

  unit 1 great scientists 考点摘要 单词 engine, characteristic, radium, theory, infect, scientific, examine, conclude, analyse, repeat, defeat, attend, expose, cure, control, absorb, severe, pump, blame, immediately, handle, addition, announce, certainty, instruct, cautious, reject, enthusiastic, positive, contribute, backward,construction.短语steam engine, from …to …, put forward, make/draw a conclusion, believe in, find out, look into, in addition, with certainty, link…to…, be strict with, make sense, point of view, lead to, apart from, the affected person, polluted water, thousands of terrified people, in the pub, a valuable clue, be to blame, be exposed to, a cloud of dangerous gas, slow down, water supplies, with this extra evidence, two other deaths, move backward, at times and at others, make choices. 句式1. who invented the way of giving electricity? 2. he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. 3. he got interested in two theories explaining how cholar killed people? 4. he found /believed/showed…that-cl. 5. to prevent this from happening again, john snow suggested that_cl.语法过去分词作定语和表语 so many thousands of terrified people died. ( 定语) but he became inspired when he …( 表语)
  warming –up and pre –reading
  1. conclude make/draw/reach/come to/arrive at a conclusion下结论,得出结论; bring sth. to a conclusion使…结束; in conclusion作为结论,最后; the meeting concluded without an agreement.he concluded his speech with some amusing remarks.he concluded from the evidence that she was guilty.you should think twice before making the decision. don’t jump to conclusion.he _______ the conclusion that the room must have been empty.2. who put forward a theory about black holes?put forward 在句中的意思是:__________________写出下列句中put forward的意思: 1) he put forward a very good suggestion at the meeting. ________________ 2) may i put your name forward as our monitor? _____________________ 3) you ought to put your watch forward ten minutes.____________________ *你还知道在下列句子中put 短语的意思吗? 1) put away the tools after work, will you? ________________ 2) don"t put off till tomorrow what can be done today. ________________ 3) put out the fire before going to bed. ________________ 4) we can put all of you up for the night. ________________ 5) warning notice is put up around the ruins. _______________
  第二部分 reading ⅰ
  john snow defeats "king cholera"【学习目标】1.知识与能力:1)熟练掌握文中重点单词和短语,并了解重要句型的表达法。 2)运用略读和找读策略迅速获取信息,并能够精读文章获取信息和分析信息。 2. 过程与方法:查阅工具书 ---小组讨论 --- 合作探究 --- 分组展示 --- 巩固训练3. 情感态度价值观: 通过了解john snow 如何收集数据,分析数据,找到霍乱传播的原因并最终击败"霍乱王"的;学习科学发现的全过程及其严密性;学习描述性文体的基本写作框架。【课前自学】1. finish the warming-up quiz on page 1.2. choose the best answer according to the text.1) the passage mainly tells us that ______________a. the cause of cholera was polluted water.b. john snow was a well-known doctor in london.c. the source of all drinking water should be examined.d. john snow did some research and helped to defeat "king cholera"2) why was cholera called "king cholera" in the text?a. because cholera caused many deaths.b. because it got its name from queen victoria.c. because cholera was the most deadly disease of its day.d. because it was defeated with the help of the king.3) people thought that cholera spread _________ before john snow’s research.a. in the air b. by the birds c. in the water d. by the food4) ____________ is the key help for john snow’s discovery.a. the government b. the woman moving away from broad streetc. the water company d. the map made by himself5) at last, "king cholera" was controlled by ___________.a. using medicines in hospitals b. driving patients out of the country c. dealing with the polluted water d. getting rid of all kinds of pollution3. find out the following phrases in the text.1) physical characteristic ________________; 2) _________________________ 提出一个理论3) infectious disease ____________________; 4) _________________________ 得出结论5) analyze the results _______________ 6)________________________ 暴露(…..)在……中 7) terrified people _____________________; 8) __________________________ 最致命的疾病9) _____________________把….吸收入….; 10) __________________________ 收集信息11) _______________________决心干某事; 12) ________________________一条珍贵的线索13) __________________除..…之外还有…; 14) _____________________ 将…和…联系起来 15) _____________________叫某人送东西; 16) __________________________ 死于…17) _______________________肯定地宣布; 18) __________________________ 被污染的水19) ___________________阻止某人干某事; 20) ___________________________ 处理【问题展示】1. the chart shows that each paragraph of the text explains john snow’s stages in his research. please read the text and find out the general idea of each paragraph and match the correct research stage with each paragraph. discuss it in groups, and then report your answers. paragraphstagesgeneral ideas1find a problemthe _________ of cholera2____________________the correct or possible theories3think of a method__________ data on where people were ____ and _______ and where they got their water4__________________plot information on a _____ to find out where people _______ or ____________.5analyze the results______________ to see if that is the cause of the illness6__________________find other __________ to confirm his conclusion7make a conclusion_________________________ was to ________ for the cause of the london cholera2. discuss the following questions.1) what are the two theories explaining how cholera killed people?2) what evidence did john snow gather to convince people that idea 2 was right?3) cholera was a 19th century disease. what disease do you think is similar to cholera today?4) can you tell me what style of the passage belongs to?5) please list the three most important qualities that make a good scientist.1.attendhe did not attend the meeting yesterday.the school was attended almost entirely by local chidren.there was no one to attend (on) him but tina.who will attend ( to )the patient if you go out?i’ll attend to that problem later.  【拓展延伸】你知道"参加"有几种表达方式吗?他们有什么不同吗?___________________________________________________________________________试辨别:as he had to ______ the summer course, he didn’t go on a visit to qingdao with his parents. a. join b. attend c. take part d. join inthey had a quiet wedding  only a few friends ______ it. a. joined b. attended c. took part d. join in2. absorbclever children absorb knowledge easily.aspirin is quickly absorbed by /into the body.the big company has gradually absorbed these small companies into its own organization.the writer was absorbed in his writing.归纳:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. suspectshe strongly suspected that her husband had been lying.he’s suspected of murder.he was suspected of giving false information.two suspects were arrested today in connection with the robbery.the evidence against him was highly suspect.归纳:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4.blame sb.for(doing)sth. 因(做)某事而指责某人 blame sth.on sb. 因某事而指责某人 sb.be to blame for(doing)sth. 因(做)某事某人应该受到谴责; 注意: be to blame 应负责 (无被动形式)。 he blamed his brother for breaking the window.the driver was not to blame for the accident.don’t always put the blame for your failure on other 那个粗心的司机该为昨天发生的交通事故负责。 谁该为这次的失败负责? 【课堂检测】1. ______ writing the article, mrs. curie even forgot her dinner.
  a. absorbed in b. absorbing at c. having absorbed by... d. to absorb in 2. the doctor telephoned to say that he couldn"t ______the meeting because he had to ______ a patient.
  a. come to; attend to b. attend; attend c. join; treat d . attend on; look after 3. the president ____ the new economic policy.
  a announced b told c informed d promised 4. before using the machine, you must ____ carefully to these instructions .
  a join b join in c take part in d attend 5. this medicine will ____ him of his cough.
  a recover b cure c treat d heal 6. to our surprise, the man, who was looked down upon by others in the past, is now ____
  the whole project.
  a beyond control b in control of c out of control d losing control of 7._______ the injures to his face and hands,he broke his left leg.
  a. besideb. despite  c. apart from d. because of  8. i feel it is your husband who _______ for the spoiled child.
  a. is to blameb. is going to blame c. is to be blamedd. should blame 重点句子1. but he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.expose在句中是过去分词作____________,表示____________意为 _______________总结下列句子中expose 的意思和用法:1) don’t expose your skin to the sun; your skin will be hurt. 2) some flowers need to be exposed to sunlight everyday, so i set up a "sun bath." 3) i threatened to expose him to the police. 4) it is good to be exposed to different cultures. ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. neither its cause nor its cure was understood.当neither …nor 连接两个主语时,谓语动词遵循_____________ 原则。完成下列句子:neither i nor he ______ (have) seen the film.还有哪些短语和句型与neither … nor 连接两个主语时遵循同样的主谓一致原则:______________________________________________________________________________ 在下列句子中neither 或nor 的意思为:1) he doesn"t go to school by bike. neither / nor do i. (translation) _______________________________________________________ 2) they didn"t go to the park yesterday. neither / nor did we. (translation) _______________________________________________________ 完成下列句子: if you don’t go, _______________.如果你不去,我也不去。 3. so many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.every time是__________,引导___________状语从句,意为________________完成下列句子:_________________________, i always think of the things happened between us.每次见到他,我就想起发生在我们之间的事情.除此之外,each time, any time, the first time, last time, next time, immediately, the moment, directly, instantly也可以和every time 一样,用作_____________ 词,引导______________状语从句。完成下列句子:1) ______________________________, (他第一次做实验时) he succeeded.2) i will give the letter to him ________________________.我一见到他就把这封信给他.4. 1) the first suggested that cholera multiplied in the air without reason.2) to prevent this form happening again, john snow suggested that the source of all water supplies be examined and new methods of dealing with polluted water be found.思考:在这两个句子中suggest 所跟的宾语从句中的谓语动词的形式有何不同?_______________________________________________________________________________ 完成下列句子:1) he suggested that ______________________________________(会议延迟到下周举行).2) his work suggests that ___________________________________(他是一个细心的人)5.next, john snow looked into the source of the water for these two streets. he found that it came from the river polluted by the dirty water from london.1) look into 在句子中的意思为:________________; 2) polluted by … 为___________分词做__________ 语。写出下列句子中look into 的意思:1) i"ll look into the library on the way home to borrow some books for my children._______________2) he promised me to look into the matter.____________________*你知道下列句子中其它look 短语的意思吗? 1) the girls began to look through the photograph albums. _______________ 2) help the boy to look up the book in the catalogue. ______________ 3) we"ll look forward to hearing from you soon. ________________ 6. in another part of london, he found supporting evidence from tow other deaths that were linked to the broad street outbreak. 在本句中be linked to 的意思是:_____________________ 总结下列句子中link的意思和用法: 1) television stations around the world are linked by satellite. 2) fingerprints linked the suspect to the crime. 3) your career will always be closely linked to the amount of value you create in the marketplace. 总结:__________________________________________________________________________【课堂检测】1. the forest guards often find campfires that have not been______completely. (XX全国卷ⅱ)
  a. turned down b. put out c. put away d. turned over
  2. before the war broke out, many people _______________in safe places possessions they could not take with them. (XX重庆)
  a. threw away b. put away c. gave away d. carried away
  3. i have______all my papers but i still can’t find my notes. (XX全国卷ⅱ)
  a. looked through b. looked for c. looked after d. looked out 4. the building around the corner caught fire last night. the police are now______the matter. (06湖北)
  a. seeing through b. working out c. looking into d. watching over
  5. we’re trying to ring you back, bryan, but we think we______your number incorrectly. (XX浙江)
  a. looked up b. took down c. worked out d. brought about
  6. it is reported that the police will soon ____ the case of two missing children. (09江西卷30) a. look upon b. look after c. look into d. look out 7. i invited joe and linda to dinner, but ______ of them came. (XX北京)a. neither b. either c. none d. both
  8. bill wasn’t happy about the delay of the report by jason, and _____.
  a. i was neither b. neither was i c. i was either  d. either was i9. _______homework did we have to do that we had no time to take a rest.
  a. so much b. too much c. too little d. so little
  10. the weather was _____ cold that i didn’t like to leave my room.
  a. really b. such c. too d. so11. ___________ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin. a. exposed b. having exposed c. being exposed d. after being exposed12. ---- did you remember to give mary the money you owed her?---- yes, i gave it to her ______________ i saw her. a. while b. the moment c. suddenly d. once13. mr. green stood up in defence of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one ___________.
  a. blamed b. blaming c. to blame d. to be blamed 14. ___for the breakdown of the school computer network, alice was in low spirits. a. blaming b. blamed c. to blame d. to be blame 15. _______ be sent to work there?
  a. who do you suggest  b. who do you suggest that should
  c. do you suggest who should  d. do you suggest whom should  语法
  过去分词作定语和表语一 过去分词作定语1.单个的过去分词作定语一般放在被修饰的名词之前;过去分词短语作定语通常放在被修饰的名词之后,作后置定语,其作用相当于一个定语从句.试翻译:my friend is a returned student. ________________________________________ the student dressed in white is my daughter. __________________________________________________________________________= 变为定语从句__________________________________________ 2.与现在分词作定语的区别 过去分词作定语与所修饰的名词之间存在被动关系,或表示动作的完成(不及物动词的过去分词不表被动,仅表完成);现在分词作定语则表示主动关系,或表示动作正在进行(有时表示经常性的动作或状态).试翻译:the question discussed was very important. __________________________________________ the house standing at the corner of the street was built in 1982. __________________________ ____________________________________________________________________the risen sun ___________________ the rising sun ______________________the fallen leaves _______________ the sleeping baby __________________二 过去分词作表语1.过去分词作表语表示主语所处的状态.这一结构从形式上与被动语态相同,但被动语态强调主语所承受的动作.试比较:the book is well written. ______________________________________  the book was written by a soldier. ___________________________________ 2. 【拓展】你知道下列一组词在作定语和表语和定语时的区别吗?  exciting/excited, interesting/interested, disappointing/disappointed, encouraging/encouraged, puzzling/puzzled, surprising/surprised, pleasing/pleased, confusing/confused, moving/moved, terrifying/terrified…  试用正确形式填空:  the news is __________ (excite).  her __________ (excite) voice suggested that she was ___________ (excite).  when he heard the ________ (move) story, he was deeply __________ (move). 三 语法巩固练习ⅰ单项选择 1. his ability _____ in those years was praised by all. a. shown b. was shown c. showing d. be showing 2. alice , hurry up. i’m afraid you won’t have time to _____before the party. a. get change b. get changingc. get changed d. get to change 3. _____ english is different from _____english in many ways. a. spoken ; written b. spoken ; writingc. speaking ; written d. speak ; write 4. if a story is _____ , you’ll become _____ when you read it. a. exciting ; excited b. exciting ; exciting c. excited ; exciting d. excited ; excited 5. the flowers look even more _____ after the rain. a. charm b. charming c. charmed d. charmly 6. i was trying to get into the _____ bus. a. crowd b. crowding c. crowdy d. crowded 7. the _____ girl sat in the corner _____ . a. frightening ; cried b. frightening ; crying c. frightened ; crying d. frightened ; to cry 8. don’t use the words , expressions , or phrases _____ only to people with specific knowledge. a. being known b. having been known c. to be known d. known 9. the news sounds _____ . a. encouraging b. encouraged c. to be encouraged d. being encouraged 10. i often read the books _____ by the writer. www.xkb1.com a. write b. wrote c. writing d. written 11. most of the artists _____ to the party were from south africa? a. invited b. to invite c. being invited d. had been invited 12. the computer center, _____last year, is very popular among the students in this school. a. open b. opening c. having opened d. opened 13. cleaning women in big cities usually get _____ by the hour. a. pay b. paying c. paid d. to pay 14. ---- how do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?  ---- the key _____ the problem is to meet the demand _____ by the customers.? a. to solving; making b. to solving; made c. to solve; making d. to solve; made 15. don’t use words, expressions, or phrases _____ only to people with specific knowledge. a. being known b. having been known c. to be known d. known
