

  unit 3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived?教案
  教学内容: section a (1): 1a---1c
  3.能够运用以when 引导的时间状语从句。
  语言技能:listening .speaking .reading ﹑writing
  提示词语及句型:got out, cut, barber shop, bathroom, kitchen, well, bathroom
  what were you doing when the ufo arrived ?
  i was sitting in the barber’s chair.
  the barber was cutting my hair when they arrived .
  teaching steps :
  step 1 :warm-up and revision
  1.share an english song .
  2.greetings and free-talk .
  what are you doing ? what did you do last night ?
  3.show slides: revise: is/an/are +动词ing
  4.brain storm:
  collect the names of activities which said by the students .
  step 2 :presentation :
  1.watch a video
  2.by asking: what’s this in english ?have you even seen it ?
  3.teach:ufo, bedroom, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, living-room, barber shop
  step 3 : work on:sb page 18 , 1a .
  1.point to the sentences .read the sentences .explain what each one means.
  2.teach :barber shop, well, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, get out, cut
  3.look at the picture.. point out the six people. match the statements with the people in the picture
  4.check the answers .
  5.practice reading .
  step 4 :work on:sb page 18 , 1b .
  1. read the instructions. make sure the ss understand what they should do .
  2. look at the dialogue in the picture.
  explain :过去进行时态的构成: was / were + doing .用法:表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作,一般用时间状语来表示。i was standing in front of the library when the ufo arrived .
  3.let the students speak more sentences like it.(train the students ‘ability to talk about the past events using the language points.)
  4.play the tape twice . circle the correct responses.
  5.check the answers.
  step 5:practice:talk about what people were doing when the ufo arrived.
  1. point at the pictures .ask what each person is doing.
  2. groupwork : ask "what was …doing when the ufo arrived ?"
  3. ask a group to say its conversation to the class.
  step 6: work on:sb page 18,1c
  1.pairwork:first the ss work in pairs, then ask some pairs to present their dialogues to the class.
  2.give the students some minutes.
  a:what were you doing when the ufo arrived ?
  b:i was writing a letter at home when the ufo arrived.…
  step7 :make a survey :organize the students into groups ,have them make a survey by asking others in the group questions :
   name  what where
  have a report :
  step 8:grammar focus :
  review the grammar box by asking some students to read the sentences.
  homework :
  1.copy the new words .
  2.make new conversations .
  3. make a survey about what your classmates’ weekend plans and write a report.
  第 二 课 时
  教学内容: section a(2): 2a—-2c
  1. go on learning about past events.
  2.进一步学习以when, while引导的时间状语从句。
  (1) the boy was walking down the street when a ufo landed.
  (2) while the alien was buying a souvenir, the girl called the police.
  2.vocabulary : alien ,bought , landed on ,got out of , while , took off
  3.difficult points:掌握以when, while引导的时间状语从句。
  重点词语及句型:when, while, landed on, alien, got out of, bought, called the police, called the tv station, took off
  1.the boy was walking down the street when a ufo landed.
  2.while the alien was buying a souvenir, the girl called the police.
  课前发给学生表格 向学生布置任务:在表格中填写有关内容.
  teaching steps :
  step 1 : leading in :
  1.duty report.
  2.check the homework.
  step 2 :work on :sb page 19 , 2a .
  1.read the sentences . make sure the ss understand what they mean .
  2.play the tape twice . order these statements .
  3.play the tape again ,correct the answers .
  step 3 : work on :sb page 19 , 2b .
  1.read the instructions .
  2.play the recording .write "when" or "while" on each line .
  3.play the recording again ,correct their answers .
  notice: when / while
  when comes before a quick action that happens only once .the word "while" comes from an action that continues for some time.
  step 4:work on:sb page 19, 2c .
  4. point ort the picture .ask what each person is doing.
  5. group work : ask "what was …doing when the ufo arrived ?"
  6. ask a group to say its conversation to the class.
  step 5:practice :
  give the students some minutes to have this dialogue.
  step 6:grammar focus :review the grammar box by asking some students to read the sentences .
  homework :
  1. go over the words in this unit .
  2.finish off the wk .
  教学内容:section a 3a---4, 1---3
  1vocabulary :unusual , experience ,imagine ,follow , strange , around ,amazing , kid train station, ran away, crowded, anywhere, somewhere, met, came in, happened, accident
  2.ability target :
  train the students’ listening and speaking skills.
  train the students’ communicative competence.
  train the students’ telling stories skills.
  3.language goals :
  what were you doing at nine o’clock last sunday?
  重点词语及句型:in front of, got out, walked down, was surprised, went into, called the police
  1.what were you doing at nine o’clock last sunday morning?
  2.you’re kidding!
  teaching steps :
  step 1 : warming-up and revision.
  daily greetings!
  step 2 : work on:sb page 20, 3a .
  1.read the instructions .
  2.read the e-mail by the ss first .number the pictures in the correct order .
  3.explain something .
  4.practice reading and listen to the tape.
  step3:work on: sb page 20, 3b .
  1.cover the story .
  2.look at the pictures and take turns to tell the story. i think this activity is hard to most
  of the students .
  step 4:work on: groupwork , sb page 20 , part 4 .
  1.read the sample dialogue in the box .
  2.look at the table .read the times for the ss .
  3.pairwork :talk about what they were doing at different times.
  4.write down your answers.
  what were you doing at nine last night ?
  namesactivities they were doing
  5.practice reading.
  step 5 : work on:sb page 23 self check , 1,2,3 .
  1. give the ss some minutes to do part 1 and 3 .
  2. practice speaking part 2.
  step 6 : role play :make an interview .
  name time  9:00am11:30am1:00pm4:00pm6:00pm9:00pm
  interview some classmates in your class and write down their answers.begin like this :what were you doing at …?i was … .
  homework :
  1.cover the story in 3a .
  2.try to retell the story .
  教学内容:section b(2): 1---2c, 3---4b
  1.vocabulary :scared ,climb ,jump down, shouted, shouting, rode ,cat, newspaper reporter, called the police, train station, ran away, crowded, anywhere, somewhere, met, came in, happened, accident
  2.ability target :
  train the students’ listening and speaking skills .
  train the students’ telling stories skills .
  train the students’ communicative competence .
  本课时的难点是:practice the adjectives using the target language .
  teaching steps :
  step 1 :warming--up and revision.
  1.greetings and free-talk .
  2.check the homework.
  step2 : work on:sb page 21 , 1.
  1.look at the pictures. please say something about the pictures.
  2.read the sentences and explain the new words .
  3.match the sentences and with the pictures .
  4.check the homework.
  5.teach: scare—scared , climb---climbed---climbing ,jump---jumped---jumping,shout---shouted---shouting
  step 3 : work on :sb page 21 , 2a & 2b .
  1.read the things in the chart below .they will help the ss to guess what you will heard .hear six things in the chart .
  2.play the recording the first time .ss only listen .
  3.play the recording a second time .check the phrases they hear on the recording .
  4.listen again .pay attention to the persons who did each thing in the chart above .match the phrases with the persons .
  5.play the tape again and correct the answers .
  step 4:work on:sb page 21 , 2c .
  pairwork : read the sample dialogue in the box .talk about the people in activity 2a .s1 begins a sentence with the word "while" ,s2 complete the sentence .
  ①while john was walking to school , he saw a cat in a tree .
  ②while john was climbing the tree , a man saw him .
  ③while the man was calling the police , a woman called the newspaper .
  ④while the newspaper reporter was taking photos ,the cat went up the tree again .
  ss can say them out by themselves .
  step 5: work on:sb page 22 , part 3 .
  1.read the instructions ,pointing to the article and the list of questions .
  2.scan the passage for the main idea .
  t: who found linda’s dog ? (the police officer’s dog )
  3.read the questions by the ss .make sure they understand them .
  4.play the recording .ss listen carefully .
  5.write answers to the questions .
  6.practice reading .
  7.correct the answers .
  step 6: work on:sb page 22 , 4a .
  1.read the instructions .
  2.look at the pictures .discuss in groups .
  3.ask students to explain what is happening in each picture .
  4.complete the work on their own .remind them to use times in their stories .
  5.share their stories .(if someone can’t finish it in class ,do it as homework .)
  step 7: work on:sb page 22 , 4b .
  1.read the instructions .
  2 .read the times .
  3.pairwork : one is the police officer ,the other is the bicycle thief .begin like this :
  a: where were you at … ? b: i was in the park .
  a: what were you doing there ? b : … .
  4.show the role-plays to the class .
  homework : 1.sb page 23 , selfcheck , 2..parts 1and 2 .
  3.finish off the wk.
  1.教学内容: reading: do you remember what you were doing ?
  teaching steps :
  step 1:warm-up and revision
  1.greeting the whole class as usual。
  2.t: how much do you know about some famous players ?
  how much do you know about the news of important events in history .
  have you ever heard dr martin luther king ?
  3.students discuss the some questions in small groups.
  step 2 : lead-in and reading:
  1.read the title :do you remember what you were doing ?
  2.get students to practic what they think the article is about, according to the title.
  step 3: work on :section 1.
  what were you doing when you heard the news?
  liu xiang won the gold medal at the XX olympics
  i was …
  what were you doing when you heard the news?
  yang liwei flew around the earth on october 15, XX.
  what were you doing when you heard the news?…
  2.repeat the three sentences.
  step 3:work on :section 2
  1.fast reading and find out the answers to these questions
  2.scan the text for information to complete the sentences in section2 .
  what were you doing when you heard the news?
  liu xiang won the gold medal at the XX olympics
  i was …
  what were you doing when you heard the news?
  yang liwei flew around the earth on october 15, XX.
  what were you doing when you heard the news?…
  2.fast reading and find out the answers to these questions
  3.scan the text for information to complete the sentences in section1 .
  1)when was dr. martin luther king murdered?
  2)where was dr. martin luther king killed?
  3)what was the weather like that day?
  4)what happened in new york on september 11, XX?
  5)when did man first walked on the moon?
  6)who became the first chinese astronaut to fly around the earth?
  7)how many hours did it take yang liwei to fly around the earth?
  step 4:work on :section 3 after you read
  1.match the events with the correct dates .
  2.write about an event that you remember well .
  3.practic reading .
  step 5:work on :section 4 go for it!
  1.do you think something good can come out of something terrible ?
  2.how can terrible events bring people together ?
  homework: oral work: listen to the article and imitate.
  written work: find out the culture of a foreign country you are interested in and write a short article about it.
