

  making the news教学案
  period 4
  1. on purpose 2.polish the style 3.be processed into film 4.ahead of 5.last of all 6.make an appointment with sb 7.do some research on 8. work on 9.pass… on to 10.set about doing sth
  1. she gave a/an ___________(accurate/correct)account of the accident.
  2.officials from greenwich observatory have the clock _______________(checked/examined) twice a day.
  3. i began reading with the _______________(intention/intend) of finishing the book, but i never did.
  4. this is a newly revised ________________(edit/edition) of a standard reference book.
  5. the journalist immediately _______________(set out, set about) to obtain these important facts.
  6. the firm_______________(employees/employs) the retired professors as an adviser.
  7. he was __________ (lying/laying) in the shade of the tree.
  8. her children were her ____________(chief/main) joy.
  9. don’t worry. philip ____________(used/is used to)driving in such busy streets.
  10.only her ___________(fast/quick) reaction prevented an accident.
  1.accurate 2.checked 3.intention 4.edition 5.set out 6.employs 7.lying 8.chief 9.is used to 10.quick
  .三 短文改错(每小题2分)
  stanley and frank are next door neighbor who study 1.________________
  in the same class, so they walked together to and from school. 2.________________
  some day as they were walking home together, it 3.________________
  sudden started to rain. stanley quickly opened his umbrella 4.________________
  and said, "my mother surely has foresight. 5________________
  she said on this morning it would rain and told me to carry my 6________________
  umbrella with me." frank smiled and walked to him , said, 7_________________
  "my mother has even great foresight. she told me not to 8_________________
  carry an umbrella and as she knew you would certainly 9_________________
  have with you. don’t you agree? 10._________________
  1.neighbor—neighbors 2.walked—walk 3.some—one 4.sudden—suddenly 5.正确 6.去掉on 7.said—saying 8.great—greater 9.去掉and 10.have 后加yours/one
  四 完型填空(每小题2分)
  while i was standing at the kitchen window, five-year-old spencer, my oldest son, ran into the house 1 ,"we need a doctor out here! we need a doctor! hurry, mom!""what’s wrong?" i asked. spencer anxiously told me he had found a dead bird that needed a doctor.
  dutifully(顺从地), i seized a small plastic bag from the cupboard and took spencer’s hand—  2 , that’s the sort of thing mothers do! while my son led me out of the door and  3 the bird, i explained that if the creature was indeed dead, a doctor could not  4 . when we arrived at the  5 scene, it was obvious that the baby bird was dead. spencer and i could see the nest high up in the tree. my son and i  6 the probable age of the baby bird, its inability to fly well, and exactly how the  7had caused its death. "i think his mommy and daddy really  8 him," spencer observed. i 9 my boy’s hand and tried to ease his  10 by saying i was sure they did, 11  they would be okay because the little bird had gone to heaven to be with god and popo(my grandfather who had died). i assured spencer that the bird’s mommy and daddy knew that their little one would be  12  and loved. i told spencer that popo loved little birds, and i  13 he was in heaven holding and playing with the baby bird  14i picked up the little creature’s body, slipped it into my plastic bag and 15 placed the bird in the rubbish bin. 16 was said about the matter for the rest of the day. spencer went right back to play  17 he had never been interrupted, and i returned to my work in the kitchen.
  at breakfast the next morning, spencer sadly explained to his father that he had found a baby bird the day before that had fallen from its nest.
  "it was dead, daddy!"
  trying to  18 spencer’s spirits and remind him that the little bird was really 19 , i asked our son to tell daddy 20 the baby bird was. spencer, looking solemn faced at his dad, stated,"in the rubbish bin with mama’s granddad, popo."
  1.a. saying b. screaming c. declaring d. telling
  2.a. in fact  b. at least c. of course d. after all
  3.a. ahead b. towardc. found d. looked
  4.a. comeb. save c. helpd. support
  5.a. accident b. kitchenc. familiard. angry
  6.a. wondered b. discussedc. studiedd. looked
  7.a. fall  b. tree c. mother bird d. other bird
  8.a. hate b. lose c. missd. love
  9.a. picked up b. turned to c. got to d. reached for
  10.a. excitement b. regret c. sadnessd. disappointment
  11.a. but that b. and that c. soond. then
  12.a. enjoyed b. played c. treated d. cared for
  13.a. doubted b. found  c. was sured. was afraid
  14.a. right nowb. right then  c. from now on d. now and then
  15.a. gently b. loudly  c. strongly d. firmly
  16.a. nothing elseb. nobody else c. everything d. something
  17.a. as usual b. as if  c. even thoughd. though
  18.a. break b. rise  c. show d. lift
  19.a. wounded b. injured  c. okayd. alive
  20.a. where b. what  c. howd. when
  cabca bacac bdcdd abdca
  五 选做题(每小题2.5)
  dear jim,
  i"d like to tell you something more about our school 1. .
  sports meet. it was holding on oct. 6, which was a 2. .
  fine day. there were over 1,000 students and teachers 3. .
  attend it. wang lin, a student from my class won the 4. .
  100-metre race. he finish the race in 12..6 seconds 5. .
  and broke in the school record. the sports meet 6. .
  was really success. that was because we were 7. .
  all trying to do my best. 8. .
  although i was not one of the winner, 9. .
  i was proud of that we had done. 10. .
  looking forward to receiving your letter.
  li ping
  1.more去掉. 2.holding held. 3.  4.attend attending 5.finish finished.
  6.in去掉。7.a success a。8.my our。9.winner winners。10.that what.
