

  第一章 名题荟萃
  第一板块 单项选择
  1 . tom is not at school. do you know what happen __?
  a with him b to him c to he d for he
  考点分析:a happen to sb 人称代词(宾)
  2 .my mother is _. i have to look after her.
  a in the hospital b at a hospital
  c in hospital d in a hospital
  a :look after= take (good) care of
  b: in hospital住院
  in the hospital在医院里(不是住院)
  3 . did you hear someone ___at the door?
  a. knocks b. to knock
  c. knocked d. knocking
  考点分析:a knock at 敲击(与其他打的区别)
  b hear sb doing sth 听见某人正在做某事
  c: hear of…听说
  4 .the teacher told the children, " it is very important___ careful ___fire."
  a. to be; with b. is; with
  c. being; with d. to be; to
  a :tell told told 几种说的区别
  b: it is important for sb to do sth
  it is important for sb that+从句 强调句
  c: be careful with/ about sth 当心,小心
  5 . she saw ____ boy playing with his dog
  a. a eight-year-old b. an eight-years-old
  c. an eight-year-old d. a eight-years-old
  考点分析:a 有连字符的名词全部用单数
  b see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事
  c 辩析a; an; the
  6 .the story sounds___ .
  a. interestingly b. interesting
  c. interested d. danger
  a : sound (v) 听起来 辩析 sound hear listen
  b: 辩析 interested interesting
  7. john told me to __ the pictures __ tomorrow.
  a. take; here b. bring; there
  c. taking; there d. bring; here
  考点分析:a take拿走; bring带来;
  carry随身携带; fetch派人去取
  8. there __ a lot of __ in the kitchen and it was very__.
  a. was; smoke; hot b. were; smokes; hot
  c. was; smoke; hotter d. were; smoke; hotter
  a : there be 句型be 看其后的名词单复数
  b: smoke 不可数n
  c: very 修饰形容词原级
  9. do you __ drive on the left in english?
  a. have to b. must
  c. should d. may
  考点分析:a: on the left 在左边; 靠左边
  b: 本题考情态动词的疑问句 和have to这个重点 词
  10. it is very hot today, please keep the window__.
  a. opening b. open
  c. opens d. to open
  a : keep是中招重点词汇之一.
  b: keep sb doing sth 使某人一直做某事(用持续性动词)
  c: keep on 保持; 维持
  d: keep sb/sth adj 使某人/某事保持某种状态
  11. --may i play with my dog?
  --i am afraid not. you can’t play with it __ you finish your homework
  a. when b. until
  c. after d. because
  考点分析:a not(需掌握各种否定句)…until…直到…才…
  b: i am afraid not 恐怕不行
  12. i am afraid i won’t __ finish reading the book in two days
  a. can b. could
  c. be able to d. may
  a : in two days 两天之内
  b: finish doing sth
  c: will + v将来时的基本结构,谓语必须是行为动词.
  13. they have ___.
  a. enough food to eat b. food enough eat
  c. enough food eating d. food enough eating
  考点分析:a have 是中招重点词
  b: enough是中招重点词
  14. --must i clean the cage today?
  --no, you___.
  a. must not b. can not
  c. need not d. may not
  考点分析:回答must 开头的疑问句,用needn’t(基础题)
  15. she ___ so much ___ her mother.
  a. looks; like b. looks; for
  c. looks; after d. looks forwards; to
  考点分析:look 的搭配
  look at看; look around四周环顾; look like看上去象;
  look forward to期待; look up向上看;
  look out of…从…向外看; look out当心!
  look for寻找
  16. mr. white likes to live in a __ place.
  a. quite b. quiet
  c. quick d. quietly
  考点分析:词型易混quite (ad)很,十分; quiet (a)安静的;
  quick (a)快的,迅速的
  17. kate has a cat __ tom
  a. called b. call
  c. to call d. calling
  sb named/called …叫…名字的人
  •-- may i take my pet to school?
  -- no, you__.
  a. may not b. might not
  c. need not d. can not
  考点分析:回答may 开头的疑问句,用can not(基础题)
  19. the teacher told the children to keep the classroom__.
  a. to clean b. cleans
  c. clean d. cleaned
  20. he doesn’t smoke and hates women __.
  a. smokes b. smoke
  c. smoked d. smoking
  考点分析:基础题: hate sb doing sth 请联想其他此类词
  •-- how often do you clean the fish tank?
  a. this afternoon b. only once
  c. once a month d. for two days
  how soon ; how far; how often; how long; how many;
  how much; how
  22. tom’s gold fish died because he gave them ___ food.
  a. too much b. much too
  c. a few d. too many
  23. i __ , because i don’t want to be late for school.
  a. am used to getting up early b. used to getting up early
  c. was used to getting up early d. used to get up early
  考点分析: used to和 be used to 的区别(不是use"使用")
  24. i need __ candles. please pass them to me.
  a. two more b. one more
  c. more two d. more one
  考点分析:a: two more candles = another two candles(注意two的位置)b: pass …to sb 把…递给某人
  25. all the students in my class did their homework except__.
  a. jane and i b. jane and mine
  c. i and jane d. jane and me
  except (prep)除…之外
  •another one= one more再来一个
  •another two= two more再来两个
  •would you like another one cake?再来一块蛋糕?
  •would you like one more cake?
  26. will you please give the boy__ to eat? (4)
  a. favorite something b. anything delicious
  c. popular everything d. something delicious
  常考some; any的两层含义
  27. mr. wang told his son __ football on the road. (1)
  a. not play b. to not play
  c. not to play d. doesn’t play
  考点分析:基础知识:not to do sth(不定式的否定)
  tell sb not to do sth告诉某人不要做某事
  28. both ___ watches were broken. (2)
  a. jim and tom’s b. jim’s and tom’s
  c. jim’s and tom d. jim and tom
  考点分析:a: 名词所有格: n’s
  jim and tom’s watch(两人共同的手表)
  jim’s and tom’s watches(两人各一块手表)
  29. – don’t forget to bring your son here next time, please.
  a. no, i don’t b. no, i won’t
  c. no, i can d. yes , i do
  考点分析:细节题(注意forget 的用法和整句在汉语中的含义)
  next time提示将来时
  是就是 "是",不是就是 "不是"
  30. i saw the boy__ the classroom.
  a. enter into b. enter
  c. to enter d. entering
  考点分析:a: see sb do sth(不是to do)
  b: enter (vt)进入 (再加into意思重复)
  31. miss li is ___ our teacher ___our friend.
  a. neither; or b. either; or
  c. not only; but also d. either ; nor
  32. he began learning english. ___ the age of five.
  a. for b. on
  c. in d. at
  考点分析:a: begin doing sth/ begin to do sth
  b: at the age of …= when sb is …. years old
  33. his job is __ cars.
  a. to repair b. repaired
  c. repairs d. repair
  考点分析:固定搭配(the job is to do …某人的工作是…)
  34. we should protect our eyes __ sunglasses.(考有动作含义的介词)
  a. in wear b. by wearing
  c. with wearing d. to wear
  考点分析:a: 介词 ving 所以排除 a , d
  b: by通过…方式 with 本身就有 "戴"的意思, 意思重复, 就象enter不能和 into连用.
  protect our environment from pollution
  35. he visited uncle li___ a cold morning.
  a. on b. in
  c. at d. for
  考点分析:on+具体某天 morning
  a cold morning也是具体某一天
  36. they often __ school activities after school.
  a. join b. do
  c. take part in d. play with
  考点分析:常考题. 记清join的搭配
  join the party / the army/ 入党/参军
  please join us请加入我们
  37. i have seen the movie __ times.
  a. the number of b. a number of
  c. much d. a number
  考点分析:a: a number of (很多) 与the number of (…的数字)
  b: time常考词(可数 "次") (不可数 " 时间")
  38. the boy is made__ the room every day.
  a. clean b. cleaning
  c. to clean d. cleans
  39. you can find some ___ on the internet.
  a. informations b. information
  c. picture d. story
  考点分析:a: information 不可数名词
  b: 请写:一条消息
  40. the ___ girl is looked well by her grandmother
  a. five-years-old b. five year old
  c. five-years old d. five-year-old
  考点分析: a: 连字符中表示复数(参见第五题)
  b: 翻译此句
  41. great changes ___ in the last ten years.
  a. have taken place b. have been taken place
  c. took place d. were taken place
  考点分析:a: 考时态
  b: 考take place 无被动语态
  c: 常考题, 要背这个句子
  42. __ does your brother__ ?
  a. how; look like b. what ; look like
  c. what; look d. how ; looks
  考点分析: a: look like 看上去象…
  b: 翻译此句
  c: 你的兄弟看上去象什么?
  43. you must have left your glasses ___.
  a. somewhere else b. anywhere else
  c. somewhere other d. some other where
  考点分析:a: 又是some any关于的区别
  b: somewhere else 其它的某地
  c: anywhere else 其他的任何地方
  44. i will talk with you about it ___time.
  a. the other b. others
  c. another d. the others
  考点分析: a: the other ; another; the others; the other+ ns;others 必考
  45. when i was walking in the street, i saw him ___ his brother.
  a. to quarrel with b. quarrels with
  c. quarrel with d. quarreling with
  考点分析:a: see sb doing sth看见某人正在做某事(强调正在)
  b: see sb do sth看见某人做某事
  c: sb was seen to do sth/ sb was seen doing
  某人被看见做/正在做某事(被动语态v… to do)
  46. all the students like the teachers who__ their lessons interesting.
  a. makes b. make
  c. making d. to make
  考点分析: a: 考定语从句(定语从句可还原成两个简单句)
  all the students like the teachers, the teachers make their lessons interesting.
  47. we’d better go and tell her the __ news. i am sure she will be very __ it.
  a. surprised; surprising in b. interested; interesting in
  c. interesting; interesting at d. surprising; surprised at
  考点分析:a: had better do sth/ had better not do sth最好做(不做)..
  b: surprising sth让人惊讶的…
  c: sb be surprised at / with … 某人对…感到惊讶
  48. we can watch the tv programmers from other countries __ the satellites.
  a. because b. because of
  c. if d. that
  考点分析: a: because与 because of的区别(单选和完型常考题)
  because +从句
  because of+单词
  49. the teacher told us not___ our dictionaries to school the next day.
  a. to bring b. to take
  c. bring d. take
  考点分析:a: tell sb not to do …(不定式的否定, 基础语法知识)
  b: bring 与take的区别(常考题)
  bring 带 take拿走
  50. i will go to visit my uncle___ next week.
  a. sometimes b. some times
  c. some time d. sometime
  51. when i was watching tv, i __ someone calling my name outside.
  a. heard b. listen
  c. listen to d. hear
  考点分析:a: 又再考hear ; listen to的用法和区别(参考第三题)
  hear 听到 listen to 听的动作
  52. the policeman asked john __ he knew the victim.(受害者)
  a. what b. that
  c. if d. which
  考点分析: 本题考基本的从句分析(if 引导的条件状语从句; "是否"的意思)
  53. betty and john have come back, but___ students aren’t here yet.
  a. another b. the other
  c. others d. the others
  考点分析:a: 再考other的用法和区别(参考43题的讲解)
  54. the robbery_____ in sun town last sunday.
  a. is happened b. was happened
  c. happened d. happens
  考点分析: a: 非常明显有过去时的标志
  b: 再考happen 的用法(无被动) (参考1题的讲解)
  55. he said that __ eight- year-old child was__.
  a. a; kidnapped b. an; kidnaped
  c. a; kidnaped d. an; kidnapped
  考点分析:a: eight 元音开头, 所以冠词用 an
  b: the child was kidnapped( 被动语态)
  56. tom asked, " did you hear___?
  a. something strange b. nothing strange
  c. strange anything d. anything strange
  考点分析: a: anything 用在否定和疑问句中
  b: anything/ something + adj (参考26题的讲解)
  57. the boy is __ in __ on the ice.
  a. interesting; skating b. interesting; to skate
  c. interested; skating d. interested; to skate
  考点分析:a: sb be interested in … 某人对…感兴趣
  b: prep+ ving ( in skating)(基本语法)
  58. you don’t need ___ if you feel sick.
  a. to come b. come
  c. coming d. comes
  考点分析: need 的两种用法.
  59. the house is ___ for us to ___.
  a. big enough; live b. enough big; live in
  c. big enough; live in d. enough big; live
  考点分析:a: 考enough做副词的用法 (参考13题的讲解)
  b: live和house的关系.live in the house
  60. he finished his sandwich and asked for ____.
  a. the other b. another
  c. other d. others
  考点分析: a: ask for 要求
  b: 再考another 的用法 (参考43, 53题的讲解)
  61. do you like the cake __ nuts __ it?
  a. with; in b. have; in
  c. has; on d. with ; of
  the cake with nuts有坚果的单糕
  b: in/ on /of 三个介词本意的区别
  62. will you ___ come tomorrow?
  a. be able to b. can
  c. must d. be able
  考点分析: 考同义词的词性区别
  63. the used car is ___ 500 dollars.
  a. cost b. pay
  c. worth d. spend
  •i didn’t think the car __ 100,000.
  •cost/costed/is worth/worth
  •he __ a half day to have a wash.
  •took/ spent/ is taking/ cost
  •he __ the bill.
  •bought / paid for/ paid/ spent
  •人 spend 时间 in doing sth
  •人 take 时间 to do
  •it takes/took sb sometime to do
  64. --- will you go shopping tonight?
  --- if you go,___.
  a. so do i b. so will i
  c. so i go d. that i will go
  考点分析:常考题 so的用法
  65. --- do you still remember ___ me somewhere in shanghai?
  --- yes, of course, two years ago.
  a. seeing b. see
  c. to see d. saw
  考点分析:常考题(特殊v其后配ving / to do的不同含义)
  66. __ is really hard ___ them to climb mount qomolangma.
  a. this; is b. it ; for
  c. this ; for d. it; to
  考点分析:a: it is … for sb to do sth.强调句 参见第四题讲解
  67. –jack hasn’t paid for the school things, has he?
  -___. his father will pay for him.
  a. yes, he has b. no, he hasn’t
  c. yes, he did d. no, he didn’t
  考点分析: a: 反意疑问句的回答方式: "是"就是yes, "不是"就是 "no",不要和中国的习惯混淆
  b: 本题又和现在完成时的否定句联合考察
  68. she is __, but she looks young.
  a. in her fifties b. at her fifty
  c. in her fifty d. at her fifties
  考点分析:in one’s fifties. 某人五十岁时
  69. tom studies__, but his sister __ studies.
  a. hard; hard b. hardly; hardly
  c. hard; hardly d. hardly; hard
  考点分析:易混词: hard努力的;硬;难;艰苦 hardly几乎不
  70. do you know the lady__ is interviewing our headmaster?
  a. which b. who
  c. whom d. whose
  考点分析: 定语从句, 连词在句子中做主语,并指代人.
  71. it’s ___ ride from my home to the factory.
  a. two hours and half’s b. two and half hours’
  c. two and a half hours’ d. two hour and a half’s
  72. i have __ a raincoat __ an umbrella. that is why i have to wait until the rain stops.
  a. neither; nor b. either; or
  c. not only; but also d. both; and
  考点分析:常考题, 重点词
  73. most of us wondered if girls’ football team could ___ boys’ football team in the final match.
  a. beat b. win
  c. hit d. lose
  考点分析:beat连续打击 hit一次打击 win战胜 lose输
  a beat b, so a win the game
  74. –___ is the summer palace from here?
  -- about three kilometers away. you can take the no. 35 bus.
  a. how long b. how often
  c. how far d. how much
  考点分析:考how 引起的特殊疑问词,参见21题
  75. ___ a heavy snow tomorrow.
  a. there will have b. there is going to have
  c. there will has d. there is going to be
  考点分析: a: there be 与将来时联合考察
  b: there是形式主语,be后的名词才是真正的主语.
  76. who will ___ if he ___ come?
  a. mop it up; won’t b. mop up it; doesn’t
  c. mop it up; doesn’t d. mop it up; don’t
  考点分析: a: mop it up ( mop up 抹干, 擦干)
  b: 主将从现(主句和状语从句都表将来时间含义, 主句用将来时, 从句用一般现在时表将来)
  77. ___ cloudy day it is!
  a. how b. what
  c. how a d. what a
  考点分析:考感叹句 感叹句有两种
  78. the flood killed ___ people
  a. thousands of b. thousand of
  c. thousands d. thousand
  考点分析: a: thousands of成千上万的(大约的概念)
  thousand 一千
  b: 类似词: hundreds of … millions of…
  79. this math problem is not easy. i can’t work it out __.
  a. without he b. with him
  c. without him d. with he
  考点分析: 考对句子的理解: 没有他,我不可能做出来
  without (prep) + 宾格 (没有) work out 算出
  80. this problem is so difficulty that only __ students can work it out.
  a. a few b. few
  c. little d. a little
  考点分析: few; a few; little; a little 的区别
  •so good a --- such a good
  •it was such __ that many got late.
  •cold/ coldness/ a cold day/ cold a day
  •he works so hard __ he has higher salary.
  •so that/ so/ if/ in order to
  81. we all think __ to play the game
  a. it is interested b. that was interesting
  c. it is interesting d. that interesting
  考点分析: a: 宾语从句;强调句和interesting 的结合.
  b: it is interesting to do…做某事很有趣
  82. i think he will prefer the blown trousers. let’s buy__.
  a. it b. one
  c. ones d. that
  考点分析:(他会喜欢棕色裤子的,让我们买一条吧), 只有b;c符合这种意思,trousers是复数,所以选ones
  83. --___is the movie ticket for <a world without thieves>?
  -- about 30 yuan
  a. how long b. how many
  c. how much d. how soon
  考点分析: 又一次考how引起的特殊疑问句 how much多少钱
  84. --___will your manager return to the company, please?
  -- in about three days
  a. how long b. how soon
  c. how often d. how much
  考点分析: 你们经理多快会回公司?
  要区分英语中 "多快"和 "多久",虽然汉语不太区分.
  "多快"how soon表速度; "多久"how long表时间段
  85. –__did it take him to repair the computer?
  --about 2 days
  a. how soon b. how often
  c. how long d. how far
  考点分析: 参考上题
  it takes( took) sb sometime to do花费某人多少时间做某事
  86. she taught __ english.
  a. her b. hers
  c. herself d. she
  考点分析: teach oneself 自学
  87. – if you want to keep fit, you have to eat__ food and do _sports.
  -- you mean the more exercise i do, the __ i will be.
  a. less; more; healthier b. more; less; health
  c. less; fewer; healthily d. most; fewest; healthier
  考点分析:a. 基础的比较级(少吃less food;多运动more sports)
  b. the more…the 比较级( 越…越…)(越锻炼,越健康)
  88. i must return the digital camera to nancy. i __ it 2 weeks ago.
  a. lent b. borrowed
  c. have kept d. have lent
  考点分析: a: 2 weeks ago两周前决定不能用完成时
  b: borrow 对主语来讲(借入)
  lend 对主语来讲(借出)
  c: return (v)归还; 返回
  89. the number of the boy babies__ much larger than that of the girl babies these years.
  a. are b. was
  c. is d. were
  考点分析:the number of ……的数字(参考第37题)
  90. i felt sorry that i was late for the meeting. i was so busy __ a novel that i forgot __ the time.
  a. to read; looking at b. reading; to use
  c. to read; seeing d. reading; to look at
  考点分析: a: be busy (with) doing sth忙于某事
  b: forget to do sth 忘记做某事(我忘了带钥匙)
  forget doing sth 以前做过,却忘了.(这个知识我学过,不过现在忘了)
  c: so…that…如此..以至于
  91. i am not sure if i am going to tim’s party. i may go to the concert__.
  a. only b. instead
  c. early d. late
  考点分析: 考instead(代替)的意思和对句子的理解
  92. his mother will go to new york with his brother__ a few days.
  a. in b. after
  c. with d. before
  考点分析: in 可表示 "过多少时间之后", 常和将来时连用.
  we will graduate in 2 years.
  93. his parents couldn’t __ if they would buy a secondhand car.
  a. describe b. discover
  c. decide d. disappear
  考点分析: 考易混词型
  describe描述 ; discover发现; decide决定; disappear消失
  94. when the old woman was in good health, she __ shopping on sunday.
  a. was used to go b. used to going
  c. used to go d. get used to going
  考点分析: 当这个老人过去健康时,她过去常常周日去商场
  used to do sth 过去常常
  be/ get used to doing sth 习惯于(参考23题)
  95. when i got __ home, i saw my mother __picture on the wall.
  a. back; putting off b. off; put up
  c. back; putting up d. off; putting off
  考点分析:a: get back home 回家= go/ come back home
  b: put up挂起= hang up
  96. –i know your father __ to a lot of cities, but what about your mother?
  --my mother? she __ away from my hometown even once.
  a. has gone; has never gone b. has been; has never gone
  c. has gone; has never been d. has been; has never been
  考点分析: a: has gone to someplace 已经去某地了
  b: has been to someplace曾去过某地
  c: be away from …离开某地
  97.__ of us could understand the article,__ we could hardly find any new words in it.
  a. few; thought b. few; because
  c. a few; so d. few; though
  考点分析:考对句子的理解 though 虽然
  98. a group of scientists__ some eggs __ by dinosaurs in the gobi desert in the 1920s.
  a. found; lying b. founded; laid
  c. found; lain d. found; laid
  考点分析: a: some eggs laid by dinosaurs
  一些恐龙生下的蛋 (lay laid laid)
  99. many of the stars are__ far away __ .
  a. very; not to see b. too; not to see
  c. very; not to be seen d. too; to be seen
  100. you __ the flowers, for the earth is __.
  a. needn’t to water; wet enough
  b. needn’t water; enough wet
  c. mustn’t water; enough wet
  d. needn’t water; wet enough
  考点分析: a: 情态v not+ v原 need not water
  b: for 因为
  c: wet (a)+ enough (a+ enough) (enough +n) (参考13)
  101. i don’t know __ the computer .
  a. what to use b. how use
  c. how to use d. how can use
  考点分析:how to do …如何做某事
  102. he often __ from the internet for us.
  a. get information b. gets information
  c. get informations d. gets informations
  考点分析: a:主单+vs(一般现在时)
  b: information (不可数)(参考39)
  补充: a piece of…四个意思:张paper首music条news/information 块
  103. you can __ the umbrella___ .
  a. take; home b. take; to home
  c. bring; home d. bring; to home
  考点分析: take sth home把…带回家
  home (adv) 所以home前不加to 就如:go home
  104. the boy is __ the ball
  a. tall enough catching b. enough tall catching
  c. enough tall to catch d. tall enough to catch
  考点分析: a: be …to do …
  b: a + enough (参考59; 13)
  例: i am nice to meet.– v 变…to v原
  105. jack is good at___.
  a. playing the piano b. to play the piano
  c. playing piano d. to play piano
  考点分析:a: at (prep) + ving
  b: 杰克善于弹钢琴;如the piano杰克善于弹这架钢琴
  106. –may i put my bike here?
  --no, you __
  a. may not b. can’t
  c. might not d. mayn’t
  考点分析: 回答may 开头的疑问句,用can not(基础题)(参考14)
  107. he __ a lot of time__ me with my math .
  a. spends; help b. spend; helping
  c. spend; to help d. spends; helping
  考点分析: a: sb spend sometime (in) doing sth 花时间做某事
  b: sb spend some money (on) sth花钱买…
  c: help sb with sth= help sb (to) do sth
  108. i have __ to tell you.
  a. anything interesting b. something interesting
  c. interesting anything d. interesting something
  考点分析: a:不定代词+a(即:形容词修饰不定代词要后置)
  b: something; anything (参考26;56)
  109. thank you for __ us the news.
  a. to tell b. tells
  c. telling d. told
  考点分析:a: thank sb for doing sth(因某事而感谢某人)
  110. he is very __. he often__ his school things at home.
  a. careful; leaves b. careless; forgets
  c. careful; forgets d. careless; leaves
  考点分析: a: careful细心的 ; careless粗心的
  他非常粗心, 他经常把学校的东西留在家里
  b: forget在英语里仅仅是 "忘记"的意思;
  c: leave有 "遗忘某物"的意思
  d: leave…behind…把…拉在某地
  111. the soldier saved __ boy.
  a. an 11 year old b. an 11-year-old
  c. a 11-year-old d. a 11-years-old
  考点分析:(参考40; 5)
  112. sam likes music very much. he lives __ but he never feels__ .
  a. alone; lonely b. alone; alone
  c. lonely; alone d. lonely; lonely
  考点分析: alone 一个人(只表一个人;不含情绪)
  lonely 孤独的(只表情绪)
  alone独自一人; along沿着
  113. billy didn’t come to school this morning. what happened __ him?
  a. with b. for
  c. to d. in
  考点分析:(参考1; 41; 54)
  114. she was glad __ her friends again
  a. see b. saw
  c. seeing d. to see
  考点分析: be glad to do … 很高兴做某事
  115. let’s __ every monday after school
  a. practise dancing b. practise to dance
  c. to practise dancing d. to practise to dance
  考点分析: a: let sb do sth 让某人做某事
  (切记: 不是 let sb to do sth)
  b: practise doing sth练习做某事
  (切记: 没有 practise to do sth)
  116. will you __ come to me tomorrow?
  a. can b. could
  c. be able to d. may
  考点分析: 本题考情态动词的疑问句 和将来时疑问句的区别 (参考9;62)
  117. there is a lot of __ outside when he is trying to sleep.
  a. noise b. noises
  c. noisy d. noisily
  考点分析:noise (不可数n) noisy (a)嘈杂的;吵闹的 noisily (ad)
  118. can you hear someone __ in the next room?
  a. sing b. sings
  c. singing d. sang
  考点分析: hear sb doing sth
  119. she __ feed the cat. her parents do it.
  a. don’t have to b. has not to
  c. have not to d. does not have to
  考点分析: a: have to (have 有人称和数的变化)
  b: feed 喂养
  120. –must i walk the dog in the park now?
  -- no , you __.
  a. mustn’t b. needn’t
  c. can’t d. may not
  考点分析: must 引导的疑问句,用needn’t回答(参考14)
  121. if you want to ask your sister not to pull your rabbit’s ears, you should say, "___".
  a. you might pull the rabbit’s ears
  b. not pull the rabbit’s ears
  c. don’t pull the rabbit’s ears
  d. i don’t let you pull the rabbit’s ears
  考点分析: don’t do sth.( 不要做… 祈使句否定格式)
  122. he spent the whole afternoon __ books
  a. on reading b. in read
  c. to read d. reading
  考点分析: sb spend some time (in) doing …某人花时间做某事基础题(参考107)
  123. there __ for him __ for two days.
  a. are enough food; to eat b. is enough food; to eat
  c. are food enough; eating d. is enough food; eating
  考点分析: a: enough food (enough + n)
  b: food 不可数 (参考75, 59,13,104)
  124. if you want to be __ you must take more___.
  a. healthy; exercise b. health; exercise
  c. healthy; exercises d. health; exercises
  考点分析: healthy (a)健康的 health (n)健康
  exercise (n)锻炼;运动(不可数)
  125. please __ the new shoes here and __the old ones there
  a. bring; take b. take; bring
  c. bring; bring d. take; take
  考点分析: bring 配 here take配 there
  126. would you please keep the window __?
  a. close b. closed
  c. closing d. to closed
  考点分析: a: keep sb doing sth 使某人一直做某事(用持续性动词)
  b: keep on 保持; 维持
  c: keep sb/sth adj 使某人/某事保持某种状态
  127. __ afraid of the camel! it is friendly !
  a. doesn’t be b. not be
  c. don’t be d. don’t is
  考点分析:1don’t do sth.( 不要做… 祈使句否定格式) (参考 121)
  2 be afraid of sth别吓着…担心;恐怕 3 friendly
  128. the shirt doesn’t fit me. it’s __ small for me.
  a. too much b. much too
  c. too many d. many too
  考点分析: much too + adj (参考 22)
  129. i have a dog. i think it is __ in the world.
  a. very clever b. cleverer
  c. the most clever d. the cleverest
  考点分析:我有条狗, 我想它是世界上最聪明的. clever单音节词, 所以clever + est 即为the cleverest(基础知识)
  130. mr. li teaches __.
  a. my english b. my with english
  c. me with english d. me english
  考点分析: teach sb sth双宾语
