

  unit 2 robot
  一. 教学内容:
  unit 2 robot grammar
  二. 教学目标:
  1. 特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句
  2. 由祈使句转换成的宾语从句
  (一) 由that, if/ whether引导的宾语从句
  1. 连词that引导由陈述句充当的宾语从句,主句中常用的谓语动词有:think, believe, know, say, tell, understand。
  he told us (that) he felt ill. 他对我们说他感到不舒服。
  i know (that) he has returned. 我知道他已经回来了。
  that 不省略的情况:
  1) everybody could see what happened and that tom was frightened.
  2) i know nothing about him except that he is from the south.
  3) that he ever said such a thing i simply don’t believe.
  4) we decided, in view of his special circumstances, that we would admit him for a probationary period.
  2. 当宾语从句是一般疑问句时,由连词if / whether 引导从句, 从句用陈述句语序(主语在前,谓语在后),主句中常用的动词有:ask, wonder, not sure, don’t think, don’t know
  he asked, "do you like chinese tea?"
  he asked me if/ whether i liked chinese tea.
  she said, "do you know his name?"
  she asked whether i knew his name or not.
  do you know…?
  1) can a robot talk ?
  do you know _______ ____ ___________ _______________ _______________?
  2) is the robot willing to do the laundry?
  do you know _______ ___________ _____________ __________ willing to do the laundry?
  3) does a robot need any energy to work?
  do you know ________ ____ _________ ______________ any energy to work?
  4) do robots like their owners?
  do you know ________ ____________ _____________ their owners?
  5) will there be more and more robots in the future?
  do you know _______ ___________ ____________ _________ more and more robots in the future?
  (二) 特殊疑问句转换成宾语从句:
  当宾语从句是特殊疑问句时, 以特殊疑问词(who, whom, what, which, whose, where, when, why, how, how often/much/many/long/far/soon…)开头, 后加陈述句语序(主语在前,谓语在后),如:
  1. what do you want to do? you may do…
  you may do what you want to do.
  2. what is he writing about? i wonder…
  i wonder what he is writing about.
  3. why do i ask you to come? i’ll tell you…
  i’ll tell you why i asked you to come.
  can you tell me…?
  1. how soon will you finish reading the book?
  can you tell me _________ _________ _________ ________ ________reading the book?
  2. how much does ann know about italy?
  can you tell me _________ __ __________ _____ ____________ about italy?
  3. why did tom choose the least expensive one?
  can you tell me________ __________ ______________the least expensive one?
  millie asks…
  1. when and where was the performance held?
  millie asks when and where _________ ________________ ________ __________.
  2. how do you like the performance?
  millie asks how _______ ______________ the performance?
  3. how many performers were there on the stage?
  millie asks how many performers ________________ _____________ on the stage?
  sandy wonders…
  1. how does the robot help with our homework?
  sandy wonders how the robot ___________ with our homework.
  2. where does the robot sleep?
  sandy wonders where the robot_____________.
  3. how long does a robot work?
  sandy wonders how long a robot _______________.
  4. why does a robot cost a lot?
  sandy wonders why a robot _____________________a lot.
  daniel doesn’t know…
  1. where did jiang buy the robot?
  daniel doesn’t know where jiang _______________ the robot.
  2. why did jiang’s robot laugh at him yesterday?
  daniel doesn’t know why jiang’s robot _______________ at him yesterday.
  3. how long did jiang talk with him robot last night?
  daniel doesn’t know how long jiang ___________________ with him robot last night.
  do you know…?
  1. who moved the cheese?
  do you know _________ ______________ the cheese?
  2. where did chen buy the robot?
  do you know where __________ ____________ the robot?
  3. whose robot is it?
  do you know whose robot_______ _ _________?
  4. how did he solve the problem?
  do you know how _________ ___________ the problem?
  5. when will a better robot be produced?
  do you know when a better robot ________ ___________ produced?
  he was deeply displeased by what had occurred that day.
  i walked over to where she sat.
  i am curious as to what he will say.
  your success will largely depend upon what you do and how you do it.
  i don’t care (for) who marries him.
  be careful (as to) how you do that.
  (三) 祈使句转换成宾语从句
  肯定句:to + do
  否定句:not + to do
  1. she said, "open the windows."
  she asked me _____ __________ the windows.
  2. the teacher told us, "don’t play on the street."
  the teacher told us____ _____ __________on the street.
  1. 确定连接词(根据从句句式)
  从 句 的 句 式连 接词
  陈 述 句that
  一般疑问句if/ whether
  祈使句 (肯定句)to + do
  祈使句 (否定句)not to do
  2. 确定从句语序(把从句变成陈述句)
  i don’t know whether he will come or not.
  i’m not sure what he has done with the old bike.
  要点: 疑问词充当宾语从句中主语时的位置
  3. 确定从句的时态(根据主句时态)
  he will come in a minute. (i hear….)
  i hear that he will come in a minute.
  they have come to see us. (i know…)
  i know that they have come to see us.
  i will help you. (he said…)
  he said that he would help you.
  1. 若从句里有表示某一具体时间的状语,则可以不用过去完成时,而用一般过去时。
  he borrowed the book from the library yesterday. ( he told me…)
  he told me that he borrowed the book from the library yesterday.
  2. 当从句表示的是真理或一个永久的事实,用现在时态。
  the earth turns round the sun. (the teacher told us…)
  the teacher told us that the earth turns round the sun.
  1. "are you a student?" she asked me…
  she asked me______ ________ ___________ a student.
  2. "she wants to join the pla." she said…
  she said that she ___________ ___________ join the pla.
  3. "is the truck collecting rubbish outside?" dad asked me…
  dad asked me ________ ________ ____________ _________ collecting rubbish outside.
  4. "we will hold a sports meeting tomorrow." our teacher told us…
  our teacher told us_______ _________ hold a sports meeting the next day.
  5. how long has it been like this? the man asked how …
  the man asked how long ____ __________ _________ like that.
  6. will it snow tomorrow? do you know?
  do you know_______ _________ _________ tomorrow?
  7. where are our tickets? please tell me…
  please tell me where ________ __________ __________.
  8. i have already finished reading this book. she said…
  she said ________ ________ _________ already finished reading this book.
  9. what time does the train leave? do you know …
  do you know what time ___________ _________ ________________?
  10. i can do it by myself. i think…
  i think that _______ _________ ________ it by myself.
