

  unit22 a world of fun
  the first period
  teaching aims:
  1.learn and master the following: coaster roller coaster bungee bungee jumping free fall ride racing car amusement
  2.train the ss’ listening ability.
  3.train the ss’ speaking ability.
  teaching important points:
  1.the understanding of listening materials.
  2.master the following expressions to make sure you can ask and direct the way freely.
  excuse me. am i going in the right direction? it’s in that direction.
  excuse me. which…goes to…? go down/up this path/ street/road…
  excuse me. does this road lead to …please? it’s south/north of the…
  where can i find a… please? turn left/right at…
  teaching difficult points:
  1.how to improve the ss’ listening ability.
  2.how to make the ss talk freely.
  teaching procedures:
  step 1. greetings.
  step2. warming up
  ask the ss to look at the pictures given and answer:
  1.have you ever been to an amusement park? what did you do and see there?
  2.have you tried any of the things in the pictures? would you like to try them? why or why not?
  3.why do people like or dislike the activities in the pictures?
  1.various answers are possible. 2. various answers are possible.
  3.sample answers:
  activityreasons for liking itreasons for disliking it
  roller coasters ridesvery fast and thrillingtoo fast, scary and maybe dangerous
  bungee jumpingfeels like flying and thrillingtoo high, scary and maybe dangerous
  free-fall ridesfeeling of falling fast, thrillingfeeling of losing control, scary, too high
  scary filmssuspenseful, excitingtoo scary, have bad dreams late
  step3. listening
  t: let’s do our listening. we are going to hear something about two parks. it will tell us the theme of each park and the reasons why they choose the park. before listening, you should read the requirements by yourself.
  answers to part 1: 1.b 2.c 3.b
  answers to part 2: 1.a 2. b
  answers to part 3: various answers are possible.
  step4. speaking
  1.ask the ss to look at the map of an amusement park given on the books ,talk about the attractions marked on the map and discuss the topic about how to get to these attractions.
  2. each prepares three role cards to ask the way to different attractions marked on the map. exchange the cards with your partner and use the map to find the way. you can use the following useful expressions:
  asking the wayoffering help
  excuse me. does this road lead to…?
  am i going in the right direction?
  which …goes to …?
  where can i find a… ,please?
  it’s in that direction.
  go down/up this road/path/street
  it’s south/north…/of the…
  turn right/left at…
  step5. homework
  preview the reading material "theme parks".
  the second period
  teaching aims,
  1.to develop ss’ reading ability.
  2.to enable ss to learn some knowledge about theme parks.
  3.to instruct ss to understand the development of amusement parks.
  important and difficult points,
  1.knowing about what theme parks are and the difference between theme parks and traditional parks.
  2.knowing about the development of amusement parks in history.
  teaching procedures,
  step 1 greetings and daily report
  step 2 pre-reading
  work in groups and discuss the following questions
  1.what do you think you can see in a theme park?
  2.do you like scary rides?
  3.what do you think about bungee jumping and other adventure sports?
  4.does your town or city have an amusement park? what can you do there?
  step 3 reading
  task 1 skimming
  ask the ss to skim the text to find the main idea of each paragraph.
  para.1 definition of theme parks and the difference between a theme park and traditional amusement parks.
  para.2 why people visit theme parks and what they can get after visiting such a park.
  para.3 information about some big theme parks in america-disneyland in california and universal studios in florida.
  para.4 development of theme parks across the world.
  task 2 scanning
  1.get ss to scan the text to find detailed information about theme parks.
  definition about theme parksit is a collection of rides, exhibitions and other attractions that are based on a common theme
  difference between ordinary parksvisitors can get amusements in them
  similarity of theme parkstheme parks often want to teach visitors something
  reason why people come to theme parksto look for thrills and entertainment
  what visitors can get in theme parkshaving fun and experiencing something different
  development of theme parksthey are becoming more advanced and safer
  2.get ss to scan the text to find the following information about different theme parks
  name of the parktheme
  the world parkbuildings, castles and statues from more than 30 countries
  the china ethnic culture parkthe customs, costumes, and cultures of china’s 55 minorities
  ocean park in hong kongfind many opportunities to learn about life in the ocean
  disneyland in californiathe world of walt disney and his characters: mickey mouse, donald duck, and many others
  universal studios in floridaall the rides and activities are based on universal pictures movies
  task3 questions and answers
  1.what do all theme parks have in common?
  2.how many ss visit ocean park in hong kong every year?
  3.where is ocean park built?
  4.how many sections is it pided into and what are they called?
  5.what can people do in each part of the park?
  6.what can you do if you are in a disney park?
  7.what can you do if you are at universal studios?
  8.what experiences can theme park give us?
  suggested answers,
  1.visitors can have fun and experience something different.
  2.more than 50,000ss
  3.it is built on both sides of a mountain on the south side of hong kong island
  4.it is pided into two parts, which are called the headland and the lowland
  5.visitors enjoy the rides at the headland and at the lowland they can explore the past, examine the giant footprints of dinosaurs, learn about coral and sharks, look at the winged beauties, or admire an an and jia jia, the park’s giant pandas.
  6.you can meet mickey and his friends, enjoy rides and games, and look at exhibitions from all parts of the world.
  7.you can go on exciting rides where you can feel what it is like to do the things you have seen your heroes do in films.
  8.they can give us scary and exciting experiences, such as falling through the air, flying a helicopter, walking next to a lion, fighting alien creatures in outer space, and so on.
  step 4 post-reading
  questions and answers,
  1.how are theme parks different from traditional amusement parks?
  2.why are theme parks so popular? if you could visit one of the theme parks mentioned in the text, which one would you choose and why?
  3.besides riding roller coasters, what do people do at theme parks?
  step 5 homework
  1.preview words and expressions in word study
  2.retell the text by saying something about different parks.
  the third period reading " a world of fun"
  language points:
  1.a theme park is a collection of rides, exhibitions or other attractions that are based on a common theme.
  a collection of 集…为一体
  a collection of stamps一本集邮簿
  a collection of coins一个集币合(罐)
  the supermarket near home is a collection of various kinds of green vegetables meat,poultry, eggs and some other agricultural produce.我家附近的超市是集各种蔬菜,肉类,禽蛋和其它农产品于一体的大市场。
  .attract , attraction
  attract vt.吸引,引起(兴趣、注意)
  attract sb. ;或 attract +n +to +n 把(人等)吸引导……
  attract one’s attention / interest
  the concert attracted a great number of people那场音乐会吸引很多人。
  i tried to attract her attention, but failed.我想引起她的注意,却枉费心机。
  what do you think attracts people to big cities?你认为把人吸引到大城市的原因是什么?
  he’s always attracted to women older than him.他总是被年纪比他大的女性所迷住。
  attraction n.指吸引人的事物,吸引力,吸引
  what are the chief attractions of tonight’s performance?
  what’s the attraction of going on the stage?是什么吸引你登上舞台当演员的?
  be based on 以…为根据/基础
  the film is based on a novel by d.h. lawrence.
  you should base your conclusion upon careful research.
  this story is based on facts.
  2. minority n.少数,少数民族
  "少数"反义词: majority
  only a minority of guangzhou households do not have a car.
  only a minority of students receive(s) the scholarship
  be in a/the minority (在投票中)是少数派
  we are in the minority. 我们是少数派 (多数人反对我们)
  be in one’s minority 未成年
  she is in her minority.
  3 visitors to ocean park will find all the rides and attractions that can be found in most parks, but they will also find many opportunities to learn about life in the ocean.
  opportunity--- favorable time or chance [c] , [ u]机会,良机 常与to, for, of 搭配
  opportunity to do 做……机会
  opportunity of doing sth /for sth
  have few opportunities of meeting interesting people
  have nolittlenot much opportunity for hearing good music
  i had no opportunity to discuss the matter with her.
  i missed a good opportunity to give my opinion on it 我失去对那事提意见的机会
  i hope i will have an opportunity for visiting the three gorges.
  chance / opportunity
  chance 多指偶然机会,含有侥幸之意。 opportunity 多指特殊机会,含有期待之意,有时可互换。chance 表可能性,opportunity 则不能。
  a strange chance had landed me upon the french coast.
  there is a chance that he may be alive.他也许有活着的可能。
  he waited a long time without finding opportunity for a new departure.
  4.the park is pided into two sections.
  pide (into / from) 1) 分,分割,把……分成若干分
  the class pided into three groups when we went on outing.我们出去郊游时把全班分成3组。
  the country is pided into 12 provinces.
  a low wall pides our garden from our neighbour’s garden.
  2) 分配,分发,分享,常与between, among, with 连用。
  the prize money will be pided among the three winners.奖金将由3名优胜者均分。
  pide the cake with your sister.
  pide 侧重于把原来的整体分成若干部分常和into一起搭配使用 .
  pide sth. in half/into halves
  he pided the cake into five pieces, and gave the five of us a piece each.
  england is separated from france by the channel.
  5.many people come to theme parks looking for thrills and entertainment. (分词作状语)
  having enjoyed the rides at the headland, visitors can take the shuttle to the lowland.(分词完成式作时间状语,强调enjoy这一动作发生在take之前)
  having watered the vegetables, they began to pick up the apples.
  having been told many times, he still couldn’t understand it.
  "can’t you read?" mary said_____ to the notice.(met1993)
  a. angrily pointing b. and point angrily
  c. angrily pointed d. and angrily pointing
  ____ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.
  a. having suffered b. suffering c. to suffer d suffer
  6.the parks are becoming more advanced and mew technology allows us to experience almost anything without actually being in danger or risking injury.
  risk--- a danger; something that may have a bad result
  there’s some /a great /no/not much risk of fire.( n. )
  risk one’s health/fortune/life冒健康(财富,生命)之险
  he risked his parents’ anger by marrying me.
  you are risking your health. 你在以你的健康作赌注。
  we must risk getting caught in a storm. 我们必须冒为暴风雨所阻之险。
  multiple choice:
  1.mr. smith has much business ____.i know by____ that this man can’t be trusted.
  a. experience, experience b. experiences, experience
  c. experience, experiences d. experiences, experiences
  2.they would not allow him____ across the enemy line.
  a. to risk going b. risking to go c. going to risk d. risk going
  3.don’t give up hope. ____ and you’re sure to make it.
  a. go on to try b. go to try c. go on trying d. goes on
  4.we____ the job____ five parts, and each man did one part.
  a. pided; into b. separated, into c. pided , from d. separated, from
  5.what worried the child most was____ to visit his mother in the hospital.
  a. his not allowing b. his not being allowed
  c. his being not allowed d. having not been allowed
  6.mr. smith, ____ chairman of the sports meet, just went to the playground.
  a. the b. an c./ d. some
  7.china daily is____ a newspaper, it can also help us to improve our english.
  a. less than b. more than c. not more than d. no more than
  8.you’d better___ that there is a train at 8:30 am.
  a. be sure b. make sure of c .make sure d. find
  9.they are____ mistakes to children.
  a .common b. general c. ordinary d. usual
  10.she always____ her opinion___ facts.
  a. depends on b .bases ,on c. put, into d. bases ,by
  keys:1a 2a 3 c 4 a 5 b 6 c 7 b 8 c 9a 10b
  the fourth period integrating skills on p69
  reading and writing----- live to ride
  1, for many visitors, rides are what theme parks are all about.
  reading is what he likes best in his spare time. 读书是他闲暇时的最爱。
  what= the/a + n. + that
  eg. they came to what used to be small village. =
  they came to a place that used to be a small village.
  2, phrases in the first para. :
  than ever 比以前任何时候; be ready to do 乐意去做;
  go through(从中) 穿过; race against 与比赛;
  next to 紧挨着…的,最接近…的
  3, some thrill rides will let you feel what it is like to fall through the air… (para.2)
  you can feel what it is like to live in space, walk on the ocean floor or ski with polar bears at the north pole. (para.3) 你可以体验太空生活,洋底走路,与北极熊一起滑雪。
  4, another attraction found in many theme parks is the thrill ride.
  过去分词作定语,表示被动的动作,相当于定语从句which is found in many theme parks
  eg. the boy, caught cheating in the exam, is a very lazy student. = the boy who caught cheating in the exam is a lazy student. 考试时作弊被抓住的男孩是个懒学生。
  5, as , while 表示"当…的时候"
  like roller coasters, thrill rides let you enjoy a good scream as you experience something exciting. 就像过山车一样,"动感电影"能让你在刺激的经历中大喊大叫。
  you sit in a car that rocks and shakes while you watch a large screen in front of you.
  eg. he took a bath while i was preparing dinner. 我准备晚餐的时候,他在洗澡。
  6,…scream your way down to a safe landing. 你一路尖叫,直至安全落地。
  wind one’s way; 蜿蜒而行 fight one’s way; 奋勇前进
  lose/find one’s way; 迷路 /找到路 push one’s way;挤过去
  make one’s way; 排除困难前进 feel one’s way 摸索着走
  pick one’s way谨慎前进 weave one’s way穿梭前进
  7, instead of rolling, twisting and looping like the roller coasters, thrill rides use technology and special effects to give you a thrill.
  动感电影不 翻滚,不摇摆,不翻跟头,而是利用高科技和特技效果,给人以刺激。
  instead & instead of
  (1)instead conj. + clause (2) instead of prep.+ n. / v-ing
  8, the only limit to the fun is the imagination of the designers of the thrill rides…
  英语中有些名词后to跟表示 "…的 " 如:
  the limit to/ refusal to/way to/note to/answer to/ visit to/key to…
  integrating skills on p128-----around the world in one day
  9, …theme parks offer an opportunity to see more of the planet we live on.
  other theme parks offer a different kind of window on the world.
  offer 的用法 (1)提供; 提议;出售
  offer + n. they offered a new proposal.他们提出一个新的提案。
  offer a bribe to… 向…行贿
  offer+to do he offered to help us. 他愿意帮助我们。
  offer +sb.+n. eg. she offered him a cup of tea.她给他一杯茶。
  he offered me a better position.他提供给我一个更好的职位。
  he offered his help to me. 他表示愿意助我一臂之力。
  (2) vt.(买方)出价; (卖方)开价
  offer… ( for…)
  eg. he offered an old camera at a reasonable price.
  she offered $80000 for the antique print.
  offer sb. (for sth.) (为…)(对人)建议出(钱);
  they offered me the computer for  yuan.
  (3)n. 提供;建议
  he accepted an offer of help/to help.他接受了援助的建议。
  make an offer of marriage 提议结婚;求婚
  make an offer of + money出价…
  they made an offer of $5 million for the brooch.
  10, open的用法
  (1)adj.打开的;(商店等)开着;公开的; 出入自由的; 开放的; 率直的
  he pushed the door open.他推开了门。
  nowadays, most occupations are open to women.
  an open mind/character/city
  be open to易接受…的; 暴露于…的
  his opinion is open to questions.他的观点愿意接受质疑。
  children are open to temptation.孩子容易受诱惑。
  (2) vt.&vi.打开; 开(反义词close, shut);开始;开业;开放
  eg. the door opened slowly. 门慢慢地开了。
  the cherry blossoms are opening. 樱花正在开放。
  open an account开帐户; open/start a shop 开商店;
  the new highway was opened between the two cities.
  a lovely view opened (out) before our eyes.
  the windows open to the south.窗户面向南方。
  (3)n. in the open;在户/野外 in the open air; 在露天
  the open sea 公海
  11, it’s also believed that this culture was different from most other cultures because it was the women, and not the men, that were the leaders.
  it’s said/reported/hoped/thought/considered that…
  eg. it’s said that haste makes waste. 有句话说, 欲速则不达。
  (2) 强调it
  it is you, not i, that /who made a mistake. 是你,而不是我,犯错了。
  12, while the real world is always better and more interesting than a model in a park, theme parks can show us what the world looks like and teach us to better understand history, nature and culture.
  cf. the last sentence on p59:
  while there are many different interpretations of our body language, some gestures seem to be universal.
  while i understand your viewpoint, i don’t agree with you.
  虽然我了解你的见解, 我还是不能同意你。
  while 的用法小结:
  (1)连词 a)当…的时候;(参见语言点5)
  (2) 名词 一会儿
  eg.1, ---- i’ll go to the post office this afternoon.
  ----would you please buy me some stamps____ you are there.
  a. while b. if c. until d. after
  2, ____ i accept that he is not perfect, i do actually like the person.
  a. since b.while c. before d. unless
  3, tom is very lazy, _____ his sister is a diligent student.
  a. as b. while c. since d. unless
  4, we were about to start out_____ it began to rain.
  a. while b. as c. when d. since
  5, i hate it _____people talk with a full mouth.
  a.when b. because c. as d. if
  key: 1—5 a b b c a
  语法内容分析 现在分词作状语的用法
  walking across the bridge, the painter made preparations for his painting.
  hearing the cry for help, the soldiers rushed out of the building.
  i was in the room watching tv when the earthquake happened.
  the whale looks for food using sound waves. 鲸鱼通过声波寻找食物。
  our class may go to the west lake tomorrow, depending on the weather.
  a lot of good soil has gone with the floods, leaving only sand.
