

  开发区小学 三 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案课题:3a unit 9 on and off
  共 3课时,本课第 1课时
  个人复备栏教学目标:1、能听懂、会说close/open…及其应答语all right./ok等。2、能听懂、会说常见物品a door, a window, a box, a basket。3、能使用简单的祈使句表达"请别人干某事"的意思及进行应答。4、能听懂并有韵律地诵读歌谣。重点难点:1、单词:a door, a window, a box, a basket。2、日常交际用语:close/open…及其应答语all right./ok等。课前准备:1、教具准备:磁带、录音机、实物:盒子、篮子、水果。盒子、篮子、门、窗的图片、一张第8单元47页的图,到同学家作客的图。2、教学准备:在课前让学生学会may i come in? come in, please.这两句话。3、板书准备:在黑板上预先写好课题unit 9 on and off教学过程:一、 revision1、 t: good morning,s1.s1:good morning, miss he.t: how are you?s1: fine, thank you. and you?t: i’m fine, too. let’s go to hong mei park.s1: good/great, but how?t: by bike. s----s 2、 show a bag to the students and ask them to guess.t: what’s in the bag? (touch and guess.)s1: a pear?s2: a banana?t: let me open the bag. let’s have a look. ss: ok./ all right.t: a .   is right.(give the fruit to him/her.)二、presentation1、show a pencil-box and ask the students to guess.t: what’s in the pencil-box ? s1: a pen?s2: a rubber?… t: let’s open the pencil-box and have a look. ok?teach the word ‘open’学生跟读单词数遍,边读边做打开的动作。t: let’s open the pencil-box.ss: all right.t: open the pencil-box学生跟读数遍,边读边做打开铅笔盒的动作。2 、show a box to the student.st: this is a box.教师打开盒子。教师引导学生说:"open the box." show a picture of a fridge.教师引导学生说:"open the fridge, please." s: open the fridge, please.t: all right./ok.教师做翻开书的动作,引导学生说:"open the book."随后学生操练open the book,please.work in pairs like this:sa: open the book, please,  .sb: ok./all right.3、 show a basket to the students.t: look, this is a basket. open the basket.学生跟读basket、open the basket.make up a dialogue like step 24、 听口令做动作open the book/box/pencil-box…s1,open the door,please.(教师指指门,引导学生去开门)s1:ok.5、 t: open the door , please. sa.s: all right.t: thank you.teach the word ‘door’.ask students to make up a dialogue . 6、 teach the word ‘window’ in the same way.7、 教师做出很冷的样子,引导学生问:s: how are you?t: not so good.s: i’m sorry.t: close the door, please.(act it out.) teach the word ‘close’.学生跟读close、close the door. close the door, please. 学生跟读close、close the window. close the window, please.make up a dialogue like this.(work in pairs.)sa: hi, sb. how are you?sb :not so good.sa: i’m sorry.sb: close the door, please.sa :all right. sb: close the window, please. sa :ok.三、consolidation1、play a game.(听口令做动作)open/close the book./ box/ pencil-box./ door./window/fridge/basket.stand up.sit down.2、say a rhyme ‘open and close’.(listen to the tape)(《易捷儿童韵律英语p34页》open your book.read and read.close your book.listen to me.open the box.please have a look.close your eyes.think,think,think.3、听录音跟读53页课文.4、实物投影出示同学到家里作客的照片,让学生根据图片编一段新对话。例如:s1:(knock at the door.)may i come in?s2: (act father)xiao pin, open the door ,please. s3 : all right.s3: hi, how are you?s1: fine, thank you .and you?s3 : i’m fine ,too .this is my father.s1: nice to meet you. s2: nice to meet you ,too. open the fridge , pleases3: ok.a peach?s1:yes,thank you.s2:close the fridge, please.s3:i’m sorry.5、show a picture of unit 8 s1: good morning,s1.s2:good morning, s1: how are you?s2: fine, thank you. and you?s1: i’m fine, too. let’s go to the zoo.s2: good/great, but how?s1: by bike. s2:ok. close the window, please.s2: ok. let’s go.板书设计:unit 9open /close the box.(图1)basket.(图2) all right./ok.door.(图3) window.(图4)练习设计:回家听录音读53页3遍教后记:
  三 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案课题:3a unit 9 on and off
  共 3课时,本课第 2课时
  个人复备栏教学目标:1、能听懂、会说turn on/off …及其应答语all right./ok等。2、能听懂、会说常见物品a light, a tv, a tap, a walkman.3、能使用简单的祈使句表达"请别人干某事"的意思及进行应答。重点难点:1、单词:a light, a tv, a tap, a walkman, turn on, turn off.2、日常交际用语:turn on/off…及其应答语all right./ok等课前准备:1、教具准备:磁带、录音机、实物:包、水龙头、随身听。电视、水龙头、随身听、灯的图片、几张表示地点的图片.2、板书准备:在黑板上预先写好课题unit 9 on and off教学过程:一、 say a rhymet: boys and girls, now let’s say a rhyme:we are happy today.s: (齐声背诵)二、 revision1、(实物投影几幅地点的图片)t: good morning,s1.s1:good morning, miss ju.t: how are you?s1: fine, thank you. and you?t: i’m fine, too. let’s go to wan shan park.(指图上的万善公园)s1: good/great, but how?t: by bike. s----s 三、 presentation1、play a game.(听口令做动作)t:open/close the book./ box/ pencil-box./ door./window/fridge/basket.stand up.sit down.…t:(课前把教室的灯开好)s1,turn off the light,please.(指指灯,帮助学生完成其任务)s1:all right.teach the word"light&r dquo;学生跟读单词数遍t:(作关灯的动作) turn off the light.let’s turn off the light.ss: all right.teach the word"turn off"学生跟读数遍,边读边做关灯的动作。2、 show a bag to the students.t: guess, what’s in my bag?s1:a pencil.s2: a book.…t: let’s open it.ss:all right.t: oh, it’s a tap. 教师引导学生说:"turn off the tap,please."show a picture of a light to the students.教师引导学生说:"turn off the light,please."ss: turn off the light,please.t: ok/ all right.学生操练: turn off the light/tap,please.work in pairs like this:s1:turn off the light/ tap, please.s2:ok/all right.3、 show a tv to the students.t: look, this is a tv.turn off the tv,please.s1: ok/all right.学生跟读tv,turn off the tv.ask the students to make up the dialogues.4、 show a walkman to the students.t: this is a walkman. t: who can turn on the walkman?教师手指随身听)s1:all right.(教师引导学生上台打开随身听,播放出英文歌曲 ,让学生跟着音乐拍手)t: teach the word "tv" ,"turn on"学生跟读turn on, turn on the light. turn on the walkman。oh, nice music!.let’s have a break. sing a song,ok?ss: ok.(歌曲唱完)t: oh, let’s go on our class. who can turn off the walkman please?(一学生上台关掉随身听)make the dialogues like this:s1:hello,s2. nice to meet you.s2:nice to meet you too.s1:turn on the walkman ,please.s2: all right.四、consolidation1、 say and actwork in pairs.一个学生表演动作,另一个学生说出句子。看哪一组同学在一分钟内说得又多又好,给予奖励。2 、跟读课文录音第一、二幅图3、t: let’s learn a new rhyme"turn on and turn off." ss:all right.(放录音让学生听一遍) turn on the tv. let’s watch tv.turn on the light. let’s read books.turn off the tv. let’s clean the room.turn off the light. let’s go to sleep.t(新授歌谣)4、(出示不同地点的图片)例如:s1: good morning,s1.s2:good morning, s1: how are you?s2: fine, thank you. and you?s1: i’m fine, too. let’s go to bed.s2: ok.s1:turn off the light,please.s2:ok. 板书设计:unit 9open /close the box.(图1)basket.(图2) all right./ok.door.(图3) window.(图4)练习设计:回家听录音读52页3遍教后记:
  三 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案课题:3a unit 9 on and off
  共 3课时,本课第 3课时
  个人复备栏教学目标:1、能熟练掌握本单元的单词。2、能比较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的日常交际用语。3、能说歌谣let`s learn abc。重点难点:1、单词 a door,a light,a tap,a basket,a window,a walkman,a tv,a box2、日常交际用语turn on/off….,please, open/close…., please. ok/all right.课前准备:1、教具 a box,a basket, a walkman,a light2、课件制作教学过程:step1 free talkgood morning …….let’s go to …….. all right./ok, but how?by bike./bus …….turn on/off the tv /light….,please, ok/all right.open/close the door /window ….,please .ok/all right.step2 revision1、revision "a door,a light,a tap, a basket"(1) 教师指着实物问:what`s this/that?学生快速反应:a…….,a…….,(2)出示物品的部分图 gusee and sayt:what is ti? s:a…….(出示全图,让学生判断)yes/no2、revision "turn on/off…."and "open/close"(1)t "say" s "do"t:turn on/off…. s:okt:open/close…. s:ok(2)s "say" s "do" (尽可能多说并对turn on/off与open/close进行区别)自由练说step3 presentation1、 show picture 1t:what are they saying?s1:miss li says open the door please.s2:david says,ok/all right.2、groap work(分组练习,一组一副图)t:what are they saying?please act it out.s:练习学生表演,看哪组表演的好。3、say a rhyme. let`s learn abc(听,跟读,指名读,齐读)step4 practiceopen your workbook.let`s do some listening.a. listen and respond(1) please look at the pictures. do you think,what they are saying?talk to your partner.(2) listen and answer b. listen and judge(1) say something about the picture.(2) listen and judge.c. listen,find and clour.(1) revision the words about "colours"(2) 说出物品的名称。(3) listen find and clour.板书设计:unit 9open /close the box.(图1)basket.(图2) all right./ok.door.(图3)window.(图4)练习设计:1、read and recite the dialogue of part a.2、read the words of part b3、说歌谣给父母听。 教后记:
