

  step1 learn the new words
  1.do well in 在……方面做得好;擅长……… 相当于________________
  eg: 他英语学得好。he ______ ______ ______ english.
  他比我更擅长弹钢琴。 he ______ ______ ______ ______ the piano than me.
  2.be in good health 身体健康 相当于:_________________
  eg: 我希望你身体健康。i hope you ______ ______ ______ ______ .
  拓展:be in danger _________be in trouble _______;be in safety ________
  3.nervous adj. 神经紧张的;不安的
  试译:变得紧张 ________________ 不要紧张 ________________
  4.envelope n. 信封 试译:一张信封___________
  5.semester n. 学期 相当于:______
  6.true adj. 真实的;正确的;忠诚的 其副词形式为:______
  其名词形式为:______; tell the truth ________________
  eg: 这是一个真实的故事。this is a ______ story.
  7.区别:disappointing / disappointed
  ① disappointing "令人扫兴的;使人失望的" 常用来修饰物;
  ② disappointed 指人"感到失望的" 常用来修饰人;
  eg: 听到这个令人失望的消息时,我们都感到很失望。
  when we heard the ______ news, we all felt ______.
  8.lucky adj. 幸运的 其反义词为:______;其副词形式为:______
  其名词形式为:______;good luck _______;bad luck __________
  eg: 幸运的是他通过了考试。______, he passed the exam.
  9. own ① 代词 通常位于形容词性物主代词之后,构成 one’s own …
  表示"某人自己的……"eg: 这是他自己的车。this is ______ ______ car.
  ② v. 拥有 相当于have eg: 他拥有一所大房子。he ______ a big house.
  ③ owner n. 主人 eg: 他是这个小屋的主人。he is the ______ of the small house.
  10.get over
  ① 克服 eg:你能把它克服掉。you can ______ ______ ______.
  ② 恢复 eg:他花了两个月的时间把病养好了。
  it took him two months ______ ______ ______ his illness.
  11.poor adj. 贫穷的; 其反义词为:______ 译:在一个贫穷的山村_________________________
  ① n. (大学)毕业生 译: 一名北大毕业生___________________
  ② v. 毕业 构成短语:graduate from 意为"从……毕业"
  eg: 他毕业于北京大学。he ______ ______ peking university.
  13.volunteer ① n.志愿者 译:作为一名志愿者______________________
  ② v. 志愿;自愿 构成短语:volunteer to do sth.
  eg:他自愿帮我。he volunteered ______ ______ me.
  14.海拔200米_______________; 稀薄的空气_________________
  15.decision n. 决定;决心 其动词形式为:_________
  17.danger n. 危险 其形容词形式为:________译:出于危险中______________脱离险境________
  1. ______ (luck),she caught the last bus.
  2. don’t worry about me. please tell me the ______(true)
  3. it is ______ (report) that the new supermarket will be open next week.
  4. this is the ______(bad) day i have ever had.
  5. he didn’t answer the question. so it made him ______(disappoint)
  step2 课文重点知识讲解:
  1.i hope that grandma is well now.
  区别:hope / wish
  ① hope 表示有可能实现的愿望,其后常跟动词不定时及that从句。
  注:不存在 hope sb. to do sth.形式。
  eg: 我希望下周见到你。 i ______ ______ ______ you next week.
  我希望你明天来。 _______________________________.
  ② wish 表示愿望实现的可能性不大。
  常用句型:wish to do __________; wish sb. to do;__________
  以及 wish 后跟that从句(从句多用虚拟语气)。
  eg: 我希望有一天我能飞。i wish that i ______ ______ one day.
  2.i had a really hard time with science this semester, and i wasn’t surprised to find that my worst report was from my science teacher.
  ① have a hard time with sth.= have a hard time (in) doing sth.做某事费劲;有困难
  eg: 我费了好大的劲才通过这次考试。 i had a hard time ______ this exam.
  ② be surprised to do sth."对做……感到惊讶"
  eg: 听到那条令人惊讶的消息,我们都感到很惊讶。
  we are ______ to hear the _____ news.
  3.that’s all the news i have for now. for now 为固定短语,译作:___________
  4.it’s just that i find science really difficult.
  find 用法小结:
  ① find + sth.+ adj./doing 表示发现某物怎么样。
  eg: 我发现地上躺着一只狗。i find a dog ______(lie) on the ground.
  ② find +it +adj.+to do sth.表示发现做某事怎么样。
  我发现学英语很难。i find it difficult ______ ______ english.
  ( )1. in english, she is ______ writing in her class.
  a. better at b. good at c. the best at d. the best in
  ( )2. i ______ him to stay here for one more week.
  a. think b. make c. want d. hope
  ( )3. it is ______ nice of you to say so.
  a. truly b. true c. really d. real
  ( )4. i found ______ to make everyone please with me.
  a. that difficult b. it difficult c. that be difficult d. it be difficult
  uint 5
  section a
  ⅰ.teacher’s word: great hopes make great men.
  ⅱ.learning aims:
  1.knowledge aims: flower, organize, have a great time ,take away,clean-up,go to the
  party, take the bus, let …in, make some food, end of year party, stay at home, study for the test
  iii.learning steps:
  step 1 预习导学及自测
  play party games ______________ help me organize it____________
  study for the test_____________ make some food__________
  星期六下午 太早
  step 2
  task: 如果你朋友病了,你会做些什么?
  eg: my friend is ill, i will make some delicious food for her.
  step 3
  match the statements
  1.i am going to the party with ann__
  2.i am going to wear jeans to the party __
  3.i am going to take the bus to the party__
  4.i think iam going to stay at home __
  a.if you do, the teacher will not let you in
  b.if you do, you will be sorry
  c.if you do, you will be late
  d.if you do, you will have a great time
  step 4 pairwork
  a:i am going to the school party b:me too. let us bring some snacks
  a:oh, we can not do that. b:really? why not?
  a:if we bring snacks, the teacher will…
  step 5 listening (2b)
  write down the answers
  1.what will happen if they have the party today?
  2.what will happen if they have the party tomorrow?
  3.what will happen if they watch a video at the party?
  4.what is mark going to organize?
  _____________________________________________________ 5.what is andrea going to do?
  step 6 fast reading (3a)
  read the notice and fill in the blanks
  karen: are you going to the school party?
  mike: yes, i am._________________to wear my new jeans!
  karen: you can not do that!
  mike: what will happen if i do?
  karen: ______________________.you should wear your cool pants.
  mike: that is a good idea.
  step 7 quiz
  1.the students give some f___ _ to the teachers on teacher’s day
  2.what will h______if i bring food to the party?
  3.if you get up late, you will be late __school
  a.to b.for c.at d.in
  4.--what is wrong? --these chairs are broken. please________
  a.take it away b.take away them c.take them away d.take away it
  step 8 小结回扣
  1.--please when you leave. --yes, i will.
  a.take them away b.take away them c.have taken them away d.takes them away
  解析 选a。本题考查两方面的知识,please后用动词原形,由动词和副词构成的词组,若后面的宾语是代词,代词必须放在两者之间。
  2.--why do you want to be a lawyer
  --if i become a lawyer, i help people.
  a.will can b.am able to c.was able to d.will be able to
  解析 选d。if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时态,主句应用一般将来时态,另外,can多用于一般现在时态和一般过去时态,而be able to可以用于各种时态。
  3.there is noisy here. let’s go somewhere quiet to have a talk.
  a.too much b.too many c.much too d.too
  解析 选a. toomuch修饰不可数名词。
  1.the students will go to the summer palace if it (not rain) tomorrow.
  2.if he (walk) to school, he’ll be late.
  3.if she likes it, she (read) it soon
  4.if you play computer games on weekdays, you (be) tired.
  5.if you (work) hard, your dream will come true.
  6.if she (study ) hard, she will go to beijing university.
  7.if it (rainy) tomorrow, i will play the piano.
  8.if i (have)
  二、 完成对话
  a: are you going to the school party?
  b: yes, i am. i w____ to wear my new j_____!
  a: you can’t do that.
  b: what will h_____ if i do?
  a: we won’t l_____ you in. you should wear your cool pants.
  b: that’s a great i_____.
  step10 小结回扣
  教师寄语:practice makes perfect
  go to college, travel around the world, make a lot of money, get an education, a professional althlete,seem like, make a living, all over the world, all the time, play sports, get injured, in fact, tonight
  [important points] if you become a professional athlete, you will be able to make a living doing something you love.
  step1 预习导学及自测
  be happy________ be famous___________ get an education__________
  周游全世界 赚很多钱 去上大学
  step2 task
  in each group, one student as a reporter, the others as interviewers
  "怎样活得更幸福?"(talk in english using if…)______________________________________
  step3 listening (2b)
  complete the sentences
  1.if you join the lion, ________ 2.if you become a lion, ___________
  3.if you work really hard, 4.if you become a professional soccer player,
  5.but if i do not do this now,_______
  a.you will be famous. b.i will never do it .
  c.you will become a great soccer player. d.you will never go to college.
  e.you will travel around the world.
  step4 groupwork
  read the article about 3a
  (1)t or f
  ( )1.it is easy for many young people to become a professional athlete
  ( )2.few athletes give money to schools and charities
  ( )3.sometimes, being a professional athlete is very dangerous
  (2)answer the questions
  what will happen if a professional athlete is famous?
  are the professional athletes happy?
  step 5 writing (3c)
  write about your own plans using sentences with "if" and "will"
  step6 quiz
  1.there will be a football match _____(今晚)2.i will speak ________(反对)anything i know to be wrong.
  3.it is a good c________to go america with your aunt this summer.
  4.- what are you going to do tomorrow?
  -we will go fishing if it______rain tomorrow.
  a.will b.won’t c.isn’t d.doesn’t
  5.--when is the good time ____the party? --on friday evening, i think.
  a.has b. have c. having d.to have
  ( )1.we’ll ____ learn english well soon.
  a. can b. be able c. be able to
  ( )2.maybe i _____my bag in the car.
  a. left b. forgot c. leave
  ( )3. my life will be ______ than it is now.
  a. more better b. much good c. a lot better
  ( )4.hurry up! there is _____ time left.
  a. little b. a little c. few
  ( )5.the child is too young to ____ himself.
  a. wear b. put on c. dress
  don’t play with your mobile phone in class, or your teacher will .
  it’s my dream to .
  he by cleaning cars.
  一、教师寄语:practice makes perfect(熟能生巧)
  1、污染________ 2、宇航员________ 3、单独地________ 4、穿衣________
  5、面试________ 6、公司________ 7、科学家________ 8、然而________
  9、工厂________ 10、简单的________11、人类________12、可能的________
  13、争论________ 14、票________ 15、使意外________16、家教________
  21、比较________ 22、控诉________ 23、厨房________24、经历________
  25、奇怪的________26、跟随________27、发生________ 28、事故________
  29、谋杀________30、操场________ 31、破坏________ 32、英雄________
  33、小吃________ 34、消息________35、假定________36、紧张的________
  37、信封________38、幸运的________39、乡村_______ 40、志愿者________
  41、决定________42、危险________ 43、机会________ 44、解释________
  45、提高________ 46、快的________ 47、律师________
  1、1a read the clues and complete the crossword.
  2、listening practice.
  listen to the tape and finish 2a&2b
  3、oral practice.
  someone you know doesn’t have many friends. write five suggestions for the problem. then role play it.
  4、oral practice.
  write five things that you like to do every day. your partner tells you what will happen .take turns.
  (1) eat hamburgers. a: i like to eat hamburgers every day.
  (2) ______________ b: if you eat ham burgers every day, you’ll get fit.
  (3) ________________a: what do you like to do?
  (4) ________________b: i like to….
  (5) ________________
  5、oral practice . fill in the chart and talk about it
  who/what do you think is the….student’s name student’s name
  best fast food!
  cleverest student?
  most boring subject?
  worst movie?
  funniest teacher?
  6、writing practice.
  a、mr. li said," i saw three aliens get out of the ufo"
  b、wang jun said, "i was studying when i saw the ufo outside the windows"
  c、ma yan said, "i saw two aliens playing football in the school hall."
  d、liu ming said ," i was eating lunch when the aliens walked into the dining room."
  (2)aliens landed at our school!
  1、it’s difficult to make a p________ a bout the future.
  2、please ask jim not to speak too l________, because the baby is sleeping.
  3、this morning i saw a s________ animal on my way to school.
  4、please work hard,or you’ll f________ the exams.
  5、my parents will help me to o________ my birthday party.
  6、he was a_________ because he didn’t pass the exam.
  7、we e________ ourselves very much at the evening party.
  8、china’s first a______ yang liwei traveled in space for 21 hours in .
  9、when the alien was buying a s_______, the girl called the police
  10、he’s s________ to be here at this time of day.
  1.my mother said she _________(go)home very soon.
  2.it_________ (rain) hard when he came to see me.
  3.the population(人口)of australia is_________(few)than that of china.
  4.she_________ (copy) all the information as soon as possible.
  5.what _________ you_________(do)when i called you?
  ( )1. i think students_________ study at home on computers in the future.
  a.are b.will c.shall d.were
  ( )2. john said," it is my bedroom. "john said (that) _________.
  a.it was his bedroom b.it was my bedroom
  c.it is my bedroom d.it is his bedroom
  ( )3. he tried, but he_________ not do it.
  a.would b.should c.can d.could
  ( )4. loud noises _________ make people ill and hurt their ears.
  a.must b.need c.can d.should
  ( )5. --would you like to go to the cinema?
  --thanks. but i’m afraid i _________ able to.
  a.won’t be b.can’t be c.may not be d.am not
  ( )6. the students play games ______ thursday afternoon.
  a.on b.at c.in d.of
  ( )7. i_________ in the chair. my pet sat on the sofa.
  a.sat b.had sat c.is sitting d.was sitting
  ( )8. we_________ a test two hours ago.
  a.has had b.have c.had d.were having
  ( )9. she said,"there are twenty boys in my class."
  she said (that) _________.
  a.there were twenty boys in my class
  b.there were twenty boys in her class
  c.there are twenty boys in her class
  d.there are twenty boys in my class
  ( )10. shall we go to the park if the rain_________?
  a.will stop b.is going to stop c.stops d.stop
  --zhang ying,_________you _________ make a poster?
  --sure, that’s_________ _________.
  i_________ _________when someone talk to me while i’m reading.
  could you _________ not _________ _________?
  i’ll ask you if i need some help.
  4.这只狮子来自澳大利亚。the lion _____ _______ _____。
  5.请不要扔掉这些旧衣服。please don’t ______ ________ these old clothes.
  unit 6
  section a
  1.单词 collect , shell, skate, pair, since, raise, several, skater
  2.掌握句型:how long have you been skating?
  i’ve been skating for five hours.
  i’ve been skating since nine hours.
  i’ve been skating since iwas seven years old.
  --how long did you skate? --i skated for two hours.
  --what sport do you play? --tennis.
  --when did you start? --when i was eleven.
  1."for" and"since" 2."how long have you been skating?"
  and " how long did you skate?"
  马拉松赛跑_________ 滑冰马拉松___________ 筹集_________
  几个的_________ 自从___________ 自从9点起____________
  一双旱冰鞋_________________自从两年前一直到现在 _______________
  read the sentences and answer them. ( help students using "at"and "for"correctly)
  1.when did you go to bed last night?
  when did you get up this morning?
  how long did you sleep last night?
  2. what are you doing now?
  when did you start the english class today?
  how long have you been having the english class today?
  how long have you been in class?
  1.总结现在完成进行时态的用法及谓语动词构成: 现在完成进行时态表示:_________________________________________________. 现在完成进行时态谓语动词的构成:_________________________.
  since后面跟_______________,句子时态用__________________.since后面也可跟_____________,从句时态用__________,主句时态用___________ .for后面跟___________,句子时态可用____________ 也可用_________等多种时态.
  选择:⑴i’ve been skating (for/since) three years.
  ⑵jack has been studying chinese (for/since) the year of .
  二.pair "一对、一双、一副"a pair of shoes / glasses /……
  单选:⑴ my pair of shoes _____ much too expensive.
  a.are b.is c.be d.my
  ⑵ can i help you? i’d like ______ for my twin sons.
  a.two pair of shoes b.two pairs of shoe
  c.two pair of shoe d.two pairs of shoes
  三.1.the skating marathon has been going for five hours now, and several skaters are still skating
  several "几个的,数个的" "几个,数个"
  例如:i bought several books on computer.
  several of them decided to walk home.
  there are several hundreds of sheep on the hill.
  总结:several可作______词,用来修饰名词_______;还可做_____词;还可修饰hundreds of.
  the girl can speak s_____languages, such as english, japanese, french, etc.
  2. alison was the first one to start and has been skating for the whole five hours.
  ⑴the first one to skate "第一个开始的人"to skate 为动词不定式做__语。
  例如:she is the first foreign singer to take part in the contest.
  he was the last student ____ _____ ____ _____ today.
  he was the first musician ______ _____ the prize.
  ⑵ the whole five hours "整整五个小时"
  whole 和all 均有"所有的,全部的"但用法不同。
  例如:all the people are here.
  we looked for the whole school, but found nothing.
  my grandfather told me the_________ story.
  my brother was hungry, he ate_______ the cakes.
  step4. 合作交流
  1b,2a,2b. listen to the tape and finish them.
  1.if he doesn’t want to do the job, does ________ went to?
  a.everybody else b.anybudy else c.elseanybody d.else every body
  解题:选b, else 修饰不定代词时,要后置,所以排除c、d;又根据题意,答案选择b
  2.--_________did you return the dictionary? --last night .
  a.how far b.when c.why d.how often
  解题:选b. last night意为昨天晚上,是一般过去时态的时间状语,故选b.
  3.who is the last person ________ the office yesterday afternoon?
  a.leave b.left c.leaves d.to leave
  解题:选d。根据题意,本题动词不定式短语作定语,修饰前面的the last person.
  ( )1. we have been walking _____ 8 o’clock.
  a. for b. at c. since d. during
  ( )2. amy has been skating ____ two hours.
  a. or about b. for since c. since d. for about
  ( )3. how long have you been living here? i’ve been living here ______ four years ago.
  a. for b. before c. since d. during
  ( )4. uncle wang ______ since he came to the company.
  a. has been working b. have been working c. worked d. work
  ( )5. they have been swimming since they ______
  a. is b. was c. has d. were
  ( )6. mr li ______swimming for 3 hours, and his son ____an hour ago.
  a. has been, started b. has been, has started
  c. started, has started d. has started, started
  ( )7. --____ has this food store been here? -- since .
  a. how long b. how often c. how old d. how soon
  ( )8. i’ve been collecting coins ________ i was 10years old.
  a. when b. while c. and d. since
  ( )9. some students on the village are very poor. let’s raise four____yuan for them.
  a.thousands b.thousands of c.thousand d.a thousand
  1. 我认为科学是最乏味的科目。
  i_____ science is ____ ____ ____ subject.
  2. 如果你每天吃汉堡,你会变胖的。
  _____ you ____ _____ every day, you will ___ ____
  3. alice 是今天第一个到校的。
  alice was the ______ ______ _____ get to school.
  4. 所有的学生都在准备考试。
  ______ students _____ preparing for the exam.
  5. 我已经滑冰5个小时了。i ______ ______ _____ for five hours.
