

  unit 7 cultural relics(教案设计和课件设计)
  period 2 reading comprehension
  a city of heroes
  teaching goals: 1.talk about cultural relics.
  2.talk about ways to protect cultural relics.
  3.learn about the city st petersburg
  4.use the present perfect passive voice
  5.write a letter to the editor to express personal idea
  about cultural relics.
  teaching aims: 1.show the knowledge of the city of heroes to students
  2.enable the students to express their views on cultural relics
  3.learn some new words and expressions
  important words and expressions:
  ruin, burn, restore, rebuild, beauty, photograph, portrait
  in ruins, bring…back to life, pull down
  teaching aids: tape, multimedia
  teaching procedure
   step1. lead-in
  boys and girls, today we are going to learn something about a great city----st petersburg. first, can you give me some examples of famous cities in the world? yes, there are
  beijing, paris, tokyo and so on. now, if you are able to go to any city you want to, which city will you choose? tell me why. in your opinion, what makes a city great?
  a long history, famous things happening there, great people, and cultural relics.
   step2. showing some pictures about the city and making the students have a brief idea of the history of the city.
  the city of st. petersburg is relatively young if judged by russian or european standards. founded in 1703, st.petersburg celebrated its 300th anniversary in XX. but despite being a young city it has a rich and exciting history. known as peter the great"s "paradise" and "northern venice" in the early days, st. petersburg has always been a city of myth and mystery.
   step 3. listen to the tape for the first time, then do the true or false exercise.
  ( )1.the city of st petersburg was built and rebuilt by peter the great.
  ( )2.many great palaces in the city, which were large and beautiful, were built after peter’s death.
  ( )3.the germans attacked st petersburg a hundred years ago.
  ( )4.when the palaces and buildings were rebuilt, people changed their old beauty.
  ( )5.a portrait of peter the great was destroyed by the germans.
  ( )6.it was difficult for people to rebuild the old palaces.
  ( )7.workers and painters used old photographs to help them rebuild the city.
  ( )8.st petersburg will never be as beautiful as it was before.
   step4. fill in the blanks after reading the text carefully.
  st petersburg lies _____ the banks of the river neva in russia. ______ hundred years ago, peter the great, built a new capital here. peter the great was a strong and ______ man. st petersburg has been the center of many important historical ____. during the world war two, the people fought hard ________ the nazis and were determined to _______ the city when the nazis had left it in ______ . rebuilding the city was _______ , but the people managed to ______ the city back to ______ . so the people of st petersburg are the modern_______ , _____ their hero peter.
   step 5. answer the following questions.
  1.why was it so difficult for people to rebuild the old palaces?2.who are the heroes of the city? why are the people of st.petersburg heroes?
   step 6 discussion.
  nowadays, many old buildings in beijing , like si heyuan (四合院)are being destroyed and new modern buildings are built there. how do you think about the event? do you agree or disagree? why?
   step 7. homework
  1. write a similar article about our city.
  2. do exercises on page 47.
