

  unit3 online travel导学案
  unit3 online travel
  comic strip and welcome to the unit(导学稿)001
  班级 姓名 学号 等级 _
  【学习目标】(teaching aim )
  【重点、难点】(key points and difficulty)
  【学法指导】(methods and skills )
  1.自主学习记忆书后单词和comic strip部分的对话;
  a. 课前预习:
  预习课本page 40-41课文,将下列短语译成英文。(在课文中找出并用直尺划出)
  1.遥控器_______________________ 2. 查找信息_______________________________
  3. 看起来像_____________________4. 文字处理_______________________________
  5. 打开电视______________________ 6. 发送电子邮件_________________________
  7. 换频道________________________8 编程序_________________________________
  9 玩游戏_________________________10举行作文竞赛__________________________
  1. 学生自主讨论下列问题
  1). what do you usually do when you are free?
  2). do you have a computer at home?
  3). do you like playing computer games?
  4). do you only use your computer to play games?
  5). what do you use your computer for?
  6). why?
  7). how often do you use your computer to…?
  8). do you know any other uses of computers?
  2. 独立完成课本41页a部分的练习
  3. 小组核对答案
  4. 组内读课本40页对话并回答问题
  1). do eddie and hobo know well about computers?
  2). what do eddie and hobo think the computer look like?
  3). do you know what the remote control really is?
  5. 小组核对答案
  c. 小组展示
  1. 组内自主表演对话
  2. 学生两人一组上台表演对话,他组点评。
  1. 教师精讲点拨
  2. 整理笔记
  1.what can you see in the _____________(最近的) photos?
  2.eddie thinks the mouse is the (遥控器)
  3.we can use computers to (收发电子邮件) .
  4.we can use computers for_______________(搜索信息)。
  5.--- what do you usually use your computer for?
  ---i usually use it to ______________________(编写电脑程序).
  6.it ___ (看起来像) a television.
  7.the students _______________ (read) english when the teacher came in.
  8.they ______________ (have) an english exam next week, won’t they?
  9.they ________ just _________ (write) their articles.
  10.i’m afraid you _______________ (forget) the important letter, haven’t you?
  11.he ______ his father.   a. look like b. looks like c. looks at d. looks   12.the thief_______ him carefully but he didn’t _______ anythin.   a. search, search for b. searched, searched   c. searched for, search d. searched, search for   13.i have to go now. please remember to________ lights when you leave.   a. turn on b. turn down c. turn off d. turn up   14.can you tell me what_______ in the story?   a. does it look like b. it likes c. it looks like d. it is liking   15.mrs. wang has lived in yangzhou _________ 1992.   a. since b. from c. after d. in   16.his father _______ for years. he misses his father from time to time.   a. has died b. has been dead c. died d. dies   17.mike _______ the story book for a month. he has to return it to the library.   a. has bought b. has had c. had had d. has borrowed   18.has the important person _______ yet?   a. got to b. reached c. arrived at d. arrived   19.i should do these things________.   a. of my own b .in my own c. with my own d. on my own   20.she ______ an english teacher, nut now she is a worker.   a. uses to b. used to c. use to be d. used to be   21. ---_________ have you lived in yangzhou?   ---since i was born.   a. how many b. when c. how far d. how long   22. on my birthday, my father bought a watch _______ a present ________ me.   a. for, as b. as, as c. as, for d. for, for   23. ---- how do you start playing games so soon, tom?   ----i ______ my homework, mom.   a. have finished b. finished c. finish d. am finishing   24. ---- how about seeing the film with me?   ---- sorry, i ______ it twice.   a. am seeing b. will see c. see d. have seen   25. --- what do you think of my answer to the question?   ---sorry. what’s that? i ______ about something else.   a. thought b. had thought c. am thinking d. was thinking   二、翻译句子   26. 自从我离开家乡,那里已发生了巨大的变化.   _______________________________________________________________________________   27.他刚刚去上海了。直到明天他完成这个课题才能回来。   _______________________________________________________________________________   28.今天早上当他到学校时,他发现教室里的灯被打开了。   _______________________________________________________________________________   29.昨晚一辆小汽车撞了他,但他没受伤。   _______________________________________________________________________________   30.我们用电脑进行画画和设计。   _______________________________________________________________________________   31.衣服被人们用来保暖。   _______________________________________________________________________________   32.保罗叔叔去香港了,他去了一个多星期了。   _______________________________________________________________________________   33.关于如何使用电脑你有一些主意吗?   _______________________________________________________________________________   34.那天中的最好的时光是当父亲告诉我要为我买一台新电脑的时候。   _______________________________________________________________________________   三 首字母填空。   only mother love is true love. it gives everybody everything all h 35 life. when you are still a baby, mother takes good care of you as much as possible. in your waking hours she always h 36 you in her arms. when you are ill, she stops to look after you day and night and forgets about h 37 _. when you are g 38 up day by day, she feels very happy. when you are old enough to go to school, mother still looks after you all the time. on c 39 winter days, she always tells you to put on more clothes. she always stands in the wind w 40 for you back from school. when you h 41 to leave home for school with little breakfast, she always feels w 42 about you at home. she usually knows about your study and spends much money on your school things. when you do well at school, you will see the brightest s 43 on her face.   mother is always ready to give everything she has to her children, not to r 44 . what true love that is in the world! we will remember mother love for ever!   35. h____________ 36. h______________ 37. h____________ 38. g____________   39. c____________ 40. w____________ 41. h______________ 42. w____________   43. s____________ 44. r____________   unit3 online travel   grammar   班级 姓名 学号 等级 _   【学习目标】(teaching aim )   1.掌握并使用被动语态。   2.熟悉并理解使用被动语态的语境。   【重点、难点】(key points and difficulty)   掌握并使用被动语态。   【学法指导】(methods and skills )   1.自主学习记忆书后单词和短语;   2.小组或同桌合作解决问题,教师点拨。   【学习过程】   a. 课前预习:   预习课本page 47-51课文,将下列单词和短语译成英文。(在课文中找出并用直尺划出)   1.重新启动电脑____________________ 2. 关闭屏幕上所有的窗口____________   3. 出现在屏幕上_____________________4. 双击自动运行图标___________   5. 不起作用____________________ 6. 把键盘和电脑连接起来________________   7. 放入光盘_______________________ 8. 检查安装________________   b. 课堂探究   1.检查课前预习   check the answers in groups.   2. 自主学习part a   3. 完成课本48页part a1&a2练习   4.小组核对答案   5. 完成课本50-51页partb1&b2练习   6.小组核对答案   c、精讲点拨   1. 教师精讲点拨   一般现在时的被动语态:am/is/are +动词的过去分词   eg:we clean our classroom every day.   classroom is cleaned (by us ) every day.   一般过去时的被动语态:was/were + 动词的过去分词   eg: the students visited the great wall yesterday.   the great wall was visited by the students yesterday.   注:使役动词make/have/let sb. do sth 变为被动语态时,应该在do之前加上to。   eg; he made the boy laugh.   the boy was made to laugh.   感官动词see/hear/watch sb. do sth 也一样。如果是doing sth 则不变   2. 整理笔记   __________________________________________________   _____________________________________________________________   d、课堂巩固   一、词汇运用   1.it"s said (据说) that the long bridge ______________(build)in two months.   2.which language _______the most widely___________(speak)in the world?   3.last year a large number of trees______________(cut)down.   4.the students _______ often ___________ (tell) to take care of their desks and chairs.   5.the room _____________ (clean) by me every day.   6.the old man is ill. he _____________ (must send) to the hospital.   7.can the magazine ___________ (take) out of the library?   8.this kind of shoes __________ (sell) well.   9.this piece of music ____________ (love) by people all over the world.   10.*the little girl is often seen ____________ (read) in the library.   e、课后拓展   二、单项选择   111213141516171819202122232425
  11.if these young trees _______, they will grow up quickly and well.   a. take good care of b. take good care c. are taken good care d. are taken good care of   12.do you know what_______?   a. it calls b. does it call c. it is called d. is it called   *13. the boy_________ streets without pay in the old days.   a. made clean b. was made to clean c. made to clean d. was made clean   14. bob _______ to be one of the best students in his class.   a. thought b. was thinking c. had thought d. was thought   15. the children _______ not to play with the fire.   a. are often told b. tell c. are telling d. told   16. his bike _______ on the way home yesterday after school.   a. breaks b. broke c. has broken d. has been broken   17. the computers can not ________ in that small village.   a. use b. used c. using d. be used   18. an accident _______ on this road last week.   a. happened b. was happened c. is happened d. has been happened   19. who _____ this book _____?   a. did; written b. was; written by c. did; written d. was; written   20. this old machine ________ the room wet.   a. used to keep b. was used to keeping c. used to keeping d. was used to keep   21. we can"t enter the room because its door______.   a. locked b. locks c. is locked d. is locking   22. tom! you _____on the phone just now, but you _____in.   a. wanted, were b. are wanted, are c. were wanted, weren’t d. called , aren’t   23. *if he________ enough time, he will come up with an idea.   a. gives b. will give c. is given d. will be given   24. *many high buildings _________ in our city since i came here.   a .have been built b. have built c. has been built d. has built   25. * ---- have you moved into the new house? ---- not yet, the rooms _________.   a. are being painted b. are painting c. are painted d. are being painting   三、句型转换(每空一词)   26. my brother turned on the tv after he got home. (改为被动语态)   the tv ________ __________ __________ by my brother after he got home.   27. they sold all the computers in the shop. (改为被动语态)   all the computers ________ __________ in the shop.   28. we connected the keyboard to the computer properly. (改为被动语态)   the __________ was ___________ to the _____________ properly.   29. who designed that cd-rom? (改为被动语态)   whom _________that cd-rom _________ _________?   30. i was looked after in the hospital. (改为主动语态)   somebody _________ ________ me in the hospital.   31. tom wrote the boring book. (改为被动语态)   the boring book __________ _________ by tom.   32. my parents buy me a birthday cake every year. (改为被动语态)   i _______ ______ a birthday cake by my parents every year.   33. do they grow rice in south china? (改为被动语态)   ________ rice ______ in south china?   34. i am given a birthday present by my parents every year.(同义句转换)   a birthday present _______ _______ _______ _______by my parents every year.   35. the children will sing an english song. (改为被动语态)   an english song ______ ______ _______ by the children.   36. people use metal for making machines. (同上) metal ______ _________ _______making machines.   37. did they build a bridge here a year ago? (同上) _______ a bridge _________ here by them a year ago?   38. we call the game "toucai". (同上) the game _______ ________ "toucai" by us.   四、缺词填空   can computers take place of human beings(人类) s__39__ day? computers are u__40__ almost everywhere today. sometimes people will ask themselves if it is p__41__ that one day they would be replaced(代替) by computers? it is a terrible idea even to think about. but could it b__42__ true?   some people think it will happen. computers are more and more powerful today. they have a bigger memory and work much f__43__ than human beings. they have taken away our jobs in places such as factories, farms or even scientific labs. people believe that one day all of us could lose our jobs and be c__44__ by machine bosses.   h__45__, i don’t feel this way about our future. computers are clever, but they are s__46__ not as smart as we are. it is because of scientists’ efforts(努力) that computers are developing faster day by day. we made them, and we use them. computers are just tools. human beings are the masters of the computers.   in the future, computers will be used in more fields and they will become more u__47__. if we make good use of them, they will become an important p__48__ of the world and good tools for human beings.   39 s__________ 40. u___________ 41. p___________ 42. b___________ 43. f___________   44. c__________ 45. h___________46. s____________ 47. u___________ 48. p___________   五、任务型阅读   what makes the world smaller? some inventions. it began in the 11th century, but it has developed greatly in the last century. let’s take a look at five top inventions.   movable type(活字印刷): by using movable type, books could be printed cheaply and easily. bi sheng invented movable type in china in the 11th century.   telephone: the inventor alexander graham bell made the first telephone call in 1876. "mr. watson, come here. i want you," he said to his assistant(助手) over the phone line. and with those famous words, the world was about to get much smaller.   airplane: the wright brothers made the first powered flight in 1903. air travel has made the faraway places suddenly become a lot closer.   internet: when the internet was created in 1969, only a few people knew about it. but more than 650 million people in the world use it now. the internet has made information about anything easy to get.   title : the 49. ________ make the world smaller   movable typetelephoneairplaneinternet   50. ________51. ________the usa   52. ________in the 53. ________ centuryin 1876in 54. ________in 55. ________   howbooks could be printed cheaply and 56. ________the world got a lot smaller.air travel has made the 57. ________ places closer.it has made 58. ________ about anything easy to get.
