

  the sixth period
  the general idea of this period
  in this period we’re going to improve the students’ speaking and reading abilities by answering questions and reading a passage. we will review percentages and numbers, words and expressions for shopping.
  teaching aim
  to improve the students’ abilities of speaking, reading and writing.
  teaching important point
  how to improve the students’ ability of speaking english.
  teaching difficult point
  how to finish the task of writing.
  teaching methods
  asking and answering method, reading method and revision method.
  teaching aids
  1. a projector
  2. the blackboard
  3. some colored chalk
  teaching procedures
  step 1 greetings 
  greet the whole class as usual.
  step 2 revision and lead-in
  t: in this module we studied the grammar: compound words. do you still remember some compound nouns and compoud adjectives?
  s: yes, we do.
  t: as you know, compound words are very active in english. there are lots of compound nouns in english. they can be used as subject, object, etc. in the sentences. could you please give me some examples? any volunters?
  s: for example: sightseeing took up the whole morning.
  t: yes, good. here the word "sightseeing" is used as subject. can a compound word be used as an object? who knows?
  s: i know. finally we reached a cross-road.
  t: very good. it can also be used as a prepositional object. now take this sentence for example: smoking is not allowed during take-off(休息).what is more, we have plenty of compound  adjectives. compound adjectives can be used as attribute and predicative. now who can make sentences with "long-term" and "airsick"? any volunteers? ok, li lei, please have a try.
  s: they helped us to map out a long-term plan. are you airsick?
  t: yes. the chinese meaning is "他们帮助我们制订了一个长期计划。你晕机吗?"now look at the screen. can you guess the meanings of the compound words?
  (show the compound words to the students on the screen.)
  1.earthworm 2.earthquake 3.shorthand 4.double dealer 5.sleepingpills 6.waiting room 7.break water 8.pick pocket 9.sun bathing 10.handwriting 11.get together  12.break through 13.downfall 14.outbreak 15.go between 16.good for nothing 17.touch me not 18.by product 19.good tempered 20.good looking 21.easy going  22.hard working 23.peace loving 24.state owned 25.well known 26.widespread  27.kind hearted 28.self satisfied
  1.蚯蚓 2.地震 3.速记 4.言行不一的人,口是心非的人 5.安眠药
  6.候车室 7.防洪堤 8.扒手 9.日光浴 10.书法,笔迹
  11.联欢会 12.突围,突破,大发现 13.垮台 14.发生 ,爆发 15.媒人,中间人
  16.饭桶 17.含羞草 18.副产品 19.好脾气的 20.漂亮的 
  21.随和的 22.勤劳的 23.热爱和平的 24.国有的 25.众所周知的
  26.普遍的 ,分布广的 27.心地善良的 28.自我满足的
  t: now so much for this. now turn to page 57, let’s learn more compound words.
  step 3 presentation
  t: now let’s take up speaking and reading.
  activity 1
  each student guesses the meanings of the compound nouns. try to write the meanings on a piece of paper. then check with your partner. finally the teacher checks the answer.
  suggested answers:
  activity 2
  the students read the passage about  mobile  phones in china, understand it and learn the content by heart. then close their books, tell each other and give as much information as they can.
  activity 3
  ask the students to do a class survey (调查)according to the questions and write down the result.
  how many?
  how often?
  for what?
  to whom?
  step 4 discussion
  t: work in groups of two. discuss the questions in activity 4.then ask one group of students to say the advantages for students to use mobile phones, the other group to say the disadvantages for students to use mobile phones.
  g of positive side: i think mobile phones has many advantages. we can communicate with our friends, teachers and family very easily. we can use our mobile phones to send text messages and take photos. we can use it as a watch, too. so i think mobile phones are very useful in our daily life.
  g of negative side: i think mobile phones have a lot of disadvantages. first, they are harmful to our health because they are radioactive. second, since we are students, we haven’t enough money. we shouldn’t ask for our parents for money frequently. third, we aren’t permitted to use mobile phones in class.
  t: this is a very interesting discussion. so much for it.
  step 5 function-talking about percentage and numbers
  t: now please read aloud the six sentences and read out the numbers. go over the group of percentage and numbers.
  (show it on the screen.)
  389;4562;97 832;143 876;
  3 465 000;27 700 000;37%;29%;93%
  ss: read out the numbers and percentage correctly.
  (if the students can’t read them correctly, the teacher instructs them.)
  t: ok. now let’s deal with activity 1.please read the sentences aloud. now describe the growth of li kang’s hometown. use the expressions for describing percentage and numbers. you can refer to the sentences in activity 1.
  (the students are asked to write a short passage according to the statistics  above.)
  one possible version of the writing:
  in li kang’s hometown education has grown rapidly. the total population in 1978 was 2 500 000, but it is increasing. in 25 years, the number of people rose from 2 500 000 to 3 800 000. the number of the school kids has increased by 90%. 
  in 1978,the number of junior students was 420 000,which rose to  790 000  in XX.as
  for senior students, the number of the students in XX was 646 000, compared with 380 000  in 1978.
  step 5 practice
  t: ok. now please tell me the useful words and expressions for shopping. who are volunteers? i’d like two of you to practise it.
  ss: let’s have a try.
  s(shop assitant):good morning, madam/sir/young man.
  what can i do for you? / how can i do for you?
  what kind of (mobile phone) would you like?
  s(customer):i would like to buy/i am looking for...(a mobile phone).will you please show me...?in that case, i will take this one.
  t: ok, very good.
  step 6 summary and homework
  t: now in this class we’ve practised speaking, talked about percentage and numbers. we have also gone over the useful expressions for shopping. now your homework: complete activity 2 on page 58.work in pairs. play the roles of a customer and a shop assistant. use as many expressions from everyday english as you can. choose an item to buy. so much for today. goodbye, class!
  s: goodbye, teacher.
  step 7 the design of the writing on the blackboard
  module 6
  the internet and telecommunications
  the sixth period
  useful expressions for shopping
  shop assitantgood morning, madam/sir.
  what can i do for you? /how can i do for you?
  what kind of...would you like?
  customeri would like to buy/i’m looking for (a mobile phone).
  will you please show me...?
  in that case, i will take this one.
  step 8 activity and inquiry
  stepsstudents’actingteacher’s organizing
  1make dialogues according to the situations
  given by the teacher.design different situations for the
  students to make dialogues between
  the customers and the shop assistants.
  2work in groups of two, act as a customer
  and a shop assistant. make a conversation
  when you buy a bicycle.the teacher works as an inspector or
  an instructor.
  3change your role each other to practise it.the teacher works as a listener.
