

  lesson 1 tomorrow’s world
  teaching aims:
  to use the title of a text to predict the content.
  to practise using vocabulary of cyberspace.
  to practise using will and going to to talk and write about the future.
  teaching difficulties: to revise present simple and present continuous.
  teaching aids: computer and cassette
  teaching procedures:
  ⅰ. warming up
  what computers and internet bring us?
  convenient, high efficient
  compared to 20 years ago how do you think technology will change our lives?
  for example:
  go shopping on line.
  needn’t carry cash and use credit cards.
  instead of going to the bank you can use a computer and a telephone to pay for bills.
  1. imagine what happens in the next twenty years?
  2. is it possible that the computer gives us disaster?
  look at the title of the article.
  which of these topics do you think it will mention?
  * the internet * artificial human * time travel * robots * global warming * virtual reality
  read the article quickly and check your guess to question 2 above.
  1.with the development of computers, our life may change in shopping and communicating ways
  2.the text infers to us that worry is not necessary and computers and the internet only do good to us.
  3.some experts say in the future we will not go to school in the classroom like us.
  4. in the future it is possible that people live in another world of outer space.
  5. the text tell us you can do many things but needn’t go to the place yourself.
  6. because of the rapid development of internet television and the mail will be replaced by computer.
  keys: t f t f t t
  learning vocabulary
  match the vocabulary from the text below with the definitions.
  hacker, chaos, terrorist, the net (internet), virtual reality, crash
  1.a person who enters other people’s computer programmes in secret
  2. the use of computers to make situations feel and look real.
  3. have an accident by violently hitting something.
  4. some who does terrible things to harm countries, governments and people.
  5. computer system that allows millions of people around the world to share information
  6. a terrible situation in which everything goes wrong
  keys: 1. hacker 2. virtual reality 3. crash 4. terrorist 5. the net (internet) 6. chaos
  correct error
  1.in the last thirty years, the internet grew rapidly.
  2. terrorist may "attack" the world’s computers, cause chaos, make planes and trains crash.
  3. it is convenient to order tickets from the internet.
  4. in 1983, there were only 200 computers connect to the internet.
  5. it is clear we can use internet to do all kinds of things at home.
  6. personally, i’m optimistic about the future of internet.
  7. as society develops, computers will make our life much convenient.
  8. the mail service may also disappear as the increasing use of e-mail.
  keys: 1. grew 改为 has grown 2. make前加and 3. order 改为book 4. connect改为connected 5. clear后加that 6. of 后加the 7. much 改为more 8. as 改为with
  we can feel convenient, we can do all kinds of things from the internet at home, such as buy books, find out about holiday offers, book tickets and so on.
  some traditional things will disappear.
  we may live in a virtual world.
  hacker can get into the computers of banks and government so that change data or steal away important information.
  terrorists will attack the world’s computers, cause chaos, make planes and trains crash even and cause nuclear war.
  voice your opinion
  do you feel pessimistic or optimistic about the future of the internet? why?
  language points
  1.in 1983, there were only 200 computers connected to the internet.
  = which were connected to the internet.
  computer 和connect 是被动关系,因此connected to 是过去分词做定语来修饰computer,相当于一个定语从句。
  it is surprising that there were 3oo gold coins buried underground.
  which were buried underground.
  真是令人惊奇,地下埋了300 枚金币。
  there are so many people watching the big fire in the street.
  =who watched the big fire in the street.
  people 和watching 是主动关系watching 是现在分词做定语表主动来修饰people 相当于定语从句。
  2.some experts are pessimistic about the future.
  be pessimistic/optimistic about 对…悲观/乐观
  i’m rather pessimistic about the present situation.
  3. it is clear that we are going to see an explosion of shopping on the internet.
  it作形式主语,真实主语是 that引出的主语从句。
  that we are going to see an explosion of shopping on the internet is clear.
  it is clear that in the next few years the earth’s climate will change.
  = that in the next few years the earth’s climate will change.
  4. ..the use of computers with sounds and pictures that make you feel as if you are in a real situation.
  as if 连词,仿佛, 好像
  it sounds as if she’s been really ill.
  5. we have to take immediate action.
  take action 采取行动。
  we must take actions to prevent the spread of disease.
  language study
  predictions will and be going to
  read the following sentences from the text. in pairs, decide which
  a)talks about a future event we can predict from a present situation?
  b)expresses our opinions and beliefs about the future?
  1. …, ‘ it is clear that we are going to see an explosion of shopping on the internet.’
  2. she also believes that, in the future, we will get entertainment from the internet and that television will probably disappear.
  3. ‘personally, i think virtual reality will become part of modern life,’ …
  keys: 1. a 2. b 3. b
  grammar summary 1, on p92.
  1.you’re planning to buy a computer.
  a) i hope it will be cheap.
  b) it is going to be cheap.
  2. it’s the last ten minutes of a basketball match between russia and the usa. the score is 102:56 to russia.
  a) the usa will lose.
  b) the usa is going to lose.
  keys: 1. a 2. b
  complete the text with going to or will
  earth report!
  dr carl wight is an expert on the environment. he speaks to our reporter, "it is clear that in the next few years the earth’s climate(1)_________ change . i’m afraid that this probably means that many kinds of animals, such as the south china tiger, (2)___________ disappear soon, changes in climate(3)____________
  certainly affect people’s lives too. because of global warming, the sea has already destroyed parts of britain. it is obvious that this destruction (4)_______become more dangerous in the future. we have to take immediate action, or i fear that life on earth (5)______get worse."
  keys: 1. is going to 2. are going to 3. are going to 4. will 5. will
  1.the cars are going to crash.
  2. she’s going to have a baby.
  3. he’s going to walk into the bus stop.
  4. the house is going to fall into the sea.
  language in use
  work in pairs. student a is a pessimist and student b is an optimist. make predictions about life by the year 2050.
  page 55 exercise 4, 5 and 6
