

  高二英语unit18 inventions知识点总复习教案
  section ii 阅读
  6. how do they come up with ideas for new inventions? 他们怎么提出新发明的想法的? (p. 59. pre-reading 3) / (p. 59 reading 第一段第二行) 比较:解释3
  come up with意为"提出""想出"。如:① the teacher asked a difficult question,but finally tom came up with a good answer. 老师提出了一个难题,但汤姆最后想出了一个好答案。② the magazine recently came up with some advice on smoking. 那本杂志最近就吸烟问题提出了一些忠告。③ i hope you can come up with a better plan than this. 我希望你能想出一个比这个更好些的计划来。④ scientists will have to come up with new methods of increasing the world"s food supply.科学家们必须找出增加全世界食品供应的新方法。⑤ you have no choice but to come up with the  18000.你别无选择,必须拿出那一万八千英镑来。
  【注】come up 也有"被提出来"之意,但主语一般是表示问题、建议、计划等的名词。如:① the program came up for final decision.这一计划被提出来以便作最后决定。 ② these problems will come up for discussion at the meeting. 这些问题会在会议中提出来讨论。③ we solved problems as soon as they came up. 问题一出现我们就解决。
  【注】 come up with还有"赶上"之意。如:① let"s hurry up so that we may come up with them.咱们快些走,好赶上他们。② we shall have to work hard to come up with the other team.我们得努力干才能赶上另一队的进度。③ i came up with her as she was rounding the corner. 她在拐弯时,我追上了她。
  【注】come up with可引申为"拿出""提供(一笔钱)"之意。如:① the rich man came up with a large sun of money to those poor students who can"t afford their tuition.那个有钱人拿出一大笔钱来给那些因贫困而交不起学费的学生。
  7. throughout history, great thinkers have used their creativity and imagination to change the world. 纵观历史,为大的思想家们用他们的创造力和想象力改变了世界 (p. 59 reading 第一段 第一行)   throughout
  (1) prep. 遍及we have friends throughout the world. 我们的朋友遍天下。schools were opened throughout the country. 全国中小学都开学了。
  (2) prep. 在整个(一段时期) throughout the summer and autumn he continued to go to the office work. 整个夏秋季节他都连续在办公室上班。
  (3) adv. 整个地,全部地the timber was rotten throughout.这块木料已经整个儿地腐烂了。
  (4) adv. 一直地,从头到尾prices remain stable throughout. 物价始终保持稳定。the house is painted throughout. 这所房子全部油漆一新。
  8. how do they come up with ideas for new inventions? 他们那些新发明的思想是怎么来的呢? (p. 59 reading 第一段第二行)   come up with
  (1) 赶上 we shall have to work hard to come up with them. 我们要努力工作,赶上他们。
  (2) 提出,提供 i hope you can come up with a better plan than this. 我希望你们能提出比这个更好的计划。
  拓展:come up 走近,长出; come up against 遭到……; come up to 达到,符合; come out with 发表,出版
  9. thinkers who have changed the world do not seem to have much in common. 改变了世界的思想家们似乎并没有很多共同之处。(p. 59. 第一段 第三行)
  in common意为"共用""共有""共同",后接介词with时,意为"和…一样"。如: ① the swimming pool is used in common by all the children in the town. 这个游泳池供镇上的孩子共同使用。② they have nothing in common with one another. 他们相互之间没有共同点。③ in common with many people, he prefers classic music to pop.和很多人一样,他喜欢古典音乐,不喜欢流行音乐。④he believed,in common with the majority, that it was tree.他与大多数人一样,认为这是真的。⑤ in common with most italian lakes, access to the shores of orta is restr- icted. 和大多数的意大利湖一样,进入奥塔湖滨受到限制。⑥ to my surprise, i found i had a lot in common with this stranger.令我惊讶的是,我发现我与那陌生人有很多相似之处。⑦ he had little in common with his little sister.他与他的小妹妹没有多少共同之处。⑧ their methods have a lot in common.他们的方法有很多相似之处。
  【注】 注意out of the common意思是"异乎寻常的" "不平常的"。如:it is something out of the common. 这是异乎寻常的东西。
  10. it seems that creative thinking,…, is a matter of habits. 人们似乎觉得创造性是关于习惯的问题。(p. 59 reading 第一段倒数第二行) 比较:u.17 p.51 the best way to help is often simply a matter of opening doors and offering guidance.帮助残疾人的最好办法就是开门提供引导的问题。   a matter of (关于)……的问题
  (1) a matter of……的问题,matter意为"事情""问题"。this is a matter of principle. 这是一个原则性问题。it"s not a matter of laughing. 这可不是开玩笑的事情。
  (2) the matter 麻烦事what"s the matter with you? why are you crying? 发生了什么事,干吗哭呢?
  拓展:a matter of opinion 看法不同的问题;a matter of life and death 生死攸关的事情;as a matter of fact 事实上,其实;no matter what (how,when,where,who…);无论什么 (怎样,何时,哪里,谁……);for that matter (for the matter of that) 就此而言;what"s the matter with...? ……怎么了? / ……出了什么毛病?;in the matter of... 就……而论; it doesn"t matter. 没关系
  11. knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful,… 假如我们想要成功,知识和学习都是很重要的… (p. 59 reading 第二段第一行)   knowledge
  (1) n. 知识,认识knowledge is power,知识就是力量。
  (2) n. 知道,了解he has no knowledge of life in the small village. 他对那个小村子的生活不了解。she has a good knowledge of london. 她对伦敦十分熟悉。i have no knowledge of his arrival. 我不知道他来了。
  learning常指"通过长期的、细致的学习而获得系统的知识,这种知识往往不是肤浅的,而广博的、深奥的"。该词也可指全部学识和智慧的总和,或者科学知识,但更多用于语言、文学、历史、法律等人文学科。this dusty knowledge needs brushing up after the passage of years. 多年以后,这种原先学过的知识需温习一下。they have no direct knowledge of conditions in the east. 他们对东方的情况缺乏直接了解。he is a man of learning. 他是个学问渊博的人。
  12. … what we have learnt may also limit our thinking. 我们已经学到手的东西也可能限制我们的思维。(p. 59 reading 第二段第二行)   limit
  (1) vt. 限制we must limit our spending. 我们必须限制开销。she limited her conversation to ten minutes. 她将说 话时间限制为10分钟。
  (2) n. 限制、限度、极限 she has reached the limit of her patience. 她的耐性已经达到了极限。there is a limit to one"s life, but no limit to serving the people. 人的生命是有限的,但为人民服务是无限的。
  拓展:to the limit 到顶点;limited company 有限公司;a limited number of... 有限的几个;be limited in... 在……方面受限;within limits 在一定范围内;without limit 无限地
  联想:limit vt.限制limited adj. 有限的;limitation n. 限制,局限性; limitless 无限制的
  13. inventors often rephrase a problem to allow for creative solutions and… 发明家常常会换一种说法来表述一个问题… (p. 59 reading 第二段第三行)
  *  allow for 顾及,考虑到,体谅:we must allow for his youth. 我们必须体谅他年轻。he allowed for her great age and was very patient. 他考虑到她年纪大因而很耐心。
  拓展:allow of 允许……;allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事:such conduct allows of no excuse. 这种行为不得宽怒。they allowed me to enter. 他们准许我进入。
  辨析: allow与allow for
  allow意为"允许""准许"。如:① smoking is not allowed in public places. 公共场所不允许抽烟。② the government servants aren"t allowed to accept rewards.公务员不得接受酬谢。③ the children ale too young to be allowed out at night. 孩子们太小,夜间不能让他们出去。
  allow for意思是"估计到""把……考虑在内"。如:① when he made the plan, he failed to allow for the unexpected.他作计划时没有把意外情况考虑进去。② he missed the target because the wind hadn"t been allowed for. 因为没有考虑到风的影响,他没有击中目标。③ you can"t make it in an hour, you must allow for traffic delays.你一个小时到不了,你必须考虑到在路上会遇到耽搁。④ we must allow for his lack of experience.我们必须考虑到他缺乏经验这一点。⑤ allowing for exceptions, the rule may stand. 在允许有例外的情况下,这条规则还是可以成立的。)
  14. if we look only for the correct answer and reject ideas that do not provide a complete answer, we may get stuck. 如果我们只找正确答案,拒绝那些不能给我们完整答案的想法,那么我们就可能被框住。(p. 59 reading 第二段第四行)   reject
  (1) vt. 拒绝;抵制;指不肯承认,采用、相信或服从,不肯接受。they had rejected our request contemptuously. 他们轻蔑地拒绝了我们的请求。several publishers rejected the manuscript. 几家出版商都拒绝了这份手稿。
  (2) vt. 抛弃;丢掉;剔除 under the guidance of the party he has rejected the idealist view of history in favour of the materialist. 在党的教导下,他已经抛弃唯心主义历史观,接受了唯物主义历史观。
  reject不能用于拒绝别人的邀请或帮助,其后不能跟不定式。he refused the invitation from john. 他拒绝了约翰的邀请。he refused to believe what i said. 他拒绝相信我说的话。
  (1) vt.提供;装备the government provided them with money and clothes. 政府向他们提供金钱和衣服。the country provides free medical service to college students. 国家为大学生提供了公费医疗。you must provide yourselves. 你们必须自备必需品。
  (2) vi. provide for 提供生计;作准备 provide against预防 who provides for her? 谁为她提供生活费? he provided for the entertainment of his guests. 他为招待客人作好了准备。they had to provide against a shortage of water. 他们不得不作好缺水的准备。they provided against the attack. 他们做好准备以防受攻击。
  辨析:afford,provide与supply: 三个词都有"提供""供给"之意。但在用法上有区别:
  afford 作"向某人提供某物"解时,它的句型是afford sb. sth. (sth.常为抽象名词) travel affords us pleasure. 旅游会给我们带来快乐。he afforded me an opportunity. 他给我提供了一次机会。
  provide与supply用法相似,可以换用,某句型为:provide (supply) sb. with sth.; provide (supply) sth. to (for) sb.; the sun provides (supplies) light and heat for us. = the sun provides (supplies)us with light and heat. 太阳为我们提供光和热。
  get stuck意思是"被困住""被卡住""处于困境",此处get是连系动词,也可以用be等其他的连系动词。如:① the bus was stuck in the mud.公共汽车陷在泥里了。② the shuttle often got stuck, causing a lot of broken ends.梭子常常卡住,造成大量断头。③ what shall we do? we seem to be stuck.怎么办?我们似乎干不下去了。④ have you got stuck over your maths problems? 你的数学题做不下去了吗? ⑤ i"m stuck now, there is no more material for the work. 我无法进行下去了,这工作缺少资料。⑥ i was stuck there for a week by the bad weather.由于天气不好,我在那里待了一个星期。
  15. creative thinking is a conscious effort to break away from old thought patterns in order to explore new possi- bilities. 创造性思维是一种有意识的努力,即为了探索新的可能性而摆脱旧的思维模式。 (p.59第二段倒数第一行)
  effort作"努力"解释时,后常跟不定式,如本句即是,请看下列例句。① his effort to reform her at last succeeded.他要改造她的努力终于成功了。② despite all my efforts to improve his life-style, he"s still smoking twenty cigarettes a day. 尽管我尽力改变他的生活方式,但他还是一天吸二十支香烟。③ he"s jogging round the park every morning in an effort to get fit for the football season. 他为了锻炼身体迎接足球赛季的到来,每天早晨都绕着公园慢跑。
  【注】effort可作"艰难的事"解释,为可数名词。如:it"s such an effort to get up on these dark winter mornings.冬季早晨到处黑沉沉的,起床真艰难呀!
  break away from 意为"脱离""摆脱""断绝来往"。如:① fortunately he broke away from that lawless group years ago.幸好几年前他就脱离了那个不法集团。② the criminal tried to break away from the policeman.罪犯试图从警察手里逃跑。③ smith has broken away from the labour party. 史密斯已脱离工党。
  【注】break away from亦可作"改掉""破除"解。如:① you should break away from such bad habits. 你应该改掉这些坏习惯。② modem music has broken away from the 18th century rules. 现代音乐不再遵守十八世纪的条条框框。③ modern art has broken away from old traditions. 现代美术已摆脱了旧的传统。④ the child broke away from all disciplines. 这孩子一点也不守规矩。
  16. good solutions and new ideas are often the result of change in perception. 好的解决方法和新的思路常常是改变一种观念的结果。(p.59第三段 第一行)
  solution意为"解决(办法)""解答(释)",通常后接介词to。如:① there are no simple solutions to the problem of overpopulations. 对于人口过多的问题,没有简单的解决办法。② we are looking for a solution to our financial difficulties. 我们正在寻找解决财政困难的方法。
  17. by looking at a problem in as many ways as possible, creative thinkers can find solutions that would other- wise remain invisible. 通过尽可能多的角度来看待一个问题,富有创造力的思考者可以发现其他情况下可能觉察不了的答案。(p.59第三段 第二行)
  让我们先分析一下句子的结构,本句的主语是creative thinkers。谓语动词是can find,宾语solutions后带了一个定语从句。句首的 by短语是方式状语。
  otherwise在本句中是副词,意为"要不然""否则""在另外的情况下"。如:① he was tired but otherwise in good health.他很疲惫,但除此之外,健康状况良好。②the rent is high,but otherwise the house is satisfactory. 租金昂贵,但在其他方面这房子还令人满意。③ he has a squint,but is otherwise a handsome fellow. 他有点斜视,但除此之外,倒是个英俊的小伙子。
  【注】 otherwise也可作"不同地…用别的方法"解。如: ④ she says it"s true,but we think otherwise. 她说这是真的,但我们却认为并非如此。⑤ i hate him but i pretend other- wise. 我恨他,但是我假装不恨。⑥ i have never observed him do otherwise.我从未看到过他不是这样做的。
  【注】 otherwise可用作连词,意为"否则""要不然",相当于or。如: ① hurry up, otherwise you"ll be late. 快点,不然你要迟到了。② do what you have been told otherwise you"ll be punished.照吩咐的去做,否则你将受罚。③ i"m lucky that i"m interested in school work, otherwise i"d go mad.很幸运我对学校里的功课感兴趣,不然我要疯掉的。
  【注】 otherwise可作形容词。如:①the fact is other- wise.真相并非如此。② their political enemies were also their otherwise friends. 他们的政敌在其他方面也正是他们的朋友。
  remain为连系动词,意为"处于(某种状态)"。后接形容词性的词作表语。① how can we remain silent on this question? 对这个问题我们怎么能保持沉默呢? ② the boundary questions still remain unsettled. 边界问题仍然没有解决。③ she remained sitting when they came in.他们进来时,她仍然坐着。
  【注】remain也可以接名词、代词、介词短语作表语。如:① this still remains a serious problem. 这仍然是一个严重的问题。② it remains below 13  for about five months of the year. 一年约有五个月那里温度保持在13摄氏度以下。
  18. … the process includes a series of different attempts and several false starts. 这个过程涉及到一系列不同尝试和一些错误的开端。 (p. 59 reading 第三段第三行)
  (1) vt. 试图做,试图夺取(后跟名词,不定式,动名词等)the enemy attempted an attack by night. 敌人准备趁夜色偷袭。he attempted the examination but failed. 他试图通过考试,但没有成功。the enemy attempted to break through our lines. 敌人企图冲破我们的防线。i attempted walking until i fell over.我挣扎着走路,直到摔倒才停止。
  (2) n. 尝试 (常为可数名词) we failed in our attempt to climb the mountain. 我们试图爬上山去,但失败了。the two superpowers both collude and struggle with each other in a vain attempt to repide the world. 这两个超级大国又勾结,又争夺,妄图重新瓜分世界。
  拓展:make an attempt to do sth. 试图做某事;make an attempt at doing sth. 试图做某事;make an attempt on... 企图夺取……;
  联想:attempt vt. & n. 尝试;attemptable adj.可以尝试的
  19. every new thought or idea has to be connected to what we already know. 每一个新思想或新思路都会与我们已有的知识联系起来。(p.59第四段 第一行)
  connect to意思是"与……相连接(有关)",其后的介词既可用to,也可以用with。如:① the police didn"t connect him with the murder.警方没有把他和凶杀案连在一起。② he is connected with the whites by marriage.他与怀特家是姻亲。③ a search of brady"s house found nothing that could connect them with the robberies.对布拉迪的房子的搜查没有找到任何他与抢劫有关的内容。④ we usually connect spring with sunshine and flowers.我们通常把春天和阳光及鲜花联系在一起。
  20. great thinkers are aware of this and … 伟大的思想家了解到了这一点… (p. 59 reading 第四段第三行)
  be aware of (意识到;知道)
  (1) adj. 意识到的,知道 are you aware of the difficulty?你知道那项困难吗?
  (2) 跟从句时,省去of he was not aware that he was in danger. 他没有觉察到自己处境危险。she was not aware how much her husband earned.她不知道她丈夫挣多少钱。
  (3) aware为表语形容词,前面不能用very修饰,习惯用well,quite等词。i am quite (well) aware how you must feel.我很能体会你会有什么样的感受。
  拓展:be tired of 厌烦……;be afraid of… 害怕……;be short of… 缺少……;be sure of... 对……有把握;be full of… 充满的……;be proud of… 以……为自豪
  aware意为"意识到""觉察到",是形容词,多用作表语,后接介词of,of后通常接名词、代词、动名词或名词性从句,接名词性从句应用疑问词引导,这时of可省去。① are you aware of the problems involved? 你有没有意识到这里存在的问题? ② he was not aware of her presence till she spoke to him.直到她对他说话,他才意识到她的存在。③ he become aware of jane’s coming to- wards him.他觉察到简向他走来。④ we were quite aware (of) how you would respond to our terms.我们十分清楚你能对我们提出的条件作怎样的反应。⑤ i was not aware (of) how dangerous it was.我不知道这有多危险。
  【注】aware后可接that引导的从句,这时不可再用of。如: ① i"m well aware that this is not the perfect solution. 我非常清楚这不是完美的解决办法。② he was painfully aware that the deadline had passed. 他痛苦地意识到限期已过。③ you must be aware that what you ale doing is illegal.你必须明白你做的事是非法的。
  【注】be aware后也可以直接跟连接副词how引起的从句。如:① i"m quite aware how you must feel.我完全明白你会有什么感觉。② i"m too sleepy to be aware how cold it was. 我太困了,没意识到天有多冷。)
  21. they all knew that for each new invention that works, there are at least ten that don"t. 他们都知道,每有一个成功的发明就至少有十个是不成功的。 (p.60第二段第四行)
  此处介词for表示对比或比例。常与each,every或数词连用。意思是"每……就""与……成比例"。如:① for every enemy, he has fifty friends.他每有一个敌人就有五十个朋友。② plant three trees for every one that is cut down.每砍一棵树就要种三棵树。③ the prisoners of war were exchanged man for man.一对一地交换了战俘。④ let"s translate the sentence word for word.让我们逐字翻译这个句子。
