

  (Excerpts from CPC’s Great Spirit Will Always Be an Invaluable Asset to the Party and the Country by Xi Jinping, Qiushi Journal, No. 05, 2021)
  五四运动以全民族的力量高举起爱国主义的伟大旗帜。五四运动,孕育了以爱国、进步、民主、科学为主要内容的伟大五四精神,其核心是爱国主义精神。爱国主义是我们民族精神的核心,是中华民族团结奋斗、自强不息的精神纽带。五四运动时,面对国家和民族生死存亡,一批爱国青年挺身而出,全国民众奋起抗争,誓言"国土不可断送、人民不可低头",奏响了浩气长存的爱国主义壮歌。   历史深刻表明,爱国主义自古以来就流淌在中华民族血脉之中,去不掉,打不破,灭不了,是中国人民和中华民族维护民族独立和民族尊严的强大精神动力,只要高举爱国主义的伟大旗帜,中国人民和中华民族就能在改造中国、改造世界的拼搏中迸发出排山倒海的历史伟力!   (2019年4月30日在纪念五四运动100周年大会上的讲话)   With the strength of the entire nation, the May Fourth Movement of 1919 upheld patriotism. The movement produced the May Fourth spirit, which features progress, democracy, and science, with patriotism at its core. Patriotism also sits at the heart of our national spirit, and it is the bond that inspires us to work together and ceaselessly strive for self-improvement. During the May Fourth Movement, when the fate of the country and the nation hung in the balance, a group of young patriots stepped to the fore, and the entire Chinese people rose to put up a courageous fight, vowing to "never give up our territory and never surrender." They wrote a noble and enduring tale of patriotism.   History shows us that patriotism has run through the Chinese nation’s veins since ancient times; it is indelible, indestructible, and inextinguishable. Our patriotism is a powerful source of strength that enables our people and our nation to safeguard our national independence and dignity. By upholding patriotism, the Chinese people and nation will be able to tap into a tremendous force for changing China and the world.   —Excerpts from a speech at a ceremony marking the centenary of the May Fourth Movement, April 30, 2019   十八
  井冈山精神和苏区精神,承载着中国共产党人的初心和使命,铸就了中国共产党的伟大革命精神。这些伟大革命精神跨越时空、永不过时,是砥砺我们不忘初心、牢记使命的不竭精神动力。   (2019年5月22日在江西考察工作结束时的讲话)   The spirit of the Jinggang Mountains and the Soviet Area spirit encapsulated the founding mission of Chinese Communists and gave shape to the great revolutionary spirit of the Communist Party of China. These ideas cut across time and space to always remain current and serve as an endless source of inspiration for us to remain faithful to our founding mission.   —Excerpt from a speech given at the end of a visit to Jiangxi Province, May 22, 2019   十九
  新中国是无数革命先烈用鲜血和生命铸就的。要深刻认识红色政权来之不易,新中国来之不易,中国特色社会主义来之不易。西路军不畏艰险、浴血奋战的英雄主义气概,为党为人民英勇献身的精神,同长征精神一脉相承,是中国共产党人红色基因和中华民族宝贵精神财富的重要组成部分。我们要讲好党的故事,讲好红军的故事,讲好西路军的故事,把红色基因传承好。   (2019年8月19日至22日在甘肃考察时的讲话)   The People’s Republic of China was forged with the lives and blood of countless revolutionary martyrs. We must recognize that our Red political power was hard won, and the Republic and socialism with Chinese characteristics were hard won. The fearless heroism of the West Route Army and its ethos of sacrificing oneself for the Party and the people can be traced back to the spirit of the Long March. These are an important part of the revolutionary tradition of Chinese Communists and an invaluable asset of the Chinese nation. We must tell the stories of the Party, the Red Army, and the West Route Army in an engaging way and pass on our revolutionary traditions.   —Excerpt from a speech given during a visit to Gansu Province, August 19-22, 2019   二十
  60年前,党中央作出石油勘探战略东移的重大决策,广大石油、地质工作者历尽艰辛发现大庆油田,翻开了中国石油开发史上具有历史转折意义的一页。60年来,几代大庆人艰苦创业、接力奋斗,在亘古荒原上建成我国最大的石油生产基地。大庆油田的卓越贡献已经镌刻在伟大祖国的历史丰碑上,大庆精神、铁人精神已经成为中华民族伟大精神的重要组成部分。   (2019年9月26日致大庆油田发现60周年的贺信)   Sixty years ago, the Party Central Committee made the major strategic decision to move our oil exploration efforts eastward. Enduring great hardships, our oil workers and geologists discovered the Daqing Oilfield, which marked a turning point in the history of oil exploration in China. Since then, several generations have worked with an enterprising spirit to turn what was once a wasteland into China’s largest oil production base. The outstanding contributions of the Daqing Oilfield are etched in the history of our great motherland, and the Daqing spirit and the Iron Man spirit are important components of the great spirit of the Chinese nation.   —Excerpt from a congratulatory letter to mark the 60th anniversary of the discovery of the Daqing Oilfield, September 26, 2019   二十一
  党中央在延安13年,形成了伟大的延安精神。延安精神培育了一代代中国共产党人,是我们党的宝贵精神财富。要坚持不懈用延安精神教育广大党员、干部,用以滋养初心、淬炼灵魂,从中汲取信仰的力量、查找党性的差距、校准前进的方向。   要用延安精神净化政治生态。政治生态好,干部队伍就会风清气正、心齐气顺,社会风气就会积极向上、充满正能量。政治生态不好,各种歪风邪气就会冒出来。毛主席当年概括了延安的"十个没有"。"延安作风"和"西安作风"的巨大反差让许多民主人士感叹:"中国的希望在延安"。   (2020年4月23日在陕西考察工作结束时的讲话)   Over its 13 years in Yan’an, the Party Central Committee forged the great Yan’an spirit. The Yan’an spirit has inspired generations of Chinese Communists and is an invaluable asset of our Party. We must continue to use this spirit as a means to guide Party members and officials, and we must use it as a way to keep in mind our Party’s founding mission, reinforce our conviction, examine our commitment to the Party, and determine the course for our future endeavors.   We should give play to the Yan’an spirit in the endeavor to clean up our political ecosystem. A healthy political ecosystem will ensure that our officials have integrity and are united and that the atmosphere in society is positive and uplifting. An unhealthy political ecosystem will only give rise to undesirable trends and harmful practices. Chairman Mao once listed "ten bad practices" that could not be found in Yan’an. It was the great contrast between the conduct of those in Yan’an and those in Xi’an that made many democratic figures realize China’s future lay in Yan’an.   —Excerpts from a speech given at the end of a visit to Shaanxi Province, April 23, 2020   二十二
  "西迁精神"的核心是爱国主义,精髓是听党指挥跟党走,与党和国家、与民族和人民同呼吸、共命运,具有深刻现实意义和历史意义。要坚持党对高校工作的全面领导,坚持立德树人,建设高素质教师队伍,努力培养更多一流人才。   (2020年4月20日至23日在陕西考察时的讲话)   The core of the spirit of "moving west" is patriotism, and its essence is following the Party’s command and sharing a common fate with the Party, the country, the nation, and the people. This spirit is of far-reaching practical and historical significance. We must uphold the Party’s overall leadership over work concerning institutions of higher learning. We should place importance on fostering virtue in education, improve the quality of our educators, and work hard to cultivate greater numbers of first-rate personnel.   —Excerpt from a speech given during a visit to Shaanxi Province, April 20-23, 2020   二十三
  50年前,"东方红一号"卫星发射成功,我在陕北梁家河听到这一消息十分激动。当年,你们发愤图强、埋头苦干,创造了令全国各族人民自豪的非凡成就,彰显了中华民族自强不息的伟大精神。老一代航天人的功勋已经牢牢铭刻在新中国史册上。不管条件如何变化,自力更生、艰苦奋斗的志气不能丢。   新时代的航天工作者要以老一代航天人为榜样,大力弘扬"两弹一星"精神,敢于战胜一切艰难险阻,勇于攀登航天科技高峰,让中国人探索太空的脚步迈得更稳更远,早日实现建设航天强国的伟大梦想。   (2020年4月23日给参与"东方红一号"任务的老科学家的回信)   Fifty years ago, China successfully launched its first man-made satellite, Dongfanghong-1. I was thrilled when the news reached me in Liangjiahe, northern Shaanxi Province. During that time, you showed tremendous enterprise and diligence to create a remarkable achievement that brought pride to all of us in China and demonstrated the great spirit of continued self-improvement that defines our nation. The extraordinary feats of China’s veteran aerospace scientists and engineers are recorded in the annals of the People’s Republic. No matter how much our conditions should improve, we must never lose this spirit of self-reliance and hard work.   Aerospace scientists and engineers of the new era should learn from their predecessors, carry forward the spirit forged in the development of China’s first atomic and hydrogen bombs and artificial satellite, and bravely overcome all difficulties and obstacles to scale new heights in aerospace science and technology, so that the Chinese people can steadily explore deeper into space and move closer to our dream of becoming a strong aerospace nation.   —Excerpts from a letter replying to veteran scientists who participated in the Dongfanghong-1 program, April 23, 2020
