

  Why do most students feel so depressed being in special ed?
  特殊教育(Special education,special ed),维基百科解释如下:
  Special education (also known as special-needs education, aided education, exceptional education, special ed., SEN or SPED) is the practice of educating students in a way that provides accommodations that address their inpidual differences, disabilities, and special needs.
  The Scribblehead
  Because people assume we"re stupid all the time. Because we"re kept away from the "normal" kids, in our own little bubble, all the time. The teachers don"t take how we feel seriously because we"re "special" and therefore they think we don"t understand what we"re feeling. I had special education all my life (I"m in a general education class with an IEP now, high school) and it didn"t go well for me. Here"s what happened in grade 3–8 though.
  *I was "weird" so my other special peers picked on me a shit ton. I"m talking almost the whole class, 10 kids against one at times. For everything and anything- my voice, how I looked, my stims, and especially my interests (Nintendo games and animated cartoons)
  *The name felt so condescending, too: "SPECIAL ed."
  *I felt held back because the work was so easy to get done, but the class was very slow-paced.
  In more recent years, I"ve gotten way better since switching into General Education classes; weirdly enough, I get along with the kids in there much easier than I did with my special ed peers. They don"t make fun of me for any of my ASD symptoms, and they treat me with respect. I go to an art school too, so people who like Nintendo or animating things aren"t hard to come across. Most teachers treat me with respect.
  近年来,自从转入通识教育课程后,我的学习成绩好多了; 奇怪的是,我和那里的孩子们相处得比我和那些特殊教育的同龄人要容易得多。他们不会因为我的孤独症谱系障碍症状取笑我,他们尊重我。我也在艺术学校上学,所以喜欢任天堂或动画的人并不难遇到。大多数老师都很尊重我。
  Veronica Smith
  Fellow special needs student here.
  Now, as much as my special ed classes help me, and level the playing fields for me, I sometimes wish I wasn"t in it.
  It"s not the teacher"s fault, she is just doing her job, HER job IS TO MAKE ME WORK on things I"m BAD AT, in ORDER to STRENGTHEN them.
  Everyone from children to adults treats me like a child like I don’t understand anything simply because I have this big fat stack of paper that states I have this thing called dyslexia, and ADHD.
  When people always underesitmate you and assume you need help with every little thing it really shatters your self-confidence.
  I appreciate the people who treat me like any other person, it makes me feel normal for a change instead of this helpless rat on the streets or something.
  And if I need help I’ll ask, simple as that.
  All I ask, from anyone really, kid or adult, disabled or not disabled, is just to not immediately assume people with learning disorders, or any disorder really, that we need help. It"s okay to ask once in a great while, just to check in, but every 5 minutes is just too much.
  (I am not trying to speak for everyone with disorders, so it"s important you learn about someone"s disorder before taking care of them, etc.)
  Hope this helps.
  And as always this is your dyslexic Quoran,
  You ask I’ll… Hopefully, answer
  Stay you,
  ~ Veronica Smith
  Robert Martin
  I would disagree that most students in special education feel depressed based on 36 years-experience working with special needs people. However, people with learning disabilities appear to have higher rates of depression but when it comes to severe depression their rate is no higher than non-special education students.
  Kyrani Eade
  I agree both with Rachel Grewell and with Michael Miserocchi answers.
  我同意Rachel Grewell和Michael missocchi的答案。
  I would only add that there are teachers and there are teachers!
  I knew one woman, who was is a special ed teacher, and she is inhumane, whether we call her a psychopath or a narcissist or whatever. I remember she got a lot of pleasure exploiting and hurting others around her and that included her own son. And for a long while she seemed okay. But of course these people are always masked so it takes time to see them for who they are.
  I don’t think she should have ever qualified to work as a teacher, let alone special ed where there are kids that can be easily hurt or hurting already. Any child that is hassled by a teacher, who does it in an underhanded manner, will get depressed. It is only natural. Hopefully she is one of a small minority. But it can explain why the child is depressed and others looking on from the outside can’t see why the child is depressed.
  Rachel Grewell
  I think that’s because students in Special Ed. feel singled out by the fact that they have special needs. And let’s face it kids are mean. As a teacher I’ve seen many "regular" ed. students pick on kids they perceive as weaker than them. Just because students have special learning needs doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings. And a lot of kids in general feel more depressed these days. Schools say they are bully free zones but kids know how to get around that and some of the biggest bullies I’ve seen in schools stand at the front of their classroom or behind the principal ‘s door.
  Karen McKearn
  I read the three answers by the other responders and they all gave very good answers even though they were different. I don’t think I could add much more. My two kids were in special education, but they weren’t depressed because they were in it. Some kids may suffer from actual depression and take medicine for it, but not depressed/ sad because they have to receive services. That’s a a big difference. It is hard to answer such a gerneric question to cover millions of different students.
  Leanne Strong
  I have Asperger’s, and I cannot answer for most special education students, because it is different for each and every student who receives those services. Some students might feel depressed because they do not feel challenged enough by the lessons that are being taught, or the way the lessons are being taught to them. This is especially true for students who, in addition to having a disability, are also intellectually or academically gifted. This is known as twice exceptionality. From what I have heard, not much is known about these students.
  我有阿斯伯格症,我不能回答大多数接受特殊教育的学生,因为接受这些服务的每个学生都是不同的。一些学生可能会感到沮丧,因为他们觉得课程的挑战性不够,或者由于课程的教学方式。对于那些除了有残疾之外,在智力或学业上也有天赋的学生来说,情况尤其如此。这被称为twice exceptionality。据我所知,对这些学生的了解并不多。
  (译注:twice exceptionality,缩写为"2e", 指的是有某种残疾的天才学生)
  Mary Last
  Because it is subconsciously a constant reminder that "I am here because I can not do what most kids can: something must be wrong with me." when the sp ed student"s weakness is more emphasis and focuse on than his/her strength……but, questioning one"s disposition of inadequate is a sign of intelligent: evidence self-awareness which is the first towards self improvement and regulation.
  因为它在潜意识里不断提醒我,"我在这里是因为我做不到大多数孩子能做的: 我一定是有什么问题。" 当特殊教育学生的缺陷相对于优势被更多的强调和关注时……但是,怀疑自己的性格不合适是聪明的一种表现: 首先是自我意识的提升和调节。
  Some Sp Ed classroom (learning environment) can be depressing even among school staffs and others…. (I took mine out.)
  Kammy Chinnock
  Both of my children were in special ed. They were not depressed about being in special ed. We had talked about it and they understood that they just needed more help than others did.
  What got my daughter depressed was when the "normal" kids were treat her badly. She wanted so much to fit in, she wanted to be just like them, and they shunned her.
  So, it isn’t how they feel about being in Special Ed. it is how other people treat them for being in Special Ed.
  Michael Miserocchi
  Hi Marilyn, I believe that there is a stigma that has been placed on special education students for decades. Any kid in the world just wants to fit in and not be in a "special class" most kids just want to feel normal, liked by their peers, and not necessarily be put in a "special ed" class. Whether you"re a genius or if you have a hard time grasping subjects, we"re all people, wanting to be loved and accepted for who we are.
  Jon T. Landerman
  Im not sure that they do. Very few of my students do…and when they do, it’s certainly not because they are in Special Education.
