

  人教版课程标准实验教材(英语 选修7第4单元)知识讲解
  1 work as a volunteer 当志愿者 work as 从事某种职业 he used to work as a bus driver.
  2 make a difference (1) 有所作为 it is not necessary to be a great scientist to make a difference, but there are things we can learn from the best minds in this world. (2) make a/no/some /little/much difference 有/没有/一些/很小/很大影响
  the rain didn’t make much difference to the game. it makes no difference to me whether he goes or not.
  even small things can make a big difference. exercise can make a big difference.
  短语: be different from 与…不同 tell the difference between 说出…的差别/不同 make a difference between 区分 be different in 在…方面不同 differ from 与…不同
  they are now in great need of help. so your support will certainly make a__. a deal b decision c point d difference
  3 stick (1) 伸出,突出(常与out, out of 或up 连用)
  don’t stick your head out of the window . he saw a branch sticking up in the water. …水面上伸出一根树枝。
  (2) 粘,粘 let’s stick this notice on the wall . these stamps have stuck together. 这几张邮票粘在一起了。
  (3) 固定(不同情况下有不同的议法)be/get stuck in被困在…相当于be caught in
  (4) v 容忍,忍受tolerate/ bear / put up with i won’t sick your rudeness any longer.
  (5) n 棍,棒,柴 a walking stick 拐杖/手杖 the old man can’t walk without a stick.
  he is collecting dry sticks to make a fire. 他正在拾干柴生火。
  the door has stuck ,and i can’t get out. 门塞住了…he stuck a stick into the ground. 他在地上插了一根棍子
  where have you been? –i __in the heavy traffic , or i would have been here earlier.
  a stuck b had stuck c have been stuck d got stuck
  once a decision has been made, all of us should __ it. a direct to b stick to c lead to d refer to
  the theory he stuck to __ to be true. a proving b is proved c proves d being proved
  短语: stick to 坚持,忠于(后接n & pron ) insist on 坚持(后接v-ing 形式) stick to a post 坚守岗位
  stick at sth 不懈地做… stick to one’s word 遵守诺言 he promised to help us and he stuck to his word.
  stick to principles 坚守原则 stick around 不走开,呆在原地 stick around ; we’ll need you to help us later.
  stick up for …支持,捍卫 stick up for what you believe. she taught her children to stick up for themselves at school.
  get the wrong end of the stick 误解 give sb stick 严惩某人 stick with sb 继续支持某人
  4 get through (1) 通过(考试,测验等) tom failed but his sister got through.
  all of them ___________; that is to say, they all passed the exam.
  (2) 通过(议案,建议等), 使通过 do you think the bill will get through? 你认为议案能通过吗?
  they succeeded in ____________the bill _______________.
  (3) 到达,抵达thousands of refugees will die if these supplies don’t get through. (难民)
  i started as soon as your message ______________________to me.
  (4) 接通电话i rang you several times yesterday , but couldn’t get through (to you ) .
  (5) (设法)做或完成 let’s start ; there is a lot of work to get through / to be got through.
  he _____________________ the book on one evening.
  (6) 经过…后仍然活着
  the old got through two wars . 相当于live through "经历…(通常指不好的事情) "
  (7) 用完,花光 he said he ________________________ all his money.
  (8) 通过,穿过 we managed to get through the forest with his help.
  i got _ to him and he said that he had got __the examination. a off, out b through, through c along, back d away, to
  相关短语: get along 过活,生活,相处,进展 get away with …(做了某事) 而不受惩罚,携带…跑掉 get down
  写下,记下,下来,情绪低落 get down to…开始认真(做某事)其中to 是介词 get in touch with…与…取得联系 get over 克服(困难等);淡忘; 从(病,损失等)中恢复过来,痊愈 get rid of …摆脱,除掉,处理掉 get across (使…) 被理解,使通过 get together 聚集,相聚在一起 get round 传开,绕开,说服 get off 下车 get in 插话
  get about 病愈后能走动,旅行
  how are you managing to do your work without an assistant? ---well, i __ somehow.
  a get along b come on c watch out d set off
  hardly could he __ this amount of work in such a short time . a get through b get off c get into d get down
  the woman biologist stayed in africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned.
  ---oh, dear ! she __ a lot of difficulties !
  a may go through b might go through c ought to have gone through d must have gone through
  there were a lot of people standing at the door and the small girl couldn’t get_. a between b through c across d beyond
  5 whether 与if : if 用在条件状语从句中意为"如果" if it rains tomorrow, we will not go to the park.
  if 用在宾语从句中时可与whether互换 we don’t know if/whether he can come.
  但在下列情况下必须用whether :
  (1) 正式文体中,句中有or not 时。 i wonder whether it is big enough or not.
  (2) 引导主语、表语、同位语从句时。 whether it is true remains a question.
  the question is whether he can come on time. the question whether it is right or wrong depends on situation
  (3) 作介词宾语时。 i haven’t settled the question of whether i’ll go back home.
  (4) 与不定式连用时。 she hasn’t decided whether to go or not
  (5) 作discuss 等词的宾语时 we discussed whether we should close the shop.
  we haven’t settled the problem __ it is necessary for him to study abroad. a if b where c whether d that
  6 call 组成的词组: call sb up 打电话,征召(服役), call sth up 使回忆起,使想起 call on sb 拜访某人 call at 停泊,停靠(某地) call on 号召 call for 需要,要求 call for sb 去接… call sb in 召来,叫来(服务) to call in a doctor/the police 请医生/叫警察 call sth in 下令收回,要求退回 call back 回电话,召唤某人回来
  7 hear from "收到…的来信" 后接的宾语是(发信)人。 i heard from my sister in new york yesterday.
  hear of/ hear about… 听说 … hear sb do sth 听见某人做过某事 hear sb doing sth 听见某人正在做某事
  类似用法: write to sb 或write sb a letter 或write a letter to sb 给某人写信(收信人)don’t forget to write to me.
  how often do you hear__ your mother? –once a month. i’m expecting her letter every day. a of b about c from d/
  8 be dying to do = be eager to do极想/渴望 /迫切想要做 be dying for sth = be eager for sth 迫切想要某物
  look forward to sth或look forward to doing sth 盼望/期待(做) 某事 die wish 遗言/瞩
  i’m dying for something to eat. she is dying to know where you’ve been.
  相关短语: die for 为…而死 die away(声音等)逐渐消失 the sound of their laughter died away.
  die down(火焰等) 逐渐减弱 the flames finally died down. 火焰越来越小,最后熄灭了。
  die off相继死去 die out 灭绝,绝种 this species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed.
  die of 因…而死(原因多来自内部,如情感、饥饿、寒冷、疾病等) the old man died of cancer.
  die from 由于…而死 (原因常来自外部) he died from a wound . 他受伤而死。
  death (n) 死,死亡 dead (adj) 死的,无生命的
  adj 致命的,致死的, a deadly weapon/disease deadly poison 剧毒
  adj 极度的,彻底的 we sat in deadly silence.
  deadly adj 枯燥的,令人厌烦的 the lecture was absolutely deadly. 这演讲简直无聊透了。
  adv 极其,非常 deadly serious/dull 极其严肃认真/乏味 deadly pale/cold 死一般地苍白,冷得要死
  9 it take(s) /took/will take sb some time to do sth (1) 干某事花费某人多长时间
  it will take you much time to achieve your aim of going to school. it usually takes me 20 minutes to go home.
  (2) 该结构也可表示花费劳动力干某事 it took the old egyptians much labor force to finish the pyramid.
  (3) 表示花费的结构还有: ① sb spend time / money on sth /(in) doing sth 某人花钱/时间干某事
  ② (doing) sth cost (sb) some money //代价 " (干) 某事花费某人钱/代价" 事/物做主语
  his careless driving cost him his life. the repairs cost a lot , but it’s money well spent.
  ③ charge sb some money for (doing) sth 因…而向某人要价 he charged me 5 yuan for repairing my bike.
  ④ pay (money) for sb /sth 为…而付钱 i paid 3 dollars for the book.
  10 up to : be up to sth = be busy doing sth 忙于某事/从事某事 it’s up to sb to do sth 由某人负责做某事
  be up to = be fit for 胜任(常用于否定句和疑问句中) what’s up? 怎么了/发生什么事了? it’s (all )up to you. 由你决定up to = up till/until直到…up to now=so far 到目前为止 up to date最新的,现代的 up to the minute最新/近的
  (1) 多达,高达 he can earn up to $ 50,000 a year. (as much as )
  (2) 一直到 she lived at home right up to she got married.
  (3) 胜任(be fit for ) i’m not sure if she is really up to that job.
  (4) 由…负责 it’s up to her to decide whether or not to go on the course.
  (5) 忙于,从事于 father wants to know what i have been up.
  what do you want to do next? we have half an hour until the basketball game .---__. whatever you want to do is fine with me. a. it just depends b. it’s up to you c. all right c. glad to hear that.
  __ , jack ? you look pale. ---i fell off my bike and hurt my legs.
  a. what’s going on b what’s up c what did you do d what have you done
  11 come across 该词不用与被动语态
  (1) "偶然遇见或发现" 近义词有run across , run into , meet with, meet… by chance, happen to meet , chance to meet
  i’ve just come across an old friend i haven’t seen for years. she came across a former teacher on her way home .
  (2) 穿过,走过 he came across the hall into a room. 他穿过大厅进入一个房间。
  (3) 被理解,被传达 he spoke for a long time but his meaning did not really come across.
  短语:① come about "发生" 一般与how连用 ② come out 出版,开花,出来when is her new novel coming out?
  ③come to an end 结束④come to sb被想出the idea came to me in the bath.⑤come up with提出,想出⑥come up被提出,长出地面,走进⑦come to a conclusion/decision得出结论/做出决定⑧come into effect/force/ use生效/开始使用
  ⑨ come to sth 总计,谈到 ⑩come back to sb 恢复记忆,回想起 it’s all coming back to me . come over 过来
  have you __ some new ideas? yeah. i’ll tell you later. a come about b cone into c come up with d come up
  what makes her so frightened? –oh , it is the mouse that she __ on her bed while looking for her watch.
  a came about b came across c came through d came up
  i forget to bring my umbrella. --__. mine is big enough for two. a. go ahead b. go back c. come over d come in
  the dictionary is being printed and it will soon __. a turn out b come out c start out d go out
  it’s already 10 o’clock . i wonder how it __ that she was two hours late on such a short trip.
  a came over b came out c came about d came up
  12 adapt (oneself ) to 适应于 she adapted (herself) quickly to the new climate.
  adapt adapt sth to sth 使…适应 he could not adapt his way of life to the company.
  adapt sth ( for sth/ sb ) 修改… it’s hard to adapt his story for children’s film.
  adapt sth for sth from sth 根据…改编成…this novel has been adapted for radio from the russian original.
  13 privilege 特权,优惠 ① enjoy privileges 享受特权 ② have the privilege of…有…特权 ③ as a special privilege
  作为特别许可 ④ by special privilege 根据特权
  14 wonder (1) v 想知道,想弄明白,琢磨i wonder who she is. i was just beginning to wonder where you were. 正琢磨
  (2) 礼貌地提问或请人做事时说 i wonder if you can help me. i was wondering whether you’d like to come to a party.
  (3) wonder at sth 感到诧异,非常惊讶 she wondered at her own stupidity. 她没想到自己竟会这样愚蠢。
  (4) n 惊奇,惊叹,惊讶she gazed down in wonder at the city spread below her. 她俯视展现在眼前的城市,惊叹不已。
  (5) n奇观,奇迹,奇事,奇妙之处 the grand canyon is one of the natural wonders of the world. 科罗拉多大峡谷…
  (6) 能人,奇才,有特效的东西jim, you’re a wonder! i would never have thought of doing that.我从来想不到该那样做。
  it’s a wonder (that) …令人惊奇的是…,莫名其妙的是… it’s a wonder that more people weren’t hurt.
  (it’s) little/small/ no wonder (that)… 难怪…, 不足为奇,并不奇怪 it is little wonder (that) she was upset.
  no wonder you’re tired, you have been walking for hours. 难怪你累了,你一直走了好几个小时。
  15 possession "有,所有,拥有,占有"其复数形式possessions "财产,财富"
  take possession of 拥有,占有,占领 have possession of sth 占有/拥有某物 get possession of 拿到,占有,占领
  in possession of 占有某物 in one’s possession = in the possession of sb 某物为某人所占有/持有
  his possession of knowledge made him rich. he is a man of great possessions. (富人)
  after the war he lost all his possessions. how did you get possession of it ? (得到) he is said to be in possession of…
  their land was taken possession__by some white people and they reasoned__them . (reason with 规劝,和某人讲道理)
  a of , with b with , with c to , to d of , about
  16 relevant 有关的,切题的 relevant to sb/sth his nationality isn’t relevant to whether he’s a good lawyer. (国籍)
  his words aren’t relevant to what we should discuss. we’d better pay attention to the relevant details.
  相关短语: be relevant to 与…有关 be irrelevant to 与…无关 relevance (n) 关联,切题have relevance to 和…有关
  be connected with 与…有关 be related to 与…有关 relate to 与…有关 be linked to /with 与…有关 be involved in 与…有牵连/关系
  topics of composition should be _ to the experiences and interests of the students.
  a concerned b dependent c connecting d relevant
  17 adjust (v) 整理,调整,适应 adjust to…(to 为介词) 适应… adjust sth /oneself to sth 使…适应…
  it took her a while to adjust to living alone after the porce . (单身生活)
  it took several seconds for his eyes to adjust to the dark. you’ll quickly adjust yourself to student life.
  adjustable (adj) 可调整的 adjustment (n) 调节,调整make an adjustment 作出调整
  相关短语: adapt to 适应…(to为介词) adapt sth/ oneself to 使…适应;优待,荣幸
  she carefully adjusted her clothes and her hair before going out.
  some animals adjust themselves to their environment by instinct.
  you can’t see through the telescope until you adjust it to your eyes.
  my camera can be adjusted to take pictures in cloudy and sunny conditions.
  the desks and chairs can be adjusted to the height of any child. he had become better adjusted to the rolling of the ship.
  18 prepare (v)准备 prepare sth 准备某物 prepare for sth 为…做准备 prepare sb for sth 使某人为为某事做好准备 get/ be prepared to do sth …为…做准备 be well prepared for sth 为…做好准备 make preparations for …为…做准备 in preparation 在准备中 mother is preparing supper and we are preparing for supper.
  please prepare the table for dinner. he is preparing himself for the coming examination.
  you must be well prepared for the worst . 你必须对最坏的情况有思想准备。
  the teachers are preparing the papers and they are preparing for the exams.
  what’s that terrible noise ? –the neighbors __for a party . a have prepared b are preparing c prepare d will prepare
  the secretary worked late into the night , __ a long speech for the president.
  a to prepare b preparing c prepared d was preparing
  __ a long speech for the president the secretary had to worked late into the night.
  a to prepare b preparing c prepared d was preparing
  19 soft (adj) 柔软的,柔和的,细腻的,不严厉的,同情的,脑子发昏的,不够勇敢的 softness (n) softly (adv)
  be soft on sth 对某事心肠软的/不够严厉的 be soft with sb 对某人心肠软的/不够严厉的
  that teacher is too soft _- his class ; they are out of control. a with b at c on d to
  20 (1)it’s time/it’s high time/ it’s about time that sb did sth =it’s (high/about ) time (for) sb to do sth 是该做…的时候了。
  it’s time (for me) to get up. = it’s time that i got up . it’s time to go home . = it’s time that we went home.
  (2) it/ this/ that is the first (second…last ) time that sb have done sth 某人第一次(第二次…最后一次) 做某事(that 可省略, 若前面为it was… 后面的时态须用过去完成时) this is the first time that i have come to beijing.
  that was the last time that i had been to the great wall. it is the second time that i have seen the film.
  (3) the first (second ) time 本身可用作连词用来引导时间状语从句。the first time i saw her, i was struck by her beauty.
  it’s the second time that i __ to shanghai. what great changes! it’s ten years since i __ it last time.
  a have been , left b had been , left c am, had left d come , had left
  21 income ( n) "收入,所得,收益" 当收入讲时,不用much 或little 修饰,而用large或low 。 与price 相似。
  fixed income 固定收入 a large income 高收入 a low income 低收入 a monthly income 月收入
  22 (1) dry ( vi & vt ) 易干,晒干,擦干
  wet clothes dry easily in the sun. she dried her hair with towels. he dried his clothes in the sun .
  (2) dry out (使)变干,干透hot sun and cold winds can soon dry out your skin. (in a way that is not wanted)
  (3) dry up (河流,湖泊等)干涸 during the drought the river dried up.
  (4) dry off (使) 变干,弄干 we went swimming then lay in the sun to dry off. 我们去游了泳,然后就躺在太阳下晒干。
  we dried our boots off by the fire.
  23" get to + 动词" 结构中的动词多为表示意识、心理、情绪等变化的词,表示一个渐进的过程。如get to know,
  get to realize, get to understand 等。此外,get 后也可加上形容词、现在分词、过去分词、介词短语等。
  the foood’s getting cold. 菜凉了。 they’ve just got married.
  when you get to know him, you’ll find he’s quite different from how you imagined.
  25 upside down 颠倒地, 乱七八糟地,杂乱地,翻过来地 inside out 里面朝外
  the boy pretended he could read, but he was holding the book upside down.
  everything in the room was turned upside down. the picture was hung upside down.
  he wore the sweater __. a inside out b upside down c out d outside
  24 (1) fantastic 荒诞的,奇异的, fantastic dreams/stories 荒诞的梦/故事
  (2) adj (口语) 了不起的,极好的 she’s a fantastic swimmer . you passed your test. ----fantastic. 好极了/太棒了!
  (3) 不切实际的 fantastic plans/proposals 不切实际的计划/建议
  25 (1) ing "主动,正在进行"she ran and ran with beads of sweat of sweat running down her face.
  with the guide leading us we finally found the village .
  (2) 过去分词"被动,完成" she was thinking for a while with her eyes shut.
  the murderer was brought in with his hands tied behind (his back).
  with 的复合结构 (3) 不定式"主动,将要发生" with too much/ a lot of homework to do i can’t go out with you.
  with my teacher to help me i think i can try doing it a second time.
  (4) 介词短语 "伴随" the teacher came in with a book in his hand.
  (5) 形容词 he often sleeps with the windows open.
  (6) 副词 we used to live in a village with a river around.
  the students left the room with all the lights on.
  (7) 名词 the father died with his daughter still a schoolgirl.
  with a local guide __________________(lead) the way, we got there easily.
  with the problem ____________(solve) , we went on smoothly.
  with him _____________(help) us, we will finish the work ahead of time.
  ① walking out of it with a __smile on his face, he turned __ goodbye to his classmates in the classroom.
  a forcing , to say b forced, to saying c forcing, to saying d forced, to say
  ② __ the production up to 60% , the company has had another excellent year. a. as b. for c. with d. through
  ③ ____ the answer , bob, who asked the question ,still stood with his hands___.
  a. given, raising b. given, raised c. giving, raising d. giving, raised
  ④ five people won the "china’s green figure" award , a title __to ordinary people for their contributions to environment protection . a being given b is given c given d was given
  ⑤you can see a large plastic bottle, __ cut off, as a pot to grow young plants in.
  a the top is b with its top c whose top d the top of which
  27 view (1) u视力,眼界the mountain is within our view. the lake came into view as we turned corner.转过弯就看见…
  (2) c 从某处看到的东西,(尤指)自然风景,美景 the view from our house is very beautiful. 从…看去,风景很美。
  we enjoy the magnificent views over the mountains. …在群山之巅欣赏那壮丽的景色。
  (3) c (常作复数) 个人的意见、态度, (对某问题的)看法,见解 view about/on sth
  what are your views on her resignation? we oppose /support the committee’s views.
  (4) v 考虑,认为, 仔细观察或注视 how do you view your chances of success? 你认为你获得成功有多大把握?
  viewed from the outside , the company seemed genuine. 从外表看,这家公司倒像是真的。
  词组: in one’s view= in one’s opinion 依某人看来 in view of 鉴于,考虑到 a point of view 观点。看法
  28 relative(1) (adj) 有关的,涉及某事物的 the facts relative to the problem the papers(文件) relative to the case
  (2) adj (与他人/事物) 相对的,比较的 they are living in relative comfort. 他们现在生活比较舒适。
  supply is relative to demand. 供应要与需求保持一定的比例。
  (3) n 亲戚,亲属 a close /near/distant/relative of hers 她的近亲/较近的亲戚/远亲
  relate (v) 有关系(常为relate…to…或be related to ) relation 关系(一般用作复数),亲属 relationship关系
