

  4. (以造句形式复习特殊疑问词+to do sth.。)
  (1) could you tell me where i should go? could you tell me where to go?
  (2) i don’t know how i learn english well.
  (3) he doesn’t know which one he should buy.
  (4) he is thinking whether he is going abroad or not.
  (5) i don’t know what time they will start.
  step 5 project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)
  1. (学生小组讨论,并向全班汇报。)
  t: discuss in groups of six and fill out the table. then report it to your class. you can ask and answer like this:
  s1: what difficulties do you have in your english study?
  s2: i don’t know how to write compositions well.
  s3: you need to keep a diary often.
  t: you can report it to the class like this:
  li lei’s difficulty is that he doesn’t know how to pronounce well, and wang jun’s suggestion is …
  2. homework:
  t: discuss the following questions with your partner, then write a short passage.
  (1)do you like english?
  (2)have you ever met any difficulties in english study?
  (3)if you meet some difficulties, whom will you ask for help?
  (4)do you think it is important to have a partner in english study?
  (at least 80 words are required.)
  could you give us some advice on how to learn english well?
  section a
  dare not do sth.could you make yourself understood in the u.s.a.?
  at times=sometimesi don’t know what to do.
  keep a diaryi don’t know how to say/spell that in english.
  section b
  the main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。
  ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 教学目标
  1. learn some new words and phrases:
  be weak in, aloud, ability, make mistakes, take a breath, toothpaste
  2. go on learning wh- + to do:
  (1)could you give us some advice on how to learn english well?
  (2)how to improve it was my biggest problem.
  (3)could you please tell me how to increase my reading ability?
  3. go on talking about language learning strategies.
  ⅱ. teaching aids 教具
  ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案
  step 1 review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)
  复习section a的重点短语及句子,导入新课,学习生词和短语。
  (师生问答,复习section a中的重点短语和句子。)
  t: last lesson we learned some useful sentences. let’s review them together. who can try?
  s1:could you make yourself understood in the u.s.a.?
  s2:i dare not speak english in public.
  s3:i don’t know what to do. at times i feel like giving up.
  t:i’m sorry, i can’t hear you clearly.(教师向其他同学问)what should i say when i can’t hear clearly?
  s4:i beg your pardon?
  s5:can you speak more slowly, please?
  s6:sorry, i can’t follow you.
  t:sorry, i can’t follow you./pardon?/…
  s3:i don’t know what to do. at times i feel like giving up.
  t:oh, very good. you are good learners, but some of our students are weak in english. could you give them some advice on how to learn english well?
  be weak in
  s8:take part in the english corner.
  s9:copy new words in a notebook and take it with you.
  s10:keep a diary.
  s12:speak english as much as possible./speak english every day.
  t:good job! but most of them are afraid of making mistakes and reading the words aloud. could you please tell them how to increase their reading ability? well. let’s come to section b to find the answer. before you answer the questions, think about them carefully, take a breath and smile. smiling is always helpful.
  make mistakes, aloud, ability, take a breath
  step 2 presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:12分钟)
  1. (让学生听1a录音,然后回答问题。)
  t:here are some other good ways of learning english. listen to the tape and learn how to study english well.
  2. (让学生再听1a录音,回答问题并核对答案。)
  t: listen to 1a again and answer the following questions. two minutes later, let’s check the
  answers together.
  (1)how does kangkang remember new words?
  (2)how does kangkang improve reading?
  3. (让学生细读1a,并找出生词、重点短语和句子。鼓励学生在语境中理解词义,然后教师讲解疑难点。)
  t: read 1a carefully. try your best to find and understand the new words and other language
  step 3 consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:7分钟)
  让学生阅读1a,完成1b,呈现本话题重点语法"wh-+to do"结构。
  1. (学生再读1a,完成1b。然后讨论如何解决学英语时所遇到的困难,并给出建议,完成下列表格。)
  t: boys and girls, read the dialog again, and finish 1b. then discuss how to solve the difficulties which we meet during the english study. then fill out the following table.
  new words
  2. (再读课文找出wh-+to do句子。板书并讲解wh-+to do结构。)
  could you give us some advice on how to learn english well?
  how to improve it was my biggest problem.
  wh-+to do
  step 4 practice 第四步 练习(时间:8分钟)
  让学生进一步掌握正确的英语学习策略以及"wh-+to do"句型, 完成2和3。
  1. (让学生默读2中列出的学习英语的困难,考虑解决问题的办法。)
  t:please read "difficulties" in 2 silently, then think about how to solve the problems.
  2. (让学生朗读2中的建议,从中找出与所列出的困难相匹配的解决办法,并与自己的学习策略相比较,然后核对答案,完成2。)
  t:next, please read "suggestions" in 2. find out the learning strategies to the difficulties and compare them with your own learning strategies. check the answers together.
  3. (让学生阅读3中的句子,按照所给例句,核对答案并完成3。)
  t:please read 3 carefully, then finish the task according to the example. then check the answers together.
  4. (做游戏:看谁做得快,训练"wh- + to do"结构。)
  t: now, boys and girls, let’s play a game"who does quickly"using"wh- + to do".
  s1: i’m wondering whether to go out or not at night.
  s2: i don’t know how to drive a car.
  s3: i can’t decide when to see my uncle.
  s4: could you tell me how to get to the post office?
  step 5 project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)
  1. (将全班学生分为两组,一组提问题,一组给建议,然后转换角色。每提一条好的建议得1分,评出优胜组。)
  t:make a survey to find what difficulties we have in english study. give some advice on how to solve these problems.
  wang liang
  zhang xiaohai
  tian yujia
  2. homework:
  make ten sentences with"wh- + to do".
  could you give us some advice on how to learn english well?
  section b
  be weak incould you give us some advice on how to learn english well?
  make mistakeshow to improve it was my biggest problem.
  take a breathwh- + to do
  section c
  the main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3.
  ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 教学目标
  1. learn some new words and phrases:
  discussion, review, retell, method, as long as, stick to (doing) sth., chant, whom, wise
  2. learn a useful sentence:
  i’m sure that you will make great progress as long as you stick to them.
  3. talk about language learning strategies.
  ⅱ. teaching aids 教具
  ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案
  step 1 review 第一步 复习(时间:12分钟)
  复习wh-+to do结构,然后师生讨论学习英语的方法,呈现部分生词。
  1. (复习wh-+to do结构,教师用小黑板出示例句,要求学生改成wh-+to do结构的句子。)
  t: let’s review the grammar"wh-+to do". please change these sentences to the structure of "wh-+to do".
  (1) could you tell me how i can get into the station?
  (2) i don’t know what i should do next.
  (3) i wonder whether i should join an english club.
  (4) i don’t know how i can answer this question.
  (5) he is thinking about where he will travel.
  (6) wang junfeng doesn’t know how he can learn english well.
  2. (师生讨论学习英语的方法,呈现部分生词。)
  t:we have known some methods of learning english, and we made a survey last lesson. now, let’s discuss it. i mean let’s make a discussion. boys and girls, could you tell me some advice on how to learn english well?
  method, discussion
  s1:speak english as much as possible.
  s2:keep a diary in english.
  t:yes, we can also preview the day’s lesson before class.
  t:s3, what is your opinion? that’s to say, what’s your learning method? do you think review is a good method of learning english?
  opinion, review
  s3:i think so.
  t:do you want to know kangkang’s and his classmates’ methods? ok, let’s listen to the tape.
  step 2 presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:12分钟)
  1. (让学生听1a录音,判断小黑板上句子的正误。)
  t: miss wang is holding a class meeting on how to study english. two students are reporting the results of their discussion. let’s listen to the tape together, then check the following sentences true or false.
  ( )(1) kangkang previewed the day’s lesson before class.
  ( )(2) li ping thinks studying grammar is important when learning english.
  ( )(3) shu yan advices us that we should speak english with our teachers, classmates and even with foreigners.
  2. (让学生快速阅读1a,回答问题然后核对答案。)
  t: read 1a, then answer the following questions:
  (1)what are kangkang’s methods of learning english?
  (2)what are shu yan’s methods of learning english?
  (3)what useful suggestions did miss wang give?
  3. (让学生快速阅读1a,并在生词和新短语下面画线,引导学生通过上下文理解词义,教师板书并适当讲解。要求学生掌握retell, chant, as long as, stick to (doing) sth.。)
  retell, chant
  as long as
  stick to (doing) sth.
  i’m sure that you will make great progress as long as you stick to them.
  4. (让学生根据1a,完成下面的空格,把事先准备好的小黑板展示给学生。)
  t: read 1a quickly and then fill in the blanks on the blackboard according to 1a.
  kangkang the day’s lesson before class, in class and reviewed them after class. lin pin told us to read a passage. then try to . yu zhen thought was important when learning english. xu duoduo said that was the best way to improve her english. cheng le advised us to , but she said, "we shouldn’t translate every word when we are reading." shu yan told us we should with our teachers, classmates and even with foreigners .
  step 3 consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)
  1. (师生探讨学习英语的方法,巩固1a。)
  t:ok, class, we have learned many methods of learning english. could you tell us some  methods?
  s1: yes. preview the day’s lesson before class and try to understand the main idea.
  s2: try to retell the passage.
  s3: studying grammar is important.
  s4: join the english club.
  s5: read a good english newspaper.
  s6: speak english with teachers and classmates.
  2. (让学生再读1a,进一步熟悉课文内容。几分钟后,以教师采访,学生回答的方式让学生分角色扮演短文中的人物。)
  t:are you ready, boys and girls?
  t:let’s begin. i’ll give you an interview. who would like to come here? don’t be shy. try your best!
  t:hello, kangkang! may i ask you a question?
  s7:yes, please.
  t:would you like to share your good ideas in english study with us?
  s7:i’d love to. i think previewing the day’s lesson and mastering the main idea of the lesson are very important.
  t:good method. thank you. what about you, lin ping?
  s8:i think it is very important to retell the passage.
  t:good answer. would you like to tell me your ideas, yu zhen?
  s9:i think studying grammar is very important for learning english well.
  t:i agree with you. thank you. what’s your idea, xu duoduo?
  s10: i think joining the english club is the best way to improve our english.
  t:good idea! what’s your opinion, cheng le?
  s11: i think we should read a good english newspaper like times english post.
  t:good idea. what about yours, shu yan?
  s12:i think we should speak english with our teachers and classmates, even with foreigners.
  t:you are all very great, and the methods are all good.
  3. (教师总结)
  t:you’re very clever. they are all good methods, and we can use one or more of them. but remember to choose those that suit you most. i’m sure you will make great progress as long as you stick to them.
  step 4 practice 第四步 练习(时间:8分钟)
  1. (两人一组完成1b。学习生词whom。)
  t:work in pairs, finish 1b and learn a new word.
  who (主格)
  2. (播放录音,让学生独自完成2。然后核对答案。)
  t: listen to the tape and check the phrases you hear in 2a.
  t: listen again, please. match the following information.
  3. (小组讨论3中谚语的汉语意思, 领会并理解, 探讨英语谚语的特点及汉语翻译, 然后教师可以再补充几条谚语让学生比较学习。学习生词wise, learned, tide。)
  wise, learned, tide
  (1) failure is the mother of success. (失败是成功之母。)
  (2) every minute counts. (分秒必争。)
  (3) a friend in need is a friend indeed. (患难朋友才是真朋友。)
  (4) a good book is a good friend. (好书如挚友。)
  (5) a man becomes learned by asking questions. (不耻下问才能有学问。)
  (6) all work and no play make jake a dull boy. (只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也要傻。)
  4. (背3中的谚语,看谁背得准又快。)
  step 5 project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)
  1. (做一个调查表,调查班内英语学得比较优秀的学生的学习方法并交流。)
  t: make a survey and fill in the blanks.
  namemethod in english study
  xiao bei
  liu yan
  wang jie
  lei gang
  lan lang
  2. homework:
  (1)do you have any new ideas after reading this passage? write your thoughts in your diary. (at least 70 words)
  (2)collect at least ten english proverbs after class, then share them with your partners in your group.
  could you give us some advice on how to learn english well?
  section c
  as long asi’m sure that you will make great progress as long as you stick to them.
  stick to (doing) sth.
  section d
  the main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。
  ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 教学目标
  1. learn some new words and phrases:
  complete, last but not least, keep on, text
  2. review the usage of wh- + to do.
  3. talk about language learning strategies.
  ⅱ. teaching aids 教具
  ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案
  step 1 review 第一步 复习(时间:8分钟)
  t:good morning, class!
  ss:good morning, teacher!
  t:last lesson we learned many methods of learning english. who can tell us some of them?
  s1:preview the day’s lesson before class and try to understand the main ideas.
  s2:try to retell the passage yourself.
  s3:join the english club.
  s4:read a good english newspaper.
  t:i think the best way of learning english is to read a complete passage and then try to retell it yourself. keep on trying every day and never give up. i believe you will make great progress.
  keep on+v.ing
  t:ok. let’s read the text, then find out how many methods the writer mentioned. turn to page 75, 1a.
  step 2 presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:14分钟)
  1. (让学生阅读1a,找出文中的学习方法,教师用多媒体或小黑板展示。)
  s1:do lots of listening practice.
  s2:watch english programs on tv.
  s3:listen to english songs.
  do lots of listening practice
  watch english programs on tv
  listen to english songs
  join the english club
  read english magazines
  take lots of grammar notes in class
  keep a diary
  keep on trying and never give up
  t:boys and girls, we have so many methods to learn english well. you can use some of them to help you. last but not least, remember to choose the ones that suit you best.
  (板书短语last but not least,要求掌握。)
  last but not least
  2. (阅读1a, 回答教师的问题, 以此来巩固1a。)
  t:read the text again, then answer my questions, ok?
  t:how to become a good language learner?
  s4:to do lots of listening practice.
  t:how to improve my oral english?
  s5:you should join the english club and speak english as much as you can.
  t: i dare not speak english in public.
  s6:you shouldn’t be shy and you should listen to english songs and read more english magazines.
  t: thank you, and …
  3. (让学生再次阅读1a,完成1b。)
  t: finish 1b according to 1a, and write down the learning methods the writer mentioned in the passage.
  4. (全面调动学生探索适合自己的英语学习方法,让同学们分享彼此的学习策略。)
  t: what kind of methods have you used? are they useful or not? complete the form with your opinions.
  (同桌互相讨论,你用过哪些学习方法,哪些是成功的,哪些不成功,完成下列表格。有用打" ",无用打" "。)
  itemmethoduseful( )useless( )
  step 3 consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)
  1. (师生互动,谈论英语学习的方法。让学生对好的英语学习方法有新的认识。)
  t:when learning english, we may meet many problems. meanwhile, there are also many good methods to help us. but we must choose the ones that suit us best. now let’s discuss them and judge which are good methods and then write down the results. are you ready?
  ss: yes.
  t:well, who will say first?
  s1: i think we should check our spelling with a dictionary.
  s2: we should listen to english songs after class.
  s3: we should join an english club.
  s4: we should keep a diary.
  s5: we should read english books, newspapers and magazines.
  t:they’re quite right. you are very clever. now, who can tell us what kind of methods are bad?
  s6: speak chinese in english class.
  s7: write chinese pinyin beside the english words.
  s8: be afraid of speaking english aloud in public.
  s9: only study grammar.
  s10: …
  t:that’s ok. you did well. we know a lot on how to learn english well. we have our own opinions.
  2. (通过操练句型让学生进一步区分学习英语的好方法与坏方法。)
  t:let’s discuss the following ways of learning english and put g(good) or b(bad) in front of each sentence.
  b(1) write chinese pinyin beside the english words.
  step 4 practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)
  1. (听2a录音并跟读,然后两人一组操练对话,复习2a中的wh- + to do用法。)
  t:pair work. let’s go over the usage of"wh- + to do".
  a: could you give us some advice on how to learn english well?
  b: yes. do lots of listening practice …
  (板书本话题的重点wh-+to do结构的句子。)
  wh-+to do
  2. (让学生归纳本话题所学的重点短语及句型,对照2b。听2b录音并跟读。)
  (1)could you make yourself understood in the u.s.a.?
  (2)i dare not speak english in public.
  (3)i beg your pardon?
  3. (做一份调查,完成3中关于学习英语的自我评价。)
  t:what do you think of your english now? please make your own self-assessment according to page 76, 3.
  4. (几分钟后,同桌之间相互讨论学习英语的好方法。做一个简短的小报告,分享彼此的学习策略。)
  t:work in pairs. and then according to your assessment and the english learning methods you have learned, make a plan on how to learn english better.
  step 5 project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)
  1. (让学生根据step3采访同班同学学习英语的好方法,谈谈所受的启发并向全班同学作报告。)
  li ming thinks oral english is very important. i agree with him. jim thinks studying grammar is important for learning english well. he also thinks it’s good to listen to the tape for five minutes every day.
  2. homework:
  what good methods of learning english can you learn from this section? and how do you plan to learn english better? write a short passage about it.
  could you give us some advice on how to learn english well?
  section d
  last but not leasti dare not speak english in public.
  keep on doingi beg your pardon/pardon?
  i don’t know what to do.i don’t know how to say/spell that in english?
  how to improve it was my biggest problem.i’m sure that you will make great progress as long as you stick to them.
  unit 4 amazing science
  topic 1 spaceships are mainly controlled by computers.
  section a
  the main activities are 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。
  ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 教学目标
  1. learn some new words and a phrase:
  hero, prove, achieve, send up
  2. learn some useful sentences:
  (1) it shows we have dreamed of exploring space for thousands of years.
  (2) all of you must be proud.
  3. learn something about popular science.
  (1)china is the third nation to send a person into space.
  (2) it’s china’s first lunar probe.
  4. develop the students’ patriotic spirit.
  ⅱ. teaching aids 教具
  ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案
  step 1 review 第一步 复习(时间:3分钟)
  通过师生对话,巩固unit 3,导入本单元话题。
  t:last week, we learned how to learn english well, who can tell us some methods?
  s1:listen to english songs.
  s2:speak english aloud in public.
  s3:join english club.
  t:well done. in this unit, we’ll learn something about the popular science. let’s come to the new lesson.
  unit 4 amazing science
  topic 1 spaceships are mainly controlled by computers.
  step 2 presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:12分钟)
  1. (师生互动,承接复习中的话题,以对话方式引出新的词汇。)
  t:in ancient society, a beautiful goddess flew to the moon. do you know who she was?
  t:yes, it was a famous ancient legend.
  t:who is the first chinese to travel into space in XX?
  ss:yang liwei.
  t:yes, he is the first astronaut to travel into space in china. he is our national hero. in XX, he traveled around the earth in shenzhou ⅴ for 21 hours. shenzhou ⅴ is the first manned spaceship in china. (出示神舟五号的图片,帮助学生理解。)
  hero heroes (pl.)
  t:china is the third nation to send a person into space. are you proud?
  ss:yes. all of us are proud.
  t:what’s more, two years later, we sent up another spaceship.
  send up
  t: do you know its name?
  ss: shenzhou ⅵ.
  t: we have launched a lunar probe into space. what’s its name?
  ss: chang’e i.
  (板书,要求学生了解launch; 理解lunar probe。)
  launch, lunar probe
  t:yes, they proved that china had achieved its dream in its space industry.
  t:do you want to know more about spaceship? ok. let’s listen to the tape.
  2. (播放1a录音,让学生听后回答问题,对1a有个整体的感知。)
  t:boys and girls, now let’s listen to 1a and try to answer the question: how many manned
  spaceships has china sent up into space?
  3. (让学生跟读1a录音,并画出文中的重点语言项目。)
  t: good. listen to the tape again and underline the important language points.
  dream of doing sth.
  it shows we have dreamed of exploring space for thousands of years.
  all of you must be proud.
  make great progress in sth.
  step 3 consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)
  1. (让学生再次阅读1a后,以相互问答的方式完成1b。)
  t:read the dialog carefully, ask and answer the questions in 1b in pairs.
  s1:who is yang liwei?
  s2:he is the first person to travel into space in china.
  s3:how long did shenzhou ⅴ travel around the earth?
  2. (三人一组分角色读对话。)
  t: now, let’s read the dialog in roles with three students in a group. are you ready?
  s5 (旁白):
  s6 (michael):
  s7 (kangkang):
  3. (请两名学生用自己的语言复述课文,加深对课文的理解。)
  t: i’ll ask two students to retell the dialog. you should use your own words.
  step 4 practice 第四步 练习(时间:13分钟)
  1. (1) (展示一幅加加林的照片,进行师生互动问答。)
  t:who was the man in the picture?
  ss: he was yuri gagarin. (教师帮助学生回答。)
  t:do you know where he was from?
  t:yes, and he was the first man to travel into space in the world.
  (2) (让学生听2a录音填空,完成2a,核对答案。)
  t: listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.
  2. (根据2a, 完成2b。)
  t:now let’s finish 2b according to 2a.
  3. (针对2b中的第4小题,要求学生分小组讨论,并进行口头表述。)
  s1: yang liwei is the first chinese to travel into space. that proves that china has made great progress in its space industry.
  s2: gagarin made the first manned flight into space. his flight proved that human beings can
  fly into space and explore other planets.
  4. (学生独立完成3。)
  t: we have known more about yuri gagarin and yang liwei. next let’s learn about american astronauts neil alden armstrong and his partner buzz aldrin. they took the first step into space for mankind. now, read 3 and finish it.
  step 5 project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)
  1. (创设情景,两人编对话,谈论神五着陆时的心情感受。)
  t:please make dialogs with your partner. talk about what you were doing when shenzhou ⅴ landed successfully. what was your feeling then? what do you think about it?
  s1: what were you doing when shenzhou ⅴ landed successfully?
  s2: i was watching it on tv.
  s1: what was your feeling then?
  s2: i was very happy and proud.
  2. homework:
  write an article about yang liwei—our national hero according to the slide.
  1. 飞行员pilot
  2. 授予 award
  spaceships are mainly controlled by computers.
  section a
  hero—heroes (pl. )that proves that china has made great
  send upprogress in its space industry.
  it shows we have dreamed of exploringi think you can achieve your dream in the
  space for thousands of years.future.
  all of you must be proud.
  section b
  the main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。
  ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 教学目标
  1. learn some new words:
  master, introduction, expect, dry
  2. learn the use of object complement:
  (1) so i advise you to study hard to make computers serve us better.
  (2) astronauts add water to dried food to make it wet so that no pieces of food will fly around and influence the spaceship’s controls.
  3. learn more about the astronauts’ life.
  4. develop the students’ patriotic spirit.
  ⅱ. teaching aids 教具
  ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案
  step 1 review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟)
  以太空飞行为主题,通过学生互问互答的形式,复习section a。
  1. (复习上节课内容,教师把全班分成两组进行互问互答比赛,每组可以选派同学向对方提出有关航天知识的问题,看哪个组获胜。)
  t:i’ll pide the whole class into two groups, each group choose one student to ask questions about space science. the group that can answer these questions most and right is the winner. are you ready?
  t:now let’s begin.
  g1: who is the first space traveler in china?
  g2: yang liwei. then which spaceship did he take?
  g3: shenzhouⅴ. when did he go into space?
  2. (教师出示神七图片,要求学生回答问题。)
  t:do you know its name?
  ss:shenzhou ⅶ.
  t:when was it sent up?
  ss:in XX.
  t:what was your feeling when it landed successfully?
  s4:i was proud of it.
  s5:i think china has made great progress in space industry.
  step 2 presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)
  t:now we have known something about the space flight. do you want to know how the astronauts control the spaceships?
  t:ok. let me tell you something about it! i mean i’ll make an introduction to you.
  t:spaceships are magical and they are mainly controlled by computers during their flights.
  ss: is it true? so exciting!
  t:right. it’s amazing, isn’t it? so we must master computer technology.
  ss:we think so. but we know only a little about it.
  t:don’t worry! study hard, and you’ll master it very well. i expect some of you to go into space some day.
  expect sb. to do sth.
  step 3 consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:15分钟)
  1. (让学生听1a录音,回答问题。)
  t: listen to the tape, and answer the question: what do astronauts use computers to do during
  the flight?
  2. (分角色朗读对话,找出1a中出现的疑难点并解决。)
  t: read the dialog in roles and find out important language points.
  (1) spaceships are mainly controlled by computers.
  (2) astronauts use computers to control the speed and direction of spaceships,
  even the temperature.
  (3) it’s important to master computer technology.
  (4) so i advise you to study hard to make computers serve us better.
  3. (学生再读1a, 独立完成1b, 然后核对答案。)
  t: read 1a again, and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words given. finish 1b.
  4. (1) (让学生再读1b,注意带有宾语补足语的句子。板书并简单介绍复合宾语结构。)
  v.+object+complement(to do/doing/adj./n. …)
  t: now, please read 1b again and pay attention to the sentences with object complement.
  (两分钟后。) ok, let’s stop here, who can find out the sentences? please put up your hands. s1, please.
  s1: …
  ask sb. (not) to do sth.
  advise sb. (not) to do sth.
  make sb. do sth.
  t:ok. who can make some sentences according to the structures on the blackboard? s2.
  s2:the teacher asked us not to be late for school.
  s3:yesterday i made him cry.
  s4: …
  t:now please make more sentences using the object complement in groups. then read them to the class, and let other students tell "right" or "wrong".
  s5: i find him an honest boy.
  ss: he / she is right.
  s6: we should make the food cool.
  ss: he/she is right.
  s7:he made a model plane.
  ss:he/she is wrong.
  5. (要求学生复述1a。)
  t:boys and girls, four minutes later i’ll ask some of you to retell 1a.
  step 4 practice 第四步 练习(时间:8分钟)
  1. (让学生分小组阅读2,讨论不懂的问题,认真理解课文中出现的太空术语。)
  t:boys and girls, do you want to know more about spaceships and how to train the astronauts?
  t:ok. read the passages in groups and try to understand them, then match the pictures with the following information.
  2. (用小黑板呈现下列问题,先让学生自学画线生词,然后引导学生再读2,回答问题。)
  t:read the passage again, underline the new words, then answer the questions on the small blackboard.
  (1) why does the spacesuit become the astronaut’s own mini-world?
  (2) what are the foods like in the spaceship?
  (3) why do astronauts add water to dried food before eating it?
  (4) what’s the use of the craft?
  (5) can telescopes give us a clearer view of the planets in space?
  (板书,要求学生掌握dry;了解craft, mini-world和telescope。)
  mini-world, dry, craft, telescope
  step 5 project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)
  1. (收集查找更多关于宇航员航空飞行方面的信息,列出关键词并进行表述。)
  2. homework:
  collect some information about computers after class, make preparation for the next class.
  spaceships are mainly controlled by computers.
  section b
  v.+object+complement (to do/doing/adj./n. …)
  expect sb. to do sth.i advise you to study hard to make computers serve us better.
  advise sb. to do sth.astronauts add water to dried food to make it wet so that no pieces of food will fly around and influence the spaceship’s controls.
  section c
  the main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。
  ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 教学目标
  1. learn some new words and phrases:
  doubt, no doubt, tiny, cancel, connect, for instance
  2. learn a useful sentence:
  there is no doubt that computers are very useful in technology and business.
  3. go on learning the object complement:
  (1) tiny computers inside patients’ bodies can keep their hearts beating normally.
  (2) at the same time, they are making the workplace safer and better.
  (3) the internet is making the world smaller, like a village.
  (4) mr. lee told us not to spend too much time playing games.
  4. improve the students’ reading skills.
  5. discuss the use of the computers.
  ⅱ. teaching aids 教具
  ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案
  step 1 review 第一步 复习(时间:5分钟)
  利用不同的飞船图片,让学生对其进行描述,以巩固section a与section b的知识点。
  t:we have learned something about spaceships. please describe them using your own words according to the pictures.
  s1:this is shenzhou ⅴ. in XX our national hero yang liwei traveled around the earth in it for 21 hours. all of us are very proud, and hope we will send more spaceships to space in the future.
  t:good job! we know space science is very amazing, and spaceships play an important role in exploring space, but do you know what controls the spaceships?
  t: yes. in this lesson, let’s talk about the uses of computers.
  step 2 presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:12分钟)
  1. (展开师生对话,教学生词,呈现1a,完成1b。)
  t:there is no doubt that computers are useful during the space trip.
  no doubt
  t:as we know, computers can control the speed and the direction during a spaceship’s flight. they can also fix tiny mistakes and cancel wrong orders.
  t:we also know the whole world is connected by computers. we can exchange information, news, ideas…with other people on line.
  2. (教师呈现以下问题,先让学生根据自己的了解进行回答。)
  (1) do the computers play an important role during the space flight?
  (2) what can computers and the internet do in our daily life?
  (3) can we work on computers too long? why?
  t:please read the passage and try to find out the answers to the questions.
  there is no doubt that...
  …keep their hearts beating…
  for instance = for example
  3. (让学生齐读1a,注意一些短语和句式,完成1a课后阅读的问题和1b。)
  t: read 1a together and pay attention to the expressions. finish post-reading task and 1b.
  step 3 consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)
  1. (要求学生根据1a内容完成小黑板上的表格。)
  t:finish the table according to 1a, then i’ll ask some students to fill it out.
  placethe use of computer
  in space
  in hospital
  in business
  in factory
  at home
  2. (师生互动,练习1a,巩固目标语言。)
  t: boys and girls, we know that computers are playing an important role in our daily life. we know that they can also bring lots of problems. look at the pictures and tell me what the problems are. (用投影仪出示几组图片。)
  (1) (2) (3)
  s1:playing on the computer too long isn’t a good habit.
  s2:playing on the net too long is bad for your eyes.
  s3:going to bed too late is bad for health.
  3. (学生分组讨论电脑的优、缺点,可以根据1a添加自己的观点,完成1c。)
  t:ok. we know computers help people a lot almost in every field, but it is not good for us to work on the computer too long. please discuss in groups, and list the advantages and disadvantages of computers. you can add your own opinions. and then finish 1c.
  step 4 practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)
  1. (要求学生再次阅读1a, 找出含有宾语补足语的句子,并把它画出来,教师板书并适当讲解。)
  t:read 1a again, and underline the sentences with object complement.
  (1) tiny computers inside patients’ bodies can keep their hearts beating normally.
  (2) they are making the workplace safer and better.
  (3) the internet is making the world smaller, like a village.
  2. (教师进一步帮助学生归纳宾语补足语,举例说明可作宾补的词或短语。)
  t: boys and girls, look at the blackboard to see what kinds of words or phrases can be object complement.
  (1) we made her monitor. (名词)
  (2) he doesn’t believe the story true. (形容词)
  (3) the doctor advised her to stay in bed. (不定式)
  (4) they saw her walking into the bookstore. (分词短语)
  (5) you should put your books in order. (介词短语)
  3. (让学生独立完成2。)
  t: boys and girls, we have learned something about object complement. do you all understand?
  ss: yes.
  t: ok, finish 2 by yourselves.
  step 5 project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)
  1. (分组讨论如何给网吧写一个上网注意事项,提醒常去网吧的人注意上网卫生,养成健康的上网习惯。)
  welcome to … net bar.
  (1)have a rest every two hours when you are on the net.
  t: boys and girls, work in groups and try to write some tips for people who like to spend time in the net bar.
  2. homework:
  write a passage about the advantages and disadvantages of the computer according to 1c.
  spaceships are mainly controlled by computers.
  section c
  no doubtthere is no doubt that computers are very useful in
  for instance technology and business.
  tiny computers inside patients’ bodies can keep their hearts
  beating normally.
  at the same time, they are making the workplace safer and
  the internet is making the world smaller, like a village.
  mr. lee told us not to spend too much time playing games.
  section d
  the main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。
  ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 教学目标
  1. learn new words and phrases:
  turn on, connect to, screen, click on, reply, search
  2. summarize the grammar: verb+object+complement
  3. review the uses of computers.
  4. learn how to send and receive an e-mail.
  ⅱ. teaching aids 教具
  ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案
  step 1 review 第一步 复习(时间:5分钟)
  引导学生用自己的话表述电脑的用途,复习section c。
  t:boys and girls, we have learned something about computers last period. please say something about the computers’ uses.
  s1: computers have become very important in many areas of work and leisure.
  s2: computers are widely used by people in business and technology.
  s3: computers control the speed and direction of a spaceship’s flight.
  t:very good. any more?
  s4: with the help of computers, doctors can find diseases easily and solve other problems.
  s5: …
  t:nice work. in this lesson, let’s go on talking about computers.
  step 2 presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:15分钟)
  1. (师生互动,激发学生兴趣,导入新课。)
  t: boys and girls, we have talked something about computers just now. do you like playing computers in your spare time?
  ss: of course.
  t:what do you usually do on line? can you tell me?
  s1: play computer games.
  s2: search for some information or read news.
  s3: make friends.
  t: good. computers are playing an important role in our daily life. we all know that computers help people do a lot of things in many areas. for example, you can communicate with your friends by sending e-mails. do you know how to send and receive e-mails by computer?
  ss: yes./no.
  t:ok, let’s learn how to send and receive e-mails.
  2. (出示打印的电子邮件页面图片,有网络的学校可以用联机的电脑直接演示。)
  t: boys and girls, look at this picture/ computer. i’ll show you how to send an e-mail.
  t: of course, we should turn on our computers and connect to the internet. then open the e-mail program. you can see a picture of an envelope. click on that, and a box will appear on your screen. ok, let’s know the buttons. first, this button写信 means writing a letter. click here, another box will appear and then click on 收件人 . it means the receiver’s e-mail address. the third step is to click on 主题, which means subject. type the title of your e-mail. the fourth step is to write your e-mail in this big and empty box on your screen. the last step is to click on 发送 , which means sending. now, do you understand? can anybody send an e-mail now? once again …s4, please! think it over and try it, please.
  s4: ok, let me have a try.
  (让学生演示一遍,确保学生掌握发邮件的具体步骤。教师板书生词并要求学生理解envelope,掌握turn on, connect to, click on, screen。)
  turn on
  connect to
  click on
  3. (熟悉中英文按钮。)
  t:boys and girls, let’s play a game. when i touch the button in chinese, you must say it in english. if i touch the button in english, you should read it out quickly. ok?
  ss: ok.
  4. (听1a录音并复述发送电子邮件的过程。)
  t: listen to the tape carefully and try to retell how to send an e-mail.
  5. (小组讨论如何收e-mail。)
  t: we have known how to send an e-mail. let me show you how to receive an e-mail. it’s very easy. if you have a new e-mail message, click on "inbox" and click on the one you want to read. after you finish reading it, you can check on "reply" to answer the message.
  inbox, reply
  step 3 consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)
  1. (双人活动,自读1a,并尝试用英文叙述收发电子邮件的步骤。)
  t: boys and girls, can you send and receive an e-mail? and can you tell others how to do it in english? show every step to your partner in english. tell him / her how to send or receive an e-mail.
  2. (让学生读1b,按正确的顺序排列已被打乱的发送电子邮件的步骤,让学生熟练掌握其程序。完成1b。)
  step 4 practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)
  1. (通过做"贴尾巴"的游戏,来复习本话题语法内容,强调2a中的重点句型。)
  t: boys and girls, let’s play a game "stick the tails". please stick the object complements we call tails to the proper sentences to review the use of object complement.
  (1)i advise you to study hard
  (2)tiny computers inside patients’
  bodies can keep their hearts
  (3)the internet is making the world
  (4)mr. lee told usto make computer serve us better.
  smaller, like a village.
  not to spend too much time playing games.
  beating normally.
  2. (组织学生进行"速读"比赛,复习巩固本话题中的功能句。完成2b。)
  t:just now, we played a game. was it interesting?
  t:ok. we will play another game. do you like it?
  t:as we know, popular science is wonderful. we have learned a lot in this topic. and some expressions are useful. now i will write them down on the small blackboard. each of you must practice reading them as clearly and quickly as possible. and then i will find out who is "king/queen of reading", who reads them most clearly and quickly. are you clear?
  all of you must be proud.
  it shows we have dreamed of exploring space for thousands of years.
  there is no doubt that computers are very useful in technology and business.
  t: here are three sentences. i give you three minutes to practice. ready? go!
  (学生练习速读。最后选出读完三个句子所用时间最短而且读音清楚的学生为king/queen of reading。)
  step 5 project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)
  1. design a wall newspaper about the use of computers in daily life and technology. you can collect information by reading texts, newspapers, magazines or search on the internet. finish 3.
  2. homework:
  write an e-mail on the use of computers in daily life and technology to one of your friends. pay attention to its form and steps.
  spaceships are mainly controlled by computers.
  section d
  turn onturn on your computer and connect to the internet.
  connect toclick on that, and a box will appear on your screen.
  click on
  topic 2 when was it invented?
  张秋红 中学英语一级
  section a
  the main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。
  ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 教学目标
  1. learn some new words:
  metal, toothbrush, ink, recorder
  2. learn some useful sentences:
  —what’s it made of/from?
  —it’s made of/from…
  3. learn the simple past passive voice:
  (1)—when was it developed?
  —around 1998.
  (2)—where was it developed?
  —it was developed in korea.
  4. learn how to express hopes and wishes:
  (1) i wish i could go into space some day.
  (2) i hope your dream will come true.
  5. talk about new technology and inventions.
  ⅱ. teaching aids 教具
  ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案
  step 1 review 第一步 复习(时间:6分钟)
  t:boys and girls, we’ve learned about the importance of computers. can you tell me something about them?
  s1:computers are used by doctors to find diseases easily.
  s2:robots are controlled by computers to do dangerous work.
  s3:in business, computers are used to place and cancel orders.
  s4:spaceships are mainly controlled by computers.
  t:well done! but do you know how the spaceships are sent up from the ground into the space?
  s4:they are sent up by rockets. (帮助学生回答。)
  t:look! this is a model rocket. what’s it made of? what’s it used for? let’s come to 1a and talk about it.
  step 2 presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:13分钟)
  1. (师生对话,用实物引出生词,学习新句型。)
  t:(让学生摸一摸火箭模型) what’s it made of?
  s1:it’s made of "金属".
  t:yes, it’s made of metal.
  what’s it made of?
  it’s made of metal.
  t:do you know what a rocket is used for?
  ss:it’s used for sending spaceships into space.
  t:yes, it’s used for sending spaceships or satellites into space.
  what a rocket is used for?
  it’s used for sending satellites/spaceships into space.
  t: how do you say this in english, s2?
  s2:sorry, i don’t know.
  t:ok, it is a toothbrush.
  t:(作刷牙的动作。) it’s used for brushing teeth. what’s it made of, s2?
  s2:it’s made of plastic.
  t:very good! you’re right.
  (摸出墨水。) what’s this in english, s3?
  s3:sorry, i don’t know.
  t:it’s a bottle of ink.
  t:do you know what it is used for?
  s3:it’s used for writing.
  t:how do you say this in english, s4?
  s4:it’s a piece of paper.
  t:can you tell me its material? (让其摸一摸,看一看。)
  s4:sorry, i can’t.
  t:let me tell you. it is made from wood. (说的时候语速要慢,重音放在from。)
  (引导学生总结be made of与be made from的区别。板书并解释。)
  be made of + 材料:表示原材料容易被看出。
  be made from + 材料:表示原材料经过化学变化,不易被看出。
  2. (让学生不要打开课本,听1a,回答下列问题,听后核对答案。)
  t:don’t open your books. listen to the tape carefully and try to find out the answers to the questions.
  (1)why is jane unhappy?
  (2)who made the model rocket?
  (3)what a rocket is used for?
  3. (让学生打开课本,找出疑难句。教师出示小黑板。)
  i’m not allowed to play computer games.
  it’s made of metal.
  it’s used for sending…into…
  i wish i could go into space some day.
  i hope your dream will come true.
  step 3 consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)
  巩固1a及be made of/from, be used for的用法。完成1b。
  1. (让学生打开课本,再听1a录音,学生跟读,感受纯正的语音语调。)
  t: open the books, listen to the tape and read after it. pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
  2. (让学生找出对话中的关键词,教师板书。然后让学生根据关键词两人对话复述1a。)
  t: boys and girls, let’s find out the key words together, ok?
  jane unhappy / not allowed / be bad for
  kangkang a model rocket / be made of metal
  be used for / satellites or spaceships / learn… from…/ wish/ hope/ come true
  3. (让学生认真阅读1b中的例子,然后让他们仿照例子用实物编对话,完成1b。)
  t:in 1b, we can see two dialogs. read them carefully and pay attention to the sentence patterns, "be made of", "be made from" and "be used for". make similar conversations in pairs.
  step 4 practice 第四步 练习(时间:13分钟)
  1. (继续操练be made of/from及be used for的用法。)
  t:(老师手指录音机问。) boys and girls, what’s this in english?
  ss:we don’t know.
  t:it’s a recorder.
  t:what’s it used for?
  ss:it’s used for helping us to improve our english. (引导学生回答。)
  t:yes, what is this? (从魔盒里拿出mp3。)
  ss:it’s an mp3 player.
  t:yes, it was developed in korea. it’s more useful than a recorder.
  it was developed in korea.
  the bridge was built in 1990.
  the cup was used in old days.
  t:(手举mp3。) when was it developed? and what’s it used for? let’s listen to 2a.
  2. (放录音,听后核对答案。)
  t:s1, answer the questions, please!
  s1:the mp3 player was developed around 1998. it’s used for helping us to improve our english. it’s more useful than a recorder.
  3. (让学生阅读2a对话,找出关键词,为下一步活动做准备。)
  t: read 2a, and underline the key words.
  an mp3 player, be used for
  help us to improve our english, develop
  around 1998, korea, more useful, recorder, buy
  4. (指导学生利用黑板上的关键词复述2a对话,巩固一般过去时被动语态的句型。完成2a。)
  t:who would like to retell 2a? s2, please!
  s2:kangkang is listening to mp3. it’s very nice. it’s used for helping us to improve our english. it was developed in korea around 1998. it’s more useful than a recorder.
  t:very good!
  5. (指导学生完成2b。师生互动,提高学生口语表达能力。)
  t:how do you say it in english?
  ss:digital camera. (帮助学生回答。)
  t:when was it developed?
  ss:it was developed in 1975.
  t:where was it developed?
  ss:it was developed in america.
  t:what’s it used for?
  ss:it’s used for taking photos.
  t:do you understand? practice the dialogs with your partner. let’s begin.
  step 5 project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)
  1. (收集各种发明的图片,如传真机、汽车、火车等等,学生可以在谈论自己感兴趣的发明中不断地使用was developed in / be made of / be used for这些目标语言。)
  2. homework:
  t: please write down a short passage about your favorite invention in your exercise books.
  when was it invented?
  section a
  be made of— when was it developed?
  be made from— it was developed …
  be used for— where was it developed?
  — it was developed in …
  section b
  the main activities are 1a and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a和3a。
  ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 教学目标
  1. learn some new words:
  clone, experiment
  2. go on learning the simple past passive voice:
  (1) do you know when it was invented?
  (2) it was invented in 1879.
  3. learn some information about the clone technology.
  (1) cloning is famous throughout the world.
  (2) there is dna in most living things, including human beings.
  (3) no doubt cloning can help save those animals in danger.
  (4) and it can also benefit human beings.
  ⅱ. teaching aids 教具
  ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案
  step 1 review 第一步 复习(时间:6分钟)
  1. (用上节课的作业做一个链式游戏,以小组为单位,就计算机、mp3、cd、手机、数码相机或学习用具等进行对话,操练be made of / be made in / be made from / be used for的用法。让每一小组的第一个同学回过头去问下一位同学,依次接着往下问。)
  t:boys and girls. let’s play a game. ask questions one by one.
  s1:what’s your favorite invention?
  s2:an mp3. what’s it made of?
  s3:it’s made of steel and plastic. when was it developed?
  s4:it was developed around 1998. what’s it used for?
  s5:it’s used for helping us to improve our english.
  2. (用多媒体出示图片,导入新课。)
  t:you did very well. there are many important technologies and inventions in the world today. look at this invention. (展示灯泡图片。)it’s a bulb. do you know about it?
  ss:yes, a little.
  t:ok, who invented it?
  ss:thomas edison.
  t:when was the light bulb invented? do you know?
  t:ok, let’s come to 1a and learn about it.
  step 2 presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:17分钟)
  1. (让学生听1a录音并根据听力内容判断正误。)
  t:in this lesson, we will learn something about other inventions and technologies, please listen to 1a and mark true (t) or false (f).
  (1) the light bulb was invented in 1879. ( )
  (2) the radio was invented by thomas edison in 1895. ( )
  (3) the airplane was invented by wilbur and orville wright in 1903. ( )
  (听后核对答案:(1) t (2) f (3) t。)
  2. (用图片继续谈论上述发明,引入3a。)
  t:now let’s go on talking about the inventions. look at the picture! (出示收音机的图片。) who invented it?
  t:it was invented by guglielmo marconi.
  t:and when was it invented?
  ss:it was invented in 1895.
  t:very good. and look at this picture. (展示一幅飞机的图片。) who invented it? (同时呈现飞机发明年份和发明者的名字。)
  ss:it was invented by wilbur and orville wright.
  t:and when was it invented?
  ss:it was invented in 1903.
  t:we have talked about so many inventions. now we are going to learn something new about a great technology. (拿出图片。) now look at this picture. what animal is it?
  ss: it’s a sheep.
  t: yes, it is a sheep, and it is a cloned sheep. have you ever heard of clone?
  ss:yes, of course.
  t:that’s very good. cloning is a famous experiment throughout the world. so far, scientists have cloned many animals to save those animals in danger. the cloning technology has been used in human organs. it can benefit human beings.
  experiment, organ, benefit
  t:then what’s the name of the first cloned sheep?
  t:yes, now let’s read 3a and answer the following questions.
  3. (指导学生阅读3a,回答下列问题并核对答案,为完成3b作铺垫。同时画出文中的关键词及短语,为下一环节的课文复述作准备。)
  (1) when and where was the cloned sheep created?
  (2) what other things has man cloned?
  (3) what’s used in cloning?
  (4) what are advantages and disadvantages of cloning?
  dolly, be created, famous throughout the world, dna, in every part of your body, be similar to, save, benefit human beings, explore more ways to, heart disease, aids and cancer, however
  4. (让学生听3a并跟读,画出重点词组,教师板书。)
  t: please listen to 3a and read after it. find out the important phrases.
  so far, be similar to, the same as, no doubt
  step 3 consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:9分钟)
  1. (两人一组分角色表演1a。)
  t:please act out 1a in roles.
  2. (再读1a,完成1b。)
  3. (让学生再读3a并讨论3b中的问题,完成3b。)
  4. (指导学生用刚才自己所画的3a中的关键词,以接龙的方式复述3a。)
  t:just now, we’ve learned something about cloning. can you say something about it?
  s1:dolly, a cloned sheep.
  t:yeah. it’s well-known.
  s2:cloning is known as a great experiment all over the world.
  s3:dolly was created in scotland more than ten years ago.
  s4:so far, scientists have cloned rabbits, sheep, cows, mice, pigs and some other animals.
  t:excellent! now, repeat what you have said just now one by one, and you will get the whole paragraph.
  step 4 practice 第四步 练习(时间:8分钟)
  1. (利用1a中有关发明的图片,让学生用一般过去时的被动语态讲述三项发明的情况。)
  t:now, look at the pictures and try to say something about the inventions we have learned just now. (教师逐一呈现图片。)
  s1:the light bulb was invented by thomas edison in 1879.
  s2:the radio was invented by guglielmo marconi in 1895.
  s3:the airplane was invented by wilbur and orville wright in 1903.
  2. (让学生先看2的内容,然后播放录音。)
  t: boys and girls, do you want to know something about other inventions? let’s listen to the tape carefully and complete 2 on page 87.
  t:who was the car invented by?
  ss:karl benz.
  t:when was it invented?
  ss:in …
  t:what about the telephone?
  ss:it was invented by alexander graham bell in …
  t:what did john baird invent?
  ss:he invented the television.
  t:when did he invent it?
  ss:he invented it in …
  t:now, please talk about the inventions in your own words. group 1, please tell us something about the car.
  g1:the car …
  t:now, group 2, would you like to talk about the telephone or the television?
  g2:we’d like to talk about …
  t:group 3. it’s your turn to talk about ...
  3. (用多媒体展示一些图片,并要求学生用过去时的被动语态造句。巩固本课的语言点。完成4。)
  t: make up sentences according to the example and practice more.
  s4: where were laptops invented?
  s5: they were invented in japan.
  s4: when were laptops invented?
  s5: they were invented in 1985.
  ss: shenzhouⅶ was launched into space in china in XX.
  step 5 project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)
  2. homework:
  according to your imagination, design your own invention. then write an article to introduce it.
  when was it invented?
  section b
  so far (1)it was widely used in people’s daily life.
  (2)when was it invented?
  (3)cloning is famous throughout the world.
  (4)and it can also benefit human beings.
  section c
  the main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。
  ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 教学目标
  1. learn some new words and phrases:
  servant, for certain, housework, make a contribution to
  2. learn some useful sentences:
  (1) no one knows for certain, but most people think that robots will be part of our lives.
  (2) in short, this robot is very useful to us.
  3. discuss the advantages and disadvantages of robots.
  ⅱ. teaching aids 教具
  ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案
  step 1 review 第一步 复习(时间:8分钟)
  1. (检查上节课的作业,让学生汇报自己的发明成果。)
  t: now i’ll check up the homework of section b and choose some students to report their results.
  2. (出示幻灯片,让学生根据幻灯片上的图表,用过去时的被动语态做对话练习。)
  carkarl benz1885
  radioguglielmo marconi1895
  light bulbthomas edison1879
  t:boys and girls, we have learned many inventions during the last period. look at the table and make dialogs like this:
  a:when was the car invented?
  b:it was invented in 1885.
  a:who was the car invented by?
  b:it was invented by karl benz.
  t:ok! i’ll ask two students to ask and answer questions about the radio.
  s1:when was the radio invented?
  s2:it was invented in 1895.
  s1:who was the radio invented by?
  s2:it was invented by guglielmo marconi.
  (再找两组学生做类似对话。) www.xk b1. com
  t: well done. you learned a lot. now, let’s talk about more inventions.
  step 2 presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)
  1. (师生互动,导入新课。)
  t:we have learned many inventions such as computers, digital cameras, tv sets and light bulbs. which invention do you like best? can you tell me?
  t:why do you like computers best, s1?
  s1:because i can learn a lot on the computers. playing computer games is very exciting.
  t:but you shouldn’t spend too much time on them. it is bad for your study. which invention would you like to own, s3?
  s3:i’d like to own a cellphone. it can help me communicate easily.
  t:very good. anyone else?
  s4:i’d like to own a car. it’s very convenient.
  s5:which invention would you like to own, mr. / miss …?
  t:i feel very tired after work and i don’t feel like doing any housework at that time. so i’d like to own a robot. do you know robots?
  ss:yes. but why?
  t:i’d like a robot to help me do a lot of housework. it can cook for me. it can clean the house for me. in cold winter, it can wash clothes for me. it’s dangerous for me to clean the outside of the windows. ok, let the robot do it. ha! it behaves just like a servant.
  t:with the robot’s help, doctors can examine the insides of their patients’ bodies. it has made a contribution to humans’ health.
  (板书并要求学生理解contribution;掌握词组make a contribution to。)
  make a contribution to
  ss:that’s very interesting.
  t:yes. study hard, and maybe you can invent something useful one day.
  t: look! this is a robot. i treat it as my servant. will it be friendly or unfriendly? no one knows for certain.
  for certain
  t: with the development of technology, maybe robots will think and act for themselves. they will no longer want to be our servants, but our masters. do you think it is very dangerous? maybe there will be a war between robots and human beings.
  2. (播放1a录音,让学生在文中画出关键词和短语。)
  t: boys and girls, we’ve learned something about robots. and today we’ll learn a passage about robots. first listen to the tape carefully and find out the key words and expressions.
  no one, most people, our lives, robots, caused, work for us, help, dangerous and difficult work, people, surprised, think and act, one scientist, warns, want to be our servants, treat, war, human beings
  step 3 consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:13分钟)
