5. how do you like the pictures?       e. this is mary speaking.
  6. it’s a fine day for a walk.        f. it doesn’t matter.
  7. excuse me. could you tell me the way to the cinema?   e. it’s january 15.
  答  案
  ⅰ. 1. a  get dressed.
  2. c  两个句子都是强调寻找的过程,动作(look for )。而find 是强调结果的。
  3. a  alone 是做表语的。而lonely 是做定语的。
  4. c    5. b    6. d     7. b    8. c    9. d
  10. 分析:"died"和"was dead"都是一般过去时,因"for ten years"是表示延续时间的状语,谓语时态要用现在完成时,所以选a或b都不行。"has been dead"和"has died"虽然都是现在完成时,但因"die"是终止性动词,且在有for…或since…的句中,就必须选用延续性动词be。这样,正确答案应该选c。
  ⅱ. 3. other,student    4. how,to    5. give,ring
  ⅲ. 1. opens       2. biggest     3. are going to visit / will visit 
  4. did;do    5. without
  ⅳ. 1. c   2. d   3. d   4. c
  ⅴ. 1)根据原文这里表示是当爱迪生小的时候,故选c
  ⅵ. 1. e   2. f   3. g   4. a   5. b   6. d   7. c
  本题考察的是日常交际用语的运用能力。要求给每个句子配位。在理解各句的句意后,运用日常交际用语在不同场合的应答,就能逐一完成。如本题第一句的"hello,who’s that,please?"根据ii栏中e项的答语"this is mary speaking"可以推断出这里电话用语(请问您是哪位)。再如第四句"would you like to come to supper?"(你来吃晚饭好吗?)按照英美人士交际习惯,应该先说表示乐意,并致谢,就不难找到ii栏中的a项应答。
