

  unit 12 fact and fantasy
  1.fiction n. [ u] 小说,虚构的小说 science fiction 科幻小说the writer of fiction 小说家
  [c] 虚构的事,杜攥的话
  the account she gave of her movements is a complete fiction.
  fact [truth] is stranger than fiction.
  fictional adj. 虚构的;小说的;杜撰的。例如: fictional characters 虚构的人物
  factual adj. 事实的;实际的。例如: a factual account 真实记载
  2. belief n.
  have belief in/ have faith in相信, 信任 /对某人某物的信仰和信赖
  i have not much belief in his honesty.
  the patient hasn’t much belief in this doctor. 这个患者对医生没有太多的信任.
  have belief that (常用同位语结构)
  e.g. he has the belief that the women should be treated equally
  beyond belief (糟糕的)难以置信的 his story is beyond belief. 他的话难以置信
  in the belief that 相信, 认为
  believe / believe in
  e.g. 1. i believe what you said, but i don’t believe in you. 我相信你的话,但我不信任你这个人。
  believe: 相信sb 所说的话believe in : 信任sb(性格,人品).
  2. that man trust /believein god / has a strong belief /faith in god. 那个男子虔诚地信仰上帝。.
  sb. / sth is believed to be/to do /to have done 人们普遍认为某人某物……
  eg: he is believed to go abroad next year.= it is believed that he will go abroad next year.
  he is believed to have invented the computer.= it is believed that he invented the computer.
  believe it or not 信不信由你
  find it hard / difficult to believe 很难相信某事
  e.g.. you can believe him this time ,but you can’t believe in him.
  3.league 里格( 长度单位,约为三英里) ; 联盟
  20,000leagues under the sea 《海底两万里》
  the league of nations 国际联盟
  in league (with) 与…同盟;与…勾结
  4.go ballooning 乘热气球飞行
  balloon n. 气球;玩具气球。e.g. blow up a balloon 吹气 raise a balloon 升起气球
  the balloon burst. 气球破裂了。
  the balloon goes up. [口](事件、骚动等)开始。
  balloon vi. 膨胀,鼓起来 e.g. his big stomach has always ballooned out between his t-shirt and trousers.
  5.. make a living谋生they made their living by hunting. 他们靠打猎为生
  make one’s living /earn one’s living by doing / as a hunter.
  vi. 申请,请求 apply to sb. for sth. e.g. apply to the consul for a visa向领事申请签证
  apply for a job / a visa
  vt. ①使实施或生效 e.g. apply a law / a rule 执行法律规则
  ②集中精力做某事/致力于apply oneself to sth / doing sth
  e.g. you will only pass your exams if you really apply yourself to your work/ doing your work..
  ③运用或应用某事物 apply sth to sth 被动 be applied to
  apply a theory to practice 把理论应用于实践
  e.g. the results of this research can be applied to new developments in technology.
  applicant n.申请者 application 应用,申请,申请书
  applied 应用的,实用的 e.g. applied mathematics应用数学 applied art 实用美术
  7. foundation n. [u] ①建立,创立
  e.g. he devoted all his energy to the foundation of the university.
  ②原则,基础 lay the foundation of success / one’s career
  he laid the foundations of his success by study and hard work. 他以读书和勤劳奠定了成功的基础。
  foundation course 基础课 foundation-stone 奠基石
  3基金, 基金会
  8.hunt hunt foxes / i hunted for my book everywhere. 我到处找我的书
  hunt for / search for / look for /seek for (search the forest for the lost boy)
  be after/ be in search of / be in one’s search for
  9. set out for /set off for 动身去
  set out to do sth. /set to doing / set about doing sth/ get down to doing 开始做某事
  10.collision n.冲突,碰撞e.g. the liner was in collision with an oil-tanker.客轮与油轮相撞.
  公共汽车与轿车相撞 a collision between a bus and a car = a collision of a bus with a car
  (2)正面冲突 come into collision with sb. /sth. 和某人某事相冲突be in collision with 和……相撞(冲突)
  the workers came into collision with the manager last night. 工人们昨晚和经理发生了冲突。
  11.companion n.同伴, 共事者
  make a companion of 与...作伴,与...为友 companion in adversity患难朋友[之交]
  companion in arms 战友 a faithful companion 忠实伴侣
  12.overboard 11.overboard adv. 自船上落下,在船外he fell overboard. 他从船上掉入水中。
  throw……overboard丢在船外;丢在水中,摆脱;放弃。 a man overboard! 有人落水!
  go overboard for 沉迷于;狂热地追求 (=go overboard about)
  13.permanent adj.永久性的, 耐久的, 固定不变的,常设的, 常任的
  permanent address永久地址 a permanent job固定职业permanent tooth 成人齿/ 智齿
  14.aboard adv. 在船(飞机、车)上,上船(飞机、车)prep. 在(船、飞机、车)上。例如:
  we must not take these goods aboard. 我们切不可带这些货物上车。
  she went aboard the ship. 她上了船。 the people aboard the plane are all students. 飞机上的这些人都是学生。
  go / step aboard 上船(上飞机等)/ be on board e.g. there are 100 passengers on board the ship.
  take…aboard 装入 welcome aboard! 欢迎各位乘坐本飞机(本轮船)
  15.prisoner 囚犯; 犯人; 俘虏
  take sb. prisoner (=take sb. captive) = capture 俘虏某人
  抽象含义he made her hand a prisoner. 他握住她的手不放。
  my work kept me a prisoner all summer. 整个夏天我忙得不可开交
  sb be put into prison, escape from the prison,. be in prison ---be in the prison
  16.gentle adj. 和善的;温和的;文雅的;和缓的。
  gentle breeze 和风 gentle heart 仁慈的心肠gentle nature 温和的性情 gentle wind (rain) 和风(细雨)
  gentleman ---lady ladies and gentlemen gently adv. 和善地;轻轻地;文雅地
  17. layer n.层
  a layer of dust 一层灰尘 a layer of clay 黏土层 ozone layer 臭氧层
  18. marble n.大理石, 雕刻品the floor is of marble.这地面是大理石的。
  adj.大理石的, 冷酷无情的, 坚硬的he has a heart of marble.他有一副铁石心肠。
  19. shore n. (海、湖、河)岸(beach/ coast/ bank)(常用pl)(有海岸线的)国家
  we walked along the seashore. 我们沿着海岸走。
  off(the) shore/coast离岸 on shore(海员)离船; 在岸上, 在陆上on the land
  in shore 近岸,靠岸on the water near the shore
  20.in public 公开地;公然;当众in private 私下
  21. throw /bring light upon / on 阐明某事, 使某事显得非常清楚
  the facts threw light upon the matter.那些事实已经将那个问题弄得很清楚了。
  e.g. i read all the books i could find that threw light upon these matters.
  can you throw any light on the problem?
  22 .phenomenon复数. phenomena, "现象"
  下雪是冬天的一种自然现象 snow is a natural phenomenon in winter.
  phenomenon 有时表示"奇迹,罕见的人才或事情"
  贝多芬是位音乐奇才 he was a phenomenon among musicians.
  一夜爆富是哈利被认为是商界奇才. harry’s rapid success made him a phenomenon in the business world.
  23. labour n.劳动, 劳力, 劳工, 努力,工作
  manual labour 手工劳动 == physical labour 体力劳动
  mental labour脑力劳动 skilled labour熟练工人
  24. hesitate vi.踌躇; 迟疑.犹豫
  hesitate at / in / over/ about + n. / doing sth. 做……犹豫不决
  e.g. she is still hesitating about sending her son to college.
  hesitate at nothing 毫不犹豫地做某事
  hesitate to do sth. 迟疑于做……
  in case you need something, please don"t hesitate to ask me. 如果你需要什么东西, 请不客气地对我说
  n. hesitation 犹豫 without hesitation 毫不犹豫
  25. horror n. the horror of war战争的恐怖 horror film 恐怖影片
  he was filled with horror at the sight.他看见那种情景吓得发抖
  to one’s horror
  have a horror of 对……感到害怕horrible adj. a horrible nightmare
  strike horror into sb.使某人毛骨悚然
  adj horrible 可怕的,令人恐惧的 a horrible nightmare horrify –horrifying --horrified
  讨厌的what a horrible building!多难看的一座建筑物! what horrible weather!这鬼天气
  26.cut up : cut sth into pieces / cut sth into slices使受苦
  jean was really cut up when her husband left her.
  cut across 取捷径;走近路;超越
  we cut across the field to save time.为了节省时间我们抄近路从田地穿过
  cut back 剪枝;修剪
  (1)= cut down e.g.peter smokes but he tries to cut back.
  (2)cut back (on) e.g. if you cut back on fat and sugar, you will lose weight.
  cut down砍倒;砍伤;砍死 cut down a tree
  cut down (on )smoking: cut back on
  cut in 插嘴 don"t cut in while i"m talking.(get in / break in /interrupt )
  超车抢挡;(突然)插入 to cut in on a queue=jump the queue加塞儿
  cut out
  剪除;切掉; remove sth from a large piece by cutting
  to cut out a dress裁剪衣服
  i cut this article out of a magazine for you .从杂志上为你剪下了这篇文章
  停止;放弃=give up e.g. cut out smoking戒烟
  cut off
  切断(水源,电源,电话) we got cut off in the middle of the call.我们的电话打到一半就被切断了
  使隔绝/ 中断,断绝:
  the flood completely cut off the town.
  our house is cut off from the rest of the town.我们家与镇上的其他住户离得很远。
  all his friends suddenly cut him off.
