

  unit 2 the environment单元复习学案
  1.how do you analyze the present economic s____________?
  2.a balloon e____________as it is filled with air.
  3.the manager is greatly d____________ with the young man.
  4.this medicine is highly e____________against cancer.
  5.smoking is p____________in all areas of the office building.
  6.the____________(环境)problems must be paid much attention to.
  7.we try our best to increase ____________(产量)by using better methods and tools.
  8.i have enjoyed my visit very much,and would like to thank all(the people)____________(相关的).
  9.he felt the floor shocked ____________(轻微).
  10.the two workers have been____________(非法)discharged(解雇).
  11.one or two glasses of wine a day can be____________(benefit).
  12.they had been____________ (debate) for several hours without reaching a conclusion.
  1.situation 2.expands 3.disappointed 4.effective 5.prohibited 6.environmental 7.production 8.concerned
  9.slightly 10.illegally 11.beneficial 12.debating
  1.________________  对……有持久的影响
  2.________________ 增长至
  3.________________ 环保的生活方式
  4.________________ 对……负责
  5.________________ 经营这些工厂的人们
  6.________________ 对……有害
  7.________________ 自然灾害
  8.________________ 采取措施来阻止沙漠化进程
  9.________________ 认识到做某事的重要性
  10.________________ 引起国内外关注
  11.________________ 偶遇
  12.________________ 得出一个结论
  1.have a lasting effect on/upon 2.grow to/climb to/rise to/increase to 3.an environmentally friendly way of living,4.be responsible for(doing)sth./take responsibility for sth.5.the people running these factories 6.do harm to/be harmful to/do damage to... 7.natural disasters 8.take steps to stop the process of desertification 9.recognize the importance of doing sth. 10.raise concern both nationally and internationally/both at home and abroad 11.run across/run into/come across 12.draw/come to/arrive at/reach a conclusion
  1.(回归课本p22)the world’s population has grown to more than six times________ ________ ________in 1800.
  2.(回归课本p23)but i________agree that recycling may be the key to helping both sides.
  3.(回归课本p22)my suggestion is________we should try to cut back on production and...
  4.(回归课本p23)________ ________ ________ ________you are very concerned about the present situation of our environment.
  5.(回归课本p25)people should take responsibility for not buying certain kinds of fish,because ________ ________ not many left in the ocean.
  1.what it was 2.do 3.that 4.it is obvious that 5.there are
  1.debate  vt.& vi. 辩论,争论,讨论;
  n. 辩论;辩论会
  (回归课本p22)today’s debate question is‘the economy or the environment-must we choose?’
  归纳拓展   debate with sb.about sth.和某人就某事辩论   debate whether to do sth./debate whether 从句   考虑/讨论是否……   have a debate进行讨论/辩论   open/close a debate开始/终止辩论   under debate在讨论中   例句探源   ①today there is a debate in singapore about which variety of english is the best...   至今在新加坡还有一种关于哪种英语最好的争论……   ②(朗文p519)there has been very little public debate on the navy’s new program.   几乎还没有针对海军新计划的公众辩论。   ③(牛津p514)the committee will debate whether to lower the age of club membership to 16.   委员会将讨论是否将参加俱乐部的年龄限制放宽到16岁。   易混辨析   debate,quarrel,argue,discuss   (1)quarrel是指因为对某事不喜欢或强烈不满而发生的"争吵"或"吵架",常用结构为:quarrel with sb.;quarrel about sth.。   (2)argue指一方着重就自己的看法或观点提出论证,并就此同对方"争论"或"辩论",企图说服对方,常用结构为:argue with sb.about/over sth.。   (3)debate多指在公开、正式场合各自陈述理由,内含"交锋"的意思。   (4)discuss指为了解决问题或弄清对方的观点而进行的讨论、磋商。   ①let’s discuss the details of the contract tomorrow.   ②he knew it was useless to argue with his father.   ③linda had a big quarrel with her husband yesterday.   ④they debated hotly whether to accept these proposals or not.   ⑤he seriously debated whether or not he should charge martin extra for the water.   1.完成句子   (1)这是个他们常讨论的问题。   this is a question that ________ ________ ________.   答案:they often debate   (2)经过长时间的辩论,他们通过了这个计划。   after ________ ________ ________,they approved the plan.   答案:a long debate   (3)这则新闻报道的事实,毋庸争辩。   the truth of this news story is ________ ________.   答案:beyond debate   2.each time the programme was showed on tv,it starts a nationwide debate________the subject.   a.for          b.against   c.on d.of   解析:选c。句意:每次播放这个节目,都引起对此话题的全国性大辩论。debate on"对……的争论";debate for"支持……的辩论";debate against"反对……的辩论"。   2.lay vt. 产卵,下蛋;摆放,放置;设置;铺设;奠定基础   (回归课本p22)these boats catch large numbers of fish without giving them time to lay eggs.   这些捕捞船捕捞大量的鱼类,根本不让它们有产卵的时间。   归纳拓展   例句探源   ①he collects butterflies and brings them into a lab to lay eggs.他收集蝴蝶,然后带到实验室产卵。   ②(朗文p1161)he sank into the chair and laid his gloves on the floor.他一屁股坐进椅子里,把手套搁在地上。   ③(牛津p1144)our teacher lays great stress on good spelling.   我们老师着力强调要拼写正确。   易混辨析   lie,lay   lie与lay的不同词义、词性及四种基本形式:   lie—lay—lain—lying vi.躺;卧;位于   lay—laid—laid—laying vt.放置;产卵   lie—lied—lied—lying vi.撒谎   ①there is a ladder lying against the wall.   ②she often complains that her hens don’t lay well.   ③lay the book where you took it.   ④the boy often tells lies,so hardly anyone believes him.   3.完成句子   (1)午饭准备好了,请摆好餐具。   lunch is ready.please________ ________ ________.   答案:lay the table   (2)这种动物在水中产卵。   this kind of animal________ ________ ________in water.   答案:lays its eggs   (3)他们正在客厅铺设新地毯。   they________ ________ ________ ________ ________in the living room.   答案:are laying a new carpet   3.figure n. 数字;外形;轮廓;人物;人影   v. 认为;判断   (回归课本p22)the figure is now approaching 6.5 billion people!这个数字现已接近65亿!   归纳拓展   例句探源   ①the present situation is very complex,so i think it will take me some time to figure out its reality.   目前的形势非常复杂,因此我认为要花费我一段时间来弄清楚它的真实性。   ②complete the chart with figures from the passage.   用文章中的数字完成表格。   ③she’s always had a good figure.   她一向体态优美。   ④in the rice­growing world,the chinese scientist,yuan longping,is a leading figure.   在水稻种植领域,中国科学家袁隆平是一位杰出人士。   4.完成句子   (1)你是怎么保持苗条身材的?   how do you________ ________ ________?   答案:keep your figure   (2)请把账目的总数加起来。   please________ ________the account.   答案:figure up   (3)我想他是诚实的。   i figure________ ________ ________ ________.   答案:that he is honest   5.for many years i have been trying to________what it is that makes jack so angry.   a.carry out        b.figure out   c.watch out d.make out   解析:选b。figure out"弄明白";carry out"完成,执行";watch out"小心";make out"辨认出",作"理解,明白"讲时,常用于否定句或疑问句。根据句意,b为最佳答案。   4.approach vt.& vi. 接近,靠近   n. 靠近,接近;态度,方法   (回归课本p22)the figure is now approaching 6.5 billion people!   这个数字现已接近65亿!   归纳拓展   at the approach of 在……快到的时候   approach to   接近,近似,约等于;(做某事)的方法/途径   make approaches to sb.设法接近某人   approach sb.on/about sth.   为某事与某人打交道   例句探源   ①the global energy crisis is approaching.   全球能源危机正在迫近。   ②the scouts made a stealthy approach to the enemy position.   侦察员偷偷地接近敌人的阵地。   ③the job market has changed and our approach to finding work must change as well.   就业市场变了,我们找工作的途径也要改变。   ④(朗文p84)researchers are looking for new ways to approach the problem.   研究人员正在寻找处理这个问题的新方法。   6.完成句子   (1)圣诞节快到了。   the christmas day________ ________.   答案:is approaching   (2)他是一个难以接近的人。   he is a man________ ________ ________.   答案:hard to approach   (3)他们找到了治疗癌症的新方法。   they have found________ ________ ________ ________cancer treatment.   答案:a new approach to   7.in the lecture,the famous lecturer referred to three different________to the study of physics.   a.means         b.methods   c.ways d.approaches   解析:选d。选项中四个词都表示方法,只有approach后跟介词to表示"……的方法"。   5.situation n. 形势,情形   (回归课本p23)it’s obvious that you are very concerned about the present situation of our environment.   很显然你对我们目前的环境状况很担心。   归纳拓展   get into/out of a difficult situation   陷入/摆脱困难的状况   the international/domestic situation   国际/国内形势   save the situation 挽回局面,扭转危局   find a new situation找了一份新工作   be in/out of a situation有/失去职业   例句探源   ①(朗文p1919)everyone knew how serious the situation was.   人人都了解形势的严重性。   ②(牛津p1877)you could get into a situation where you have to decide immediately.   你可能遇上一种情况,使你不得不立刻作出决定。   易混辨析   situation,state,condition   (1)situation指某一时间由各种情况所造成的"处境""形势"。   (2)state指人或事物所处的状态或状况,常和condition替用。此外,state还常表示思想、感情、心理等状态。   (3)condition意为"条件、情况、状况",其单数形式指人或物所处的状态,这时与state意义相近,常可以互换,但condition还常着重指一定原因或条件所造成的状态,如人的健康状况、物的完好程度、设备的可用性等,其复数形式指一般笼统的情况。   ①he’s now in a dangerous situation.   ②everything was in a state of disorder.   ③he’s in no condition to travel.   8. (XX年许昌新乡高三调研) the top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly________.   a.atmosphere       b.state   c.situation d.phenomenon   解析:选a。句意:两国高层领导人之间的会谈在友好的气氛中进行。atmosphere气氛;state状态;situation处境;phenomenon现象。由句意可知a项正确。   9.school children must be taught how to deal with dangerous________.   a.states b.conditions   c.situations d.positions   解析:选c。句意:学生必须接受如何应付危险情况的教育。state状态,状况,情况。condition(居住、工作或做事情的)环境,条件。   6.advise v. 劝告,建议   (回归课本p38)...and advises people on the importance of protecting this great river.   ...并且建议人们意识到保护这条大河的重要性。   归纳拓展   例句探源   ①my teacher advised me to keep a diary.   老师建议我写日记。   ②i advise waiting till proper time.   我建议等到适当的时候。   ③could you advise on how to improve my english?   你能就如何提高英语水平给我提些建议吗?   ④(朗文p31)they gave me some advice about buying a house.   他们给我提供了一些买房子的好建议。   10.完成句子   (1)建议乘客看管好自己的提包。   passengers are advised________ ________ ________ ________ ________unattended.   答案:not to leave their bags   (2)我劝你什么都不要给新闻界讲。   i ________you________saying anything to the press.   答案:advise;against   (3)他就税收问题为我们提供咨询。   he advises us________tax matters.   答案:on   (4)你能不能给我点买车的建议?   can you________/________ ________ ________ ________about buying a car?   答案:give/offer me some advice   7.decrease vi.& n.   (回归课本p35)this is one of the cheapest and most effective ways of decreasing desertification.   这是减少沙漠化最便宜也是最有效的方法之一。   归纳拓展   decrease to减少到   decrease by减少了   on the decrease在减少   例句探源   ①(朗文p525)some illnesses cause a decrease in appetite.   有些疾病会使人食欲下降。   ②(牛津p520)the price of wheat has decreased by 15%.   小麦价格降低了15%。   11.(XX年高考浙江卷)over the past decades,sea ice________in the arctic as a result of global warming.   a.had decreased     b.decreased   c.has been decreasing d.is decreasing   解析:选c。句意:在过去的几十年间,由于全球气候变暖,北极的冰在不断减少。"over/in/during/for the past 时间段"作状语时,主句的谓语动词用现在完成时。   12. (XX年湖北省八校高三联考) if their marketing plans succeed,they________their sales by 20 percent.   a.will increase b.have been increasing   c.have increased d.would be increasing   解析:选a。句意:如果他们的市场运作计划成功,他们的销售额将会提高20%。根据句意,if从句用一般现在时表将来,主句用将来时。   8.effort n. 努力;艰难的尝试   (回归课本p38)we believe that the efforts of the chinese government and the chinese people to protect this much­loved river will be appreciated for years to come by future generations.   我们相信,中国政府和人民为保护这条他们所挚爱的河流而做出的努力将在未来数年内得到后人的肯定和欣赏。   归纳拓展   make an effort/efforts to do sth.   努力去做某事   make every effort to do sth.   尽一切努力去做某事   spare no effort(s)to do sth.不遗余力地去做某事   with (an)effort( with difficulty)费力地,使劲地without effort毫不费力地   in an effort to...为了……   例句探源   ①nothing can be gained without effort.   不劳无获。   ②their efforts were rewarded with success.   他们的努力获得了成功。   ③(朗文p651)team officials continue to negotiate in an effort to reach an agreement with parcells.   为了与帕斯尔斯达成协议,球队官员在继续谈判。   ④(牛津p641)the local clubs are making every effort to interest more young people.   地方俱乐部正在尽一切努力来吸引更多的年轻人。   13.完成句子   (1)我决定再作一次努力。   i decided to_______ _______ _______ _______.   答案:make one more effort   (2)不过我向你们保证我们将竭尽全力使你们今晚在这里过得愉快。   but i assure you that we will________ ________ ________ ________ ________your evening here a pleasant one.   答案:make every effort to make   (3)我们应该不遗余力地美化我们的环境。   we should________ ________ ________ ________ ________our environment.   答案:spare no effort to beautify   (4)他讲话很慢,很吃力。   he spoke slowly and________ ________.   答案:with effort   9.run out(of) 用完,耗尽   (回归课本p25)what if we run out of space?   倘若我们用完了空间,该怎么办呢?   归纳拓展   例句探源   ①could i have a cigarette?i seem to have run out.   给我支烟抽可以吗?我的烟好像抽完了。   ②my car broke down on the way to the beach because it had run out of petrol.   在去海滩的路上,我的车因为汽油耗尽而抛锚了。   ③lost in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him.   因为陷入沉思,他几乎撞上了前面的汽车。   ④(朗文p1790)nately jumped out of the car and ran after santiago.内特利跳下车,跑着追赶圣地亚哥。   14.完成句子   (1)牛奶被喝光了。   the milk________ ________ ________/________ ________ ________ ________.   答案:has run out/has run out of   (2)我们的燃料很快就要用完了。   we________ ________ ________ ________our fuel.   答案:are running out of   10.rely on 依靠,依赖   (回归课本p38)this is not good news for the people who live in all the towns and cities along the yangtze river and who rely on it for water.   这对于居住在长江两岸和饮用水需要依赖长江的所有城镇居民来说并不是好消息。   归纳拓展   rely on sb.to do依靠/指望某人做   rely on one’s own efforts/strength自力更生   rely on one’s promise相信某人的诺言   rely on one’s doing依赖某人做……   rely on sb.for sth.依赖某人某事   rely on it that从句 相信/指望……   例句探源   ①i rely on you for good advice.   我依赖你给我好建议。   ②(牛津p1680)these days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work.   现在,我们在很大程度上依赖电脑来安排我们的工作。   ③you should rely on your own judgement.   你应该相信你自己的判断。   15.完成句子   (1)汤姆在穿着上总是依赖他妻子的意见。   tom always_______ _______ _______ ________ ________advice on clothes.   答案:relies on his wife for   (2)你可以相信我一定会为你保守秘密。   you can_______ _______ _______ _______keep your secret.   答案:rely on me to   (3)你可以相信他一定会准时来到。   you can_______ _______ _______ _______he must come here on time.   答案:rely on it that   句型解析   1【教材原句】  the world’s population has grown to more than six times what it was in 1800.(p22)   世界人口已经增长到了18XX年时的六倍多。   【句法分析】 more than six times what it was in 1800是"倍数 what从句"的形式,意为"是(比)……的……倍"。   倍数的表达方式有:   (1)a 倍数 形容词或副词的比较级 than b,表示"a比b大(长、高、宽等)多少倍"。   (2)a 倍数 as 形容词或副词的原级 as b,表示"a是b的多少倍"。   (3)a 倍数 the size/height/length/width,etc. of b,表示"a是b的多少倍"。   (4)a 倍数 what­从句,表示"a是……的多少倍"。   16.完成句子   (1)这辆小车的速度比那辆卡车快两倍。   the car runs________ ________ than that truck.   答案:twice faster   (2)亚洲的面积是欧洲的四倍。   asia is________ ________ ________ ________ as europe.   答案:four times as large   (3)这座山的高度是那座小山的四倍。   this hill is________ ________ ________ ________of that small one.   答案:four times the height   (4)这条路是四年前的三倍长。   the length of the road is three times what________ ________ ________ ________ ________.   答案:it was four years ago   2【教材原句】 people should take responsibility for not buying certain kinds of fish,because there_are not many left in the ocean.(p25)   人们应该为买不到某种鱼负责任,因为在海洋里已剩下不多的鱼了。   【句法分析】 本句为because引导的原因状语从句,从句又为there be结构,其中left in the ocean为过去分词短语,作定语。   there be结构:   there is no time left;let’s hurry up!   时间不多了,我们快点吧!   归纳拓展   there be的常见句型:   there happen(s)to be...碰巧有……   there seem(s)to be...好像有……   there is likely to be...可能有……   there may/might be...可能有……   there must be...一定有……   there can’t be...不可能有……   there is said to be...据说有……   there used to be...过去常常有……   there is certain/sure to be...肯定有……   there goes the bell.铃响了。   【温馨提示】   (1)there be句型中,谓语动词除用be之外,还可用某些状态动词,如:remain,lie,exist,live以及表示位置转移的动词arrive,come,enter,follow,rise等。   (2)there be句型的非限定形式有there to be和there being两种形式,它们可以在句中作主语、宾语、状语等。   (3)there be中be的单复数取决于be后的名词,若有几个并列名词,则取决于第一个。   (4)there be n. v. ing/v. ed/to do中,若名词与后面的动词存在主动关系,用v. ing形式;若表被动关系,则用v. ed;不定式既可以用主动形式又可以用被动形式。   17.(XX年高考安徽卷)________a certain doubt among the people as to the practical value of the project.   a.it has         b.they have   c.it remains d.there remains   解析:选d。考查固定句型。此句实际是考查句型"there is a certain doubt",这里用系动词remains代替了is。
