

  Helen said: Dear Collins, I have a problem with my mobile phone. It should be a problem with the data cable or battery. I usually have a problem with my mobile phone. My family will help me take it to the city for repairs. I will accompany my children to study at home. Reading books and helping my family with work, I don’t feel bored if I don’t use the Internet or my mobile phone.
  But after I met you, I actually found that I would worry about losing contact with you, you asked me what I was afraid of, I said I had nothing to fear, but now I am afraid of home power outage, afraid that the network can not be used, afraid of cell phone problems, as I promised you, any time I will reply to your message, I may only be able to give you is never. I am afraid that one day you will not find me, you will misunderstand me, I am not ignoring you, if I do not have your information for a long time, I found that I will worry about you, as if you and I have developed a habit in my life.
  "Dear Helen," said Collins, "May I talk to you here all the time? I just finished my work. Are you all right? I"m worried about You. I miss you already?
  Helen said: Collins, I just discovered at this moment that the most beautiful love letter in the world turned out to be a chat record. I often receive many love letters or poems from readers of the opposite sex. I often tell others that I’m too busy to read it and don’t need to send it to me. In fact, I don’t feel anything when I read it. But I was looking at our chat records with each other. I felt so beautiful. I found that Collins was very tender inside. I looked at our chat records with each other and there was a happy smile on my face. It turns out that the happiest thing is to find that the people you like also like yourself. This thing turns out to be so beautiful!
  Dear Helen, do you talk to anyone else on Wechat? Why can"t the cell phone be charged? When will the cell phone be repaired? I am particularly afraid of losing you. Can I use your QQ to keep in touch with me in the future?
  Helen a: You can use the QQ I gave you to keep in touch with me in the future. I have many other readers on Wechat. I also help some readers solve some problems they need my help to solve, or some customers, etc. I also have to reply to some official topics and discussions. No matter how busy I am, I will spare time to accompany you, unless one day you don"t need me and you leave me by yourself. With those readers, after I help them solve some of their problems, they go to live their own lives, if you need me, I will be there any time.
  "I"ll always be in touch with you," Collins said. "It"s Friday. Tomorrow is off. We can talk longer tonight.
  Helen said: You can relax tomorrow, you can go golfing with your colleagues, don’t worry, I will tell you anything, I just want to give you the love that will never be lost in my life, I believe the love I give you is worthy of you To love.
  Collins said: You are the best thing I have ever encountered in my life. Every moment you are with me is so magical that I find myself smiling naturally when I think of you. I thought I would never find a strong love like ours, but now that we have found each other, I know you are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, the one I want to grow old together.
  Helen replied: I am very happy to hear you say that. But I"m really sorry that we can"t spend the rest of our life together, unless you decide that you want to spend the rest of your life in online dating with me. Isn"t this why I wasted your life? I still hope you can meet the right person who can stay with you for life in reality.
  "Dear Helen," said Collins, "I was at work today preparing for my upcoming contract in Hong Kong. Contractors and agents will go to Korea.
  Helen replied: You have to work hard, live a good life, and your life is very fulfilling. You will meet someone who is suitable to spend the rest of your life with you for the rest of your life. I hope you start a family because of love, not for Marry and get married, otherwise the two people in the marriage are extremely lonely, I hope you will be happy.
  Collins said: I don’t understand, my dear, after I meet you, I don’t need others, you are the one that others cannot replace, dear Helen, I want you to know that I am not a fighter, I am just a lover, but I I am ready to fight for what I love, I am ready to fight for our love. Fight for you, I want to be with you, baby, if I come to Hong Kong I will come to hug you, I want to hold you, I want to kiss you, I want to be with you forever.
  Collins said: "Dear I will never deviate from you, I will soon come to China, I will visit your parents, let them accept the blessing of our marriage.".
  Collins said: Dear Helen, I promise to make you happy forever, take you to see the world, and treat your children as my own children, because I really love you, and I can’t live without you in my life.
  Helen A: If I were single, I would feel very happy to meet you, but I feel very sorry now, because I can’t promise you a future, I hope you can meet a very cute and kind-hearted Korean woman who can take care of me love you.
  Although my marriage is not a combination of love, in reality, my family wants me to have another boy, my husband has not worked for five years, although there are many practical difficulties that sometimes make me very helpless, give me mental and economic pressure is particularly great, sometimes I especially want to leave marriage, I am under too much pressure, I really want to hide. But I know clearly that I can"t change the inherent values of the other party and my family. My husband thinks that the family must have a boy, raise a son for old age, and have a few children.More is always good, Women give birth to a baby is a normal thing, But for me, Give birth to a child to my physical and mental trauma is very big, Has become the biggest shadow of my heart, And they can"t understand my heart the deepest fear and pain. And I realized at that time, The more the lower poverty groups, Always with fluke psychology, Always think more than a few children, There will always be My husband told me that the neighbor"s woman gave birth to five or six, and the last one was a boy, and there were more than a dozen. I didn"t want to talk to him when I heard this. I think in my husband"s eyes, women are just machines for giving birth to children. But I think this idea is so ridiculous, and it is so illogical. In the local area, this collective unconscious concept goes deep into the bone marrow.
  But I have the ability to adjust and change myself to deal with the difficulties of life. I can face the pressures and problems in life. I have also been greatly improved and changed in the process of solving problems. But if I porce, I will definitely hurt them. Deep down in my heart, I will be particularly disturbed, because I have been unable to harm others since I was young. Once I choose to leave my current marriage because of love, it will bring a lot of pain to this ordinary family. Sometimes they don’t understand me. But I have a responsibility to my children and family. My in-laws treat me very well to a certain extent. I love my in-laws as my parents. I have family members in my heart. I have deep affection with them. I can"t bear myself. Hurt one"s own family.
  Collins said: Being in love can inspire a person to become better, dear, you must know that when you are upset, I am always here to protect you. I will never hurt you, I promise to take care and cherish you, because you are my queen.
  Helen replied: I know that you will not hurt me, and it is impossible to hurt me in a certain cognitive dimension. If a person just loves another person and is indifferent to other people, his love is not love, but A symbiotic attachment or a kind of magnified egoism. I love Collins very much. The premise is that I love myself enough and love the family even more. Even if their thinking and cognition are still in the collective unideology, many ideas are very traditional, but It"s not their fault, It is the inherent values ​​of this region. My thinking and cognition are struggling to grow in this inherent value. If I love others, I should feel consistent with him and accept his true colors. Instead of asking him to be what I want, so that I can treat him as an object that I can use.
  Helen said: "Love and a person"s maturity has nothing to do, if you do not strive to develop their full personality, then every effort to love will fail;"; If you don"t have the ability to love others, if you can"t really love others humbly, bravely, sincerely and disciplined, then people will never be satisfied in their love life. This is my most experience in love, because before I met you, I experienced an unforgettable deep love.
  Every time when my destiny is in a low period, when I feel that life is difficult, in my heart I will imagine another person in my life, which can be an angel at this stage of me, to protect me. At that time, I was looking for a job. I was deceived into being penniless and locked myself at home for self-reflection. At that time, I was at a loss, financial pressure and anxiety about the future. I was afraid of having another child, but my husband and family could not understand the depth of my heart. pressure,
  So that they wanted children, so I accidentally had children, but I didn’t want children in my heart at that time, as if the child in my stomach felt that my mother didn’t want him and didn’t want to come to my life to stress me. Threatened miscarriage occurred within a month, and I had no doctor at home. The snow was very deep that day, and there was no car to take me to the hospital. I felt that I would die of pain at home.
  That was also the most desperate time in my life. At that time, I felt unlovable about real marriage and life. Love became the only salvation in my life, but at that time I saw a me on the other end of my phone. The one I love very much, he is waiting for me to reply his message in anxiety, waiting for me to tell him peace, I saw him and said to me, I just met you in this life, so I don’t want to lose you, you just ask for peace, And after I suffered from a minor birth, The pain lasted for more than ten hours, and my breathing was painful. At that time, I felt that there was a bottle of poison for me to drink. I was willing to do it. As long as I didn"t feel that pain, the pain was unforgettable.
  I think in real life I have nothing to linger, but I really want to tell the other person that I am fine, but I am too weak to hold the phone to send messages to the other person. At that moment, I survived, just want to tell the other person that I finally got through safely. Danger, these words exhausted all my strength at that moment, but in order to send him a message, I survived. The love of a person"s heart for another person will become life at the moment of life and death. The most important belief and courage in And because of my deep love for another person, I hope that the person who thinks about me is at ease, so I survived the crisis in my hardest time, and after 10 hours of heavy bleeding, the child finally It came out of my stomach, and the physical pain finally stopped. At that moment, I told the other party that I was okay, and then my mobile phone slipped from my hand, and then I fell asleep.
  The photo he saw me for the first time was the old clothes I usually wore. I thought that photo was an ordinary life photo. He actually told me that it was just like his first love to him. In other words, it"s like the feeling Collins and I have. So I was sick, and he helped me find the best doctor in the hospital to help me see. Although it was only across the Internet, the love forever touched my heart deeply, and I would send supplements far away. My natal mother asked me for it. money,
  He knew that I didn’t. He helped me to my mother. He knew that my husband had no way out. He thought about giving me a sum of money to let my husband do some business. He would invest in me as long as I don’t live under the pressure of life Big and anxious, he just wants to share everything for me, he also knows that he will never be with me, but he said that I see you and I am willing to be calm, I was hit deeply, I was at that moment , Really believe that there is another kind of warmth and true love in this world, So I gave him an alias, Nuannuan, as I am used to calling him, he is the warmth in my heart.
  I didn’t know what love was, but I got used to him often speaking with me, just like we are now. What I can understand you is what he taught me, and my love is not equal to his. , Later, after we experienced a lot of thoughts with each other, I realized that immature love is because I need you, so I love you, and mature love is because I love you, so I need you.
  As Collins said, love can make people better, my life because of the pain to meet warm and reduce a lot, love really makes people become deep and beautiful a lot.
  But I and warm warm each other each have a family, although our marriage partners do not understand each other, but we two people can not hurt their families and children, others hurt me, I can forgive later, but I do not allow their own behavior to hurt their loved ones, so I will have a bad conscience, although love is beautiful. But selfish to give up everything in their real life because of love, for love to put out the fire, will destroy each other, so for a family, you not only live for yourself, you also have to be responsible for the family, because I am still the mother of the child, the daughter-in-law of parents-in-law, I think in addition to myself, I have many roles. So I am used to dealing with the tests and difficulties that life gives me. I just hope that I can work hard enough to have more ability to risk hell and resist temptation when life gives me wind and rain.
  But I have to admit the fact that even if I am married, when I meet someone I like, I still can’t help it, and my heart beats faster, Collins, you know? You are the exception in my life, and I clearly know my heart, I love you, how can you so coincidentally meet my presupposition of the most perfect hero in love when I was a child, I see you At that moment, I was amazed by the hero in the script set in my heart. There is a real world in this world, and I never forget the saying that there must be reverberations until I met Collins, even if you were just a virtual inner character in my heart, but when you perfectly appeared in my life at the moment, my heart I fell into love again, and this feeling is so real.
  Collins said, "What is this Nannuan you are talking about? How do you know each other?"?
  Helen a: He is the principal of a middle school, a person who loves education, his colleagues and students like him very much, I have a lot of customers because of his reasons, later become my customers and readers, he is very devoted to work, students like him very much, every time I listen to him and I share his life and work, I will feel his love for work, his poetry is very good. He was a poetic and talented person, and he was very wise and tolerant. I had a bad temper at that time.I think I can"t stand myself, but he can guide and tolerate me very well, and encourage me to do better. He is also an excellent father and a filial son. His responsibility and love for his family have influenced me to change. He is 18 years older than me, has a lot of life experience, and is a man with a broad heart. I am really better because of him. He is the most grateful and cherished person in my life, and the one who knows my heart best besides myself, and the warmth in my heart.
  Collins said: Dear Helen, I know you are as kind as an angel and don"t want to hurt others, but I hope you can stand up for yourself bravely one day. I know you are already the best of yourself. I will protect you at any time, as long as you are happy, because I love you.
  Helen said: Collins, I don’t know what to do when facing you. This is a kind of happiness and a problem for me, but thank you, thank God for falling such a you into my life and making me feel good. Happiness, some people can meet in this life, it is very content, and Collins to me, that is the case, thank you for such a lovely Collins, it is late, I know you are tired, go to bed early!
  "Good night, my dear Helen," said Collins. "I shall always love you!
