

  主格:i , we, you ,he, she, it, they,
  宾格:me, us, you, him, her, it , them1. 主格作主语,宾格作宾语
  she is our teacher.(主格作主语)
  i often help him with his math.(宾格作宾语)
  who is there? it’s me.(宾格作表语)
  2. 人称代词在句子中的顺序
  单:第二人称 第三人称 第一人称
  you   he/she   i
  you, he and i are in the same classroom.
  复:第一人称 第二人称 第三人称
  we + you + they
  we, you and they are all chinese.
  my trousers are over there and they are dirty.
  if you find a pair of scissors in the drawer, pass them to me.
  4.as和than 之后的人称代词
  as和than 之后的人称代词,作主语用主格,作宾语用宾格;但在非正式语体中,或带有all, both时,通常用宾格。
  she speaks english as well as me. (非正式)
  he is taller than us all.
  5.it 用法: ①表示无生命、已提到过的事物
  whose coat is this? it’s mine.
  what a beautiful baby! is it a boy?
  who is it at the door? it’s the postman.
  it’s raining.
  it’s twenty miles from here to shanghai.
  形容词性物主代词:my , our, your, his , her, its , their
  名词性物主代词:mine, ours, yours, his , hers, its, theirs  1.形容词性物主放在名词前,不可单独使用。
  this is her book.
  your school is not very far.
  2.名词性物主代词 形容词性物主代词 名词,起名词作用,可单独使用
  ours (=our country) is a great country.
  i haven’t taken my umbrella. may i share yours(=your umbrella)?
  of one’s own… on one’s own with one’s own
  …人自己的 独自 用某人自己的…
  hold one’s breath make one’s way in one’s way
  屏住呼吸 找到路前进 妨碍某人,挡某人的路
  to one’s surprise/amazement…使某人吃惊的是…
  myself, yourself , ,himself, itself yourselves, ,themselves , ourselves1.  反身代词作同位语
  the teacher himself will visit tom’s parents.
  2.  反身代词作宾语
  they do the work by themselves.
  3.  表示独立完成某事,亲自做某事,为自己做了某事
  call oneself … make oneself … cook oneself…
  把自己称为… 为自己做了… 为自己作了… 吃
  buy oneself… find oneself…
  给自己买了… 给自己找了…
  he usually calls himself old jim.
  4.  反身代词的固定搭配
  for oneself by oneself to oneself teach oneself
  亲自 独自 独用 自学
  hurt oneself be pleased with oneself
  弄伤自己 对自己感到高兴
  can’t help oneself help oneself to…
  忍不住,无法控制自己 谁便吃,为自己取(食物等)
  this, that, these ,those  离说话人近的用this, those;远的用that, those.
  you look in this box here, and i’ll look in that box over there.
  i saw him this morning.
  he was very busy those days.
  which, who, whom, whose, whatwhich 哪个
  which apple do you like?
  who/whom 谁(主语/宾语)
  who is the lady over there?
  whose 谁的
  whose book is this?
  what 什么(color, kind, size)
  what’s kind of housework do you usually do?
  常见的不定代词:one , some, any, all, every, anther, other, many, much, few, little, neither, either
  something, somebody, someone,
  anything, anybody, anyone,
  everything ,everybody, everyone
  nothing, nobody, none , no one
  1. some(thing/body/one) 某(事/人/人)
  everything一切事 every(body/one)每个(人/人)
  none没有人或没有东西 no one 没有人
  只有none +(of),其他的合成不定代词不可以
  所有格:﹡﹡ else’s
  修饰复合不定代词的定语(形容词等)要放在它们的后面 something important
  one :one anther 相互
  one by one 一个接一个
  other: on the other side of 在 …的另一边
  in other words 相反的路/ 方向
  on the one hand ….on the other hand
  some: some day 某一天
  for some time 经过若干时间
  both: on both side 双方,两边
  all: all the time 总是[来源:学§科§网z§x§x§k]
  all kinds of 各种各样的
  all new 全新
  all along 一直,始终
  all over 到处
  all the same 还是,仍是
  (not) at all 无论如何(都不)
  every: every day 每天
  every time 每次
  every 3 weeks 每三个星期
  every other / second day 每隔一天
  many /much: so many/much 这么多的
  many /much of …..中的很多
  too many/much 太多
  a great /good many 很多
  many a time 许多次
  many a day 许多天
  as many/much as 和…一样地多
  little: little by little 渐渐地
  in a little while 过一小会儿
  few: a man of few words 一个话很少的男人
  have a few word with sb 和某人说上几句话
  很多,许多many + 可数名词 many people
  much + 不可数名词 much suger
  口语中many/much 常被a lot of/lots of代替,特别在表示肯定意义的句子里
  一些some 用于肯定句 + 可数/不可数
  any用于否定句   不可数名词
  用于疑问句   可数名词
  some 用于疑问句中,表示邀请、请求.
  would you like s ome tea?
  will you buy me some cake?
  take any you like.
  都both (两个)都
  all、both 在句子中的位子:在be动词后面,其他动词前
  we both studied in beijing university.
  we are all interested in pop music.
  each 、every 在句子中的位子:在be动词后面,其他动词前
  one 、other antherone :不定的人或物,复数ones
  other:单数,必须加the (one….. the other),
  some…the others
  one …
  the other
  one…. 和
  the others /the other  one ….the other+可数名词: 特指两个之中的"一个…..另一个…..
  mr. li has two sons. one is a doctor and the other is an engineer.
  one…. the others /the other  可数名词: 特指三个或三个以上的情况"一个…….另一些/另几个……
  there are five flowers in the vase. one is yellow, the other four ones are red.
  the others 和
  others some…the others 特定范围,"一些…..另一些"
  the students are busy with the experiment. some are operating the machine, the others are recording the results.
  some….others 较广范围,"一些……别的一些"
  many old people are in the park. some are walking, others are talking.
  the other/the third  列举三个以上时,按one….another…the other/the third的顺序
  the woman has three sons. one is in china, another is in america, the other is in france.
  each other和
  one anther each other两者之间"相互…."
  one anther三者或三者以上之间"相互…."
  no one 、nothing 、noneno one 指代可数名词,表示人,用来回答who的问题,不可跟of
  nothing 指代不可数名词,表示物,用来回答what的问题,不可跟of
  none 指代可数/不可数名词,表示人或物,用来回答how many/how much的问题,可跟of
  1).巧记物主代词: 物主代词分两家,形、名词性各一霸;his, its无变化,my, mine记牢它;
  3).巧记:all,bo th,each的位置
  1)、 any,all, every, each都可以译成"每个人,人人,大家",both的意思是"两者都",但它们的具体异同点为:
  a)、 all强调整体,every强调每个人,each强调每个人各自。
  all that is needed is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.
  b)、 all和every都适用于三者及三者以上的情况,前面都可以加否定词(如:not, nearly, by no means等)。而each可指包括两者在内的情况(即,要指两者中每个人的话,只能用each)。all和each都可以加of加名词,但every后面不能接of。
  the residents, all of whose homes had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the red cross.
  c) any表示"任一的、任何的"
  the medicine is on sale everywhere. you can get it at any chemist"s
  2.other, another,any other,the other的用法:
  a) other表示"另外",而another表示"另外一个",等于an other。两者都可以做主语、定语和宾语。another只表示单数泛指的意思,而other有复数形式;特指时在其前加定冠词;前面可加任何限定词以及数量词。
  b) other用于两者(或双方)的情况下,another用于三者情况下。
  he has more concern for others than for himself.
  no agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to the other .
  (XX安徽)21. you are a team star! working with_______ is really your cup of tea.
  a. both b. either c. others d. the other
  3. none,neither的用法none用在谈到三个或三个以上的人或物时,在谈到两个人或物时通常用neither。
  i have two boys but neither of them likes sweets.
  4. anything, nothing, something
  1) nothing but(通常指物)与none but(通常指人):只不过,只有
  don"t worry about that too much. it is nothing but a quiz.
  2) anything but:并不,根本不
  he was anything but a fool. 他根本不是个傻瓜。
  22. when you introduce me to mr. johnson, could you please say for me? (10福建)
  a. everythingb. anything c. somethingd. nothing
  XX•全国ii)11.i got this bicycle for______:my friend gave it to me when she bought a new one.
  a.everything b.something c.anything d.nothing[来源:学科网]
  5、this,that,these those
  2).this(these)一般指时间和空间上较近的人或物,而that (those)常指时间和空间上较远的人或物。
  this is a novel and that is a magazine.
  what he told me is this:he wanted to go to beijing.
  he didn"t come.that is why he didn"t know.
  4).that,those 常用来指代前面提到过的某个名词。
  the oil output in 1998 was higher than that of 1995.
  ( that 代替oil output)
  the cars made in japan are better than those in germany.
  like this 像这样
  that"s all right 没关系
  more than that 更重要的是
  for all that 尽管如此
  so that"s that. 就是这样。
  such引起倒装句,谓语数取决于后面主语的数: such is my answer./ such are our people.
  做定语,注意和so 的区别,尤其是在so …that, such…that 句型中。 i have never seen such beautiful flowers.(复数名词前,so 不可)
  i have never seen such a great film.(也可为so grea t a film)
  we have such beautiful weather today that we should go out for an outing.(不可数词前,不可用so)
  there are so many people in the hall that it"s hard for me to find him.
  (在数量概念的many,much,little,few 之前,不可用such )
  7、neither 与 e ither 的用法
  都可用于表示两个人或物。 neither 表否定意义,意为(两者中的每一个)都不;而 either 表肯定意义,意为(两者中的每一个)都。都可单独使用,也可同介词 of 连用。如:
  both teams were in hard training; neither willing to lose the game.
  do you want tea or coffee?
  either. i really don‘t mind.
  8、 it, one 和 that
  1. it 可指代可数名词和不可数名词。常常指代上文中 the+ 名词或物主代词 + 名词中的名词,表示同一件事物,但 it 代替的事物属于特指。它的复数形式是 they 或 them .如:
  the parkers bought a new house but it will need a lot of work before they can move in.
  2. one 所表示的名词(可指人或物)和前面所提到的名词只是同一类中的任何一个,不是指其中某一个。不能代替不可数名词。复数形式是 ones .
  3. that既可以代可数名词又可以代不可数名词,强调与this的对应性。代可数名词时,其复数形式为those;
  (XX•重庆卷)27.——silly me! i foeget what my luggage looks like.
  ——what do you think of over there?
  a.the one b.this c.it d.that
  (XX•福建卷)21.we have various summer camps for your holidays, you can choose ____ based on your own interests.
  a.either b.each c.one d.it
  (XX山东)32. helping others is a habit, _______ you can learn even at an early age.
  a. it b. that c. what d. one
  when can we come to visit you?any time you feel like it.
  i love running.it keeps me fit.
  it"s sunday tomorrow.
  it"s five miles to the nearest station from here.
  3).it 代指不定式,可用作形式主语或形式宾语。
  it is difficult to learn written chinese.
  it is of great help to master a foreign language.
  it is no good(no use,useless) 动名词
  it is a waste 动名词
  it happened that they were away.
  注意:it is believed /known /reported /said/ supposed thought that an egg is the equivalent of one pound of meat.可转换为an e gg is believed /known /reported / said /supposed thought to be the equivalent of one pound of meat.
  另外类似take it one"s duty to do something的结构中,think,find,prove, show,deem,believe,consider,count,feel, imagine,make,regard,suppose,take等词后有不定式作宾语,且有补足语时,必须用形式宾语it代替不定式,若补足语为动名词或从句,也要用it作形式宾语。
  i think it my duty to help her.( it is thought my duty...)
  6).用于强调句型中it is(was) 被强调部分(主语、宾语或状语) that(who)...。it无任何指代关系,也无实义。
  it was john who(that)wore his best suit to the dance last night.
  it was in shanghai that i first met jack.
  it was kate that/who told me about it. 是凯特告诉那件事的。
  it was yesterday afternoon that she told me about it. 是昨天下午她把那件事告诉我的。(that不能用when替代)
  it is he that likes playing games. 是他喜欢打游戏。
  it is tomorrow that we will have a meeting. 是明天我们要开会。
  it must be john that/who cleaned the room. 一定是约翰打扫房间的。
  it is i that am in trouble. 是我陷入了困境。
  it is you that are wrong. 是你错了。
  —who is making so much noise in the garden? 谁在花园里吵闹?
  —it is the children. 就是那些小孩呀。(=it is the children that are making so much noise in the garden. )
  要将not一同强调,构成it is/was not…that…
  it is not he that/who studies french. 学法语的不是他。(原句:he doesn’t study french. )
  原句:he gave mary a pen.
  强调直接宾语:it was mary that he gave a pen to.
  强调间接宾语:it was a pen that he gave to mary.
  i don’t know where it is that he has gone. 我不知道他去哪里了。
  判断是否是强调结构的方法是:去掉it is/was和that后,剩余部分(经调整后) 是否依然是个完整的句子,若是,就是强调结构,否则就不是。
  it is a pity that you could not come. 真遗憾,你不能来。(去掉it is和that后,句子不成立,是形式主语句型)
  it was at ten that he got home. 他是十点回到家的。(去掉it was和that后,原句可调整为he got home at ten. 句子完整正确,故这是强调结构)
  7).it 短语
  make it ①成功,做到,赶上 ②约定:let’s make it next week
  as it is ①用于句前表 "事实上" ②用于句末, "照原样"
  leave the chair as it is. 让这椅子照原样放着.
  as it were 可以说,在某种程度上.he is, as it were, a walking dictionary
  see to it that 注意,留神, 负责 see to it that everything is ready.
  1. it is + 被强调部分 + that ...  如果把这种句型结构划掉后,应该是一个完整无缺的句子。这也是判断强调句型与其它从句的方法。
  it was not until she took off her dark glasses that i realized she was a famous film star.
  = not until she took off her dark glasses did i realize she was a famous film star.
  = i didn"t realize she was a famous film star until she took off her dark glasses
  2. it is clear ( obvious, true, possible, certain…) that …
  it is very clear that he"s round and tall like a tree. 
  = that he"s round and tall like a tree is very clear.
  3.it is suggested ( ordered, required ... ) that ...
  4.it is time ( about time , high time ) that ...
  该句型中that 后的从句应该用虚拟语气,值得注意的是① 常用过去时态表示虚拟.② 有时也用should + 动词原形,should 不能省。常译为"是(正是)……的时侯……"。
  it is time that children should go to bed. 
  = it is time that children went to bed.
  5. it is the first ( second … ) time that …
  该句型要和上一个句型区别开来。该句型中的 that 从句不用虚拟语气,而用完成时态。至于用什么完成时态,由主句的谓语动词的时态决定。如果是一般现在时,后面从句用现在完成时态;如果是一般过去时,后面从句则用过去完成时态。该结构中 that 可以省去;it 有时用 this 替换,常译为"是第一(二)……次……"。
  it is the first time i have been here.
  6.it is … since ...
  该句型主要用作处理瞬 间动词的完成时,又要和表示一段时间的时间状语连用的问题。主句中是时间作表语,其时态是现在时或完成时,since 引导的从句通常是一般过去时态,而且是瞬间动词。如果主句是一般过去时,从句则用过去完成时。
  it is ( has been ) 5 years since his father died.
  7. it is ... when ...
  该句型中的 when 引导的是一个时间状语从句,主句中的 it 指时间,表语由具体的时间充当。常译为"当……的时候,是……"。
  it was 5 o"clock when he came here.
  8. it be ... before ...
  该句型主句中的 it 指时间, 主句中的时态常是将来一般时或过去时两种时态.主句中的表语多是long, not long , 3 days , 2 weeks 等表示时间段的词或短语。常译为"……之后……"。
  it was 3 days before he went to beijing.
  it will be not long before he finishes his job.
  9. it happens (seems, looks, appears ) that...
  该句型中it是形式主语,that 引导的是主语从句,主句中的happen, seem 等词是不及物动词.
  it happened ( so happened ) that he met his teacher in the street.
  it seems that he will be back in a few days.
  10.we think it important to learn a foreign language.
  该句型中的it 作形式宾语。为了记忆方便我们可称该句型为:
  6 指主句中常用的动词:think, believe, make, find, consider, feel ;
  1 指的是形式宾语it ; 
  2 指的是宾补的两种形式:形容词或名词 ;
  3 指的是真正宾语的三种形式:不定式短语,动名词短语或that 引导的宾语从句。 
  we think it our duty to clean our classroom every day. 
  he felt it important learning english well. 
  they found it difficult that they would finish their work in two day
  (XX•辽宁卷)27.- would you like tea or coffee?
  - , thank you.i"ve just had some water.
  a.either b.both c.any d.neither
  (XX•重庆卷)27.——silly me! i foeget what my luggage looks like.
  ——what do you think of over there?
  a.the one b.thisc.it d.that
  答案【d】 本题考查代词it 、one 和that表示指代时的区别。it表同物特指, one 表同类泛指,the one 表特指,that 指代上文中提到的不可数名词的同类。
  22. when you introduce me to mr. johnson, could you please say for me?
  a. everythingb. anything c. somethingd. nothing中学学科网
  22. 答案:c
  解析:句子的意思是当你向mr. john介绍我的时候,你可以为我说一些好话吗? a. everything 所有的;b. anything 任何事;d nothing 什么也没有 c. something表示一些,某些
  (10上海)27. if our parents do everything for us children, we won"t learn to depend on
  a. themselves b. them c. us d. ourselves
  解析:主语为we,因此应为ourselves. depend on oneself:自力更生。根据句意,选d。
  (10安徽)21. you are a team star! working with_______ is really your cup of tea.
  a. both b. either c. others d. the other
  解析:句意为"你是球队明星!与他人合作必须是你喜欢做的事。"习语"one’s cup of tea"意为"the type of thing or person that you like"。
  (10山东)32. helping others is a habit, _______ you can learn even at an early age.
  a. it b. that c. what d. one
  解析:句意应为"帮助别人是一种习惯,一个你在很小时就能学会的习惯。"空格处与前句中的habit构成同位关系,所以选择d项。句中you can learn even at an early age是省略了关系代词that 的定语从句,that在定语从句中作learn的宾语使用。
  6. in my life impressed me so deeply as my first visit to the palace museum.
  a. anything b. nothing c. everything d. something
  (陕西)12. the cost of renting a house in central xi’an is higher than ____ in any other area of the city.
  a. that b. this c. it d. one
  12. 答案:a.
  7. on my desk is a photo that my father took of when i was a baby.
  a. him b. his c. me d. mine
  解析: take a photo of sb意为给某人照相,此处应用人称代词的宾格。正确答案为c。
  (10全国ⅱ)12. neither side is prepared to talk to _________unless we can smooth things over between them.
  a. others b. the other c. another d. one other
  解析: neither含有"两者都不"之意,一方对应另一方,故用the other指"两者中的另一个"。
  (10重庆)23. he had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found of them again.
  a. neitherb. eitherc. each d. all
  23. 答案b
  解析:由"his temper and health"可以排除c项和d项,由后面的never表否定,选either,never either是全部否定,相当于neither 。
  25. to improve the quality of our products, we asked for suggestions ______had used the products.
  a. whateverb. whoc. whicheverd. which
  25. 答案a
  解析:______had used the products。是个宾语从句,从句中缺少主语,并且指人,所以用whoever.
  (10江西)34 nowadays some hospitals refer to patients ______ name, not case number.
  a of b as c by d with
  解析:方式方法可以用by也可以用with, by+ n(方式), with+修饰词+ n(工具).
  (10浙江)14. that’s important is that you are doing your best and moving in the right direction.
  (10全国ⅱ)14.the doctor thought ___________would be good for you to have a holiday.
  a. this b. that c. one d. it
  解析:考查it的用法。it的两个重要用法是作形式主语和形式宾语。本题考查形式宾语,it在这里代指后面的真正宾语to have a holiday。
  (10辽宁)33.the fact that she was foreign made _____difficult for her to get a job in that country
  a so b. much c. that d. it
  解析:考查it的用法。句中for her to get a job in that country是动词不定式的复合结构做made的宾语,difficult是宾语补足语,此处要用it做形式宾语,其他词没有这种用法。
  (XX全国卷ii)11.i got this bicycle for ______ ; my friend gave it to me when she bought a new one.
  a.everything b.something c.anything d.nothing
  (XX北京卷)34.the employment rate has continued to rise in big cities thanks to the efforts of the local governments to increase ___.
  (XX上海卷) 26.to stay awake, he finished a cup of coffee and ordered ______.
  a.the otherb.otherc.the othersd.another
  (XX山东卷) 24.the two girls are so alike that strangers find ______ difficult to tell one from the other.
  a.it b.them c.her d.that
  (XX江西卷)25.why don’t you bring ______ to his attention.
  (XX安徽卷)22.surprisingly, susan’s beautiful hair reached below her knees and made_____ almost an overcoat for her.
  a.them b.her c.itself d.herself
  (XX福建卷)21.we have various summer camps for your holidays, you can choose ____ based on your own interests.
  a.either b.each c.one d.it
  (XX四川卷)3.there is _____ in his words.w e should have a try.
  a. something b. anything c.nothing d.everything
  (XX辽宁卷)27.- would you like tea or coffee?
  - ______, thank you.i"ve just had some water.
  a.either b.both c.any d.neither
  (XX天津卷)1.we feel ______ our duty to make our country a better place.
  a.it b.this c.that d.one
  (XX陕西卷)16.-would you get me a bar of chocolate from the kitchen, dear?
  - ____ one?
  a.other b.every c.another d.more
  (XX重庆卷)27.——silly me! i forget what my luggage looks like.
  ——what do you think of ______ over there?
  a.the one b.this c.it d.that
  (XX湖南卷)24.i know that _____ would ever discourage him; he would never give up wanting to be a director.
  a.something b.anything c.everything d.nothing
  1. do you really believe that mr. white has blamed us for the accident, especially ________ ?
  a. you and me b. i and you c. you and i d. you and we
  2. —daddy, which of these smart hats do you like best in the hat shop?
  — ________ . they are both expensive and less warm-keeping.
  a. either b. nothing c. neither d. none
  3. at the shop, they wanted to show me all the dresses, but i was interested only in ________ in the window.
  a. this b. that c. it d. the one
  4. his earliest plays are excellent, but his latest one is ________ .
  a. something b. everything c. anything d. nothing
  5. —did ________ of your parents come to attend the opening ceremony?
  — ________ of them came.
  a. any; none b. any; neither
  c. either; neither d. either; any
  6. —what can i do for you?
  —i’d like to buy a book, ________ that was written by lu xun.
  a. which b. one c. but d. all
  7. some of the wheat came from canada. how about ________ ?
  a. another b. the others c. the other d. the rest
  8. —do you have ________ at home now, stella?
  —no, we still have to get several pounds of fruit and some tea.
  a. something b. everything c. nothing d. anything
  9. i won’t trust him. he says one thing to your face but does ________ behind your back.
  a. other b. the other c. the others d. another
  10. of all the movies hepbum made ________ is more memorable than "breakfast at tiffany’s".
  a. few b. little c. no one d. none
  11. —do you mind if charlie borrows a few hundred dollars from you?
  —i’m afraid i do. i’ll be glad to lend money to ________ but charlie.
  a. someone b. everyone c. anyone d. no one
  12. the boy spent as much time playing computer games as he ________ studying.
  a. does b. was c. had d. did
  13. —i want to have my cd player fixed, but i can’t find a repair shop.
  —oh, i know ________ . come on, i’ll take you there.
  a. one b. the one c. ones d. many
  14. will you see to ________ that the flowers are well protected during the rainy season?
  a. it b. me c. / d. yourself
  15. —he has two brothers and three sisters. do you know ________ of them?
  —no, i know ________ of them.
  a. some; none b. any; some [来源:学科网zxxk]
  c. any; none d. either; some
  16. don’t leave your keys in the car. someone might steal ________ .
  a. one b. that c. this d. it
  17. i’ve lost my pen. i can’t find it a nywhere, so i have to buy ________ after school.
  a. it b. one c. this d. that
  18. ________ in the office had made a mistake, and the firm regretted causing the customer inconvenience.
  a. someone b. anyone c. everyone d. no one
  19. —can i help you?
  —i’d like to buy a present for my father’s birthday, ________ at a proper price, but of great use.
  a. that b. anyone c. one d. everything
  20. the cruelty of the germans towards the jews and ________ of the japanese towards their prisoners, filled ________ with horror.
  a. those; someone b. that; everyone
  c. it; no one d. this; anyone
  21. —johnson, there’re a lot of chairs over there. go and fetch ________ for me.
  —why ________ ? mike is sitting there doing nothing.
  a. one; me b. that; not he c. it; not him d. some; i
  22. he cares so little about his meals that ________ will do so long as it fills his stomach.
  a. everything b. something c. anything d. nothing
  23. i wanted some tea, but there was ________ left in the teapot.
  a. none b. any c. nothing d. some
  24. —what an amazing film! it’s the most interesting film i’ve ever seen.
  —but i’m sure it won’t interest ________ .
  a. somebody b. anybody c. everybody d. nobody
  25. —have you finished your work yet?
  —no, i’ll finish it in ________ fifteen minutes.
  a. another b. other c. more d. less
  1. a. 要选的代词作动词blame的宾语,当然要用人称代词的宾格,故选a。
  2. d. 由best可知,该处的hat应有三顶或三顶以上,排除指两者的a和c。另请注意:后文的both不是指hat,both…and…既(昂贵)又(不保暖)。nothing意为"没有任何东西、无物",意义不通。none指三者或三者以上"一个也不"。
  3. d. the one替代the dress。(from www.bs178.com)
  4. d. 此处nothing意为"微不足道的(of no importance),无价值的(worthless)";something某事物、重要的或了不起的人或事物;anything任何事物、重要的人或事物;everything每件东西、最重要的事物。
  5. c. 两者:"都"用both,"任一"用either,"一个都不"用neither;多者:"都"用all,"任一"用any,"一个都不"用none。由your parents可知,是指两者,故选c。
  6. b. one替代a book,作前面a book的同位语,后面that was written by lu xun是修饰one的定语从句。
  7. d. another, the other(s)只能替代可数名词,而the rest既可替代可数名词又可替代不可数名词。句中要替代的wheat,是不可数名词,所以只有d正确。
  8. b. 语境题,几个答案似乎都可用于疑问句中。但根据still,说明已有一些东西了,只是还需要几镑水果和一些茶,所以用everything,问的是否齐全。
  9. d. 此句中的another指"另一件事、另一套",并非特指。the other指"(两者中的)另外那一个",the others指"其余的那一些"均为特指;无冠词的单数other,只能在名词前作定语,故不能选a、b和c。
  10. d. 不难看出要选的代词是指movie,首先排除只能指代不可数名词的little。根据动词is,不能用复数few作主语,排除a。而no one (=nobody)只能指人,因此,只有d正确。
  11. c. 由i’m afraid i do. 可知,我把钱借给除charlie外的任何人,就是不借给他。
  12. d. 因为do可以用来替代动词,以避免重复;句中did替代spent。
  13. a. 因为意思是"我知道一家店铺";one 用来替代"a +名词",指同类事物中的一个,在此句中替代a repair shop。
  14. a. 因为see to it that…是习语,与make sure that…相当,意思是"务必要…"。
  15. c. 因为指三者或三者以上中的"任何一个"用any,"一个也不"用none。
  16. d. 因为指与前面提到的是同一物时,用it,此处it替代the car。
  17. b. 因为one用来替代"a /an+单数可数名词"指同类事物中的一个,此处one替代a pen。
  18. a. 因为someone在此指办公室里的"某一个人"。
  19. c. 因为one在题中替代a present,并作a present的同位语。(from www.bs178.com)
  20. b. 因为指同类事物,又是替代不可数名词时,只能用that,此处that替代the cruelty。everyone意为"每个人、大家"。
  21. a. 因为此处one替代a chair;又因为在简略回答中习惯上用宾格。
  22. c. 因为anything是"无论何物"之意,与语境相符。
  23. a. 区分:none一点也没有;nothing没有任何东西。
  24. c. 因为both, every等与not连用构成部分否定;not…everybody是"并非每一个人"之意。句意是:我相信这部电影不会使每个人都感兴趣。
  25. a. 表示"另外十五分钟"用:another fifteen minutes = fifteen other minutes =fifteen more minutes。
  1. new english-chinese dictionary has been republished several times,_____ more up to date than the last edition.
   a. any b. everyone c. either d. each
  2. after paying 1,000 dollars_____ ,you"ll all become full members of our club.
   a. each b. all c. every d. both
  3._____ was her cruelty that we all hated her.
   a. it b. what c. that d. such
  4. mary has been ill in bed for a week. i wonder if she is _____ better now.
   a. much b. so me c. any d. very
  5. -which of these two ties will you take?-i don"t like these. do you have any_____ ?
   a. one b. other c. ones d. others
  6. i" d rather ride a bike as bike riding has _____ of the trouble of taking buses.
   a. much b. all c. neither d. none
  7. i need some blue ink today but there is _____ at hand.
   a. not b. nothing c. a little d. none
  8. i found the very watch of mine _____ i had left _____ .
   a. where, it b. that, it
  c. which,one d. where,one
  9. i haven"t got time to get the tickets. who"s going to ____?
   a. do so b. do it c. buy it d. do them
  10. -jack certainly has a high opinion of susan. 
  it can"t be better than _____of him.
   a. hers b. she c. that d. her
  11. -shall we introduce ____ fire-fighting equipment from abroad?-go ahead, if necessary.
   a. other b. a few more c. another d. some other
  12. -how about the price of these refrigerators?-they are equal in price to, if not cheaper than,_____ at the other stores.
   a. others b. it c. that d. the ones
  13. -i dislike _____ when others laugh at me in public or speak ill of me behind.
  -so do i.
   a. them b. those c. it d. that
  14. -which do you prefer, classical music or pop music?  -_____. i prefer folk music.
   a. either b. both c. none d. neither
  15. why don" t you trust and use old tom? he is still as strong as _____ in the team.
   a. nobody b. anybody else
  c. everybody d. somebody else
  16. -are the new methods taking any effect?-yes,_____ articles are stolen from our supermarket.
   a. few b. more c. some d. none
  17. during the meeting a young man cried out suddenly and threw his notebook at the chairman,_____ brought the room to disorder.
   a. it b. and which c. and that d. this
  18. i"ve just seen no more than one copy of gone with the wind in the bookshop opposite. tom, go and buy_____ back.
   a. one b. any c. it d. some
  19. -do you have _____ at home now? -no, we still have to get scores of eggs and some vegetables.
   a. nothing   b. everything
  c. anything   d. something
  20. nancy is expecting another baby and hopes _____ will be a boy.
   a. he   b. that   c. it   d. there
  21. surely it"s _____ with the big nose you mean, not ____!
   a. he, i   b. him, me   c. him, i   d. he, me
  22. the temperature can fall to –30 . _____ is,30 c below freezing point.
   a. which   b. it   c. that   d. this
  23. -the exam was easy, wasn"t it?
  -yes, but i don" t think _____ could pass it.
   a. somebody  b. everybody 
  c. anybody   d. nobody
  24. cut the apple into halves so that the twins may each get _____ half.
   a. every   b. each   c. another   d. either
  25. _____ of us can do everything, but all of us can do _____ .
   a. none, something   b. some, everything
  c. few, something   d. few, nothing
  26. -may i help you with some gloves, sir?
  -yes, i"d like to try those blue ____.
   a. one   b. ones   c. pair   d. two
  27. of all my friends _____ will be able to persuade tom to change his mind. he is so firm upon it.
   a. none   b. nobody  c. neither  d. no one
  28. -is he content to accept our offered price?
  -yes. he cares more about the quality. money is _____ to him.
   a. everything  b. anything 
  c. nothing   d. something
  29. i have no idea which was better, so i took ____ of them.
   a. both   b. none   c. all   d. any
  30. you mustn"t always do _____ as he asks you to do. he may be wrong sometimes.
   a. anything   b. something 
  c. nothing   d. everything
  31. i"m no painter, and to me, one painting is much like .
   a. another   b. the other   c. others   d. one
  32. i didn"t want either of ____ hats and asked the salesman to show me_____.
   a. those, another   b. two, the other 
  c. all, the others   d. both, others
  33. the children were catching butterflies in the garden. some caught a lot, and others caught _ at all.
   a. nothing   b. none   c. no one   d. neither
  34. thank you very much indeed. that" s _____ of you.
   a. kindest   b. most kind 
  c. the kinder   d. the most kind
  35. jack is a very likable fellow, but i"ve learned to take _____ he says with a grain of salt.
   a. something b. anything   c. nothing   d. everything
  36. -i love you more than her, child. -you mean more than ____ love her or more than she loves ____?
   a. you, me   b. i, you   c. you, you   d. i, me
  1. d 2. a 3. d 4. c 5. d 6. d 7. d 8. a 9. b 10. a 11. d 12. d 13. c 14. d 15. b 16. a 17. c 18. c 19. b 20. c21. b 22. c 23. b 24. d 25. a 26. b 27. a 28. c 29. a 30. d 31. a 32. a 33. b 34. b 35. d 36. a
