

  为什么有些人"瘦不了"?——多痰少气脾肾虚   —   图源:网络   从中医角度来讲,胖是有深层原因的。   From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, there are deeper reasons for obesity.   早在古代,就有《黄帝内经》将肥胖之人分为"膏人"、"脂人"、"肉人"三类,个人的体质与肥胖关系密切。   The ancient text Huangdi Neijing pided overweight people into three categories: "Gao people", "Zhi people" and "Rou people".   根据北京中医药大学王琦教授的研究,人的体质类型可以分为平和、阳虚、阴虚、痰湿、湿热、气郁、气虚、血瘀、特禀九种,而其中与肥胖关系最密切的是痰湿体质。   According to the research of Professor Wang Qi of the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, the types of human constitution can be pided into peace, yang deficiency, yin deficiency, phlegm dampness, damp heat, qi depression, qi deficiency, blood stasis and special endowment, among which the phlegm dampness constitution is the most closely related to obesity.   中医理论认为,肥胖的病机主要是阳气虚衰,痰湿偏盛,即"多痰"和"少气",主要与脾和肾的功能有关。脾气虚弱则运化转输无力,水谷精微失于输布,化为膏脂和水湿,留滞体内而致肥胖;肾阳虚衰,则血液运化无力,体内水液无法正常地蒸腾气化,导致血行迟缓,水湿内停,形成肥胖。   According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the main pathogenesis of obesity is the yang-qi deficiency, namely an abundance of phlegm and a lack of qi, which is mainly related to the function of spleen and kidney. When the spleen’s qi is weak, it loses its ability to function properly. The essences of water and grain are lost in transit, instead turning into creamy fat and water dampness and staying in the body, resulting in obesity. A yang deficiency in the kidney can cause weak blood agitation and abnormal gasification of water in the body, leading to slower blood flow, water dampness and, ultimately, obesity.   所以,有的肥胖之人是实性体质(实胖),有的则是虚性体质(虚胖)。   Therefore, some overweight people have a solid constitution (solid obesity), while others have a virtual constitution (virtual obesity).   02
  分型减肥才有效   —   图源:网络   人与人之间的体质千差万别,肥胖的类型和表现也不一样,较常见的有气虚湿困型、胃肠湿热型、肝气郁结型三种类型。   There are many differences in constitution between people, and the types and manifestations of obesity are also different. The most common types are qi deficiency and dampness stagnation, gastrointestinal damp heat and liver qi stagnation.   1,气虚湿困型   Qi deficiency and dampness stagnation   这类人大多胖而不壮,松垮虚浮,食量不大,伴有疲倦乏力、肢体困重、腹胀便溏、尿少、四肢浮肿等症状,调理以化湿、运脾、补肾为原则。   People with this constitution are usually fat but not strong: loose and inflated, with a smaller appetite, accompanied by fatigue, limb sleepiness, abdominal distension, loose stools, little urine, limb swelling and other symptoms. The principle of conditioning is to remove the dampness, improve the spleen’s ability to transport nutrients and redress the balance in the kidneys.   日常饮食宜选择具有燥湿健脾补肾功效的食材,如赤小豆、薏米、白扁豆、荷叶、茯苓、山药、板栗、芡实、枸杞子、桑葚、黑芝麻、海参、银耳等。   An ideal diet to address these deficiencies should include dry foods, such as adzuki beans, Job"s tears, white lentils, lotus leaves, Poria cocos, yams, chestnuts, Euryale ferox seeds, wolfberries, mulberries, black sesame, sea cucumbers, tremella, and more.   穴位按摩可选取太白、丰隆、胃俞、阳陵泉、脾俞、肾俞、内关等重点穴位进行按揉,以达到祛湿化痰的效果。   Key acupoints to target to eliminate dampness and excess phlegm include taibai, fenglong, weishu, yanglingquan, pishu and shenshu.   2,胃肠湿热型   Gastrointestinal damp heat   这类人大多胖而壮实,食欲旺盛,或有便秘、口干舌燥、怕热多汗等表现,调理以清胃泄热为原则。   People who have this constitution tend to be fat and solid, with a hearty appetite, constipation, a dry mouth, and a dislike of the heat and sweating. To address this, they must clear their stomach of its heat.   饮食应以清淡为主,多选择入脾胃经、具有清热作用的凉性食材,如绿豆、苦瓜、黄瓜、苦菜、丝瓜、莲藕、生菜、萝卜、柚子等。   This person’s diet should be light and comprise many cooling ingredients, such as mung beans, balsam pears, cucumbers, bitter cabbages, Luffa, lotus root, lettuces, radishes, grapefruit and so on.   穴位按摩可选取内庭、天枢、上巨虚、下巨虚、脾俞、大肠俞等重点穴位进行按揉,可起到抑制胃肠蠕动和胃酸分泌的作用,从而减轻饥饿感,达到减肥的目的。   Pressure points to focus on during an acupoint massage include the inner court, tianshu, shangjuxu, xiajuxu, spleen shu, and large intestine shu, which can inhibit gastrointestinal peristalsis and gastric acid secretion, thus reducing hunger and helping to achieve weight loss.   3,肝气郁结型   Liver qi stagnation   这类胖人大多易怒,常感觉胸胁胀满,女性还会出现月经不调、闭经等表现,调理应以清肝泻火为原则。   People with stagnation of their liver qi are often irritable and experience a fullness of their chest, while women can have irregular menstruation and amenorrhea. Conditioning should be based on the principle of clearing the liver and purging its fire.   饮食宜选择入肝经、具有清热平肝功效的凉性食材,如西芹、菠菜、荠菜、马齿苋、蘑菇、玫瑰花、菊花、决明子、茵陈等。   Cooling foods that clear heat and calm the liver should be this person’s go to, such as celery, spinach, shepherd"s purse, purslane, mushrooms, roses, chrysanthemum, cassia seeds and wormwood.   穴位按摩可选取肝俞、胆俞、三阴交、太冲、照海、太溪、阳陵泉等重点穴位进行点揉,从而达到疏肝理气的效果。   Points to pay attention to during an acupoint massage are ganshu, danshu, sanyinjiao, taichong, zhaohai, taixi, yanglingquan, to help soothe the liver and regulate qi.   03
  为什么有些人"吃不胖"?——胃火大,胃过强   —   图源:网络   从中医角度来看,"吃不胖"主要有两方面原因。   From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, there are two main reasons some people seem unable to gain weight.   1,胃火偏盛   An excess of stomach fire   中医称之为"消谷善饥"。这类人吃得多却容易饿,同时大多伴随口渴心烦、舌红苔黄、口臭便秘等症状。这是由于胃对食物的腐熟作用太过,代谢亢进,消耗过多所致,因此多食易饥而且消瘦。   Traditional Chinese medicine identifies this as " insatiable hunger ". People with this constitution eat a lot but are often hungry and frequently thirsty, with a mossy tongue, halitosis and constipation. This is due to excessive stomach function, a hyperactive metabolism and over consumption.   2,胃强脾弱   A strong stomach and a weak spleen   这类人在多吃不见胖的同时,伴有大便溏泄,爱拉肚子。这是由于胃消化食物的功能过高,故多食易饥,但脾运化功能减弱,不能正常地将吃进去的食物转化成营养物质,输送到全身。所以多吃也是消瘦,胖不起来。   These people eat a high fat diet and suffer from loose stools and diarrhoea because the stomach is overactive when digesting food. Eating more will not lead to satiation, the ability of the spleen is lessened and it is unable to take the nutrients from food and transmit them to the body.   排除了疾病的可能性,假若消瘦比较严重,伴随明显的口臭、便秘或便溏等症状,一般采用养阴清胃、健脾化浊之法。   If the weight loss is serious and accompanied by obvious halitosis, constipation or loose stools, an approach that nourishes the yin and clears the stomach, invigorating the spleen and removing turbidity, is generally adopted.   (1) 食疗Diet therapy   图源:网络   可在健脾八珍粉基础上加入黄连、山栀子、连翘等。食疗上,可以用党参(或沙参)煲瘦肉汤等以健脾益胃。   Jianpi Bazhen powder, Rhizoma coptidis, Gardeniae fructus and Forsythiae fructus can be added to the diet. Dangshen (or shashen) can also be used to make a lean meat soup that strengthens the spleen and the stomach.   (2) 按摩穴位Massage acupoints   图源:网络   人体有一个调理脾胃非常好的穴位——足三里穴。此穴是足阳明胃经的合穴,是治疗脾胃疾患的重要穴位,经常按摩足三里穴可以帮助调理脾胃。   按摩足三里穴的要诀在于,按压穴位时一边缓缓吐气、一边强压6秒钟,如此重复数次。另外,也可以艾灸此穴位,一年四季任何时候都适宜进行。   The human body has one acupoint that is very good at regulating the spleen and the stomach – zusanli – which can be combined with the stomach meridian - foot yangming - itself an important point for the treatment of spleen and stomach diseases. Regular massages of Zusanli can help regulate the spleen and stomach. The key to massaging Zusanli is to slowly exhale while pressing the acupoint for 6 seconds. Repeat this several times. In addition, moxibustion can be carried out at this acupoint throughout the year.   消瘦者还要注意饮食忌宜和日常生活习惯,做到"七分养三分治"。胃火大的人应避免食用寒凉性质的果蔬,以免损伤脾胃,进一步加重脾胃虚弱,加剧消化不良和吸收差的情况。   此外,生活要有规律,注意饮食有节,细嚼慢咽,多餐多食。平时多选择容易消化又富有营养的食物,如小米粥、豆制品,少进食油腻、煎炒食物以及纤维素含量过多的食物。   Those who suffer from weight loss should also pay attention to their diet and daily living habits, so that "seven points raise three points treat".   People with stomach fire should avoid eating cold fruits and vegetables, so as not to damage the spleen and stomach and further aggravate their weaknesses, which can lead to indigestion and poor absorption.   As you go through life, pay attention to what you eat and how you eat: chew slowly, eat more. Choose foods that are nutritious and easily digestible, such as millet porridge and bean products, and eat less greasy, fried food and food with too much cellulose.   /   你还在无效减肥/增肥吗?   Are you still struggling to gain or lose weight?   了解肥胖和消瘦的真实原因   才是告别"身材焦虑"的第一步   Understanding the real causes of obesity and emaciation   is the first step to saying goodbye to "body anxiety"
