

  1. --- fine, i"ve got used to the life there and i"ve made some friends.
  a. how are you b. how are you doing c. are you getting on well d. how do you do
  2. ---how do you like the film? ---there was nothing special--- it was only ____.
  a. average b. usual c. normal d. common
  解析:average: standard or level regarded as usual
  these marks are well above/below average.
  he paid the usual fee.他按规定交费
  as usual, he arrived early and started to work at once.
  3. i can’t go to the new year’s concert,_____,100 dollars is just too much for me to spend in one evening.
  a . in other words. b that is. c in particular. d i mean
  解析:i mean "我指的是"
  4. there was time i hated to go to school .
  a.a; that b.a; when c.the; that d.the ; when
  解析:a time表示曾经一度,when 引导的定语从句修饰a time
  there were a time when this song was very popular.
  there was a time when women were not admitted to universities.
  5. scientists generally agree that earth’s climate will warm up over the next 50 to100 years______ it has warmed in the 20,000 years since ice age.
  a. so long as. b. as much as c as long as. d as well as
  解析:as much as表示程度
  6. now in the market there are too many oranges, making the prices down, so i suggest _____.
  a.you’d better turn to do other business
  b.you would rather turn to other business
  c.you turning to doing other business=your turning to doing
  d.you ought to turn to selling other fruits
  解析:=your turning to doing . suggest+(one’s/sb.)doing sth./that 从句(should do )
  7. _____ some old tables, his house was almost empty.
  a. besides b. except c. apart from d. but
  解析:apart from=besides/except/except for 这里相当于except for
  8. ----- what’s the model plane look like?
  ----- well, the wings of the plane are ______ of its body.
  a. more than the length twice b. twice more than the length
  c. more than twice the length d. more twice than the length
  解析:more than 修饰twice
  9. ----- which share is meant for me ? ----- you can take _____ half. they are exactly the same.
  a. this b. any c. each d. neither
  解析:从half 可知是两半,意思是"你可以拿这一半"还可用either
  10. i_____ violin lessons every two weeks, but i think i ‘ll make it every week from next month.
  a. am havingb. have hadc. haved. have been having
  11. it is fairly common in africa for there______ a group of expert musicians surrounded by others who also join in the performances.
  a. beingb. to bec. bed. is
  解析:there be 结构,用在for sb. to do sth结构中
  12. ----now that you like the computer so much. why not buy it?
  ---well, i can’t afford ______computer.
  a. that expensive a b. a that expensive c. that an expensive d. an expensive that
  解析:that expensive a = so expensive a "that" 为副词
  13. he has got himself into a dangerous situation ______ he is likely to lose control over the plan. a. where b. which c. where d. why
  解析:situation, case , point, 等词后常用where引导定语从句 ; occasion 后常用when 引导定语从句。
  14. ______, the concert began.
  a. the listeners having taken their seats b. having taken their seats
  c. having taken their places d. taking their seats
  解析:独立主格做状语。主语concert 不可能执行take the seat 这一动作,必须加the listeners 做逻辑主语
  15. ---- you shouldn’t have gone there alone last night.
  ---- but i ______, because xiao wang went there, too.
  a. didn’t b. had to c. did d. should
  16. ---- there is a lot of smoke coming out of the teaching-building there.
  ---- really? it _____ be a fire, most probably.
  a. can b. ought to c. have to d. must
  解析:从most probably.可以看出是很可能, must表示一定
  17. if you don’t wait _______ the red light, you will be punished by the policeman.
  a. at b. under c. for d. on
  解析:at 意为"看见"
  18. ________ doesn’t seem to have been much difficulty in solving the problem.
  a. it b. that c. there d. he
  解析:这是there be句型一种比较复杂的表现形式,由下列各句逐步形成:
  there is much difficulty in solving the problem.
  there seems to be much difficulty in solving the problem.
  there seems to have been much difficulty in solving the problem.
  there doesn’t seem to have been much difficulty in solving the problem.
  e.g. there used to be a big tree in front of the old house.
  there happened to be a foreign teacher there.
  there is said to be no life on the moon.
  there must have been something wrong with the machine.
  19. are the parents who let their child who is ______ walk in the dark alone at night considerate?
  a. young enough b. too young toc. not old enough tod. so young
  解析:分析句子结构,who is so young 在句为修饰的定语,另有let sb.do sth.
  20. if you want to sell your product you must _____ it.
  a. advertise b. advertise for c. advertise on d. advertise to
  解析:advertise sth. 为……登广告, 登广告宣传…… advertise for sth.(sb.)登广告征求或寻找某物或某人
  比较:advertise jobs 登广告招人 advertise for jobs 登广告求职
  21. ----any news about bill clinton?
  ----he left power three years ago and has a little now and a little then been ______.
  a. heard of since b. heard sincec. heard befored. heard of before
  解析:答句可改为i have heard of him a little now and a little then since he left power three years ago.
  he has a little now and a little then heard of since he left power three years ago.
  22. professor liu has ________ teach psychology since he came to the central china normal university.
  a. determination to b. been determined to c. been determining tod. determined to
  23. the idea for the new machine came to mr. baker ______ to his invention recently.
  a. while devoting b. while devoted c. while he was devoted d. while devoting himself.
  mr baker thought of the idea for the new machine (b / d) to his invention recently.
  24. how many of us ______ a meeting that is not important to us would be interested in the discussion?
  a. attended b. attending c. to attend d. have attended
  解析:attending a meeting that is not important to us做定语
  25. i can _____ some noise while i’m studying, but i can’t stand very loud noise.
  a. put up with b. get rid of c. have effects on d. keep away from
  解析:从后面的stand可以推断,这里用put up with 表示忍受
  26. before leaving home, make sure to turn off the electricity, lock the door, ______ the windows open.
  a. and not to leave b. instead of leaving c. rather than leave d. and not leave
  解析:lock和 turn都是不定式肯定形式lock 前省略了to ,但not to leave 是否定形式,to不可省
  27. a mysterious illness, referred to as " a typical phenomena", has been brought under control, the government said on wednesday, ______ no cause of it has been made public.
  a. though b. when c. that d. because
  28. space exploration has been made ______ with the development of modern science and technology.
  a. it possibleb. it was possiblec. that possibled. possible
  解析:该句测试是make sb./ sth.+adj. 结构,如果用a项,后应用to do sth.,因为it是形式宾语,代替不定式。
  with the development of modern science and technology, man has made space exploration possible.
  29.we want such materials ________ can bear high temperature and pressure.
  a. thatb. asc. whatd. which
  解析such materials as 引导的是定语从句,as 在从句中作主语;而such materials that 引导的是结果状语从句,that 在从句中不充当成分。
  30. hardly ___________the door when he rushed into the office out of breath.
  a.i opened b. did i open c.i had opened d. had i opened
  解析hardly 以及含有否定意义的副词放在句首,句子用倒装结构。
  hardly…when/ no sooner…than 用法相同。
  31. you will see this product wherever you go.
  a.to be advertisedb.advertisedc.advertised.advertising
  解析see+宾语+宾补(do/ doing/ done)
  they discussed the plan they will see carried out the next year.
  they discussed the plan. they will see it carried out the next year.
  32.the time is not far away modern communications will become widespread in china’s vast countryside.
  解析 句子可改为:the time when modern communications will become widespread in china’s vast countryside. when引导定语从句。
  33. —i thought you wouldn’t mind.
  —well, as a matter of fact i ; but you should have asked me first.
  a.did b.doc.won’t d.don’t
  解析 省略句。as a matter of fact, i don’t mind. 从but…应看出用否定
  34. it doesn’t matter to me i miss my train, because there’s another one later.
  a.that b.ifc.unlessd. when
  35. i realize she can be very troublesome, but i think you should apologize for being so angry with her.
  a.all the sameb.once in a whilec.in actual factd.all the time
  解析 用法如:---- i’m sorry that the shoes don’t suit me.
  ----- thank you all the same.
  36. —do you think she’s going to leave?—the had crossed my mind.
  解析 think thought(想法)
  37. we move the picture over there? do you think it will look better?
  a.if onlyb.what ifc.as ifd.even if
  解析 what…if 如果…怎么办呢?/ 即使…又有什么关系呢?
  what if you fail? 即使你失败了又有什么关系呢?
  38._________ happened to be no one in the building when the fire broke out.
  a. it b. there c. this d.that
  解析there was no one in the building when the fire broke out.
  do you expect there to be a possibility that palestine and israel will make a peace agreement after
  yasser arafar died.
  39. he left with the secretary that he would call again in the afternoon. he said he would keep .
  a.words; his words b.word; his word c.word; wordd.the word; his word
  解析 word消息,口信时不加冠词.keep/break one’s word信守/违背诺言(为固定结构)
  i received word of his safe arrival./ word came that…
  40. i am afraid i am not fit for the job, for it is calling for much patient.
  解析 it is a job(one) calling for much patient.
  41. —why? where is the key to the meeting room? —dear me! you it in the taxi!
  a.had never leftb.didn’t leavec.never leftd.haven’t left
  解析 you never left it in the taxi!你不会把它忘在出租车里了吧.(加强语气)
  42. —i didn’t go to the museum yesterday.—yes, but i would rather you there too.
  a.went b.had gonec.should god.would have gone
  解析 would rather + 虚拟语气(sb did/ sb had done)
  i would rather you studied hard.(you don’t study hard at present.)
  i would rather i had studied hard when i was at school.(i regretted that i didn’t studied hard in the past.)
  43. they _______ a certain amount of working experience through volunteer work.
  a. attemptedb. accumulated c. abandonedd. accomplished
  解析 考词义accumulate 积累; attempt尝试 ;abandon抛弃,放弃; accomplish 完成
  44. "hope for the best and prepare for the worst." is a proverb, ______ life is beautiful and full of
  frustrations as well
  a. meansb. to meanc. meaningd. meant
  解析 meaning= which means
  45. he proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his _______ was seen at its best when
  he worked with others.
  a. temperb. appearancec. talentd. character
  解析 考词义. the beauty of his character人格的魅力
  46. nowadays sending e-mails to each other is a way many a student _______ what they think.
  a. conveys b. convey c. account d. accounts
  解析 convey 表达words can’t convey my feelings.言语无法表达我的心情.
  many a +名词/more than one +名词/every…and every…/ no…and no…等作主语,虽表示复数意义但谓语动词用单数.
  47.the athletes spent as much time getting trained as they __ studying.
  a. were b. had c. did d. disliked
  48. ---he was nearly drowned in a pool.
  ---oh, when was ___ exactly?
  --- it was in 1983 ____ he was swimming with his friends.
  a. this; that b. that; when c. that; that d. what; when
  解析:that,it都指那件事 第二句补充完整为 he was nearly drowned in 1983 when he was swimming with his friends.
  49. --- i am going downtown. --- come on. _________.
  don"t do that. b. you are welcome. c. come with me. d. i"ll give you a lift.
  50. --- does anybody want an extra ticket to go to the cinema?
  --- whom would you rather ______ with you, george or me?
  a. have go b. have gone c. to go d. going
  解析:疑问句改为陈诉句you would rather have whom go with you. 另短语have sb do
  51. the managing director was to _______ the accident, although it was not his fault.
  a. be blamed for b. be blamed on c. blame for d. blame on
  解析:sb be to blame for 某人应该受到责备,不用被动结构。
  blame sth on sb把责任归咎于某人
  52. why does teaching as a career ______ many people?
  a. apply for b. attract to c. appeal to d. agree with
  解析:apply for申请 attract吸引 attract sb / sth to把…吸引到…appeal to对…有诱惑力
  53. i advise you not to ask him for advice, as he was not good at getting his ideas ____.
  a. along b. away c. through d. across
  解析:get sth across to sb 向sb讲清楚;让sb理解sth
  54. scientific research results can now be quickly _____ to factory production.
  a. used b. applied c. tried d. practiced
  be used to 被用来; 习惯于 apply sth to 把…运用于 put sth to practice 把…付诸于实践
  55. the bank is reported in the local newspaper ______ in broad daylight yesterday.
  a. being robbed b. having been robbed c. to have been robbed d. robbed
  解析:be reported / said /believed to have done 强调动作已完成
  = it is reported that the bank was robbed in broad daylight yesterday.
  56. the tower on the top of the hill _______ the beauty of the lake.
  a, adds up to b. adds to c. adds up d. adds
  解析:adds up to 总计 adds to 增加,增添 adds补充说
  57. --- did you enjoy yourself at the party? --- sorry to say i didn"t. it was _____ a meeting than a party.
  a. more of b. more or less c. less of d. rather like
  解析more a than b与其说是a到不如说是b
  58. without proper lessons, you could ____ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.
  a. give up b. catch up c. keep up d. pick up
  解析:pick up无意中学会
  59. he is _______ a good teacher. he is also his students" good friend.
  a. no more than b. not more than c. no less than d. more than
  解析: no more than = only
  not more than 不超过 no less than = as much as more than = not only
  60. my money ___. i must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before i"ve none in hand.
  a. has run out b. is running out c. has been run out d. is being running out
  解析:我的钱日渐减少了但没用光. our food supplies are running out.
  61. the latest data put forward by the states suggested that the business ___ improving.
  a. was b. be c. being d. should
  解析:此句主要结构为the latest data suggested that …且suggested为"暗示,表明"从句不用虚拟。
  62. it was dark. we decided to ______for the night at a farmhouse.
  a. put away b. put down c. put up d. put on
  解析:put away收好,保存好(2)把…放在一边 put down 写下,记下;镇压
  put up留sb过夜;举起 put on 穿上
  63. her sister has become a lawyer, she wanted to be.
  a.who b.that c.what d.which
  解析:which引导定语从句,修饰先行词a lawyer
  64. the driver was at ___ loss when ____ word came that he was forbidden to drive for speeding.
  a. a; /b. a; thec. the; the d. /; /
  解析:at a loss茫然,不知所措 word 表"消息,信息"为无冠词名词 word came that… 消息传来说……
  65. europe has achieved more in controlling the aids virus than asia in the past ten years, _________ the number of people infected with the virus is going up sharply.
  a. whenb. thatc. so thatd. where
  解析:where= in which引导定语从句,修饰先行词asia ,即"在亚洲被病毒感染的人数一直在急剧上升。"
  66. the government has taken some measures to solve the shortage of electricity, but it may be some time
  ___________ the situation improves.
  a. sinceb. whenc. unlessd. before
  解析:it may/ will(not)be …before…
  it was(not)…before… it is(has been)…since…
  67. ----how do you find our company?
  ----a little worried. we _________ ground as a leader in the field of it with the others speeding up development.
  a .have lostb. are losingc. lostd. were losing
  解析:根据答句"a little worried. "可知我们还未失去领先地位,正逐步失去。
  68. the newcomer is from tibet, ________ i can tell from his appearance.
  a. whichb. whatc. whered. who
  解析:which 引导定语从句,指代前面整个句子the newcomer is from tibet,
  69. the report said a bus went out of control on a highway south of the city and rushed into a river.
  a.the ,theb./ ,thec.the, /d./,/
  解析:out of control 失去控制 to the south of the city 在这座城市的南边(to the可省)
  70. the husband rushed to the hospital he heard that his wife was injured .
  a.at the momentb.for the momentc.in a momentd.the moment
  the moment=the minute / the instant = immediately / directly (adv.)= as soon as (conj.)
  71. all kinds of knowledge ,he was admitted to a key university.
  a.equipped withb.having equipped for c.armed for d.having armed with
  arm/equip sb. with sth.  be armed/ equipped with
  armed with special guns, knives and brushes, two spacewalking astronauts practiced fixing the spacecraft.
  72. —how do you to her unkindly behavior?—only silence.
  which of the following is wrong?
  解析:react/ reply/ respond to sb./ sth. answer sb./ sth.
  73. don’t worry ,she is accustomed to like that.
  a.being spoken tob.be spokenc.being spokend.speak
  解析:be accustomed to(doing)sth.= be used to(doing)sth. 习惯(做)某事
  speak to sb. be spoken to
  74. all the shortcomings you mentioned ,he is a man to be depended on.
  a.in spite b.althoughc.thoughd.despite
  解析:despite= in spite of(介词)后跟名词;although/ though(连词)后跟从句
  75. the soldier was of running away when the enemy attached.
  解析:be accused of= be charged with 被指控……
  be scolded / punished for… 因……而被责骂/惩罚
  76. about 698,000 laptops were sold in china in second quarter, 12.1 percent increase from a year ago.
  a. a; a b. the; a c. the;the d. a; the
  77. ___we admit that there are still some problems about nmet, we don"t mean that it is of no use.
  a. untilb. whilec. asd. unless
  while you may be right, i can’t altogether agree with you.
  while the sea has offered people food for thousands of years, it swallowed thousands of lives in one day in the tsunami in southeastern asia.
  78. it how long the shock that explosions hit london transport system will stay in people"s hearts.
  a. abandonsb. considersc. matters.d. minds
  79. —did you know more about the mine accident?
  —oh, sorry, i had no idea. i the rescue center now.
  a. will be phoningb. am to phonec. will phoned. phone
  80. —the government should think about the medical reform again and take measures to improve it.
  —_________. the medical services and efficiency are not good at the moment.
  a. you"re confusing me b. i cannot agree more c. that"s all right d. go ahead, please
  81. ---thanks for your trouble. ---not at all. i’m _____ pleased to help you.
  a. too much b. too only c. so much d. only too
  解析:only too 极为,非常 too eager / ready / glad / willing to do sth. 非常想干某事
  the boy is too eager to get a geography book.
  82. that night i felt especially lazy and went to bed ____ earlier than usual.
  a. quiteb. ratherc. fairlyd. so
  83. deep in the forest _____, who made no contact with the outside world.
  a. living a coupleb. were a couple living c. did a couple lived. lived a couple
  解析:地点状语"deep in the forest"位于句首,全部倒装
  84. look at the floor , tom ! you watch tv while having a meal?
  a. should b. could c. would d. must
  解析:must 表示与说话人愿望相反或不耐烦"非得、偏要"
  must you make so much noise? 你就非得弄出这么大声吗?
  85. , a form must be filled in.
  a. to ask for his job b. in order to get his job
  c. making request for his job d. if you want to get this job
  86. i spent the whole day repairing the motorbike. the work was easy.
  a. nothing but b. something c. all except d. anything but
  解析:anything but 根本不
  87. the plan has been made, let’s get down to it out.
  a. now that...carry b. because...carry c. since...carrying d. now...putting
  解析:get down to doing sth. to为介词,开始认真做某事
  88. with his son , the old man felt unhappy.
  a. disappointed b. to be disappointed c. disappointing d. being disappointed
  89.he once worked in a company, he went abroad for further study.
  a.from whichb.after thatc.after whichd.from this
  90.i haven’t seen maggie since i came here.
  a.as lovely a girl asb.so a lovely girl as
  c.girl as lovely as d.as a lovely girl as
  91.the fruit fresh in his fruit stand sells well.
  a.lookingb.lookedc.lookd.to be looked
  92.—really ? who will give lecture ? what is it about ?
  —professor chen , president of beijing university . about pollution .
  a.the ;a b.the;/ c.a ; the d.a ;/
  解析:president 作同位语,前不加冠词。
  93.there is a new problem in the popularity of private cars road conditions need to be improved .
  a.involving ; that b.involved ; that
  c.involved; where d.involving ; which
  解析:be involved in ,that引导的同位语从句。
  94. that there is no opposition , i will report it to the general manager .
  a.to provide b.be providedc.having provided d.providing
  解析:provided that, providing that假如
  95.professor smith has written some short stories , but he is known for his plays .
  a.better ycyb.more c.best d.most
  解析:be well known
  96. in faraway northwest , this place has its beautiful fresh air .
  a.being located b.located c.locating d.to be located
  解析:be located in
  97.some friends tried to settle the quarrel between mr. and mrs. brown without hurting the feeling of , but failed .
  a.none b.either c.bothd.neither
  98.it’s not books you read but the way you read them that decides how successfully you gain knowledge .
  a.a number of ; in which b.the number of ; /
  c.a good many ; which d.quite a few ; in which
  99.bird flu , a contagious disease of animals , is believed by viruses that normally infect only birds and less commonly pigs , and rarely humans .
  a.caused b.being caused c.to be caused d.to have caused
  100.the police got to was once an old school the peasants used as a store .
  a.what , that ycy b.where , which c.where , that d.which , where
  解析:what 等于 the place that 后为 that引导的定语从句。
  101.this is the last chance to go abroad for further education ; don’t .
  a.take it away b.give it away c.put it away d.throw it away
  解析: throw away把(机会等)丢掉,白费
  102.the manager decided to give the job to he believed had a strong sense of duty .
  a.whob.whomc.whomever d.whoever
  解析:whoever 作to的宾语和定语从句的主语
  103.as everybody knows, hong kong used to be _____ part of _____ british empire.
  a.不填; ab.a; thec.不填; thed.the; 不填
  解析:the british empire 大英帝国
  104._____ we celebrate a festival it changes a little and in that way we keep our culture alive.
  a.some time b.each timec.from time to time d.many a time
  解析:each time 后接从句
  105. does this car give you good _____for your money ?
  a. value b. price c. worth d. cost
  解析good value for money 值得花那么多的钱
  106. the internet has brought big changes in the way we work.
  a.about b.out c.back d.up
  解析bring about 引起
  107. ---can i help you, sir? ---yes. i bought this radio here yesterday, but it _____.
  a. didn"t work b. wouldn"t work c. can"t work d. doesn"t work
  解析 doesn’t work 一般现在的情况
  108. the fire spread through the hotel very quickly, but everyone __________ get out.
  a. had to b. would c. could d. was able to
  解析be able to含有成功的做成某事的意思
  109. i agree with most of what you said, but i don"t agree with __________.
  a everything b anything c nothing d none
  解析 not…everything 部分否定,不是所有的都
  110. ---you were tired out after the mountain climbing, weren"t you?
  ---yes, ______. i could hardly rise to my feet.
  a. not at all b. not a little c. not a bit d. not really
  解析not a little =very much 非常
  111. ----does jim do his new job well?
  ---- __________ his old job.
  ----how stupid! i fear there"s no hope for him.
  a. no better than b. not better than c. no so well as d. no as well as
  解析no better than=as bad as
  112. ---peter was killed in a car accident!
  --- i talked with him yesterday morning.
  a what a pity! b.i beg your pardon. c. sorry to hear that. d. is that so?
  解析 听到这个消息很难过
  113. —can i help you ?
  —i want _________these nice roses for lucy’s birthday .
  a.two dozen of b.two dozen c.two dozen d.two dozens of
  解析 关键词these 数词+dozen/score 可直接修饰可数名词,后面的名词前若有后物主代词,介词短语时,中间必须加of
  114. it is in this very village , mary was born 35 years ago , she will build her first school ,
  inspires everyone to help her .
  a.where; that ; which b.that ; that ; that
  c.that ; when ; which d.where ; when ; that
  解析 where 引导定语从句,that 引导强调句,which引导定语从句修饰前面的句子.
  115. people are always on the go , so they spend their weekend on housework .
  a.most b.almost c.mostly d.nearly
  解析 be on the go 非常繁忙 mostly 几乎全部,多半
  116. at last the two companies an agreement and began to trade with each other .
  a.came b.concluded c.arrived d.make
  解析conclude sth with sb达成,缔结(条约等)eg: britain concluded a trade agreement with china
  117. —where chongqing do you decide to build the factory ?
  —nobody our manager knows .
  a.except; besides b.but; besides c.but ; but d.except; besides
  解析 将别的地方和别的人除外
  118. so that all the living things died out gradually .
  a.serious polluted the lake is b.serious polluted is the lake
  c.seriously polluted the lake is d.seriously polluted is the lake
  解析 倒装句型 so +adj/ad+(被修饰词)+主语,谓语
  119. —why was professor zhang unhappy recently?
  —because the theory he insisted on _________ wrong.
  a. provedb. provingc. being provedd. was proved
  解析 he insisted on 作定语,prove联系动词
  120. nowadays, within a short walk along a busy street, you are _________ to find a chain store _________ — a fast-food restaurant, a bakery, or a supermarket.
  a. probable; some kinds b. likely; of some kind c. possible; some kind of d.unlikely; some kind of
  解析 sb be likely to do sth of some kind后置定语修饰a chain shore
  121. teenagers are warned to be careful when making friends online, because when you can’t see a person, they could be __________.
  a. everybodyb. somebodyc. anybodyd. nobody
  解析 anybody任何人
  122. children are tired of learning often because they are __________ to do better than they can, both at school and at home.
  a. suggestedb. expectedc. hopedd. helped
  解析 expect sb to do sth
  .123 — do you feel like _________ there or shall we take a bus?
  — i’d like to walk. but since there isn’t much time left, i’d rather we _______ a taxi.
  a. walking; hiredb. to walk; hirec. to walk; hiredd. walking; hire
  解析 feel like doing sth 想要做某事 would rather that … did 后接虚拟语气
  124. i wonder what it feels like to be one of ____ really rich. the brows already have rolls royce and now they are buying_____ third.
  a. the; the   b.不填; a   c. the; a   d.不填; the
  解析: the + adj. 结构the rich 富人 a在这里表示"又一,再一"
  125. ---have you got used to the chinese food, robert?
  ---yes. but i don"t like _____ when a chinese host keeps serving me the food i don"t like.
  a. this     b. that     c. those     d. it
  解析: it 指代一种情况eg. i hate it when you talk to me with your mouth full of food .
  126. ---what"s the difference between the first house and the second ?
  ---the first house has a garage while the second has _____.
  a. no one    b. nothing    c. neither    d. none
  解析: none 指数量上一个也没有,
  127.i thought i was going to fail the exam, but i succeeded _______.
  a. first all   b. in all   c. at all   d. after all
  解析: after all "毕竟,终究"
  128. we saw a film yesterday afternoon , _____we had supper in a nearby restaurant.
  a. when   b. which   c. before it   d. after which
  解析: 定语从句。吃晚饭在昨天午后after + which
  129. there comes a time in every man"s life_____.
  a. that he needs to think       b. when he has to think
  c. therefore he has to work hard   d. then he will need it
  解析: 定语从句。
  130. on the third floor there are two rooms, _____ is used as a meeting-room.
  a. one of them  b. the larger of which c. and a larger of them d. the largest one of which
  解析: 两间房间所以用比较级不用最高级,排除d。a前加and, c中必须用the
  131. ---the thread of my kite broke and it flew away.
  ---i told you it would easily break _____ was the weakest.
  a. where   b. the place where   c. for it   d. where it
  解析: d由where 引导的状语从句
  132. is it true ______ the rain stops , it will be as hot as in the summer here?
  a. when     b. that when     c. whenever     d. that
  解析: that 引导宾语从句,其中包含when引导的状语从句
  133. my parents used _____ they had to get a new car for my brother.
  a. what     b. which     c. all what   d.不填
  解析: 宾语从句。引导词what在句中充担宾语
  134. a modern university has been set up in ______ used to be a deserted land.
  a which     b. that      c. what      d. where
  解析: 宾语从句。what 在从句中作主语
  135. ---did you visit the famous museum ?
   ---no. we ______ it. but we spent too much time shopping.
  a. can"t have visited       b. could have visited
  c. must have visited       d. shouldn"t have visited
  解析: shouldn’t have done 表示本不应住事实上作了
  136.—do you regret not having gone abroad?
  —why should i? i as much, but i’m glad to devote myself to our motherland.
  a.didn’t earnb.don’t earnc.hadn’t earnedd.haven’t earned
  解析: 强调现在不能
  137.half of them, is 50, can speak fluent chinese.
  解析: that is / that is to say也就是说
  138.if your mother doesn’t agree, there is nothing you can do than stay at home.
  解析: other than表示除了 相当于except
  139.—do you think is right, others say.—yes, i .
  a.all; what; dob.all that; whatever; can c.what; what; cand.what; whatever; will
  解析: d do what(=all that)one can(do)to do sth
  140. women may have six months _______ after they give birth to a baby.
  a. offb. aboutc. ond. to
  141. if you _______ the medicine, you _______ better now.
  a. took; would feelb. had taken; feltc. had taken; would feel d. took; would have felt
  解析: 这是错综时间条件句。从句和过去的事实不相符,主句与现在的事实不相符
  142. due to tom’s joke, the discussion __________and went on in a friendly atmosphere(气氛)。
  a. saw an end b. came to end c. came to life d.cheered up
  解析: came to life 表示生机勃勃,活跃起来
  143.we thought of selling this old furniture;but we’ve decided to it. it might be valuable.
  a.hold on to b.keep up with c.turn to d.1ook after
  144.in the of proof , the police could not take action against the man .
  a.lack b.shortage c.absence d.failure
  解析:in the absence of 缺少
  145.the novel "the da vinci code" a great success and was translated into 44 languages in XX.
  a.appreciatedb.enjoyed ycyc.wond.seized
  解析:enjoy vt.享有良好的事物 enjoy good health 身体健康 enjoy large sales畅销
  146. it was nearly an hour ____the sleeping pill ______effect.
  a. when; took b. before; took c. since; had d. before ; had
  解析:it was+一段时间+before…表示"过了….才…"take effect 表示(药等)见效;(法规等)生效
  147.you’ll soon after you spend several days on the seaside .
  a.hold up ycyb.bring up c.pick up d.take up
  解析:(健康,景气,事态 )恢复,变好
  148. our tv sets sell well, but ten years ago no one could have imagined such a big share in the market that they ____.
  a. were having b. had had c. were to have d. had
  149. life in the oceans ranges from the tiniest plankton(浮游生物) ______ to giants like sharks and whales.
  a. all the way b. in the way c. by the way d. on the way
  解析:a all the way表示一路上,一直
  150. ---are there any english story-books for us students in the library?
  ---there are only a few, _______________.
  a. if any b. if some c. if many d. if much
  解析:if any 是if there are any books的省略句,意思是说"如果有任何书的话,也只有几本"。
  able 有才干的,能干的 adaptable 适应性强的
  active 主动的,活跃的 aggressive 有进取心的
  ambitious 有雄心壮志的 amiable 和蔼可亲的
  amicable 友好的 analytical 善于分析的
  apprehensive 有理解力的 aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的
  audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的 capable 有能力的,有才能的
  careful 办理仔细的 candid 正直的
  competent 能胜任的 constructive 建设性的
  cooperative 有合作精神的 creative 富创造力的
  dedicated 有奉献精神的 dependable 可靠的
  diplomatic 老练的,有策略的 disciplined 守纪律的
  dutiful 尽职的 well--educated 受过良好教育的
  efficient 有效率的 energetic 精力充沛的
  expressivity 善于表达 faithful 守信的,忠诚的
  frank 直率的,真诚的 generous 宽宏大量的
  genteel 有教养的 gentle 有礼貌的
  humorous 有幽默 impartial 公正的
  independent 有主见的 industrious 勤奋的
  ingenious 有独创性的 motivated 目的明确的
  intelligent 理解力强的 learned 精通某门学问的
  logical 条理分明的 methodical 有方法的
  modest 谦虚的 objective 客观的
  precise 一丝不苟的 punctual 严守时刻的
  realistic 实事求是的 responsible 负责的
  sensible 明白事理的 sporting 光明正大的
  steady 踏实的 systematic 有系统的
  purposeful 意志坚强的 sweet-tempered 性情温和的
  temperate 稳健的 tireless 孜孜不倦的
