

  unit 1 laughter is good for you
  part one teaching design
  第一部分 教学设计
  reading stand-up for your health
  step 1: lead-in
  t: do you know who this person is?
  s: charlie chaplin, a famous american comedian.
  t: what kind of imagine will appear in your mind?
  s: he always wears a small black hat, very wide trousers and a moustache, and carries a stick that he swings in the air as he walks.
  t: how do you feel at the sight of him?
  s: he is humorous and makes us laugh.
  t: what’s the style of his film?
  s: in his film, he’s never the mr. big and he always has much trouble in his life. however, he uses his sense of humor to teach people that there are always ways to face problems if you are able to laugh.
  t: do you think laughing is good for people’s health?
  s: yes. laughter is a bridge that can lead people to health, happiness and peace. it is a good therapy to help people get rid of bitterness and forget all the problems.
  t: today, we’ll learn a passage entitled "stand-up for your health!" do you know the meaning of "stand-up" here? does it mean you have to stand up to keep healthy?
  s: no. "stand-up" is a kind of comedy in which the comedian stands in front of the audience and talk directly to audience members.
  step 2: fast-reading for general idea.
  go through the passage as quickly as possible and find answers to the three questions in part a.
  1 what is the article about?
  2 how many types of stand-up are there?
  3 what is laughter good for?
  answers 1 it’s about stand-up comedy.
  2 there are four main types.
  3 it’s good for our health.
  step 3: careful-reading for detailed information
  1. let"s read the passage again more carefully and try to finish part c1 after your reading.
  1 what is special about stand-up comedy?
  2 what are the four main types of stand-up?
  3 when did billy crystal begin practicing stand-up?
  4 what is one reason billy crystal has become so famous?
  5 how many times has billy crystal hosted the academy awards?
  6 who were bob hope and george burns?
  7 what dies your brain do when you laugh?
  8 what is the english idiom about laughter mentioned in the text?
  1 stand-up is different from other forms of comedy because the comedian is in front of the audience and may talk directly to audience members.
  2 they are observational, prop physical, and impressionist.
  3 he began practicing stand-up when he was a child.
  4 his outstanding ability to improvise.
  5 eight times.
  6 they were two comedians who lived to be 100 years old and kept working until the end of their lives.
  7 it sends chemicals that are good for you into your body.
  8 laughter is the best medicine.
  2. next let"s listen to the tape and decide whether the following sentences are true or false.
  1 a stand-up comedian is not allowed to make fun of an audience member.
  2 if the comedians act or speak like a well-known person, this is called observational comedy.
  3 what the physical comedians usually do is tripping over chairs, walking into doors and falling down on stage.
  4 quite a few stand-up comedians have become famous as television and film actor later on in life.
  5 the fact that when crystal hosts the academy awards, he always keeps a toothbrush in his pocket for good luck is only known to a few people.
  6 billy crystal has no plans to go on making films to go on telling jokes.
  7 the reason why people who laugh a lot live longer is that when you laugh, your brain sends chemicals around your body that are good for you.
  answers 1 f 2 f 3 t 4 f 5 t 6 f 7 t
  1.now let"s come to part c2. the four main types of stand-up comedy are explained in the article. match each type with an appropriate example. write the correct letter in the bracket.
  answers 1 d 2 a 3 c 4 b
  step 4: practice
  1.part d
  find these new words and expressions in the article. guess their meanings from the contest. then match them with the correct definitions.
  answers 1 b 2 d3 e4 h5 g6 a7 c8 f
  2.part e
  gao hua is writing a biography of billy crystal for his english class. help him complete it.
  1 american 2 observe 3 appropriate 4 comedy 5 television
  6 actors 7 improvise 8 host 9 healthy 10 comedian
  step 5: post-reading activities.
  1. discuss the following questions in groups, then role-play the dialogues and act out before the class.
  (1) what are necessary qualifications a good comedian needs to have?
  (2) when you are in low spirits, what will you do to stop unpleasant feelings?
  (3) besides laughter, what are other factors that can help people keep healthy and live longer?
  sample answers
  having enough courage to perform in front of the audience   practicing a lot to perfect their routine   being able to read their audience’s thoughts to know exactly what they would like to see   watching as many comedies as they can to learn about more techniques   making full preparations before going on stage   2
  watching a comedy   listening to music or watching films   seeing friends   surfing the internet   locking myself in my room and doing reading   3
  having a balanced diet   exercising regularly   having a good mood   being optimistic   step 6: language points   vocabulary   words   laughter, stand-up, humor, well-loved, comedy, comedian, response, reaction, main, physical, humorous, queue, visual, tennis, stage, actor, act, academy, award, routine, live, little-known, toothbrush, mirror, outstanding, microphone, lip, appropriate, silent, howl, amuse, brain, saying   useful expressions   make fun of, in response to, make jokes about, queue up, trip over, later on, broadcast live, make up, have effect on, after all   sentence patterns1.one little-known fact is that when crystal is the host of the academy awards, he always keeps a toothbrush in his pocket of good luck!   2.instead of telling the joke he had planned, crystal made up a new one.   3.it seems appropriate that he got his start in silent film.   4.doctors have been researching what effect stand-up and other forms of comedy have on us.   step 7: consolidation exercises:   1 fill in the blanks according to the text.   stand-up is one of the most well-known and well-loved types of comedy. in observational comedy, the comedian makes jokes about 1_______ things he or she 2________ in everyday life. prop 3_________ use props to tell their jokes. physical comedians use their 4_________ to make jokes. impressionist comedians act or speak like a well-known person, which is called doing an 5_________ of the person,   billy crystal is one of the stand-up comedians who have become famous as television and film actors later on in life. his 6_________ with all age groups and his ability to 7_________ people all over the world prove that stand-up can be enjoyed by everyone.   doctors have been 8_________ the effect stand-up and other forms of comedy have on people. they have discovered that people who laugh a lot live longer. this agrees with the english saying   "9_________ is the best 10_________".   answers   1 humorous 2 observes 3 comedians 4 bodies 5 impression   6 popularity 7 amuse 8 researching 9 laughter 10 medicine   2 translate the following sentences into english.   1 有一种非常出名,深受人们喜爱的喜剧形式叫做单口喜剧。   2 单口喜剧演员可以拿某一观众开玩笑,也可以根据观众的反应随机应变说不同的笑话。   3 观众只能看见他站在那里两片嘴唇动个不停。   4 克里斯托放弃了讲事先准备好的笑话,即兴编了一个。   5 克里斯托深受各年龄断人群的喜爱,他有能力让世人感到开心,这证明单口喜剧能被所有人欣赏。   sample answers   1 one of the most well-known and well-loved types of comedy is called stand-up.   2 a stand-up comedian may make fun of an audience member, or he or she might decide to tell different jokes in response to the reactions of an audience.   3 the audience could only see him standing there moving his lips.   4 instead of telling the joke he had planned, crystal made up a new one.   5 crystal’s popularity with all age groups and his ability to amuse people all over the world prove that stand-up can be enjoyed by everyone.   3句型转换:   1.he or she might decide to tell different jokes to respond to the reactions of an audience.   he or she might decide to tell different jokes ______ ______ to the reactions of an audience.   2.one such person is billy crystal.   such______ person is billy crystal.   3.instead of telling the joke he had planned, he made up a new one.   he didn’t tell the joke he had planned._______ he made up a new one.   he didn’t tell the joke he had planned _______made up a new one.   4.he hopes to follow the way that other famous comedians usually do.   he hopes to follow _____ _____ _____ of other famous comedians.   5.doctors have been researching what stand-up and other forms of comedy affect us.   doctors have been researching what______ stand-up and other forms of comedy have_____ us.   6.david canadian mark roswell from canada, called da shan in china, is well known for his great ability to study chinese.   david canadian mark roswell from canada,______ in china_____ da shan, is well known for his great ability to study chinese   7.his classes are well received by his students from abroad.   his classes are very ______ ______the students from abroad.   8.go out and see what is up there.   go out and see what is_____ _____there.   9.do you mind if i sit down here?   do you mind_____ _____ down here?   10.later on, the servant re-entered, magazine in hand.   later on, the servant re-entered _____ a magazine in_____ hand.   answers   1. in response 2.a 3.instead; but 4. in the footsteps 5.effect, on   6. known, as 7.popular with/among 8.going on 9.my sitting 10.with,his   step 8: homework   1 prepare a funny story to tell to your classmates.   2. prepare the part word power   3 finish a1 and a2 on page 100 of the workbook.
