

  unit 1 how do you study for a test
  1. 学会讨论各种学习方法和策略,并且能找出适合自己的学习方法。
  2. 学生能根据自己的实际采用适当的学习方法,并形成个性化的学习。
  3. 了解英美国家学生学习的主要方法。
  1. by doing的表达与运用:how do we deal with our problems?
  2. verb + by with+短语,学会用by短语表达学习方法。
  3. 熟练运用:have trouble doing sth, it’s +形容词+of/for sb to do sth
  1.首先_______________ 2. 后来______________
  3.laugh at sb______________ 4. 没关系______________
  5. be afraid to do sth_______________ 6. 另一件事情___________
  7. 决定做某事________________ 8. have trouble doing____________
  9. look up________________ 10. make up _____________________
  11. 记笔记_________________ 12. be impressed________________
  13. to begin with_______________ 14. 根本不_______
  15. first of all, it wasn’t easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked.
  ___________________________________________________________________________16. i was so afraid to speak in class._____________________________________________
  17. 我决定在每节课做许多语法笔记。_________________________________________
  1. you should t ___________notes when having lessons.
  2. reading a___________ is a good way to practice pronunciation.
  3. mary said m____________the words of pop songs helped a lot.
  4. tom likes reading english m___________such as reader digests and times.
  5. listening and s___________are a little more difficult for chinese english learners.
  6. don"t be afraid to m __________mistakes when you practice english.
  (一)warming up
  1. how do you study for a test?___________________________________________
  2. how do you study english?_____________________________________________
  3. story telling: tell a story about one’s problem solving about english learning. students think of one’s experience and tell it out.
  (二)read the article and answer the questions:
  1. what are the problems in this passage?
  2. how many ways are mentioned of dealing with problems?
  3. underline the words that you don’t know.
  4. the students talk about the useful ways by using "by doing".
  5. write "t" or "f" beside each statement. then find out the mistakes.
  (三)read the passage again从文中找出对应的解决办法。
  1. i can’t understand people who talk fast._______________________________________
  2. i can’t spell english words well._____________________________________________
  3. i have trouble studying grammar. ______________________________________________
  4. i’m afraid to speak english.__________________________________________________
  (四)writing a letter 3b
  your friend______ is having difficulties with her english. write her a letter telling her how to become a better english learner.
  (五)3c writing an article
  you have been learning english for at least three years. 写一篇小作文,介绍你学习另一门语言有帮助的方法。
  (六)4 doing an interview采访
  for example: q代表问题,a代表回答
  q. what isn’t easy about learning english?a. reading is not easy.
  q. what do you do about this?a. i try to cut the sentences into thought groups.
  q. what is your favorite way to learn more english?i read and read aloud a lot. these are the best way.
  (七)filling in the blank: self-check
  (八)writing. ask the students to write an article using the information about xu zheng.
  ( ) 1. i study math by ____ lots of exercises.
  a. did b. doing c. do
  ( ) 2. ____ do you study for tests? i work with my friends.
  a. how b. who c. when
  ( ) 3. what _____ reading aloud to practice pronunciation?
  a. of b. about c. around
  ( ) 4. why don’t you _____ to cassettes?
  a. listening b. listen c. listened
  ( ) 5. many students asked the teacher _____ the time of the test.
  a. for b. to c. about
  ( ) 6. i got an a this term, so my teacher was _____.
  a. impressed b. impressing c. impress
  ( ) 7. lucy thinks that ____ english movies isn’t a good way.
  a. watch b. watched c. watching
  ( ) 8. when we practice english speaking, we often end up ____in chinese.
  a. speak b. spoken c. speaking
  ( ) 9. i read very slowly. i can’t spell some english words, _____.
  a. also b. either c. but
  ( ) 10. don’t laugh ___ others. you should help them when they are in trouble.
  a. at b. to c. of
  ( ) 11. we don’t think she is ____ honest girl.
  a. a b. an c. the d. /
  ( ) 12. what’s wrong with my son’s _____? he can’t see things clearly.
  a. eyes b. ears c. mouth d. nose
  ( )13. september 10th is the ________.
  a. children’s day b. children day
  b. teachers’ day d. teacher’s day
  ( )14. ____ of the two new books are interesting.
  a. all b. both c. any d. either
  ( )15. --can i get you a drink? --that’s very nice of you. i’ve already got _____.
  a. it b. one c. that d. this
  1. we learn english by watching english-language videos. (就画线部分提问)
  you learn english?
  2. i have been learning english for six years. (就画线部分提问)
  you learning english?
  3. i don"t know how i can spell new words. (改为简单句)
  i don"t know new words.
  4. why don"t you keep an english notebook? (改为同义句)
  why an english notebook?
  1.they often study by working with a __________(小组)
  2. please read __________(大声),i can’t hear you clearly.
  3.do you ever practice ________(说) english with your friends?
  4.what about _________ (听)to tapes?
  5.why not read loudly to improve your _______(发音)?
  6. she said that m________ the words of pop songs also helps a little.
  7. i never study grammar. it’s too b_________.
  8. j________ the english club was the best way to improve your english.
  9. i got very e________ when i heard the good news.
  10. john thinks english is difficult, but i feel d__________.
  mr. smith has two sons. one is seven years old, and the other is five. one morning during the holidays, when he was cleaning the car, his younger son came and asked him for some money for sweets.
  "sweets are bad for your teeth," mr. smith said. "take these two oranges instead, and give one to your elder brother." one of the oranges was quite a lot bigger than the other one, and as the small boy liked oranges very much, he kept that one for himself, and gave his brother the smaller one.
  when the other boy saw that his brother had a much larger orange than his own, he said to him, "it’s selfish to take the bigger one for yourself. if father had given me the oranges, i’d have given you the bigger one."
  "i know you would," answered his brother, "that’s why i took it."
  1. what was mr. smith doing one morning?___________________________________________
  2. what did his younger son ask for? ________________________________________________
  3. did the son get what he wanted? ________________________________________________
  4. who got the bigger orange? ___________________________________________________
  5. why did the elder brother say that his brother was selfish(小气的)?______________________
  根据自己的经历和切身体会,以 " the way of learning english" 为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。开头已经给出。
  i have been learning english for many years. i think…
