

  unit 3 countries and cities
  一. 教学内容:
  第三单元 第一部分
  二. 本周教学重点、难点:
  1. 描述国家的人口、地理、语言等。
  2. "how + adjective"疑问句,及其回答。
  3. 形容词的比较级。
  三. 具体内容:
  (一)asking about countries, cities, and languages.
  1. —what is the capital of france?
  —it’s paris.
  2. —what language do they speak in america?
  —they speak english.
  3. —where is the eiffel tower?
  —it’s in france.
  4. —what is the country famous for?
  —it’s famous for the silk.
  e.g. my country is very large. it has many beautiful lakes, rivers and mountains. most people live in the southern part of the country because it is very cold in the north. the capital of my country is ottawa. my country is called canada.
  (二)questions with "how + adjective"
  1. —how long is the nile river?
  —the nile river is about 6,671 km long.
  2. —how high is the great pyramid?
  —the great pyramid is 137 meters high.
  3. —how far is beijing from shanghai?
  —it’s about 1000km.
  4. —how deep is the grand canyon?
  —it’s about …deep.
  (三)comparative adjectives
  1. 一般单音节形容词和少数双音节词变成比较级,最高级,分别在词尾加er, est.
  一般情况加er, esttall—taller—tallest
  以e结尾时加r, stlarge—larger—largest
  以"辅音+y"结尾时变y为i,加er, esthappy—happier—happiest
  e.g. narrow—narrower—narrowest
  2. 一般双音节及多音节的形容词变比较级和最高级时,都要在前面加more, most.
  e.g. useful—more useful—most useful
  difficult—more difficult—most difficult
  3. 不规则形式。
  4. 有一些形容词没有比较级。
  e.g. chinese english, afraid aware alive, east west, right left, wooden golden, square round…
  5. 形容词比较级的用法。
  e.g. my composition is shorter than hers.
  i have more english books than french books.
  the pen i’m using now is better than the one i used last year.
  e.g. i am 2 years older than my younger brother.
  your shoes are 2 sizes bigger than hers.
  this book is more expensive than that one.
  6. 形容词最高级的用法。
  e.g. it is the most interesting book i have ever read.
  john is the tallest boy in the class.
  she is the best student in the school.
  7. 其他用法。
  表示两者一样时,用as…as,不及……时,用 not so…as, not as…as
  e.g. he is as tall as his elder sister.
  i read lesson 2 as many times as lesson 1.
  in winter it is not so cold in nanjing as in beijing.
  are you feeling better now?
  be more careful.
  eat less meat and more vegetable.
  he has less money.
  (3)more and more 越来越
  after march, the weather is getting warmer and warmer.
  now our country is getting stronger and stronger.
  the garden is becoming more and more beautiful.
  (4)the more… the more 越是……就越
  the more angry she became, the more they laughed at her.
  the harder you work, the better you will do.
  四. 课堂练习。
  1. canada is very large but russia is than canada.
  a. large b. larger c. largest d. the largest
  2. the aral sea continued to get .
  a. small b. smaller c. smallest d. the smallest
  3. the amazon river goes the country.
  a. through b. across c. under d. from
  4. they agreed to use water for farming than before.
  a. few b. less c. little d. a little
  5. life in china today is than it was in the past.
  a. good b. better c. best d. the best
  6. the service in this hotel is even than it was in the past.
  a. bad b. worse c. worst d. the worst
  1. —what did you do last night?
  —i (surf) the internet.
  2. —what are you doing this weekend?
  —i (meet) some friends.
  3. he usually (go) to bed at half past ten.
  4. she (visit) her grandparents last summer.
  5. i (travel) around the world when i have enough money.
  6. next sunday we (have) lunch in a restaurant.
  一. 教学内容:
  第三单元 第二部分
  二. 本周教学重点和难点:
  2. used to do 的用法
  三. 具体内容:
  做主语使用:someone wants to see you.
  做宾语使用:i know nothing about it.
  做表语使用:money isn’t everything.
  1. 由every构成的everybody/everyone, everything都含有概括的意思,表示一切人或事物。
  e.g. everybody/everyone has a book. 每人(大家)都有一本书。
  2. someone/somebody, anyone/anybody 均表示某人,something, anything均表示某物,someone/somebody, something 一般用于肯定句,anybody/anyone, anything一般用于否定句或疑问句。
  e.g. there is someone / somebody in the room.
  there isn’t anybody/anyone in the room.
  is there anybody/anyone in the room?
  3. 和some一样,somebody/someone, something有时也用于疑问句中,含有肯定的意思(表示请求,建议或反问)。
  e.g. why not ask somebody to help us?
  is someone coming this morning?
  4. anybody/anyone, anything 也可以用来表示任何人,任何事
  e.g. you can do anything you want.
  5. 形容词可以修饰不定代词,但必须放在不定代词的后面。
  e.g. i found nothing interesting in today’s newspaper.
  3. something, anything, nothing可用it代替,someone, somebody, everyone等做主语时可用he/she或they代替,做宾语时可用him/her或them代替。
  (二)used to do
  e.g. when i was in the countryside, i used to get up at five o’clock.
  we used to come here every year when i was a kid.
  he didn’t use to play football when he was young.=he usedn’t to play football when…
  did he use to play football when he was young?= used he to play football when…?
  be used to doing "习惯于",可用become和get代替。
  e.g. i’m used to living in the north.
  he gets used to getting up early.
  be used to do 表示被用做……
  e.g. wood is used to make paper.
  1. not… any more, no more, not… any longer, no longer
  四者都有"不再"之意,not… any more= no more, not… any longer= no longer.
  e.g. i’m no more a little girl.= i’m not a little girl any more.
  she no longer lives here. = she doesn’t live here any longer.
  2. complain to sb. about /of sth.
  e.g. i’m going to complain to the manager about this.
  all the people complain about the food there.
  3. agree to do sth. 同意做某事
  e.g. we agreed to leave.
  e.g. i agree to this plan.
  4. be good for 对……有好处
  e.g. too much sun isn’t good for you.
  eating more vegetables is good for your health.
  5. one of them – the great pyramid – is 137 meters high.
  主语+be+数字+度量单位+long/wide/ high/ deep…
  主语+be+数字+度量单位+in length/width/height/depth…
  e.g. his brother is 6 feet tall.
  the cave is 3 meters high/ in height, 4 meters long/ in length and 2 meters wide/ in width.
  一. 单选。
  1. do you have to say?
  a. something b. anything c. everything d. nothing
  2. there’s with his eyes. he’s ok.
  a. anything wrong b. wrong something c. nothing wrong d. wrong nothing
  3. everything ready. we can start now.
  a. are b. is c. be d. were
  4. the man is nearly 2 meters .
  a. old b. tall c. long d. high
  5. oct 15th was one of days in XX. i visited peking university.
  a. exciting b. more exciting c. the most exciting d. much exciting
  6. hangzhou is famous producing silk in china.
  a. from b. as c. in d. for
  7. one of her classmates from egypt.
  a. is from b. are from c. come from d. coming from
  8. tokyo is beautiful city. it’s capital of japan.
  a. the, a, the b. an, the, / c. a, a, the d. a, the, /
  二. 时态填空。
  1. i (remember) i (use) to swim in this river every day when i (be) a kid.
  2. the government (try) to do something about the problem. everything will be all right.
  3. —what did you do last night? —i (surf) the internet.
  4. —what are you doing this weekend? —i (meet) some friends.
  5. the amazon river ( go ) through the country.
  6. alice (be) a famous singer when she grows up.
  7. china is (long) than canada.
  8. it (use) to be quieter and more peaceful.
