

  a social survey—my neighbourhood 社会调查——我的邻居
  1.(XX年天津南开中学模拟)how long do you suppose it is________he arrived there?
  a.when          b.before
  c.after d.since
  2.—why not go out for a picnic on such a sunny day?
  a.sounding b.sound
  c.sounded d.sounds
  3.a friend’s told me about a________restaurant near here.let’s go there for lunch,ok?
  a.nice little seafood b.nice seafood little
  c.little nice seafood d.little seafood nice
  4.—do you know anything about the party________at tom’s house?
  —yes,and in fact i attended it.
  a.to be held b.held
  c.being held d.to hold
  5.it was not until she had finished all her work that she returned home________.
  a.exhausting b.being exhausted
  c.to be exhausted  d.exhausted
  6.—have you taught english for a long time?
  —yes,since i________from college.
  a.graduated b.have graduated
  c.had graduated d.graduate
  7.is this the first time you________beijing?what’s your impression of the city?
  a.visit b.visited
  c.have visited d.had visited
  8.i’m very sorry to have________you with so many questions on such an occasion.
  a.interrupted b.excused
  c.impressed d.bothered
  9.who else except a millionaire in the world could________to use such an expensive car?
  a.pay b.afford
  c.buy d.spend
  10.since we have failed many times,we should take a new approach ________ the problem.
  a.about solving b.to solving
  c.of solving d.in solving
  someday a stranger will read your e­mail without your permission or scan the websites you’ve visited.or perhaps someone will casually glance through your credit card purchases or cell phone bills to find out your shopping preferences or calling habits.
  in fact,it’s likely that some of these things have already happened to you.who would watch you without your permission?it might be a spouse,a girlfriend,a marketing company,a boss,a cop or a criminal.whoever it is,they will see you in a way you never intended to be seen—21st century is the equal of being caught naked.
  psychologists tell us boundaries (piding line) are healthy,and that it’s important to reveal yourself to friends,family and lovers in stages,at appropriate times.but few boundaries remain.the digital bread pieces you leave everywhere make it easy for strangers to reconstruct who you are,where you are and what you like.in some cases,a simple google search can reveal what you think.like it or not,increasingly we_live_in_a_world_where you_simply_cannot keep_a_secret.the key question is:does that matter?
  when opinion polls (民意测验) ask americans about privacy,most say they are concerned about losing it.a survey found an overwhelming (very large) pessimism about privacy,with 60 percent of respondents saying they feel their privacy is "slipping away,and that bothers me."
  but people say one thing and do another.only a tiny part of americans change any behaviors in an effort to protect their privacy.few people turn down a tollbooth (收费站) to avoid using the ez­pass system that can track automobile movements.and few turn down supermarket loyalty cards.privacy economist alissanfro acquisti has a series of tests that reveal that people will give personal information like social security numbers just to get their hands on a pitiful 50­cent­off coupon (优惠券).
  but privacy does matter—at least sometimes.it’s like health;when you have it,you don’t notice it.only when it’s gone do you wish you’d done more to protect it.
  1.what would psychologists advise on the relationship between friends?
  a.friends should open their hearts to each other.
  b.friends should always be faithful to each other.
  c.there should be a distance even between friends.
  d.there should be fewer quarrels between friends.
  2.why does the author say "we live in a world where you simply cannot keep a secret"?
  a.modern society has finally developed into an open society.
  b.people leave traces around when using modern technology.
  c.there are always people who are curious about others’ affairs.
  d.many search engines profit by revealing people’s identities.
  3.what do most americans do about privacy protection?
  a.they change behaviors that might disclose their identity.
  b.they use various loyalty cards for business deals.
  c.they rely more and more on electronic devices.
  d.they talk a lot but hardly do anything about it.
  4.according to the passage,privacy is like health because________.
  a.people will make every effort to keep it
  b.its importance is rarely understood
  c.it is something that can easily be lost
  d.people don’t value it until they lost it
  when you hear the name abraham lincoln,there are a few images that come to mind:the tall black hat,the bow tie and,of course,the beard.you might be surprised to find out that it was an eleven­year­old girl who urged lincoln to grow his famous whiskers.
  in the fall of 1860,a beardless abraham lincoln was running for president of the united states when he received a letter from eleven­year­old grace bedell of westfield,new york.in her letter,grace told him that he should let his whiskers grow because his face was "so thin".she explained that "ladies like whiskers" and that if he grew a beard,"they would ask their husbands to vote" for him.
  lincoln responded with the following letter:
  my dear little miss,
  your very agreeable letter of the 15th is received.
  i regret the necessity of saying i have no daughters...
  as to the whiskers,having never worn any,do you not think people would call it a piece of silly affection (感情) if i were to begin it now?
  your sincere well­wisher,
  mr lincoln was elected the sixteenth president of the united states on november 6,1860.shortly after the election,he had a change of heart about growing facial hair.by the time he left springfield on february 11,1861,to begin his journey to the white house,he had a full beard.lincoln had his picture taken,and this image is what we see on the five­dollar bill today.
  on his train ride to washington d.c.,lincoln made a stop in westfield,new york.he greeted the cheering crowd.then he asked if the girl who wrote him a letter was present.grace emerged from the crowd carrying roses.he kissed her and announced that he had let his whiskers grow because of her advice.grace,who felt at a loss,ran all the way home still holding the flowers,which she had forgotten to give to mr lincoln.
  5.grace suggested that lincoln should wear whiskers because______.
  a.it would make him look thin
  b.it would improve his appearance
  c.most gentlemen liked whiskers
  d.president of the us should wear whiskers
  6.what did lincoln write in reply to grace’s letter?
  a.he would be glad to wear whiskers.
  b.grace came up with a silly idea.
  c.wearing whiskers could be troublesome.
  d.it was a pity that he hadn’t daughters.
  7.which of the following is true of lincoln?
  a.he was the sixth president of the us.
  b.he was not satisfied with his image.
  c.he kept grace’s advice in mind for a long time.
  d.he went to washington d.c.by bus after being elected president.
  8.we can infer from the passage that when grace saw lincoln,she was________.
  a.nervous b.calm
  c.confident d.proud
  a.let the flight attendant pour your hot drinks.
  b.store things safely.
  c.fly on non­stop routes.
  d.pay attention to the pre­flight safety briefing.
  e.keep our seat belt fastened while you are seated.
  f.air travel is the safest way to travel.
  statistically,air travel is by far the safest way to travel,and you can make flying even safer,just by following these simple rules.as your chances of being involved in an air accident are practically nil (零),many of these tips concern what you should and shouldn’t do to make your journey safer when you are airborne (升空的).
  most accidents occur during the take­off,climb,descent and landing phrases of a flight,so flying non­stop reduces your exposure to these complex procedures.   choose larger aircraft.   although small aircraft have very good safety records,those with more than 30 passenger seats are designed to comply with much stricter regulations and are tested more regularly to make sure they still comply.also,in the unlikely event of a serious accident,larger aircraft provide a better opportunity for passenger survival.   2.
  the information may seem repetitions (重复的),but it’s worth listening to the flight attendants.and even if you’ve flown before,it doesn’t mean you know everything about the aircraft you’re on,such as the location of the closest emergency exit.   3.
  never put very heavy articles in the overhead storage bins.they may fall out when someone opens the bin and cause injury.also,the bin may not be able to hold heavier objects during turbulence (气流).   4.
  cabin crew always tell you this,but it’s important.you would be seriously injured if the plane hits unexpected turbulence.always fasten your seat belt if you are told to.the general rule of flying is this:if you are told to do something,do it first and ask questions later.   5.
  flight attendants are trained to handle hot drinks like coffee or tea in a crowded aisle on a moving aircraft,so allow them to pour the drink and hand it to you.never ask to take a coffee pot from one of them.   ⅳ.短文改错   (辽宁省东北育才学校XX届高三第一次模拟)   the zoo has big basket for rubbish.people can throw waste into them.on the saturday afternoons there are usually a lot of people around the cages which the lovely animals are kept,and last saturday nobody was there.mr patties was surprised.but he was even much surprised to see few children around the basket near the tiger’s cage.he quickly went up and looked at their heads and saw a little rat run about in the basket and looking for food.the rat afraid and the children were more interested in the rat than the tigers.how a lovely scene!   ⅰ.单项填空   1.d 句意为:你认为他到这里有多久了?since自从,引导的状语从句用一般过去时态,主句用现在完成时态,指段时间可用一般现在时态。   2.d 此处sound为连系动词,意为"听起来",后面可用形容词、名词或介词短语作表语。此处省略了主语that或it。   3.a 多个形容词修饰名词时,排列顺序通常是关系最密切的离名词最近。我们平时常用"九字令(限、描、大、形、龄、颜、籍、物、类)"来给名词前的形容词排序。句意为"一位朋友告诉我这儿附近有一家不错的小海鲜餐馆。我们去那儿吃午饭吧,怎么样"?   4.b 本题考查动词­ed形式短语作定语。the party与hold之间是被动关系,因此用held。to be held表示未发生;held表示已发生;being held表示正在发生。根据答语"是的,实际上我参加了那次聚会",可知已发生。   5.d exhausted意为"筋疲力尽的",为形容词作状语,说明主语的特征。句意为"直到她完成所有的工作才筋疲力尽地回到家"。   6.a since意为"自从",表示时间或动作的起点。当since表示从过去的一个时间点延续至说话的现在时,通常要求主句使用现在完成时,而since从句用一般过去时。句意为"你教英语很长时间了吗?""是的,自从大学毕业至今"。   7.c 本句为"this is 序数词 time (that) 现在完成时"这一句型。句意为"这是你第一次来北京吗?你对这个城市的印象如何"?   8.d 句意为:很抱歉在这样的场合麻烦你回答那么多的问题。考查短语bother sb.with sth.用……来打扰某人,c项虽也可以用impress sb.with sth.,但与句意不符。   9.b 根据题意"除了百万富翁外谁能付得起钱买这么贵的汽车呢?"可知"买得起,付得起"应用afford,另外,四个词中只有afford可直接跟不定式。   10.b an approach to...意为"……的方法",其中to为介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词。   ⅱ.阅读理解   【语篇解读】 先进的科学技术让人们变得越来越无隐私可言,很多人对保护隐私这个问题言行不一,或许只有当我们失去它的时候才会知道它的宝贵。   1.c 考查细节理解。根据文章第三段第一句可知,即使与朋友之间也要有明确的界限,即要保持一定的距离。   2.b 考查推理判断。根据文章第三段中所举的事例可知人们在使用现代技术的时候会留下一些痕迹,从而泄露了自己的秘密。   3.d 考查推理判断。根据文章第四段和第五段可知,美国人对于保护隐私的问题说的和做的不一致。   4.d 考查细节理解。根据文章最后一段可知,隐私就像健康一样,只有当我们失去的时候才知道它的珍贵。   5.b 细节理解题。由文章第二段中的in her letter,grace told him that he should let his whiskers grow because his face was "so thin".可知,grace建议林肯留胡子是因为留了胡子能使他的脸看起来不那么瘦。由此可以推断grace提建议是为了使林肯的外在形象更好。   6.d 细节理解题。由林肯信中的一句话i regret the necessity of saying i have no daughters...可知,林肯觉得没有女儿是个遗憾。   7.c 细节理解题。从文章内容可知,grace写信建议林肯留胡子时,他没有采纳,但是后来当选总统后改变了主意决定留胡子,并在去华盛顿的途中与grace见面了,由此可知他心里一直记着小女孩的建议。   8.a 推理判断题。文章最后一段提到grace连准备送给林肯的花都忘了送出,由此可以推断,她见到林肯时很紧张。   9.b 推断理解题。从文中可知林肯的形象是高的黑色帽子、蝴蝶结领结和胡须,故图片b为正确答案。   ⅲ.信息匹配   1.c 2.d 3.b 4.e 5.a   ⅳ.短文改错   the zoo has big basket baskets for rubbish.people can throw waste into them.on the—— saturday afternoons there are usually a lot of people around the cages   which  where/in which the lovely animals are kept,andbut last saturday nobody was there.mr patties was surprised.but he was even muchmore surprised to see   few  a few/many children around the basket near the tiger’s cage.he quickly went up and looked  at over their heads and saw a little rat  run running about in the basket and looking for food.the rat wasafraid and the children were more interested in the rat than in the tigers.howwhat a lovely scene!
