

  unit 7 holiday postcards
  task objectives
  understand more complex or a series of instructions and act accordingly
  understand simple role-plays
  participate in simple role-plays
  provide information by using tables
  language focus
  now i’m in canada.
  where did mark go?
  he went to the mountains yesterday.
  what did he do there?
  he skied all day.
  topic vocabulary
  the uk / visit grandma and grandpa, the us / climb a mountain, canada / ski and skate, australian / play volleyball on the beach.
  throw-away words
  sound and rhyme words : spell, playschool, bucket, spade, shade
  rubrics : choose a city. find out what you can do there. make a list of things to do. choose a greeting and an ending for your postcard. here’s an idea. write on the back of your postcard. follow the example on page 66. send it to a friend.
  poem words : london, palace, big ben, queen, hope, sydney, koala, kangaroo, snake, crocodile, niagara falls, toronto.
  pre-task stage
  a mark is going on a long holiday. look at the map and his travel plan. listen, say and act.
  1.(books closed) write on the board a brief travel plan with dates for yourself, following mark’s sample in the book. tell the students, i’m going to travel soon. fist i’m going to … i’m going to be in …from… to…
  2.then rub off the place names. ask the students where would you like to travel? write their suggestions up in the spaces.
  3.ask inpidual students to tell you about their travel plans for different dates.
  4.show transparency. play the pupil’s book cassette and point to the speech bubbles. ask the students to repeat after the cassette.
  1.(books open.) show transparency. point to mark’s travel plans. ask the students where is mark going to go? when is he going to be there?
  2.point to the places on the map. ask the students what is mark going to do in the places?
  3.play the pupil’s book cassette. tell the students to repeat the conversation.
  more to do
  while displaying the map, ask the students what other country country names they know. fill in the names on a piece of transparency.
  b1 pat an koko are talking about the postcards from mark. listen and read.
  1.(books closed.) write on the board your travel plan again. write on the board the question words where? when? what?
  2.tell the students that now your holiday is finished. you came back yesterday. point to the first part of your travel plan. ask the students where did i go? write the past tense form of the question on the board, highlighting the auxiliary did and the stem form of the verb to in contrasting colours. ask the students to answer your question. check that they are using the past tense form of the verb in their answer. write their answer on the board under the relevant question. check that they are using the past tense form of the verb in their answer. write their answer on the board under the relevant question.
  3.repeat the procedure with when did i go? and what did i do there?
  4.ask the students to ask you questions about the rest of the travel information
  1.(books open.) ask the students to read the postcards. draw mark’s route on transparent film laid over the top of the transparency for page 61.
  2.check that the students know what the present tense verb form for flew is (fly.)
  3.play the pupil’s book cassette and ask the students to read the postcards after the tape.
  4.tell the students to role-play pat and koko and talk about the postcards.
  5.play the pupil’s book cassette again for the students to check their answers.
  more to do
  play hangman with the names of countries. write on the board the correct number of dashes for a country name you have thought of. ask the students to tell you a letter. if they guess correctly, write the letter on the appropriate dash. if they guess wrongly, draw one line in the hangman drawing. at any time, they can guess the whole word. if they guess correctly, it is their turn to come up and draw the dashes on the board.
  b2 look at the pictures. read ann’s postcard and circle the correct words.
  1.(books open) show transparency. tell the students to look at the photos of ann’s holiday. ask them what did she do on holiday? check that the students are using past tense verb forms in their answers.
  2.tell the students to read the postcard and to circle the correct words where there is a choice by checking with the photos.
  3.ask inpidual students to read aloud the sentences of postcard to check the answers with the whole class.
  more to do
  ask the students to read the postcard again. tell them to pretend they went on ann’s holiday. they should underline the activities they did on holiday. tell them to work in pairs to ask questions to find out what their partner did.
  b3 pat is talking to tim about an email from ann. listen and circle the correct answers.
  1.read the rubric to the students, remind them that they; should familiarize themselves with the words on the page in the time they have before listening. they should listen and circle the words they hear. play the pupil’s book cassette.
  2.ask the students to listen to the tape once more to check their answers.
  c a poster: turtle mountain
  1.tell the students to look at the picture of turtle mountain and ask them why is it called turtle mountain? what can you do at turtle mountain?
  2.led the students read the text silently and unaided the first time. play the pupil’s book cassette for the students and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.
  d read the poster again. answer the questions.
  1.ask the students to read the poster again. answer the questions.
  2.check the answers with the students by asking inpidual students to read aloud their answers.
  e read the symbols and say the words.
  1.write the symbols on the board. these combinations of sounds are called blends. they often cause problems for the students. make sure that the students are not adding extra vowel sounds between the consonants. the consonants should be said together. if the students have problems with this, try backchaining,i.e. chunking the words backwards. for example, for school, ask the students to repeat after you ? /-ool/, them /kool/. write the words on the page under each symbol. ask the students to tell you other words with the same sounds and add them to the list.
  2.play the pupil’s book cassette and ask the students to listen to the sounds and the words.
  3.say the words slowly and clearly. check that the students are making a distinction between the sounds correctly.
  4.point to the pictures and check that the students can say the words without your model.
  5.play the pupil’s book cassette again. ask the students to listen to the rhyme.
  6.play the pupil’s book cassette again. ask the students to join in with the words of the rhyme this time.
  7.play the pupil’s book cassette. ask the students to listen to the words and then write them under the correct symbols.
  while – task stage
  f write a holiday postcard.
  1.ask the students to do some research on the cities before they come to class. they should find out what they can do in those cities.
  2.ask the students to choose a city and make a list of things they can do there.
  3.tell the students to think of someone they want to send their postcard to. explain that if they are very friendly with the person they can choose hi there! or hello! as greeting, and take care or love for an ending. if they do not know the person very well, then they should choose how are you? and see you soon.
  4.ask the students to choose one of the pictures on pages 83 and 85 and to cut it out and stick it on a piece of card. this will be the front of their postcard. tell the students to make sure they know what are the activities they can do in that place.
  5.tell the students to draw a line down the center of the card and to write the address on the right-hand side. ask them to write the message for their postcard in rough. remind them to use the use the past tense forms of the verbs.
  6.when the students finish tell them that they should check their sentences are in a god order. they should mention where they went first, when they were there and after that what they did there. this is called editing. it is the reason why the students should write their wrok in rough first.
  7.then the students there is one more step called proof-reading. tell them to check their work for any errors. ask them to exchange their writing with a partner to check for errors.
  8.tell the students to write their message neatly on the left-hand side of the back of the postcard. this can be done for homework..
  g listen the say the poem
  1.play the pupil’s book cassette for the students to listen to the poem.
  2.play the cassette again and encourage the students to join in with the words.
  h think about it!
  ask the students to look at the diagram which shows why when it is summer in australia it is winter in china and vice versa. ask the students to complete the table about the seasons in the different countries.
  post-task stage
  the students could buy or make postcards showing the things that can be done in the area in which they live. these could be written on with a friendly message and went to another school in the same city, but a different area, or to classes in schools in other countries. addresses for these can be found on the internet at www. europa-pages.com or at www.iys.fi ( there is a small charge for this service).
  i further reading
  1.arouse interest in reading by asking the students how many days does it take to go round the world? explain that they are going to read about a book written in the days before aeroplanes. ask them to fin out how many days it took for philieas fogg to go round the world.
  2.tell the students to read the passage again and then circle the correct answers.
  3.ask the students did phileas go around the world in 80 days? the answer to it is yes. the students can find the original 1873 translation of the story at www.jv gilead.org.ji/pg/80day/.
  课后记:本单元学生容易出错的地方是国家名称的第一个字经常忘了大写,还容易出现这样的错误:in the canada, in the australia. 这课的活动手册题量大,而且比较难。大部分学生不能很好的完成。教师要花比较多的时间来讲解。希望对学生有所帮助。
