

  XX届高考英语总复习名师全程导学案:unit4 名师点津
  ⅰ. 单项填空
  1. ________,the headmaster rose to indicate that the conversation was ________.
  a. at an end;in an end b. in the end;at an end
  c. in an end;at the end d. at an end;in the end
  解析:选b。in the end意为"最后;终于",at an end意为"结束;终结",常用作表语。
  2. after the explosion,the roads are full of ________people leaving the city.
  a. afraid b. frightened
  c. frightening d. scary
  3. —i hear they will get married next week.
  — ________
  a. good luck! b. congratulations!
  c. oh,really? d. yes,sir?
  4. after ________in the research for so many years,the scientist succeeded in finding the result at last.
  a. buried b. being buried
  c. having buried d. having been buried
  解析:选d。介词after之后用动名词形式,排除a项;be buried in是固定短语,且有时间状语for so many years,故用动名词的完成被动式。
  5. i am sorry that i can not meet you at the airport. i ________changsha by the time you come back from abroad.
  a. am leaving b. will leave
  c. will have left d. have left
  6. nowadays,people usually think if you enter a key university,you are your parents’ ________.
  a. pride b. luck
  c. value d. cheer
  7. ________from what he did,he isn’t a person to depend on.
  a. judge b. judging
  c. judged d. judges
  解析:选b。judging from. . . "根据……来判断",属独立结构作状语。
  8. you must learn how to communicate with others. learning to ________yourself well is an important part of education.
  a. express b. find
  c. introduce d. recognize
  9. look! every player in our team is doing their best. it seems ________our team is going to win.
  a. even if b. if only
  c. as if d. only if
  解析:选c。as if似乎,表示"看来我们队要获胜了"。even if即使;if only要是……多好;only if只有当……,只是在……的时候。
  10. —have you heard of the north korea’s nuclear test?
  —yes, ________news came as ________shock to me.
  a. the;a b. the;the
  c. a;a d. a;the
  ⅱ. 完形填空
  (XX年启东中学期中检测)mr. glen is a millionaire. five years ago, after returning from abroad to his motherland,he____1____up his small company. speaking of success, glen often tells us a story about his____2____expensive "school" fee. he always owes his success to it.
  at that time,glen, who already got a ph. degree, decided to return to the homeland, starting a company. before ____3____, he bought a rolex watch with the____4____made through years of work after school and the scholarships. at the airport he had to accept the routine customs check. the watch on his wrist was also demanded to be____5____down for inspection. glen knew that carrying the ____6____goods out had to pay the tax. and he worried about paying ____7____for his watch. so when he was checked, he told a lie that his watch was a worthless ____8____. when he was____9____of his"smarts" , immediately,____10____the presence of glen, the officers hit the watch, which____11____nearly  100,000, into pieces at hearing glen’s words. glen was amazed. ____12____he understood why, he was taken to the office to be ____13____ strictly. for many times of entry­exit ____14____ he knew that only those people in the"blacklist" would "enjoy" this special treatment. the officers looked out everything carefully in the box,and warned him ____15____time of entry and exit he must accept the check and if ____16____reusing and carrying fake and shoddy(劣质的) goods, he would be charged according to the law! suddenly, his face turned red, and he had nothing in mind after ____17____the plane for long.
  after returning to the homeland, he often told the story to his family, and his employees, too. he said that this made a deep ____18____on him, because the additional high "school" fee that he had ever paid made him realize the value of ____19____,which he would____20____as the secret of his success forever.
  【解题导语】 俗话说"贪小便宜吃大亏",在生活中诚信显得很重要。本文通过描述mr. glen的一段亲身经历说明了这一道理。
  1. a. set b. came
  c. went d. called
  解析:选a。考查固定搭配。set up设立,成立;come up走近,出现;go up上升,增长;call up召唤,使想起。由语境可知选a,他成立了他的小公司。
  2. a. good b. bad
  c. extra d. few
  解析:选c。根据全文可知,mr. glen把这次教训当做交了一次"额外的"学费。extra额外的,不包括在价目内的。文章最后一段中because an additional high "school" fee也有暗示。
  3. a. staying b. leaving
  c. living d. coming
  解析:选b。根据前文decided to return to the homeland可知,此处表示"离开"。
  4. a. books b. things
  c. savings d. pounds
  解析:选c。空后的made through years of work after school and the scholarships可知,表是他用他的积蓄(课外工作所得和奖学金)买的。saving存款,积蓄。
  5. a. put b. looked
  c. taken d. lied
  解析:选c。考查固定搭配。take down拿下,摘下;put down放下,拒绝;lie down躺下;look down俯视,跌价。此处的意思是:手表也要摘下来进行检查。故选c。
  6. a. ordinary b. common
  c. specific d. many
  解析:选c。根据后文中nearly  100,000可排除a和b,从had to pay the tax可知,携带特定的物品出境需要缴税。
  7. a. one b. it
  c. them d. these
  解析:选b。it代指前面的the tax。
  8. a. present b. trade
  c. toy d. fake
  解析:选d。根据后文中carrying fake and shoddy(劣质的)goods可知。
  9. a. afraid b. proud
  c. well d. hard
  解析:选b。be proud of以……自豪。他以为自己的小聪明会得逞,正洋洋自得。
  10. a. in b. on
  c. before d. after
  解析:选a。in the presence of glen"当着glen的面"。
  11. a. paid b. spent
  c. took d. cost
  解析:选d。定语从句的引导词which指代the watch,cost的主语为物,spend的主语为人。
  12. a. before b. after
  c. if d. though
  解析:选a。根据glen was amazed可知答案。他还没有明白过来是怎么回事,就被带到了办公室。
  13. a. appreciated b. beaten
  c. spoken d. examined
  14. a. conditions b. experiences
  c. experiments d. chances
  15. a. no matter what b. no matter how
  c. no matter when d. no matter why
  16. a. came out b. found out
  c. sent out d. set out
  解析:选b。这是一个省略的虚拟语气句。if(he was)found out reusing and carrying fake and shoddy(劣质的)goods,he would be charged according to the law!find out"查明(真相)"。
  17. a. landing b. flying
  c. catching d. boarding
  解析:选d。board the plane登机。
  18. a. expression b. idea
  c. thought d. impression
  解析:选d。固定短语make a deep impression on表示"给……留下深刻的印象"。
  19. a. honesty b. lies
  c. goods d. things
  20. a. remember b. learn
  c. revise d. read
  ⅲ. 阅读理解
  "can i see my baby?" asked the happy new mother. the bundle (婴儿包) was placed in her arms and when she moved the fold of cloth to look upon his tiny face,she gasped — the baby had been born without ears. time,however,proved that the baby’s hearing was perfect except his appearance.
  one day when he rushed home from school and threw himself into his mother’s arms,he cried out bitterly,"a boy,a big boy called me — a f­. . . freak. " she sighed,knowing that his life was to be endless of heartbreaks.
  he grew up,handsome for his misfortune. a favorite with his fellow students,he might have been class president,but for that. he developed a gift for literature and music.
  the boy’s father had a talk with the family doctor. could nothing be done? "i believe we could graft(移植) on a pair of outer ears,if they could be donated (捐献)," the doctor decided. so the search began for a person who would make such a sacrifice for a young man. two years went by. "you’re going to the hospital,son. mother and i have someone who will donate the ears you need. but it’s a secret," said the father.
  the operation was a brilliant success. his talents blossomed into genius. school and college became a series of successes. later he married and entered the diplomatic(外交) service. "but i must know !" he urged his father. "who gave so much for me? i could never do enough for him. "
  "i do not believe you could," said the father,"but the agreement was that you are not to know. . . ,not yet. " the years kept the secret,but the day did come. . . one of the darkest days that ever pass through a son. he stood with his father over his mother’s casket(棺材). slowly and tenderly,the father stretched forth a hand and raised the thick,reddish­brown hair to let out the secret.
  【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了一位母亲对儿子无私、感人的爱。
  1. the story is mainly about ________.
  a. how a boy had new ears through an operation
  b. what a devoted parent privately did for the child
  c. how a disabled boy turned into a useful person
  d. why a donator made a sacrifice to a bright boy
  2. from the first paragraph we know that the mother ________.
  a. was determined to donate her ears to perfect her son
  b. kept her husband unknown about the baby’s situation
  c. felt shocked and disappointed to see her new baby
  d. complained of her bad luck to have a disabled child
  3. the underlined word "freak" in paragraph 2 is the closest in meaning to" ________".
  a. slow­acting person
  b. ugly­looking child
  c. badly­behaved student
  d. strangely­shaped creature
  4. what can be inferred from the passage?
  a. the agreement was between the donator and the family.
  b. the boy was so popular that he was made class president.
  c. finally the boy came to know who the donator was.
  d. the mother donated her ears to her son after she died.
  5. what moral lesson can we draw from this reading?
  a. real love lies in what is done unknown rather than what is done known.
  b. it is up to parents to help their children heart and soul.
  c. true beauty lies only in the heart not in appearance.
  d. it is a virtue for young generations to learn to be grateful.
  (XX年广东华南师大附中综合测试)judging from recent surveys, most experts in sleep behaviour agree that there is virtually an epidemic (流行病)of sleepiness in the nation. "i can’t think of a single study that hasn’t found americans getting less sleep than they ought to,"says dr david. even people who think they are sleeping enough would probably be better off with more rest.
  the beginning of our sleep­deficit crisis can be traced back to the invention of the light bulb a century ago. from diary entries and our personal accounts from the 18th and 19th centuries, sleep scientists have reached the conclusion that the average person used to sleep about 9. 5 hours a night. "the best sleep habits once were forced on us,when we had nothing to do in the evening down on the farm, and it was dark. "by the 1950s and 1960s, the sleep schedule had been reduced dramatically, to between 7. 5 and 8 hours, and most people had to wake to an alarm clock. " people cheat in their sleep, and they don’t even realize they’re doing it,"says dr david. "they think they’re okay because they can get by on 6. 5 hours, when they really need 7. 5, 8 or even more to feel ideally energetic. "
  perhaps the most merciless robber of sleep, researches say, is the complexity of the day. whenever pressures from work, family, friends and community increase, many people consider sleep the least expensive item on their programme. "in our society, you’re considered dynamic if you say you need only 5. 5 hours’sleep. if you’ve got to get 8. 5 hours, people think you lack drive and ambition. "
  to determine the consequences of sleep­deficit, researchers have put subjects through a set of psychological and performance tests requiring them, for instance, to add columns of numbers or recall a passage read to them only minutes earlier. "we’ve found that if you’re in sleep­deficit, performance suffers,"says dr david. "short­term memory is weakened, as are abilities to make decisions and to concentrate. "
  【解题导语】 本文围绕睡眠不足的原因及后果展开讨论。
  6. what is the main topic of the passage?
  a. research on the causes and consequences of sleep­deficit.
  b. the epidemic of sleepiness in the modern times.
  c. the history of people’s sleeping patterns.
  d. the minimum of our sleeping hours.
  7. which of the following is dr david’s opinion?
  a. people who think they are sleeping enough are better off than those who don’t.
  b. some people can remain energetic with only 6. 5 hours’ sleep a night.
  c. if they get 8. 5 hours’sleep,people will be full of drive and ambition.
  d. people’s mental power suffers if they are lacking in sleep.
  解析:选d。细节理解题。从最后一段的"‘we’ve found that if you’re in sleep­deficit,performance suffers,’says dr david"我们可知答案应为d。
  8. people in the 18th and 19th centuries slept about 9. 5 hours a night because ________.
  a. they were forced by their parents to do so
  b. they knew what was best for their health
  c. they had no electricity
  d. they were not so dynamic and ambitious as modern people are
  解析:选c。细节理解题。从第二段的"the best sleep habits once were forced on us,when we had nothing to do in the evening down on the farm,and it was dark. "可知答案应为c。
  9. the major cause of sleep­deficit of modern people is ________.
  a. the endless tv programmes in the evenings and the internet
  b. the pressures of the day
  c. the sufficient energy modern people usually have
  d. loud noises in modern cities
  10. what does the word "subjects" in paragraph 4 mean?
  a. persons or things being discussed or described.
  b. branches of knowledge studied in a school.
  c. persons or things being treated in a certain way or being experimented on.
  d. any member of a state apart from the supreme ruler.
  解析:选c。词义猜测题。从最后一段,尤其是其中的"‘we’ve found that if you’re in sleep­deficit,performance suffers,’says dr david"可得出答案应选c。
