

  Huawei recently made a big move.
  Guo Ping has been replaced by Meng Wanzhou, huawei"s vice chairman and CFO, according to a post on huawei"s official website.
  It also means that Meng has secured a ticket to the race for huawei"s "successor" and will be in charge of the company"s strategy and everything in her six months on the job.
  The decision is reminiscent of Ren Zhengfei, the president of Huawei.
  As her boss and father, he has repeatedly stated publicly that "Meng wanzhou will never succeed her because she has no technical background."
  但另一方面,孟晚舟的能力和实力,超越了父亲的期待,他忍不住夸奖女儿: "烧不死的鸟,是凤凰。"
  But on the other hand, Meng"s ability and strength exceeded her father"s expectation. He couldn"t help praising his daughter: "The bird that can"t be burned is the phoenix."
  The father"s "reneging" is more like an affirmation of his daughter, while Meng Wanzhou has been waiting for many years.
  颠簸的童年   作为华为的"长公主",孟晚舟并非含着金汤匙出生的。   As huawei"s "princess", Meng was not born with a silver spoon in her mouth.   1972年,孟晚舟出生之际,任正非还是一名工程兵,母亲孟军也要服兵役,两人萍踪不定,很多时候只能把她寄养在贵州的爷爷奶奶家。   When Meng wanzhou was born in 1972, Ren zhengfei was still an engineer. His mother, Meng Jun, was also about to serve in the military.   贵州老家位置偏僻,经济条件并不太好。   Guizhou hometown remote location, economic conditions are not very good.   孟晚舟记得有一次吃晚饭的时候,因为饭桌上没有肉,她一下子钻到桌子底下,把饭桌掀翻,不仅自己不吃,也不让其他人吃。   Meng remembered once when she was having dinner, because there was no meat on the table, she ped under the table and turned it over, not only refusing to eat herself, but also refusing to allow others to eat.   虽然偶尔有些任性,但奶奶始终是怕苦了这个不在父母身边长大的孩子,总是从家里仅有的一点伙食费里挤出一点点,隔三差五地背着她上街去买糖吃。   Although sometimes capricious, grandma was always afraid of suffering the child who had not grown up with her parents. She always squeezed out a little money from the little food at home and carried her on her back to buy candy on the street every once in a while.   "奶奶背,上街街,买糖糖",在奶奶常念叨的童谣中,孟晚舟度过了一个又一个想念父母的日子。   In a nursery rhyme often repeated by her grandmother, Meng wanzhou missed her parents one day after another.   直至长大成人,在很多场合中,她和父亲之间始终有着不可横越的疏离感:   As an adult, there were many occasions when she and her father felt an unbridgeable distance: "我能见到他的时间不多。除了每个月最后一周是公司工作例会,他会在那一周在深圳露面,其它时间都在外面出差。"   "I don"t get to see him much. "Except for the last week of every month, when he shows up in Shenzhen, he is out on business."   1984年,任正非终于转业到深圳。   In 1984, Ren zhengfei finally moved to Shenzhen.   他特意带上了女儿孟晚舟,想让她有更好的学习环境。   He took his daughter Meng Wanzhou with him to give her a better learning environment.   她回忆当时的居住环境形容道:   She recalls living conditions at the time: "外面下大雨,里面下小雨,四面透风的屋子里,隔壁邻居说话都能听见。"   "It"s raining hard outside, it"s raining light inside, and in a drafty room, you can hear your next-door neighbors."   在这段光阴里,孟晚舟见证了父亲最艰难的时刻。   During this time, Meng witnessed her father"s most difficult moments.   44岁的任正非因为做生意被骗,欠下了200多万巨额债务,随后就被公司开除。   Ren zhengfei, 44, was fired from his company after running up debts of more than 2 million yuan after being cheated in his business.   与此同时,在各种原因下,他和孟晚舟母亲的婚姻,也亮起了红灯。   At the same time, for various reasons, his marriage to Meng wanzhou"s mother is also flashing red lights.   后来,她又再次被送到爷爷奶奶家,读书成年。父母离婚后,晚舟判给了母亲,她也改随母姓。   Later, she was sent to her grandparents" house again to become an adult. After her parents porced, Wanzhou was given to her mother and she changed her surname.   幼年辗转多地生活、家庭贫困、父母离婚,越是波折的生活,越能磨炼一个人的心智。   The more twists and turns of childhood, the poverty of the family and the porce of parents, the more one"s mind can be tempered.   或许,正因如此,往后数十年,她遇到再大的风风雨雨,她都能轻易扛过去。   Perhaps, because of this, in the next few decades, she encountered no matter how big the ups and downs, she can easily carry through.   02
  华为的秘密   2013年1月,孟晚舟一头披肩长发,盛装出席在华为媒体见面会上,提及任正非,她使用的称谓是"任总",而非"我父亲"。   In January 2013, Meng wanzhou, wearing long hair down to her head and dressed up for a huawei media event, referred to Ren zhengfei as "President Ren" rather than "my father."   这时,公司内部员工,才知道一路被老板骂过来的员工就是传说中的"华为长公主"。   At this time, the company"s internal staff, just know all the way to be scolded by the boss over the staff is the legendary "Huawei princess".   彼时,她进入华为已经整整20年了。   At that time, she had been at Huawei for 20 years.   如果有人在1993年拨通华为总部的客服电话,为他转接分机的很可能就是今天的轮值董事长、当年年仅21岁的孟晚舟。   If someone had called a customer service number at Huawei headquarters in 1993, it would probably have been Meng Wanzhou, the 21-year-old chairwoman today, who transferred the extension.   那一年,她刚从深圳大学毕业,在父亲的安排下,她加入刚刚起步的华为公司工作。而且她与父亲默契地隐瞒了"总裁之女"的秘密。   That year, she had just graduated from Shenzhen University and her father had arranged for her to join the fledgling Huawei. She also hid the secret of the president s daughter from her father.   因为父亲告诉她,社会阅历的第一条是对人要有认识,而打杂的经历有助于积累这些经验。   Her father told her that the first rule of social experience was to get to know people, and the busman experience helped to accumulate these experiences.   她的职责确实颇为重要,但也琐碎。   Her duties are important indeed, but also trivial.   她做过秘书、协助过销售和服务部门,负责打字、制作产品目录、安排展览会务等。   She worked as a secretary, assisting sales and service departments, typing, cataloging, and arranging exhibitions.   她回忆那段往事,笑着自嘲:"我是华为早年仅有的三个秘书之一。"   "I was one of only three secretaries in huawei"s early years," she recalls with a laugh.   她尤其记得,那一张办公桌大的平板上,排布着密密麻麻的按键。每当电话要响起,红红绿绿的信号灯就会不停闪烁,她经常会紧张到手忙脚乱。   She remembered, in particular, a desk-sized tablet lined with buttons. Red and green lights would flash whenever the phone was about to ring, and she would often panic.   工作稍有出错,迎来的便是父亲的厉声呵斥。有些老员工还记得,她从任正非办公室出来后,泪眼婆娑的模样。   Work a little mistake, ushered in is father"s harsh rebuke. Some longtime employees remember her in tears as she emerged from Ren"s office.   1997年,为了更好地在华为发光发热,孟晚舟短暂离职,到华中理工大学攻读MBA硕士学位。   In 1997, meng briefly left to pursue a master"s degree at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in order to better shine at Huawei.   毕业后,她才从行政岗位转接到财务岗位。但在当时,这并不是一个轻松的挑战。   After graduation, she transferred from an administrative position to a finance position. But at the time, it was not an easy challenge.   任正非用"一杆汉阳枪"来比喻华为的财务:一大批青年人,初出茅庐,什么都不懂,提着一杆汉阳枪就上战场。   Ren Zhengfei compares Huawei"s finance with "a Hanyang gun" : a large number of young people, fresh out of school, do not know anything, carrying a Hanyang gun to the battlefield.   孟晚舟也是如此,每逢月末、季末或者年末统计账目的时候,她常常是夜以继日,废寝忘食地工作。   It is the same with Meng. She often works day and night when she is compiling accounts at the end of each month, quarter or year.   她的办公室常年备有一张床垫,可以方便加班时休息;赶上出差,她总是选择凌晨和深夜的航班,绝不占用白天原本该工作的时间。   She keeps a mattress in her office so she can relax during overtime. When she goes on business trips, she always takes early morning and late night flights, never taking up time during the day when she should be working.   她逐渐展现出父亲那样的果敢坚定,一次次地推进公司服务变革。   She gradually showed her father"s determination, pushing forward the company"s service reform time after time.   2016年,华为全球销售收入高达5215亿人民币,是BAT三家的总和。其中,孟晚舟的全球统一的财务系统居功至伟。   In 2016, Huawei"s global sales revenue reached 521.5 billion yuan, which is the total of the three BAT companies. Among them, Meng wanzhou"s global unified financial system deserves much credit.   有人采访任正非,你觉得华为成功的核心点是什么?   Ren Zhengfei was interviewed. What do you think is the core of Huawei"s success?   73岁的他毫不犹豫地回答:财务体系和人力资源体系。   The 73-year-old answers without hesitation: financial system and human resources system.   这是父亲对女儿的间接认可和褒扬。但女儿做错事,他同样毫不留情地批评。   This is the father"s indirect approval and praise of his daughter. But he was equally relentless in his criticism of his daughter"s misdeeds.   有次,他看到部门反馈,说华为财务部门审批流程太复杂、财务人员经常设阻力。   Once, he saw feedback from the department that the approval process of Huawei"s finance department was too complicated and financial staff often set up resistance.   任正非直接通发邮件给员工,对财务部进行严肃批评:   Ren Zhengfei directly sent an email to the employees to seriously criticize the Financial Department:   "不知从何时起,财务人员忘了自己的本职是为业务服务、为作战服务,什么时候变成了颐指气使?!"   "When did finance forget that its job is to serve the business, to serve the war, and when did it become bossing around? !"   回望在华为任职数十年中,任正非给予孟晚舟的从来都不是身份的庇佑,反而是一种远比其他员工的高要求。   Looking back at his decades of working at Huawei, Ren has never given Meng a blessing of identity, but a higher requirement than other employees.   或许严父对待女儿的爱,少了些温柔,但却让她迅速成长,成为一个处事不惊、从容大度的铮铮强人。   Perhaps a strict father to his daughter"s love, less gentle, but let her grow up quickly, become a doing things not surprised, calm magnate clank strong man.   也正因此如此,她凭借出色成绩打破了任正非所言的"家人永远不会进入接班人序列"的不成明规定。   That is why she broke ren zhengfei"s unwritten rule that family members should never be in line for succession.   2018年,经持股员工代表会投票选举,她出任华为副董事长。   In 2018, she was elected as huawei"s vice chairman by a committee of shareholding employees.   只是,没想到的是,一个"无妄之灾"紧随其后。   Only, did not expect is, a "disaster" followed.   03
  1028天的"软禁"   时间拨回到2018年12月1日,当时孟晚舟身处加拿大,正准备转机前往墨西哥出差。   Back on December 1, 2018, Meng wanzhou was in Canada, preparing to transfer to Mexico for a business trip.   结果当她抵达机场后,却遭到了警察的逮捕。   When she arrived at the airport, she was arrested by police.   依据加方的说法,美国认为"华为公司"在和"汇丰银行"的交易中存在欺诈,需要将孟晚舟引渡到美国。   According to the Canadian side, the United States believes that Huawei was fraudulent in its dealings with HSBC and needs to extradite Meng to the United States.   项庄舞剑,意在沛公。   Xiang Zhuang danced his sword, aiming at Pei Gong.   面对这场无须有的"指控",她首先想到的是父亲的安危。   Faced with this unnecessary "accusation", her first thought was the safety of her father.   在监狱的第二天,孟晚舟通过丈夫向父亲递过一张纸条:"爸爸,所有的矛头都指向你,你要小心。"   On the second day in prison, Meng Wanzhou passed a note to her father through her husband: "Dad, all the blame is on you, you have to be careful."   父女心相连。   Father and daughter heart   大洋彼岸的另一头,七十多岁的任正非何尝不是担心自己的女儿:"那一刻我在想,如果我和孟晚舟同时被抓就好了,那她就不会这么孤单。"   Across the ocean, Ren Zhengfei, now in his 70s, was worried about his daughter: "At that moment I thought, if only MENG and I had been arrested at the same time, she wouldn"t be so lonely."   在交了1000万加元保释金之后,被关押了10余天的孟晚舟才得以保释,但这不意味着自由。   Ms Meng was released on C $10m bail after being held for more than 10 days, but that does not mean she is free.   她不仅被要求上交护照、限制活动范围,还要戴上带有GPS定位系统的脚铐,并要定期向相关部门汇报日常行踪。   She was required to hand in her passport, limit her movements, wear a GPS anklet and report her movements to authorities regularly.   这样的"软禁"生活,持续了1028天,脚上由于佩戴脚镣的淤青越发显眼。   Such "house arrest" life, which lasted 1,028 days, because of the ankle shackles on the bruise all the more obvious.   期间,她在温哥华家中曾收到了几封威胁信,打开信封,发现夹带着子弹。   During that time, she received several threatening letters at her Home in Vancouver. When she opened the envelopes, she found bullets in them.   然而,面对这般毫无人权可言的苛刻条件,孟晚舟始终保持了一个中国儿女的体面与风度。   However, in the face of such harsh conditions with no human rights at all, Meng Wanzhou has always maintained the dignity and grace of a Chinese son and daughter.   每一次现身前往听证会,即便脚戴镣铐,但她还是宠辱不惊,光鲜亮丽。甚至在感恩节时,她还不忘给守在她住所外的记者点上一个披萨。   Every time she showed up for a hearing, she was in shackles, but she did it in style. Even on Thanksgiving, she ordered a pizza for reporters waiting outside her house.   优雅的姿态和端庄的穿搭,让挑剔的外媒都忍不住赞叹: "她让脚铐变得无比新潮。"   Elegant posture and dignified dress, let picky foreign media can not help but praise: "she let anklet become very trendy."   乐观的人,在人生至暗时刻都能看到机遇。   Optimistic people see opportunities in the darkest moments of life.   作为华为的副董事长与CFO,孟晚舟一直过的是"好几年没有好好读上一本小说"的忙碌生活。   As the vice chairman and CFO of Huawei, Meng has been living a busy life of "not reading a novel properly for several years".   但在加拿大这些日子,她顺遇而安,让自己的生活慢下来,有空就好好读书、听音乐会、也和家人每天电话视频。   But these days in Canada, she is going with the flow and slowing down her life. When she has time, she reads books, listens to concerts, and makes phone calls and videos with her family every day.   另外,她给自己安排了许多课程包括绘画和瑜伽,以此充实自我。   In addition, she arranged many classes for herself, including painting and yoga, to enrich herself.   父亲任正非很欣赏女儿的乐观,能自学五六门功课,还打算考个"狱中博士"。   Ren zhengfei, the father, appreciates his daughter"s optimism and has been able to learn five or six subjects by herself. He also plans to get a doctor"s degree in prison.   "她有时候说在吃火锅,有时候做饺子下面条,她说忙了十几年,从没有像现在一样放松。"   "Sometimes she said she was eating hot pot, and sometimes she was making dumplings. She said she had been busy for more than ten years and had never been as relaxed as now."   更大的惊喜是,她与任正非的父女关系变得更为亲密些。   The bigger surprise was that her relationship with Ren zhengfei"s father and daughter became closer.   在媒体面前,任正非总会谈及与女儿的琐事:   In front of the media, Ren Zhengfei always talks about trivial matters with his daughter:"过去,孟晚舟可能一整年都不给我打个电话,不会问我怎么样,甚至不会给我发短信。但现在我们的联系密切了许多。"   "In the past, Meng might not call me for a whole year, ask me how I was, or even send me a text message. But now we are much more connected."   但被问及他们多久没有见面时,他迟疑了一下,目光有些暗淡地回道:"不知道,应该是很长吧。"   But when asked how long they hadn"t seen each other, he hesitated, his eyes darkening. "I don"t know," he replied. "A long time."   那一刻,是一位年逾古稀的父亲对女儿愈发的思念。   At that moment, it was a father who was more than old and missed his daughter more and more.   在2019年12月1日发表的公开信中,孟晚舟说自己这一年"经历了恐惧和痛苦,失望和无奈,煎熬和挣扎,学会了坚强承受,从容面对,不畏未知",还说要"感谢大家(中国人)给予的温暖和鼓励"。   In an open letter published on December 1, 2019, Meng said that she had "experienced fear and pain, disappointment and helplessness, suffering and struggle, learned to bear strongly, face calmly, and not be afraid of the unknown" in the past year, adding that she wanted to "thank everyone (Chinese people) for their warmth and encouragement."   1028天的"软禁",并没打垮孟晚舟。他们父女俩人都坚定相信,会有相见的一天。   The 1,028-day "house arrest" did not defeat Meng Wanzhou. Both their father and daughter firmly believe that there will be a day when they will meet.   终于在2021年9月25日,经过中国政府三年来的不懈努力,加拿大政府最终撤销了引渡要求,孟晚舟当庭释放。   Finally, on September 25, 2021, after three years of unremitting efforts by the Chinese government, the Canadian government finally withdrew the extradition request and Meng Wanzhou was released in court.   她曾动情地说:"如果信念有颜色,那一定是中国红。"   She once said emotionally: "If belief has a color, it must be Chinese red."   身处异国3年,孟晚舟错过了父亲任正非的2个生日,也错过了与家人团聚的3个中秋月圆之夜。   During her three years abroad, Meng missed two birthdays of her father ren Zhengfei and three Mid-Autumn full moon nights with her family.   她在祝福父亲生日快乐的卡片上写下的"慢慢还",如今终于能够实现了。   The "return slowly" she had written on a card wishing her father a happy birthday was finally coming true.   04
  父女一场   记者曾问过任正非:"华为有可能和美国签订和解协议,来交换孟晚舟吗?"   The reporter once asked Ren Zhengfei: "Is it possible that Huawei will sign a settlement agreement with the United States in exchange for Meng Wanzhou?"   任正非毅然回答:"绝不可能。我已做好此生不见女儿的准备。"   Ren Zhengfei replied resolutely: "Absolutely impossible. I am ready to see my daughter in this life."   孟晚舟深知任正非"绝情"的背后原因,而她也和父亲有颗爱国的心,在面对美国和加拿大两国政府的威胁时,做到了处惊不乱,稳如泰山。   Meng knows the reason behind Ren zhengfei"s "unfeeling", and she and her father have a patriotic heart, in the face of the threat of the United States and Canada, do not be surprised, as stable as Mount Tai.   "勇敢不是因为害怕,而是心中坚守的信念。"   "Brave is not because of fear, but because of the belief in the heart."   孟晚舟的这一句话,写尽了一个中国儿女对强大祖国的信任。   Meng Wanzhou"s words express the trust of a Chinese son and daughter in a strong motherland.   右为孟晚舟丈夫:刘晓棕   都说,父母是子女人生中最好的引路人。   They say parents are the best guides in their children"s lives.   "不拼爹,不拼妈,一切看你的贡献和能力。"即便是面对女儿,任正非也一视同仁地践行着华为的价值观。   "Don"t fight dad, don"t fight mom, everything depends on contribution and ability." Even with his daughter, Ren is equally committed to Huawei"s values.   孟晚舟懂父亲的苦心,在华为里,任正非不是她父亲,而是一个站在商业王国顶端的男人。很长时间,她尊敬他,崇拜他,跟随他。   Meng wanzhou understands her father"s pains. Ren Zhengfei is not her father in Huawei, but a man standing at the top of the business kingdom. For a long time, she respected him, worshipped him, followed him.   比起站立于父亲的身旁,她更希望员工为华为开辟新天地,用自己的实力去赢得所有人的掌声。   Instead of standing beside her father, she hopes that her employees will open up new horizons for Huawei and win applause from everyone with their own strength.   如今,她当上轮值董事长,无疑是在华为最终接班人的赛道上,赢得入场券。   Now, as the rotating chairman, she will undoubtedly win the ticket on the track of Huawei"s ultimate successor.
