

  module 1 using my five senses
  unit 1 use your eyes!
  look and read
  教学目标知识与技能:using adjectives to describe objects
  using the simple present tense to express simple truths
  using prepositions to indicate position
  过程与方法:locate specific information in response to simple instructions or questions
  use modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with teachers and other learners
  教学重点和难点using the simple present tense to express simple truths
  asking questions to find out position
  using prepositions to indicate position
  教学媒体pictures, an electic torch, a model of the block,
  课前学生准备reading the text
  教学流程pre-task preparation
  1.ask and answer
  2. use the torch to explain the movement of the sun during a day.
  3. teach the new word: shadow (using the new word and picture card)
  while-task procedure
  1. (use the torch) t: look , the sun rises in the morning. is the shadow long or short? where is the block’s shadow?
  2. t: it’s afternoon. how is the shadow? where is the shadow?
  3. t: the sun goes down. is the shadow short? where is the block’s shadow?
  4. the words: rise, shadow, block, go down
  5. play the cassette. students listen and follow.
  6. play again. listen and repeat.
  7. review the prepositions: behind, in front of, in, on, beside.
  e.g. ** is behind /beside/in front of the desk.
  8. recite the text.
  post-task activity
  1. read: read and answer.
  ask the questions about each of the three pictures.
  2. more oral practice page20: look and say.
  3. work book page1: complete the sentences.
  grammar practice book page1
  板书设计 module 1 using my five senses
  unit 1 use your eyes!
  morning afternoon evening
  the sun rises high goes down
  block’s shadow long short long
  behind beside in front of
  教学效果的反馈1. 这节课的主要内容是掌握一天中太阳和影子的变化,学生通过实践基本都能用语言来表达,学习效果较好。
  3.在作业中,the block’s shadow is long.学生对疑问词有所遗忘。the moon goes down in the morning.部分学生对于第三人称单数还反应不快,对动作的提问,有学生漏了do。
  课题module 1 using my five senses
  unit 1 use your eyes!
  look and say
  教学目标知识与技能:using modals to talk about ability
  asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out position
  using imperatives to give instructions and directions
  过程与方法:use modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with teachers or other learners.
  identify key words in an utteance by recognizing the stress
  教学重点和难点using modals to talk about ability
  asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out position
  using imperatives to give instructions and directions
  教学媒体a box, some toys, cards
  课前学生准备recite some words of p2
  教学流程pre-task preparation
  1.ask and answer
  2.review: in, on, behind, in front of and beside. (using a student , the box and the soft toy)
  3.ask the students to say something about the soft toy. e.g. it’s behind the box.
  while-task procedure
  1. teach the new word: inside
  2. invite a student to place the toy.
  3. ask: where is it?
  4. play the cassette: look and say.
  5. play again. listen and repeat.
  6. read: read and match.
  7. complete the exercises.
  post-task activity
  1. work in pairs.
  2. play a guessing game
  where is it?
  invite one student to hide the toy. the others guess.
  grammar practice book page2
  板书设计 i can’t see my…
  where is it? where are they?
  it’s… they’re…
  inside outside glasses a pair of glasses
  教学效果的反馈1. 本课教学内容较为简单,where句型对学生来说并不陌生,全班都能应答自如,学习效果非常好。
  3.作业中,对于练习册中的练习学生完成较好。my mother’s book’s on the table.中有部分学生不能分清两个’s 哪个是is.
  课题module 1 using my five senses
  unit 1 use your eyes!
  make a shadow
  教学目标知识与技能:using imperatives to give instructions
  using prepositions to indicate position
  using modals to talk about ability
  过程与方法:identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
  use modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with teachers and other learners.
  教学重点和难点using imperatives to give instructions
  using prepositions to indicate position
  using modals to talk about ability
  教学媒体a pair of scissors, coloured pencils, photocopiable p4,5
  课前学生准备reading the texts.
  教学流程pre-task preparation
  1.ask and answer
  t: where’s the sun in the afternoon?
  s: it’s in the sky.
  t: is your shadow long in the morning?
  s: yes, it is.
  t: does the sun go down in the evening?
  s: yes, it does.
  2.recite the text on page 2
  3. review: in, on, in front of, behind, beside and inside.
  4. read: make a shadow. then make it in groups.
  5. play the cassette: look and say. listen and follow.
  6. play again. listen and repeat.
  7. read: play a game.
  while-task procedure
  1. play a game: hide the shadow. the students practise the model dialogue with the shadow they made.
  post-task activity
  1.invite one or two groups to play the game in front of the class.
  grammar practice book page 3
  板书设计 make a shadow
  1. draw 2. colour 3. cut out
  play a game
  can you see?
  is it…? yes. no.
  2.通过动手做影子,让学生了解做的过程。通过玩游戏,让学生操练了is it…?或are they…?的句型。
  3.作业中,学生完成情况较好,其中open your eyes.(否,意思不变)少数学生加了don’t却忘了改close.
  课题module 1 using my five senses
  unit 1 use your eyes!
  say and act
  教学目标知识与技能:asking simple questions to obtain ‘yes/no’ responses
  using formulaic expressions to express and respond to apologies
  using adjectives to show quantities
  过程与方法:identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
  use modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with the teachers and other learners.
  locate specific information in a short text in response to questions.
  教学重点和难点asking simple questions to obtain ‘yes/no’ responses
  using formulaic expressions to express and respond to apologies
  using adjectives to show quantities
  教学媒体some pictures of fruit,
  课前学生准备reading the texts each other.
  教学流程pre-task preparation
  1.ask and answer.
  t: is the block’s shadow long in the afternoon?
  s: no, it’s short.
  t: where’s my book?
  s: it’s on your desk.
  t: where are your pencils?
  s: they’re in my pencil case.
  2.make a shadow and play the game.
  3. ask: what kinds of fruit you can buy at the market?
  review: apples, oranges, bananas and grapes, use the pictures.
  while-task procedure
  1. teach the new words: strawberries, plums, cherries.
  2. ask: what are they? to elicit: they’re plums/strawberries/cherries.
  3. review: have you got any…..?
  4. play the cassette. listen and follow.
  5. play again. repeat.
  6. work in groups. students role-play the dialogue.
  7. invite one group to role-play the dialogue in front of the class.
  8. read: ask and answer. the students practise the model dialogue.
  post-task activity
  1. work in groups, make a fruit stall.
  2. make a new dialogue.
  3. play a guessing game.
  grammar practice book page 4
  板书设计have you got any…? yes,…
  sorry,(no) …
  red ones or green ones?
  教学效果的反馈1. to have句型对学生来说已相当熟练,red ones or green ones?也掌握较好,但少数学生some与any还需提点。
  2.学生通过问答的方式能对to have句型进行熟练操练,学生学习的积极性很高。
  3.作业中,i’ve got some apples.(否)部分学生some没能改成any。he wants the big ones.(small选择)有些人复数不够仔细,第三人称单数does还有用错,需加强针对性练习。
  课题module 1 using my five senses
  unit 1 use your eyes!
  look and say
  教学目标知识与技能:using adjectives to show quantities
  using prepositions to indicate position
  过程与方法:locate specific information in response to simple instructions or questions.
  use modelled phrases and sentences to communicate with teacher and other learners.
  locate specific information in a short text in response to questions.
  教学重点和难点using adjectives to show quantities
  using prepositions to indicate position
  教学媒体the pictures of fruit
  课前学生准备recite the texts.
  教学流程pre-task preparation
  1. review the names of different kinds of fruit. ask: what is it?/ what are they?
  2. ask and answer. what have you got? have you got any…..? where are they?
  while-task procedure
  1. play the cassette. listen and follow.
  2. play again. repeat.
  3. the students read the dialogue in pairs.
  4. invite a few pairs to read the dialogue in front of the class.
  post-task activity
  1. read: ask and answer. the students practise the model dialogue.
  2. invite a few pairs to role-play in front of the class.
  3. play a shopping game.
  4. workbook page2
  5. invite students to tell you the names of different objects in the classroom.
  6. students play the game: have you got any….? in pairs. they ask and answer about the classroom objects.
  板书设计have you got any…?
  yes, i’ve got some…
  i can’t see. where are they?
  they’re… (beside, near, behind, in front of)
  3.作业中,学生完成情况较好,对上次的作业进行了巩固,如:she’s got some milk.(一问)学生基本不错,有了很大的进步。
  课题module 1 using my five senses
  unit 2 use your ears!
  read and say
  教学目标知识与技能:using formulaic expressions to get attention
  using formulaic expressions to express apologies
  using prepositions to indicate direction
  using imperatives to express prohibitions
  过程与方法:identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
  use modelled phrases and sentences to communicate with teacher and other learners.
  identify main ideas from a text with teacher support.
  教学重点和难点using formulaic expressions to get attention
  using formulaic expressions to express apologies
  using prepositions to indicate direction
  using imperatives to express prohibitions
  教学媒体a small bell and a big bell
  课前学生准备making some dialogues.
  教学流程pre-task preparation
  1.ask and answer
  t: can you see my glasses?
  s: yes, they are on your head.
  t: have you got any plums?
  s: yes.
  t: where are they?
  s: they’re beside the bananas.
  2.have a dictation.
  3. ask the students to listen and tell you if they can hear any noises around them. ask: is the noise loud or quiet?
  ring the big bell and then the small bell and ask: is the bell loud?/ is the bell quiet/
  4. teach the new word: asleep. invite different students to show what they would look like if they were asleep.
  while-task procedure
  1. play the cassette: read and say. the students listen and follow.
  2. ask: what noises can you hear?
  3. play again. the students listen and repeat.
  4. pide the class into groups of five. invite a few groups to role-play in front of the class.
  5. read: read and answer. the students follow in their books.
  post-task activity
  1. work in pairs. the students talk about the story and the pictures to decide which statements are true and which are false.
  2. workbook page3
  grammar practice book page 5
  板书设计 ben’s new bicycle
  too quiet i’m sorry. be careful.
  too loud be quiet.
  lady(ladies) both asleep awake
  2.通过情景的设置,学生对于i’m sorry 和excuse me!能区别对待,表演对话使学生学习积极性很高。
  3.作业中,sam walks in front of ben’s bicycle.(where)有些学生不知道对哪里划线,还有第三人称单数有人错,需再进行练习。
  课题module 1 using my five senses
  unit 2 use your ears!
  look and say
  教学目标知识与技能:using adjectives to describe objects
  using the simple present tense to express feelings
  asking simple questions to obtain ‘yes/no’ responses
  using qualitative adjectives
  过程与方法:identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
  locate specific information in response to simple instructions or questions.
  locate specific information in a short text in response to questions.
  教学重点和难点using the simple present tense to express feelings
  asking simple questions to obtain ‘yes/no’ responses
  using qualitative adjectives
  教学媒体word and picture card, a small bell, a large bell, a toy hammer and a toy screwdriver
  课前学生准备listening to the texts.
  教学流程pre-task preparation
  1.recite some words.
  2.act out the dialogues.
  3. show a toy bicycle. say: i like this bicycle but i don’t like this bell.
  whose bicycle is this? to elicit: it’s ben’s.
  4. review the story on page7.ask: who has a new bicycle? is his bell loud? is his bell quiet? what do the two old ladies say to ben?
  ben doesn’t like the bell. so he asks his father to change the bell. what does his father want?
  5. teach the new words: screwdriver and hammer, using the toy hammer and the toy screwdriver.
  while-task procedure
  1. play the cassette. the students listen and follow.
  2. play again. the students listen and repeat.
  3. work in pairs, the students read the dialogue.
  4. act out the dialogue.
  5. read: ask and answer. ask and answer the questions follow the model dialogue.
  post-task activity
  1. read the text together.
  2. students role-play the dialogue in look and say.
  3. workbook page 4
  grammar practice book page 6
  板书设计too quiet put on a new bell
  give me a…, please.
  do you want both…? no, the big one.
  there you are.
  thank you. you’re welcome.
  教学效果的反馈1.对于give me…学生进行了记忆的再现,掌握较好。both 的运用,还有部分学生后面忘复数,而且对于both的回答,有些学生反应不够迅速。
  3.作业中,i want this box. i want that box.(both合并)有些学生复数遗忘,有些学生this that没有去掉,需加强类似题目的训练。
  课题module 1 using my five senses
  unit 2 use your ears!
  make a musical instrument
  教学目标知识与技能:using imperatives to give instructions
  using questions to find out specific information
  using the simple present tense to make requests
  e.g. give me a cup, please.
  过程与方法:identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
  use modelled phrases and sentences to communicate with teacher and other learners.
  locate specific information in a short text in response to questions.
  教学重点和难点using imperatives to give instructions
  using questions to find out specific information
  using the simple present tense to make requests
  e.g. give me a cup, please.
  教学媒体beans, paper cups, pieces of paper, string, pairs of scissors
  课前学生准备recite some words.
  教学流程pre-task preparation
  1.ask and answer
  t: which book do you like?
  s: i like the purple one.
  t: do you like both books?
  s: no, the big one.
  t: give me a pencil, please.
  s: ok.
  t: thank you.
  s: you’re welcome./that’s all right.
  2.act out the dialogues.
  3. discuss music and different musical instruments with the students. invite students to tell you which musical instruments they know the names of in english. write a list on the board.
  while-task procedure
  1. say: today we will make a musical instrument
  teach the new word: beans
  2. play the cassette. the students listen and follow in their books.
  3. play again. the students listen and repeat.
  4. work in pairs, make the musical instrument with the beans, cups, strings. discuss the task while walking around each pair in order to give more or less input as necessary.
  post-task activity
  1. invite the students to show their shakers.
  2. act out with their new shakers.
  grammar practice book page 7
  板书设计what are you doing?
  do you want the big ones or the small ones?
  the big ones, please.
  an empty cup over tie string shake
  教学效果的反馈1.对进行时的复习,学生完成较好,对于do you want both cups?和do you want the big ones or the small ones?的回答少数学生还有些混淆。
  3.作业中,学生对词组的翻译做的不错,只有an empty paper cup少数学生用了a,需加强练习。
  课题module 1 using my five senses
  unit 2 use your ears!
  play a game
  教学目标知识与技能:using imperatives to give instructions
  asking questions to find out position
  using the simple present tense to describe habitual actions
  e.g. the wheels on the bike go round and round.
  过程与方法:identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
  locate specific information in response to simple instructions or questions.
  identify main ideas from a text with teacher support
  教学重点和难点asking questions to find out position
  using the simple present tense to describe habitual actions
  e.g. the wheels on the bike go round and round.
  教学媒体shaker, paper shadows
  课前学生准备recite some texts.
  教学流程pre-task preparation
  1.listen to the song.
  2.recite some words.
  3. review the game: hide the shadow.
  4. play the cassette: play a game. the students listen and follow in their books.
  5. play again. the students listen and repeat.
  6. pide the students into groups of five. the groups read the dialogue.
  7. invite different groups to read the dialogue in front of the class.
  8. practise the model dialogue with the students.
  while-task procedure
  1. invite a student to shake the shaker. the rest of the students close their eyes while he hides the shaker somewhere in the classroom.
  2. play the game a few times with the class, with several students taking turns to hide the shaker.
  3. distribute a shaker to each group. working in groups, the students play the game, taking turns to hide the shaker.
  4. invite one group to play the game in front of the class.
  post-task activity
  1. play the cassette: sing a song. the students listen and follow in their books.
  2. play again. the students listen and sing along. encourage the students to do appropriate actions while they are singing.
  grammar practice book page 8,9
  板书设计where is the shaker?
  is it…? yes, it is.
  no, it isn’t.
  sing a song
  wheel all say
  3.练习册上的作业,部分学生some/any还有混淆,the lady in the park says be quiet please 学生正确抄写句子都有很多错误,尤其是标点符号的使用,需要反复练习。
  课题module 1 using my five senses
  unit 3 use your hands!
  look and say
  教学目标知识与技能:using adjectives to describe objects
  e.g. it’s soft and fluffy.
  using the simple present tense to express simple truths
  e.g. i can feel two things.
  过程与方法:identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
  recognize differences in the use of intonation.
  produce simple phrases and sentences involving lists.
  locate specific information in a short text in response to questions.
  情感、态度与价值观: /
  教学重点和难点using adjectives to describe objects
  e.g. it’s soft and fluffy.
  using the simple present tense to express simple truths
  e.g. i can feel two things.
  教学媒体a parcel, word and picture cards
  课前学生准备making some short dialogues.
  教学流程pre-task preparation
  1.ask and answer
  2. pass the parcel around the class. the students guess what is in the parcel. make sure that all the students have a turn.
  3. teach the new word: parcel
  4. open the parcel. take out the toy: a car and a toy bear.
  ask: how is the toy? teach the new words: fluffy, shiny.
  while-task procedure
  1. read: look and learn. the students listen and repeat the words.
  2. ask: whose toy is this? it’s mine.
  3. teach the new word: mine
  4. play the cassette: look and say. the students listen and follow.
  5. play again. the students listen and repeat.
  6. working in pairs, the students role-play the dialogue.
  7. read: play a game. invite students to read the adjectives at the bottom of the page.
  8. work in pairs. the students play the game ‘what does it feel like?’
  post-task activity
  1.workbook page 5
  grammar practice book page 10
  板书设计how does it feel?
  it’s… fluffy shiny warm smooth rough
  soft hard
  parcel spaceship
  教学效果的反馈1.对于感觉的形容词,学生基本掌握,对与老师的问题能应答自如,但有少数学生对how does it feel? 和how is it? 容易搞错。
  3.练习册上的作业中,有些学生对动物的特征还有点模糊。the panda is soft and fluffy.少数学生做成了how is the panda feel?两种方法有点混淆,需继续复习巩固。
  课题module 1 using my five senses
  unit 3 use your hands!
  look and say
  教学目标知识与技能:asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out possession
  e.g. whose pencil case id this?
  using pronouns to indicate possession
  e.g. they’re his.
  using the simple present tense to express simple truths
  e.g. it’s mine.
  过程与方法:identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
  recognize differences in the use of intonation.
  locate specific information in a short text in response to questions.
  情感、态度与价值观: 了解班级中的一些规则。
  教学重点和难点asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out possession
  e.g. whose pencil case id this?
  using pronouns to indicate possession
  e.g. they’re his.
  using the simple present tense to express simple truths
  e.g. it’s mine.
  教学媒体some classroom objects.
  课前学生准备reading the texts together.
  教学流程pre-task preparation
  4.ask and answer
  t: how does it feel?
  s: it’s fluffy.
  2. review classroom objects by playing the game: one, two, three, i can see something beginning with (a letter of the alphabet).
  3. review the sentences: whose… is this? whose… are these? to elicit: it’s my pencil. it’s mine.
  4. teach the new words: his, hers, ours, yours, theirs.
  while-task procedure
  1. play the cassette: look and say. the students listen and follow.
  2. play again. the students listen and repeat.
  3. work in pairs. the students role-play the dialogue.
  4. invite a few pairs to role-play the dialogue in front of the class.
  5. read: ask and answer. complete the sentences orally with the students.
  6. practise in pairs with the classroom objects. e.g. it’s her pencil. it’s hers. it’s our classroom. it’s ours.
  post-task activity
  1. workbook page 6
  2. collect a few items from different students. ask: is this yours? to elicit: yes, it’s mine./ no, it’s his.
  3. more oral practice page20: look, ask and answer.
  grammar practice book page 11
  板书设计whose pencil case is this? it’s my pencil case.
  = it’s mine.
  whose bags are these? they’re our bags.
  =they’re ours.
  mine yours his hers ours theirs its
  3.作业中,those are their books.(意思相同)部分学生做成了those books are their.需加强练习。
  课题module 1 using my five senses
  unit 3 use your hands!
  min and mog
  教学目标知识与技能:using prepositions to indicate position
  using pronouns to indicate possession.
  using adjectives to describe objects
  using imperatives to give instructions
  过程与方法:recognize differences in the use of intonation.
  produce simple phrases and sentences.
  identify main ideas from a text with teacher support.
  教学重点和难点using prepositions to indicate position
  e.g. i’m under the cushion.
  using pronouns to indicate possession.
  e.g. it isn’t yours.
  using adjectives to describe objects
  e.g. now the soft cushion is ours.
  using imperatives to give instructions
  e.g. draw a cat’s face.
  教学媒体soft toys: white cat, black cat, soft cushion, hard cushion
  课前学生准备reading the texts.
  教学流程pre-task preparation
  1.ask and answer
  t: how is the desk?
  s: it’s cold and hard.
  t: whose pencil is this"
  s: it’s mine.
  2. play a guessing game. describe a classroom object, e.g. it’s big/ small/ hard/ soft/ rough/ smooth/ hot/ cold/ fluffy/ shiny. say where the object is, e.g. it’s in/ on/ under/ above/ beside the window, etc. invite different students to guess what the object is. propmpt them, where necessary.
  while-task procedure
  1. take out two toy cats. say: this is min. this is mog. they have two cushions.
  2. teach the new word: cushion.
  3. play the cassette: read and act. please listen what have happened. using the toy cats and two cushions to demonstrating the actions.
  4. play again. the students listen and repeat.
  5. work in groups. two students role-play the dialogue between min and mog and the third student reads the narrative.
  6. invite a few groups to role-play the story in front of the class.
  post-task activity
  1. read: make a mask. work in groups , the students make the masks.
  2. the students wear their mask and act out the dialogue.
  grammar practice book page 13
  板书设计cushion fall move make a mask
  3.作业中,学生完成情况较好,如:these rulers are ours.和that is my pencil case.学生基本不错。
  课题module 1 using my five senses
  unit 3 use your hands!
  point and say
  教学目标知识与技能:using adjectives to describe objects
  e.g. it’s cold.
  using connectives to add information
  e.g. it’s smooth and shiny.
  过程与方法:identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
  produce simple phrases and sentences.
  use modelled phrases and sentences to communicate with teacher and other learners.
  教学重点和难点using adjectives to describe objects
  e.g. it’s cold.
  using connectives to add information
  e.g. it’s smooth and shiny.
  教学媒体small toys, pairs of scissors, pictures
  课前学生准备recite some words.
  教学流程pre-task preparation
  3.ask and answer.
  t: how do they feel?
  s: they’re shiny.
  t: whose books are those?
  s: they’re theirs.
  t: where is the mask?
  s: it’s under the desk.
  2. pass the small toys around the class. ask: how does it feel? to elicit: it’s soft/ hard/fluffy/shiny.
  3. review the words: hot, cold, rough, smooth, hard, soft, fluffy, shiny, big, round.
  while-task procedure
  1. discuss the pictures with the students. invite different students to tell you what the friends are saying in each of the pictures.
  2. work in pairs, the students look at the pictures and using the adjectives at the top of the page to say something.
  3. the students cut out the picture cards and the word cards to use in a game. they colour in the picture cards.
  4. working in pairs, the students play the game. then take turns to choose a picture and describe it with the word cards.
  post-task activity
  1. display the small toys at the front of the class. invite different students to choose a small toy and to describe it, e.g. it’s fluffy.
  grammar practice book page 14
  板书设计how does it feel? how is it?
  hot cold rough smooth hard soft fluffy shiny
  big round …
  3.作业中,how is the desk?(意思相同)学生基本上不会犯上次的错误,正确率很高;the cars are shiny.有些学生用了单数,出现了做题不仔细,需加强教育。
  课题module 1 using my five senses
  unit 4 use your five senses!
  look and act
  教学目标知识与技能:using the simple present tense to express simple truths
  e.g. i smell with my nose.
  过程与方法:identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
  identify main ideas.
  produce simple phrases and sentences.
  locate specific information in a short text in response to questions.
  教学重点和难点using the simple present tense to express simple truths
  e.g. i smell with my nose.
  教学媒体a few sweets, a lemon, etc
  课前学生准备sing a song.
  教学流程pre-task preparation
  1.ask and answer
  2. review each of the five senses with the students, using the real objects. ask: what can you see?/ what can you hear? / what can you feel? / what can you smell? / what can you taste?
  3. play the cassette: say and act. the students listen and follow.
  4. play again. the students listen and repeat.
  5. invite different students to read a sentence each. encourage all the students to do appropriate actions as each student reads.
  while-task procedure
  1. work in groups. play the roles shown in the story on page 15.
  2. invite a few pairs to do the role-play in front of the class.
  3. read: look and tick. invite different students to say each of the pictures in the table represents. write the words on the board.
  4. distribute a copy of photocopiable page 18 to each student. orally, complete the first column of the table with the students. ask: can you see a flower? can you smell a flower? can you taste a flower? can you feel a flower? the students tick the correct boxes in the table.
  5. the students complete the table in pairs.
  6. ask questions about the table.
  7. play a guessing game. e.g. i can see it. i can smell it. i can taste it. what is it?
  post-task activity
  1. workbook page 7
  2. play a game with the wrapped sweets.
  grammar practice book page 15
  板书设计i listen and hear with my ears.
  i smell with my nose.
  i look and see with my eyes.
  i touch and feel with my hands.
  i taste with my tongue.
  课题module 1 using my five senses
  unit 4 use your five senses!
  supergirl’s adventure
  教学目标知识与技能:using modals to talk about ability.
  using the simple present tense to express simple truths.
  using the present continuous tense to describe an action taking place at the time of speaking.
  过程与方法:identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
  recognize differences in the use of intonation and respond appropriately.
  locate specific information in a short text in response to questions.
  教学重点和难点using modals to talk about ability.
  e.g. i can smell smoke!
  using the simple present tense to express simple truths.
  e.g. the boys say thank you.
  using the present continuous tense to describe an action taking place at the time of speaking.
  e.g. the boys are shouting.
  教学媒体sheets of paper, a stapler, two cloaks
  课前学生准备listening to the tape.
  教学流程pre-task preparation
  1.ask and answer
  t: what do you do with your ears?
  s: i listen and hear with my ears.
  t: what can you do with your tongue?
  s: i can taste with my tongue.
  2. do you know supergirl and superdog?
  look at the pictures on page 16. ask: what can you see? / what can you hear? / what can you touch? / what can you smell? / what can you taste?
  while-task procedure
  1. play the cassette: look and read. the students listen and follow in their books.
  2. play the cassette again. the students listen and repeat the dialogue only.
  3. work in groups. the students read the caption and the dialogue for each picture.
  4. read the text together.
  read: ask and answer. work in groups, students find out what supergirl and superdog can smell, hear and see in picture 2, 3, 4 and 5. help the groups, where necessary.
  5. ask different groups to report back to the rest of the class. prompt where necessary.
  post-task activity
  1. work in pairs, the students role-play the dialogue between supergirl and superdog.
  2. invite a few pairs to role-play the dialogue in the front of the class. the students wear the cloaks you have brought to class for their roles.
  板书设计supergirl’s adventure
  lost fly find(a small fire) hear(shout) see
  on an island thank
  课题module 1 using my five senses
  unit 4 use your five senses!
  look and say
  教学目标知识与技能:using imperatives to give instructions.
  e.g. taste these drinks.
  using adjectives to describe objects.
  e.g. are they the same or different?
  过程与方法:use modelled phrases and sentences to communicate with teacher and other learners.
  locate specific information in a short text in response to questions.
  情感、态度与价值观: 能区分东西的相同与不同。
  教学重点和难点using imperatives to give instructions.
  e.g. taste these drinks.
  using adjectives to describe objects.
  e.g. are they the same or different?
  教学媒体food and drink (same or different): drinks, apples, biscuits, sweets, cakes, pears
  课前学生准备translate some phrases.
  教学流程pre-task preparation
  1.recite some words.
  2. inpidually display the different kinds of food you have brought to class to review: drinks, apples, biscuits, sweets, cakes and pears.
  3. ask the students to taste the sweets. ask: are they the same or different? to elicit: they’re the same. / they’re different.
  while-task procedure
  1. play the cassette: look and say. the students listen and follow in their books.
  2. play the cassette again. the students listen and repeat.
  3. work in pairs, the students listen and repeat.
  4. invite a few pairs to role-play the dialogue in front of the class, using the drinks and the apples as experimental items.
  5. read: do an experiment. the students practise the model dialogue below the pictures.
  post-task activity
  1. workbook page 8
  the students fill in the table.
  read: look and write. invite different students to complete the sentences orally.
  the students write the sentences.
  grammar practice book page 16,17
  板书设计taste these…
  are they the same or different?
  do an experiment.
  课题module 1 using my five senses
  unit 4 use your five senses!
  jack and the beanstalk
  教学目标知识与技能:using the present simple tense to express simple truths.
  e.g. jack sells their cow.
  过程与方法: identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
  identify main ideas.
  identify main ideas from a text with teacher support.
  教学重点和难点using the present simple tense to express simple truths.
  e.g. jack sells their cow.
  教学媒体pictures, word cards, cassette, etc.
  课前学生准备listening to the text.
  教学流程pre-task preparation
  1.ask and answer
  2. recite some words.
  3.have a dictation.
  while-task procedure
  1. say: today we will make a musical instrument
  teach the new word: beans
  2. discuss with the students how the beans have grown in the last week. discuss how much more the beans could grow. explain to the students that they are going to read a story about some beans that grew and grew and grew.
  3. teach the new word: cow, giant, castle.
  4. play the cassette: read a story. the students listen and follow in their books.
  post-task activity
  1. ask the class to tell you what is happening in each of the pictures. ask: what does jack’s mother say in the first picture? what does jack say when he sees the giant?
  2. read the story. invite the students to help you to substitute the pictures for words.
  3. work in groups. try to act out the dialogue.
  4. invite different groups to role-play the story in front of the class.
  grammar practice book page 18
  板书设计jack and his mother(poor) buy some beans
  the beans grow. climb up.
  a castle and a giant.
  a goose(a golden egg)
  take the goose.
  cut the beanstalk.
  jack and his mother(rich).
  课题module 1 using my five senses
  unit 4 use your five senses!
  read and act
  教学目标知识与技能:using the simple present tense to express simple truths.
  e.g. jack goes home.
  过程与方法:identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
  use modelled phrases and sentences to communicate with teacher and other learners.
  identify main ideas from a text with teacher support.
  教学重点和难点using the simple present tense to express simple truths.
  e.g. jack goes home.
  教学媒体props for the play: scarves, rope, beans, etc.
  课前学生准备listening to the tape.
  教学流程pre-task preparation
  1. listen to the song.
  2.recite some words.
  3.have a dictation.
  4. play the cassette: read and act. the students listen and follow in their books.
  5. play the cassette again. the students listen and repeat.
  while-task procedure
  1. pide the students into groups of seven. the students prepare to act out the play.
  2. working in groups, the students act out the play.
  3. invite a group to act out the play in front of the class.
  post-task activity
  1. distribute a sheet of paper to each student. working in groups, the students draw pictures from the story of ‘jack and the beanstalk’ . more able students can write speech bubbles and captions on their drawing . display some of the drawings.
  grammar practice book page 19,20
  板书设计read and act
