

  《新概念英语第二册》语法精粹 十、"it"的用法和"there be"结构 知识要点:一、代词it
  用 法
  例 句代替前文提到过的东西或事情,用作人称代词。this is a new dictionary. i bought it yesterday. 这是一本新词典,我昨天买的。 tom joined the army last mouth. do you know about it? 汤姆上月入伍了,你知道这事吗?代替指示代词,起着this或that的作用is this your car? no, it isn’t. 这是你的汽车吗?不是。 what’s that?—it’s a video. 那是什么?它是一台录像机。 whose room is this?—it is theirs.这是谁的房间,是他们的。指明某人或某物的身分,还可指不明性别的婴儿who’s there? it’s me. (it’s john) 谁在那儿?是我。(是约翰) go and see who it is that rings. it’s bill. 去看看是谁来的电话,是比尔。 the greens have a new baby. it’s lovely. 格林家有一个新生婴儿。它很可爱。指时间,距离,自然现象(天气,气候,明暗)量度,价值等it’s sunday today. 今天是星期天。 it’s three months since he came here. 自从他来到这里,已经三个月了。 how far is it to the great wall .到长城有多远? it’s getting dark. 天快黑了。 —how much is the coat? —it’s ninety dollars. 这件衣服多少钱?九十美元。二、引导词it
  用 法
  例 句
  形代替不定式短语it is up to you to decide. 这事要由你决定。 it makes me happy to hear you have recovered. 听说你恢复了健康,这使我很高兴。
  主代替动名词短语it’s no good smoking. 吸烟没有好处。 it’s worthwhile working the whole night on the problem. 用整夜的时间来研究那个问题是值得的。
  语代替主语从句it doesn’t matter what you do. 你干什么都没有关系。 it seems that everyone has known the news. 好象大家都知道这个消息。
  形式代替不定式短语i consider it better to be early. 我认为能够早一些更好。 we found it impossible to get there before july . 我们觉得,要在七月以前到达那里是不可能的。
  宾语代替动名词短语we thought it no use doing that. 我们认为做那事没有用。代替宾语从句the teacher makes it clear that everyone should hand in his homework on time . 老师清楚地指出,每个人都应该按时交作业。三、it在强调结构中 强调句型:it is (was) +被强调部分+ that (who) + 其它
  例 句
  说 明
  语it is i who am to blame. 是我该受责怪。 it was your uncle that (who) came yesterday. 昨天来的是你叔叔。原句的谓语动词如果是现在或将来时态用it is …that(who)如果原句谓语动词是过去时态,则用it was…that(who)。在
  语it was a new pen that mother gave me . 母亲给我的是一支新钢笔。强调时间,地点,原因或方式时不要用when, where, how, 必须用that。地点it was in the classroom that i left my umbrella. 我把雨伞就落在了教室里。
  状时间it is at eleven that the train leaves. 火车是在十一点钟离开。方式it was just as he ordered that i acted. 我正是照他吩咐的那样做的。
  语原因it was because he was in trouble that i tried my best to help him. 正是因为他处境困难我才尽力帮助他。
  补it was red that we painted the gate. 我们把门油漆成红的颜色。 it was chairman that they elected him . 他们选他担任的是主席的职务。there be结构  基本句型 结 构 例 句there 肯定句 there be +主+其它 there is a map on the wall.  墙上有张地图。be否定句 there be + not +主+ there is not a map on the wall.  其它 墙上没有地图。结构一般疑问句 be + there +主+其 is there a map on the wall?  它 墙上有地图吗?肯定与否定 yes ,there is . no, there isn’t. 回答 是的,有 不,没有特殊疑问 特殊疑问词+ be + —how many maps are there on the wall? 句及回答 there +主+其它 墙上有多少张地图?  —there are two. 有两张注1:there be 句型也可以由其它动词代替be,常用的词有seem to be , happen to be ,appear to be, used to be 等词组或用live, come, stand, lie, occur, exist, flow等动词。 there seems to be much hope of our team beating theirs. 好象我们队很有希望打败他们队。 only there lived an old fisherman in a village by the sea. 从前有一位老渔夫住在海边的一个村子里。注2:there be 之后如有几个并列主语时,用is或用are要取决于第一个主语是单数还有复数,单数用is,复数则用are. there is a pen, a pencil and two books on the desk. 桌上有一支钢笔,一支铅笔和两本书。 there are two books, a pen and a pencil on the desk. 桌上有两本书,一支钢笔和一支铅笔。【专项训练】 it的用法 1、"do you like fish?""yes, i like ."  a.  b.it c.that d.them 2、 today?  a.how is it  b.what is it c.what is it like  d.how is the weather. 3、"do you want a watch?"" ."  a.yes, i want it . b.yes, i want one. c.no, i’ve got it. d.no, i’ve got the watch. 4、"whose exercise-book is that?" " hers"  a.that is b.this is c.it’s  d.its 5、 won’t take long to get to shanghai by air.  a.that b.he  c.it d.this 6、what he has done helps us a lot, ?  a.isn’t he  b.doesn’t he  c.isn’t it  d.doesn’t it 7、we all thought no use doing that.  a.it  b.that c.this d.there 8、i took it for granted you would come to our party.  a.when  b.why c.for what d.that 9、how happy to be able to study and live together with you!  a.that will be  b.is it c.will it be d.it will be 10、i thought it to be .  a.him b.he c.its d.she 11、 very foolish of you to say so.  a.it’s  b.its c.that’s  d.this 12、it’s not his habit for things.  a.asks  b.ask c.to ask d.asked 13、it has been a great honour coming to visit me.  a.they  b.you  c.she d.he 14、i found to hear what he said.  a.that difficulty b.it difficulty c.that difficult  d.it difficult 15、he is fifty , but doesn’t  a.look at it  b.look for it c.look it  d.look him 16、it was who telephoned me yesterday.  a.him b.his c.himself d.he 17、the sentence is wrong.  a.its  b.it c.itself d.it’s 18、 is no doubt that he will succeed in his experiment.  a.it  b.this c.that d.there 19、it seems john’s not coming after all.  a.this b.that c.if d.to 20、 was a handbag that john gave mary at christmas.  a.it  b.this  c.that d.such 21、was the room the famous writer had ever lived in?  a.that, it  b.it , that c.it , where d.that, which 22、 is said that he has been to many places in the united states.  a.this  b.he  c.it  d.that 23、what you want me to do?  a.it is  b.that c.is this d.is it that 24、is not important who will go?  a.it b.that c.this d.  25、why is it everyone thinks he’s a thief?  a.because  b.as c.when d.that 26、 being sunday, the library was closed.  a.what  b.it  c.that d.this 27、is believed he is ill?  a.it, that b.he, that c.it, if  d.he, for 28、 is known to us mary dances best.  a.she,   b.it, that c.it, she  d.she, who 29、"what’s this?"" a flag."  a.this is  b.that’s c.it’s  d.its 30、jack is ill. have you heard about ?  a.him b.it  c.this d.that there be 结构 31、is a typewriter in the room?  a.he  b.there c.it  d.has 32、there’s no one in the house, is ?  a.it  b.he  c.there d.they 33、 must be something wrong.  a.it  b.he  c.there d.they 34、 there anyone around?  a.was b.were c.there d.has 35、 used to be a church round the corner.  a.here b.there c.it  d.it is 36、it is reported that is going to be a storm.  a.it  b.there c.  d.the weather 37、there still a lot of work to be done before the house is ready for occupation.  a.are  b.were c.is  d.have 38、there is a girl for the bus.  a.to wait b.waiting c.waited d.wait 39、there a pine tree at the top of the hill.  a.stands  b.lies  c.lives d.has 40、 will be a good film on at the rex next week.  a.there b.it  c.that d.this 改错,下列每句所给的选项中,各有一项是错的,请指出并改正。 41、he is certain that the secretary will be there.
  a b c d 42、i think that a good idea to get up early.  a b c d 43、it makes me feel sad that see you.  a b c d 44、do you find it very dull live here?   a b c d 45、it is no use to cry over spilt milk.   a b c d 46、there it must have been a mistake.   a b c d 47、there is going to have an english party at the weekend.  a b  c d 48、is there any one who waiting to see me ?   a b  c d 49、there have a man sitting beyond that fence.  a b c d 50、it was a car ready for us.  a b  c d
  【答案】: 1、b 2、d 3、b 4、c 5、c 6、d 7、a 8、d 9、d 10、a 11、a 12、c 13、b 14、d 15、c 16、d 17、c 18、a 19、b 20、a 21、b 22、c 23、d 24、a 25、d 26、b 27、a 28、b 29、c 30、b 31、b 32、c 33、c 34、a 35、b 36、b 37、c 38、b 39、a 40、a 41、a he-it 42、b that-it 43、c that-to 44、d live前加to 45、c to cry-crying 46、b it 去掉 47、b have-be 48、c who后加is 或把who去掉 49、a have-is  50、a it -there
