

  高二英语unit13 the water planet知识点总复习教案
  section ii 阅读
  7. 99% percent of the living space on earth is in the oceans. 地球上百分之九十九的生存空间是在海洋里。(p.19 第一段 第2-3行)
  百分数作主语时,即percent后有数词时,应注意两点:一是percent不能用复数形式;二是谓语动词的单复数。如果percent of后的名词为单数,谓语动词用单数;其后的名词为复数,谓语动词则用复数。如:① about 70 percent of the surface of the earth is water.地球表面大约百分之七十是水。② eight percent of the students are absent today.今天有百分之八的学生缺席。
  【注】percent可作为副词用,在句中作状语。如:①i notice you don"t say that you"re a hundred percent convinced yourself. 我注意到你没有让你自己完全信服。 ② prices have risen 5. 5 percent in the past year. 过去一年物价上涨了5.5%。③ i think it"s ninety percent probable. 我想有百分之九十的可能性。
  【注】percent也可作形容词用,在句中充当定语。如: i paid him six percent interest.我付给他百分之六的利息。
  【注】percentage意为"百分比",多与of连用。如果连用的名词是复数,后面的动词就用复数形式,否则用单数形式。如:① what percentage of babies die of this disease every year? 每年婴儿死于这种疾病的百分率是多少? ② what percentage 0f his income is paid in income tax? 他的收入有多大比例用来交所得税?
  8. marine life is incredibly rich and varied. 海洋生物极其丰富多样。(p.19 第一段 第3行)
  varied是由动词vary变化而来的过去分词,在句中作定语或表语。如:① the menu is varied and cheap.菜单上的菜花样很多也很便宜。② they made varied efforts to bring about a peaceful solution of the problems. 他们做了种种努力来和平解决这些问题。③ they are rich in content and varied in style.它们内容丰富、风格多样。④ he had had varied training and had held many offices.他受过多种训练并担任过多种职务。
  动词vary意为"有差异""有变化"时,是不及物动词。如:① courses vary according to the needs of the students. 课程根据学生的需要而不同。②people vary very much in their ideas. 人与人的想法差别是很大的。③ the answers given by different people vary greatly.不同人作出的回答,差别非常大。
  vary可作及物动词,意思是"使……有变化""变换"。如:①you should vary your diet. 你的饮食应经常变换花样。② she varies her dress as fashion changes. 她的衣着随潮流而变化。
  【注】vary充当及物动词时,可用现在分词作定语。如:varying prices 不断变化的价格。
  9. there are about five million species in the oceans and we have yet to learn much about them. 海洋里大约有500万种生物有关这些种群的情况,我们还有许多东西要了解。(p.19第一段第4行)
  1) species
  species意为"种""类"。单复数同形,主要指生物学上有相同特征的动植物品种、种类。如:① the agri- cultural extort has developed a productive species of rice.这个农业专家培育出一种高产水稻品种。② pandas are an endangered species.熊猫是一种濒临灭绝的动物。③ some species of animals have become extinct because they could not adapt to a changing environment.有一些动物已经灭绝了,因为它们不能适应环境的变化。
  【注】species可用来表示"人类"。如:① the use of nuclear weapons is a horrible threat to the species. 核武器的使用对人类是一个严重的威胁。② the protection of our environment will benefit the human species.保护环境有益于全人类。
  【注】 species在口语中表示"种类",相当于a kind,a type,a sort。如:① various species of business advertise- ments on the television sometimes make tv programs rather dull. 电视上五花八门的商业广告有时使电视节目十分乏味。②a strange species of car attracted the attention of people.一种形状奇特的轿车引起了人们的注意。
  【注】英语中还有specie这个词,不要把它误认为是species的单数, 这是两个完全不同的词。specie意为"硬币"。
  2) yet在肯定句中的意思和用法。
  yet一般用于否定句和疑问句,意为"还""已经"。如: ① i don"t want to go away yet.我现在还不想离开。② the moon had not yet risen.月亮还没有升起。③ i wonder if she"s started yet.不知她开始了没有。
  在个别情况下yet也可用在肯定句中,意为"还""又"。如:① it was too early yet to tell anything. 现在要说什么还为时过早。② i have a few more pages to read yet. 我还有几页书要看。③ much yet remains to be done. 还有很多事等着去做。
  yet可用来表示将来还可能发生某事,意为"迟早""终归"。如: ① the plan may yet succeed. 这个计划还可能成功。 ②it will be colder yet before spring comes. 春天到来之前还可能更冷一些。③ the thief will be caught yet.小偷迟早会被抓住的。
  yet可作连词用,意为"但是""然而"。如:①jane said she was ill, yet i saw her in the street just now. 简说她病了,但我刚才还看到她在街上。② i gave him all he asked for,yet he is still not satisfied. 我给了他所要的一切,但是他仍然不满意。
  yet也可以和and连用,表示"但是"。如:he"s plea- sant enough, and yet i don"t like him. 他够招人喜欢的,但我不喜欢他。
  【注】still,already和yet都有"还""仍然"之意,但是有差别。still暗示对某事件持续时间比预料的长而感到惊讶。如:the coffee is still hot. (咖啡还是热的。) already用于表达对某事物发生时间比预料的时间早而感到惊讶。如:the coffee is cold already.(咖啡已经凉了。) yet一般用于否定句和疑问句中,在正式语体中有时可代替still。如:i have still/yet to hear the truth. (我仍然未被告知真相。)
  10. life in the ocean ranges from the tiniest plankton all the way up to giants like sharks and whales.海洋里的生物中从微小的浮游生物到巨大的动物如鲨鱼和鲸鱼都有。(p.19 第一段 第5-6行)
  range在本单元中作不及物动词用,意为"在一定范围、幅度内变动"。range的此种用法无进行时态,常与介词from…to…或between连用。如:① sentences today range from 5 or 6 words to 70, with the majority not far from 20. 现在的句子长度从五、六个词到七十个词不等。不过大多数句子的长度在二十个字左右。② his interests ranged from chess to surfing. 他的爱好从下棋到冲浪,无所不有。③ their ages ranged from 25 to 50. 他们的年龄在二十五岁到五十岁之间。④ the temperature ranges between 0 and 30 .气温在摄氏零度到30度之间。
  * range后接介词over时表示"漫游…" "涉及""包括"。如:①we ranged over the hills and valleys. 我们在山上和山谷中漫游。② our conversation ranged over many topics. 我们的谈话涉及许多话题。
  【注】range 作"漫游"解释时,可作为及物动词用。如:he spent the summer ranging the countryside. 他在乡间漫游,度过了夏天。
  all the way意为"一直""始终",也可以用the whole way。如:① there being no bus, he had to walk all the way home. 没有公共汽车,他不得不一直步行到家。② i"ll support him all the way whatever happens. 不管发生什么事,我将始终支持他。③ the dog has been with me all the way. 这条狗一直跟着我。
  up to此处是与from连用的。up to单独使用时有"直到""至多"之 意。如:① it could be up to two years before the project is completed.可能需要两年时间这项工程才能完成。② she was here up to a few minutes ago. 她直到数分钟前还在这里。③ our minibus can hold up to eight people. 我们的小车能容纳8人。④ up to now i"ve never met him. 一直到现在,我还没见过他。
  【注】up to有很多意思,常见的还有"忙于…""由……决定、负责"。如:① what have you been up to all day while i"ve been busy? 我整天忙着的时候你在干什么? ② go and see what these girls are up to.去看看这些女孩子在干什么。③ it"s up to you whether you decide t0 take the job. 要不要这份工作由你自己决定。④ it"s up to you to break the news to him. 该由你把这消息告诉他。
  【注】up to还可作"及得上""可以与……相比较"解。如:① this new book of green"s isn"t up to his last. 格林的这本书不如上一本好。② he is not up to his father as a scholar. 作为学者他不如他父亲。
  11. what makes the ocean such a great place to live? 究竟是什么东西使海洋成为如此优越的生活场所呢?(p.19 第一段倒数第2-1行)   make的用法归纳
  (1) make + n. + n. 使…① in 1849, marx went to england and made london the base for his revolutionary work. 1849年马克思到了英国,把伦敦作为从事革命工作的基地。② we made him monitor. 我们选他当班长。
  (2) make + n. + adj. 使…they"ve made their hometown rich. 他们已使家乡富有了。
  (3) make + n. + do sth. 使某人做某事 the boss made him work 10 hours a day. 老板让他每天工作10小时。
  注意:此句型若变成被动语态,后面的动词前要加"to",构成"be made to do sth."。he was made to work 10 hours a day.他被迫一天工作10小时。
  (4) make + n. + 过去分词she couldn"t make herself heard. 别人听不到她的话。
  12. water is actually quite simple, but the way the water molecule is formed gives water its unique properties. 水实际上很简单,但是水分子组成的方式赋予它独特的特性。(p.19 chemical structure 第2-3行)
  way在此处表示"方式",其后的定语从句的关系代词that或in which均可省去。如:① that"s the way i look at it. 这就是我对此的看法。② i don"t like the way you laugh at her. 我不喜欢你那样嘲笑她。③ people like the way he wrote. 人们喜欢他写作的方式。④ the way you are doing it is completely crazy. 你这么个干法,简直是疯了。
  【注】way后面除了跟省去关系代词的定语从句外,还可以跟不定式或动名词,两者之间没有重要的区别。如:①he had no way to communicate with them. 他没有办法和他们取得联系。② there is only one way of doing this properly. 只有一种办法能把这事办好。③ what"s the way to address her? 应以怎样的方式称呼她? ④ i have no way of finding out whether they are competent. 我没办法弄清楚他们是否胜任。
  【注】在in…way作状语时,in也可以省掉。如:① they both answered the same way. 他们都以同样的方式回答。② i"m going to do it my way. 我要按我自己的办法去做。③ you can"t do it this way. 你不能这样做。
  unique意为"独特的""独一无二的"。如:① she was a woman of unique talent and determination.她是个具有无与伦比的才能和决心的女人。②the stamp is unique; there are no others like it.这邮票是独一无二的,再也没有像这样的了。③ the area has its own unique language. 这个地区只有一种自己的语言。④ as a writer he has his own unique style.作为作家他有其独特的风格。 ⑤ the young author wrote a unique book about life with city. 那位青年作家写了一本独特的关于这座城市生活的书。
  13. the water molecule is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. 水分子由二个氢原子和一个氧原子构成。(p.19 chemical structure 第3-4行)
  make up of常用被动式,意为"由……所组成"。如:① the train was made up of 15 coaches. 这列火车有15节车厢。② all living matter is made up of cells. 一切有生命的东西都由细胞组成。③ paper, for instance, is made up of transparent fibers.例如纸就是由透明纤维构成的。④ new england is made up of six states. 新英格兰包括6个州。
  make up可作"弥补…""赔偿""补足"解。如:① we"ll do all we can to make up the economic losses. 我们要尽一切力量弥补这些经济损失。② this will make up for what he lacked in book knowledge. 这就可以补足他所缺少的书本知识。③ the new teacher made up for his inexperience by careful preparation for each lesson. 这位新教师每节课都认真准备,以此弥补自己的经验不足。
  make up亦可作"编选""虚构"解。如:①these dances were made up by the students themselves. 这些舞蹈都是学生们自己编排的。② she made up an excuse to explain her absence. 她编了一套理由来解释自己为什么缺席。③ he asked each of us to make up a dialogue. 他让我们每人编一段对话。
  make up还有"和解""言归于好"之意。如:① she told us about their quarrels and how they made up. 她给我们讲到了他们的争吵以及他们怎样又和好。②when a quarrel has once been made up, the best thing is to forget it.一场争吵和解后,最好是把它忘掉。③they advised him to make things up with his wife. 他们劝他和妻子言归于好。
  make up亦有"做成""铺好"之意。如:① then they made them up into tablets.然后他们把它们制成了药。② they made up their beds immediately after getting up.他们一起身就把床铺好。
  14. because water is polar,it can break down or dissolve both solids and gases. 因为水是带正电的,所以它能分解固体和气体。(p.19 chemical structure 第6行)
  break down是个常用词组,我们在高二上册同步讲解中已作过解释,但此处break down作"分解"解。如: ① chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances.人体里的化学元素把食物分解成有用的物质。② the figures on living expenses must be broken down into food, shelter, education, medical bills and so on. 生活消费的数字必须细分为食物类、住房类、教育类、医疗费类等等。③ after many years, rocks broke down into dirt. 岩石经年累月之后分化成尘土。
  break down还有很多解释,常见的有"(身体)垮了""(计划)失败" "(精神)支持不住了"。如:① his health broke down because he had strained himself too much in his work. 他因工作劳累过度而把身体搞垮了。② marc broke down tearfully when she was told the death of her husband.玛丽听到他丈夫的死时痛哭流涕。③ their plan has broken down.他们的计划失败了。
  break down可作"(机器等)坏了"解。如:① then the car i was in broke down. 那时我乘坐的汽车坏了。②when the pumps broke down, they would repair them for us. 水泵坏了,他们就帮我们修。③ the washing machine seems to have broken down again. 洗衣机好像又坏了。
  break down有"中断"之意。如:① he broke down in the middle of his speech. 他讲到一半儿停了下来。② telephone communication with other cities has broken down. 和其他城市的电话联系中断了。③ that is how the talks broke down. 谈判就是那样中断的。
  break down还"打破""摧毁""制服"之意。如:① firemen had m break down the wall to save the child. 为了救孩子,消防队员不得不把墙推倒。② we have broken down the resistance of the enemy. 我们已经打垮了敌人的顽抗。③the police tried to break down the prisoner"s opposition.警察试图压制囚犯的反抗。
  15. density is the relationship between mass and volume and is measured in kilogrammes per cubic metre. 密度是指质量和容量的相关程度。它的测量单位是每立方米的公斤数。(p.20 density 第1行)   measure的用法:
  (1) 有……之大小 this room measures 6 metres by 4. 这个房间有6米长4米宽。
  (2) 测量 (长度、大小、重量等) the tailor measured me for a suit. 裁缝给我量尺寸做好西装。
  (3) 措施;办法 ①they took strong measures against reckless drivers.他们对于鲁莽的驾驶员采取强硬的手段。②if a substance has a higher density, say 5000 kg/m3, it will not float on water. 如果一种物质的密度比水的大,比如5000 kg/m3,那它就不能浮在水上。
  16. marine animals and plants take advantage of the density of water. 海洋动物和植物利用了水的密度的特性。(p.20 density 第4行)
  take advantage of意为"利用""占便宜"。如:① they often took advantage of his lack of experience.他们常常利用他缺乏经验这个弱点。② he took advantage of his friend"s kindness.他利用了他朋友的好心肠。③ he didn"t want to take unfair advantage. 他不愿意占人便宜。④jane took advantage of the lunch hour to finish her homework.珍利用午饭时问完成家庭作业。⑤ we took advantage of the fine weather to air quilts. 我们趁好天气晾晒被褥。⑥ they took full advantage of the school"s facilities.他们充分利用学校的设施。
  【注】take advantage of sb. 意为"欺骗(捉弄)某人…""利用某人(的弱点)"。如:① he"s taking advantage 0f her good nature.他在利用她秉性善良的弱点。② she took advantage of him even after they were porced. 即使在离婚后,她还在欺骗他。
  【注】take advantage of意为"利用",而have the advantage of则意为"胜过……" "对……具有优势…" "具有……的优点"。试看下列例句:① he has the advantage of me in experience. 他在经验方面胜过我。② cereals have the advantage of being rich in iron. 麦片粥具有富含铁质的优点。
  【注】表示"利用(机会)"或"利用(时间)"还可以用take the opportunity,take,(one"s) time。如:① he likes to take his time over breakfast.他喜欢不紧不慢地吃早饭。②some of the soldiers took the opportunity the next day to go ashore.第二天有些士兵利用这机会上岸去了。
  17. most animals and plants are sensitive to large or sudden changes in temperature,… 大多数的动物或植物对温度大的或突然的改变非常敏感,…(p.20 heat capacity 第3行)
  be sensitive to意为"对……敏感"。如:① the eye is sensitive to light. 眼睛对光敏感。② photographic paper is highly sensitive to light. 照相纸对光十分敏感。③ an artist is sensitive to beauty. 艺术家对美是敏锐的。
  sensitive有"神经质的""神经过敏的"意思。如:① you really must stop being so sensitive about your accent.你实在不必为自己的口音感到烦燥不安。② don"t mention she"s put on weight—she"s very sensitive about it. 不要说她胖了—她对此非常敏感。
  sensitive可引申为"善解人意的"。如:he is very sensitive to his pupils" need for encouragement and knows when to praise them.他非常理解学生对鼓励的需要,并知道何时表扬他们。
  【注】另一个词sensible和sensitive一样都是形容词,但意思不同。sensible意为"明智的""合情合理的"。如:① she"s very sensible about money.她在金钱方面是非常理智的。②why don"t you do something sensible in your spare time?你为什么不在业余时间干些有意义的事情呢? ③ you are sensible to take his advice. 你听从他的劝告是明智的。
  18. the water in the oceans also keeps the temperature of the earth steady by absorbing and giving off heat. 由于海水的吸热和释热的作用,从而使地球的温度保持稳定。(p.20 heat capacity最后一行)   keep的几种用法
  (1) keep可用于复合结构,其宾语补足语可以是介词短语、现在分词、过去分词、形容词、副词等。如:① i"ll keep the box in the shade. 我将把盒子保存在阴影处。 ② the bad cold kept him in bed for three days. 他得了重感冒,只得卧床三天。③i"m sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。④ it"s cold inside.let’s keep the fire burning. 屋里很冷,咱们让炉子烧下去吧。⑤ don"t keep the door closed all day long. 不要整天把门关着。⑥ she keeps the windows covered with curtains. 她总是把窗帘拉着。⑦sports and games help to keep people healthy. 体育活动有助于健康。⑧ it"s blowing hard.and i can hardly keep my eyes open.风刮得很大,我简直睁不开眼。⑨ we should keep the children away from the dangerous animals. 我们不能让孩子们靠近那些危险的动物。⑩ there"s a lot of air in loose snow, and this helps to keep the cold out. 松散的积雪里有大量空气,这有利于御寒。
  (2) keep表示"保存""保管"。如:① how long can i keep this book? 这本书我可以借多久?(不能用borrow) ②will you keep these boxes for me while i"m away? 我不在时,请你替我保管这几个箱子,行吗? ③this building is about 100 years old, but it has been well kept. 这幢建筑有一百年左右的历史了,迄今还保存完好。
  (3) keep用作连系动词,后面接形容词作表语。① i hope you"re keeping well. 我希望你身体健康。② keep cool and listen to me. 冷静点,听我说。
  (4) keep表示"养活""饲养"。如:① mr ford has a big family to keep (= support). ford先生要养活一大家人。② his job is to keep pigs on a farm. 他的工作是在一个农场上养猪。
  注意:raise表示"从小养到大",因此我们可以说:① she was raised (=brought up) by her grandmother. (她是由她祖母带大的。) ② he has three children to raise/keep/support. (他要抚养三个孩子。) 在下面句子中不能用raise: he has a wife and two children to keep/support. (他要养活妻子和两个孩子。) 因为这里raise不适用于wife。
  (5) keep on doing sth. 表示"继续做某事""坚持不懈地,不间断地做某事""反复地做某事"。go on doing sth. 有时也可表示这些意思。例如:①the farmers kept on working in the fields when it began to rain.下雨的时候,农民们还不停地在地里劳动。②don"t give up,keep on trying. 不要半途而废,要坚持努力。③ don"t keep (on) doing such silly things.不要老是做这样的傻事。
  注意:重复性较强的时候,多用keep doing (sth.)。 she kept coughing all night. 她整夜咳嗽。
  注意:keep后面接行为动词,不能接sitting,standing,lying,sleeping等表示静态的动词。如:不能说he kept on sitting. 这时应用keep。如:可以说keep lying/standing/sitting there;
  keep和keep on后均不可接意识性动词如knowing,realizing,understanding等。
  ① there used to be a soldier at the gate to keep watch. 过去大门口通常有一士兵警戒。② they kept close watch on the child"s health. 他们密切关注着孩子的健康。③ the police had to keep the crowd back. 警察只好挡住人群。④ she could hardly keep back her tears. 她忍不住哭了。⑤ once you get in touch with her, you should keep in touch with her. 一旦你与她取得联系,你应与她保持联系。⑥ i"ll keep my promise/word and come to help you. 我会信守诺言来帮助你。⑦ the rain kept on (= went on/lasted)several days. 雨一连下了好几天。⑧ i hope the weather will keep up (= stay fine). 我希望这样的天气会持续下去。⑨ keep up your courage (= don"t lose heart) and never give up. 鼓起勇气,千万不要灰心。⑩ he could hardly keep up with the class though he often works deep into night. 他尽管常用功到深夜但仍很难跟上。⑪ keep off the door. it"s wet painted. 别碰门,刚油漆过。⑫ shut the door and keep the cold out. 把门关上,不要让寒风进来。⑬ keep out of trouble while i"m away. 我不在时别闯祸。
  拓展:keep watch 警戒;守望; keep close watch on 密切关注; keep...back 阻挡;忍不住; keep in touch with 与……保持联系; keep one"s promise 守诺; keep on = go on = last 持续; keep up 保持;鼓起; keep up with 跟上; keep off 远离; keep…out (of) 保持……在外; keep to the right 靠右走; keep to bed 卧床不起
  steady (1) adj. 坚固的 hold that candle steady. 把那支蜡烛拿稳。(2) adj. 平稳的;有规律的 the economy is keeping up a steady speed. 经济保持稳定的增长。(3) adj. 不变的;稳定的 we have a steady job.我们有一个稳定的工作。(4) adj. 可靠的;稳健的she needs to marry someone steady. 她必须跟可靠的人结婚。
  19.this circulation adds energy to the marine ecosys- tems…这种循环使海洋生态系统增加了能量… (p.20 ocean motion 第3-4行) add to和add up to
  这两个词组的意思完全不同。前者意为"增加",后者作"总计"解。如:① would you please add these names to your list? 请在你的名单上加上这几个名字好吗? ② we have also added t0 our committee two women workers. 我们委员会也吸收了两名女工当委员。③ the music added to our enjoyment of the film. 这部电影的音乐使我们更加喜欢这部电影。④ every book you need will add to your store of knowledge. 你每读一本书就会增加一点儿知识。
  add up to意为"总数是""加起来是"。如:① the separate numbers add up to 485. 这些单独的数字加起来总数是485。① seven and nine add up to sixteen. 7加9等于16。① their knowledge 0f how other people live doesn"t add up to much. 他们关于别人生活情况的了解合在一起也没有多少。
  【注】add up to还可用于引申意义,表示"意味着""等于说"。如:① your long answer just adds up to a refusal. 你这冗长的回答就等于是拒绝。②she gave many excuses, but what they added up to was that she did not want to come.她提出了种种借口,但只不过说明她不想来。③ it all adds up to this--he is not an honest man.这一切都说明,他这个人不诚实。
