

  XX高一英语学案:m3u2 project(牛津译林版必修3)
  learning content: project m3u 2
  learning aims:1.train the students’ writing, reading and speaking abilities.
  2. get the students to talk about writing a booklet about chinese characters.
  3. get the students to cooperate with others.
  learning difficulties and important points: how to help the students finish the tasks of writing and speaking.
  period one: 课前预习:
  ⅰ。translate chinese into english
  1.与……不同 _________________________ 2.代表_________________________
  3.组成_______________________________ 4.根据 ________________________
  5.总体来说________________ 6.由……构成_________________________
  7.失明____________________ 8.在战争时期_________________________
  9.实用用途___________________________ 10.致力于______________________
  ⅱ。read the article at p38 and answer questions.
  1.how old is the chinese writing?
  2.who invented chinese characters?
  3.how was chinese writing invented?
  4.when did the chinese government simplified characters?
  iii. read the passage again and pide the passage into several parts, then give the main idea of each part
  para. 1. __________________________________________________-
  para. 2. _____________________________________________________
  para.3-6 _______________________________________________________
  para. 7-8 _________________________________________________________
  1.the chinese language differs from western languages in that,instead of an alphabet,it use characters which stand for ideas,objects or deeds.
  【句法分析】 which引导的定语从句修饰先行词characters.
  differ from 和……不同 ,不同于
  e.g. french differs from english in this respect.
  【拓展】a differs from b= a and b differ=a is different from b a和b不同
  differ in在……方面不同
  differ with sb about /on /over sth 在某事上与某人意见不同
  in that 在于,因为, 引导原因状语从句
  e.g. she was fortunate in that she had friends to help her.
  stand for 代表,容忍,支持,主张
  e.g. the "po" stand for post office.
  i’m not standing for it any longer.
  i hated the organization and all it stood for.
  stand by 袖手旁观 stand down 退出比赛 stand out 显眼 stand up for 支持,维护
  stand up to 勇敢面对,经得起
  deed 行为,行动
  a brave/charitable/evil deed
  2.chinese words are formed by putting together different character.
  form 形成,构成,组织 ,养成,培养(v)形状,外形,形式,表格(n)
  e.g. i can’t form any idea or opinion about it.
  one should form a good habit of reading when young.
  please fill this form in ink.
  a matter of form 例行公事,礼节问题 in the form of 以……的形式
  after the form of 照……的格式 in form 表现正常,情况良好
  take the form of 采取……的形式 be out of the form处于不良 的竞技状态
  3.one winter day while he was hunting……
  hunt 打猎,追寻
  e.g. a hunting dog go hunting
  【拓展】be on the hunt for正在寻找,在寻求……中 the hunt for sb/sth 寻找某人、某物
  hunt for /after 追逐,寻找,搜索 a hunter for fame 一个追求名誉的人
  4.some characters have been simplified and others have been made more difficult over time.
  simplify 使简明,使简易,简化
  e.g. try to simplify your explanation for the children.
  【单词积累】simplification 简化 simplified 简化的
  over time 久而久之,随着时间的推移,over强调一种动态的时间
  e.g. the colour of the carpet will not fade over time.
  5.sometimes to express ideas,some character were made by combining two or more characters together.
  combine 使结合,使联合
  combine sth with/and sth 把……和……联合起来
  e.g. can iron combine with water and oxygen to form rust?
  6.it’s easy to distinguish their meaning by looking at them.…………"up"and "down",which are opposites of each other.
  distinguish ① 区分,分辨,分清 distinguish between ……and……=distinguish …..from…..
  e.g. at what age are children able to distinguish between right and wrong?
  e.g.what was it that distinguished her from her classmates?
  e.g. i could not distinguish her words,but she sounded excited.
  ④ 使出众,使著名 distinguish oneself as 作为……而使某人杰出
  e.g. she has already distinguished herself as an athlete.
  【单词积累】distinct 有区别 的,不同的 distinction 差别,不同,区分,分辨
  distinguishable 可辨别的 distinguished 杰出的,著名的,高贵的,有尊严的
  opposite ①对立面,反面(n)
  e.g. hot and cold are opposites
  e.g. she tried calming him down,but it seemed to be having the opposite effect.
  the shop is on the opposite side of the street.
  e.g. the people sitting opposite us looked very familiar.
  【拓展】the complete opposite 恰恰相反 quite the opposite 正好相反
  (be) opposite to 与……相对,和……相反
  7.though these kinds of characters indicate meaning,one of their shortcomings is that……….
  indicate ①指示,标示
  there is a sigh indicating the right to follow.
  the red sky at night indicates fine weather the following day.
  【搭配】indicate sth to sb 向某人暗示,表明某事
  indicate that …….. 显示,象征
  shortcoming 缺点,短处,
  everyone has his own shortcoming.
  8.in those days,books for blind people used paper pressed against metal wire to form letters.
  press 按,压,榨,挤(v) 记者,新闻界(n)
  【搭配】press …against /on…..把……按在……上
  press sth into sth 把某物压入某物中
  press sb to do sth 督促某人做某事
  i had to press myself against the wall to let them pass.
  she pressed the money into his hand.
  she pressed her guests to stay a little longer.
  the story was reported in the press and on television.
  9.the whole system was not convenient for use.
  convenient 便利的,方便的,附近的,容易到达的
  【拓展】be convenient for sb/sth 对某人、某物来说很便利
  if it is convenient for sb 如果某人方便的话
  at your convenience 在你方便的时候
  e.g. i’m afraid this isn’t a convenient moment for you to see him.
  10…………….during times of battle.
  battle 斗争,战役,奋斗,较量
  e.g. know the enemy and know yourself ,and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.
  【拓展】accept the battle 应战 gain a battle 战胜
  battle against 与……战斗 battle for 为……而战
  11.each letter of the alphabet was represented by a different pattern which consisted of twelve dots.
  pattern 方式,形式,图案,榜样,样板
  e.g. the disease is not following its usual pattern.
  the cloth has a pattern of red and white squares.
  the success of the course set a pattern for the training of the new employees.
  step 2 exercises
  fill in the blanks with the phrases from the box below.
  over time according to differ from in that this way turn…into
  as a whole develop …into
  1.old english _______ greatly _____ the modern english we use today.
  2. life on the island has changed __________ because of the growing number of tourists who visit it every year.
  3. ______________ the tickets, the train will leave at 8:30. we’d better hurry to get to the station on time!
  4. she said it was the teacher’s praise and encouragement that ______ her ______ a good student.
  5. install this spell check software on your computer. you will avoid making spelling mistakes__________.
  6. considering your idea ____________, i think it will contribute significantly to the development of the company. however, it may cause some problems as well.
  7.i was lucky _________ i was able to find what i wanted.
  step 3 homework:
  1. do parts b1 and b2 on page 93 in workbook.
  2.do parts d1 and d2 on page 95 in workbook.
  3.review words and phrases in this unit.
