

  unit3 going places
  1st period
  teaching aims
  1.help the students to learn to talk about traveling.
  2.help the students to learn to talk about means of transportation
  3.encourage the students to learn how to express good wishes.
  4.learn and master the following: consider, means transportation, have a good trip,
  good luck to you
  important points in teaching
  1.listening and speaking practice
  2.talk about travel in english
  3.learn the expressions of means of transportation
  4.learn to express good wishes
  difficult points in teaching
  talk about travel in english
  teaching aids
  a slide projector or computer
  a tape recorder
  teaching procedures
  step1.greeting and revision
  1.ask some students what activities they did during the summer vacation.
  2.do ‘warming up’
  ask the ss to look at four pics on page 15
  3.get the ss to understand the questions given, get their opinions about safety, comfort, quickness, convenience, etc.
  4.deal with the four situations:
  form shanghai to london
  from chongqing to chengdu
  from beijing to guangzhou
  from dalian to qingdao
  ask the students to give their reasons for choosing their means of transportation.
  step 3. listening
  now we know something about different means of transportation, we can travel by ship or by air, imagine now we were in the waiting room at an airport. and we’ll listen to some boarding calls.
  ask the students to concentrate on comprehension of the boarding cal l.
  play the tape again. get the students to focus their attention on the specific information check in pairs. then discuss the answers with the whole class.
  step 4. speaking
  talk to the students about their travel experiences in the past. questions:
  where did you travel?
  when did you do that?
  how did you travel?
  2.deal with the table
  ask three or more students about the year and the place they want to travel to ask one to write the information on the form on the blackboard, and the others in the form on page 16.
  3.do the example
  demonstrate the example with a good student.
  then ask the students to make a dialogue with their partners on pairs according to the completed form.
  4.consolidation practice
  (1)ask the students to create their own dialogues according to their own imagination of traveling to the past or the future in different machines.
  (2)show the traveling of a spaceship in space and ask the students to make a dialogue about it. .
  step 5 summary
  sum up what has been taught and what they have learned in this part.
  step 6 assignment
  1.revise the contents of this class
  2.get ready to act out a dialogue about traveling
  2nd period
  teaching aims
  1.words and expressions:
  experience, simply, get away from, vacation, nature, basic, equipment, tip cell, phone, watch out, poison, poisonous, paddle, stream, normal, excitement, adventurous, handle, similarity.
  2.improve the students’ reading comprehension.
  important points in teaching
  train the students to improve their reading comprehension
  difficult points in teaching
  1.question and answer for inducing
  2.fast reading to find out some general information
  3.careful reading to find out the details in the passages
  4.pair-work/ group-work activities
  teaching aids
  1.a tape recorder
  2. a slide projector
  main procedures in teaching
  step1 greeting and revision as usual
  step 2 pre-reading
  do you like traveling?
  why do you like traveling? and why not?
  where would you most like to travel? why is that?
  have you ever tried any adventure travel in your life?
  please discuss these questions with your partner.
  step 3 while-reading
  1.fast reading
  what’s the basic equipment you need for hiking?
  2.more questions
  where can you go hiking?
  how can you go hiking?
  why is hiking a great way to travel?
  what do you think of hiking?
  3.do the same with rafting
  where can you go rafting?
  how can you do that?
  why is rafting another exciting adventure?
  what do you think of a normal rafting trip?
  what’s your opinion about whitewater rafting?
  why is rafting a good way to experience nature?
  what is it like when you go on a normal rafting trip?
  what is it like when you go on a white-water rafting trip?
  can you think of some other words like "whitewater"?
  step 4 post-reading
  1.ask the students to choose their answers for the questions according to the passages.
  2.ask them to check in pairs.
  3.check the answers with the whole class.
  4.ask the students to fill in the table inpidually.
  5.check with the whole class.
  step 5 consolidation
  tell me about hiking/rafting.
  step 6 play the record of the first paragraph for each passage for the students to listen and follow.
  ask them to pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
  step 7 summary
  1.help the students to compare/contrast hiking and rafting to have a clear picture of their similarities and differences.
  2.help the students to make a list of useful words. expressions and patterns in the passages.
  step 8 assignment
  revise the contents of the passages.
  outline the two passages.
  3rd period
  teaching aims
  1.learn to define or paraphrase the given words and phrases.
  2.learn and master: separate (v. adj.) benefit
  3.lean and master the use of the present continuous tense for future actions.
  4.revise the tenses learned before.
  5.learn to organize sentences together to form a short passage.
  teaching important points
  the use of the present continuous tense for future actions
  teaching difficult points
  1.the use of the present continuous tense
  2.how to organize english sentences to form a proper passage
  teaching methods
  1.listening and dictation
  2.pair/group work
  3.inductive method and deductive method
  4.sentences making practice
  teaching aids
  a slide projector or computer
  main projector in teaching
  step 1 greeting and revision as usual
  step 2 word study
  ask the students to match the words and phrases to right expressions inpidually. check in pairs and then check with the whole class.
  step 3 language focus
  ask the students to read the dialogue and underline the verbs that express future.
  let the students study the example.
  make sure they understand what to do.
  ask the students to check in pairs.
  check with the whole class.
  summary: the present continuous tense may be used for future actions.
  ask the students to read aloud the dialogue again in pairs.
  ask one or more pairs to act it out.
  step 4 practice
  ask questions about how things were done in the past,
  how they are done today, and how they will be done in the future, e.g.
  how did people travel in the past?
  how do people travel today?
  how will people travel in the future?
  step 5 practice
  study the example first.
  then ask the students to write a paragraph for each column.
  ask four or more students to report their paragraphs.
  step 6 consolidation
  ask the students to talk or make sentences about their future plans using the present continuous tense for future actions.
  step 7 summary
  help the students to generalize the use of the present continuous tense for future actions.
  step 8 assignment
  1.revise the grammar
  2.write their passages in the exercise book.
  4th period
  teaching aims
  1.do some reading and talking
  2.learn and master: combine task
  3.learn to write english letters
  important points in teaching
  1.learn about eco-travel
  2.learn to express themselves in the group discussion in english
  3.revise and learn how to write english letters
  .difficult points in teaching
  1.express themselves in proper english
  2.build up the sense of environmental protection
  3.from the writing habit of english letters
  .teaching methods
  1.east/careful reading for gist/details
  2.discussion in groups and writing practice
  .teaching aids
  1.a slide projector
  2.macromedia equipment
  main procedures in teaching
  step 1 greeting and revision
  step 2 do reading and talking
  step 3 writing
  step 4assignment
  1.revise the contents of the whole unit.
  2.finish off the letters and write them in the exercise book.
  3.preview the next unit
