

  u3 重点词汇讲解一、重点词汇列表
  preserve, empty, disturb, result, examine, compare, express, organize, base, survive, pick, prove, manage
  explorer, sail, discovery, secretary, coincidence, captain, warning, astronaut, pilot, position, quality
  adventurous, curious, present, scientific, certain
  set sail(for), as well as, right away, pay off, a great deal of, shortly after, have something to do with, live on, result in, make a contribution to, look up to sb, live one’s dream, not…but…二、精选词汇讲解1. curious (1) curious adj. 好奇的;求知欲强的; 奇特的be curious about … 对……好奇的; be curious to do sth. 对做……感到好奇curious, we looked around for other guests. 我们好奇地四处寻找着其他客人。he spoke slowly, in a curious manner. 他以一种奇特的方式缓慢地说着。(2) curiously adv. 好奇地;稀奇古怪地philip looked curiously at the people. 他好奇地看着人们。(3) curiosity n. [u.]好奇感 in/ with curiosity 好奇地(相当于curiously); out of/ from curiosity 出于好奇心philip looked at the people in/with curiosity. 他好奇地看着人们。he kept asking me numerous questions about it out of / from curiosity. 出于好奇,对那件事他问了我许多问题。(4) curiosity n. [c.]希奇的事;珍品 these antiques are curiosities. 这些古董是希世珍品。this red and yellow striped seashell is quite a curiosity. 这个红黄相间的贝壳是件珍品。2. discovery(1) discovery n.[c.] 发现scientists made a lot of amazing scientific discoveries in the twentieth century. 科学家们在二十世纪作出了许多惊人的科学发现。she was shocked at the discovery that he was a thief. 她震惊地发现他原来是个贼。(2) discover vt. 发现(发现世界上原本就存在的事物)区别:invent vt. 发明 (发明世界上原本不存在的事物)christopher columbus discovered america in 1492. 克里斯托弗·哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲大陆。alexander invented the telephone. 亚历山大发明了电话。(3) discoverer n. [c.] 发现者it was madame curie who/ that first discovered radium. 是居里夫人首先发现了镭元素。madame curie is well known as the discoverer of radium. 居里夫人作为镭元素的发现者而出名。 3. as well as (1) as well as 同样;也;以及(用于连接两个并列的成分;相当与not only… but also 但as well as强调的是它前面的内容, 而not only… but also强调的是but also部分的内容。当as well as 用来连接两个并列的主语时,句中谓语动词的形式必须与第一个主语一致。)john can speak chinese as well as french. 约翰不仅能讲法语而且能讲中文。it’s important for you as well as for me. 这不仅对我而且对你也很重要。lily as well as her classmates was in deep sorrow at the death of their principal. 得知校长的死讯lily和她的同学们一样沉浸在极大的悲痛中。(as well as连接两个并列的主语。此句谓语动词用单数was, 同第一个主语lily一致)。(2) as well同样;也(相当于副词too)i’m going to london and my sister is coming as well/too. 我将去伦敦,我的妹妹也要去。she can ride a horse and swim; she can shoot as well/ too. 她会骑马和游泳,她也会射击。4. present(1) present adj. 出席的,在场的 ;现在的,现存的 be present at…出席/ 在场……  people present 在场的人们 (present指"出席的或在场的"意思作定语时,常作后置定语)how many people were present at the meeting? 有多少人出席了那次会议?he was pleased at seeing so many people present. 他很高兴地看到那么多人在场。(2) present n. 礼物 (相当于gift);birthday presents(3) present n. 现在,目前 at present 目前 at present we are living in richmond. 目前我们住在里士满。(4) present vt. 呈现;递交;赠送 present sth. to sb. 把某物递交给某人( 也可以用present sb. with sth. 来表示)they presented flowers to their teacher. 他们把花送给了老师。he presented her with a bunch of flowers. 他送了她一束花。the latest development presents a problem. 最近的发展呈现出一个问题。 5. result (1) result vi. 结果,导致 result in/ lead to导致; result from… 由……而引起/产生;起因于his carelessness resulted in/ led to the traffic accident. 她的粗心导致了那次交通事故。the traffic accident resulted from his carelessness. 那次交通事故是由于他的粗心引起的。(2) result n. [c]/ [u] 结果;效果 the results of a competition 竞赛的结果; work without much result 没有效果的工作as a result 因此, 结果; as a result of 作为……的结果;由于……as a result, they saved 90% of the trees in the forest.结果他们拯救了这森林里90%的树木。the traffic accident happened as a result of his carelessness. 那事故的发生是由他的粗心引发的。6. certain (1) certain adj. 确定的, 肯定的 (近义词:sure )  be certain about/ of…/ be sure about/ of… 确信某事;对某事有把握 be certain/sure to do… 务必会做……;一定会做…… you must be certain/ sure of / about the facts. 你必须对这些事实很确信。he is certain/sure to return. 他肯定会回来的。you’re pretty certain to be seen by someone who knows you. 你肯定会被某个熟人看到的。(2) be certain/ sure + that... 相信; make certain/ sure that … 确保/确信 (that 部分是宾语从句)we are certain/ sure that he will get over his illness. 我们肯定他会康复的。i was not certain/sure whether he would come. 我不能确信他是否会来。i stayed long enough to make certain/sure that the house was absolutely empty. 我在那呆得久一些以确保那房子确实是空的。(3) it’s certain that… 是肯定的(在此句型中不能说:it’s sure that …) for certain / for sure肯定地 it’s certain that he will win the election. 他肯定会赢得这次大选。i cannot say for certain/sure when he will arrive. 我不能肯定地说他何时能到达。7. pay off(1) 成功,带来好结果; 是值得的,没有白费 all my years of training as an explorer have finally paid off. 那为成为探险家训练多年所付出汗水最后终于得到了好结果。his hard work paid off when he got the promotion. 当他得到晋升时他所有的辛劳都得到了回报。(2) pay off one’s debt(s) 还清债务i will pay off my debt with this check. 我将用这张支票偿还债务。8. compare (1) compare vt./vi. 比较 compare with... 与……相比, 比得上does his latest book compare with his first? 他最近出版的书能同他最早的书相比吗?(2) compare a with b 把a 同 b 作比较compare this with that, and you will see which is the better. 把这同那个比较一下,你就会看出哪个更好了。(3) compare a to b 把a比作成bshakespeare compared the world to a stage. 莎士比亚把世界比作一个大舞台。people compared him to a little white mouse. 人们把他比作成一只小白鼠。(4) compared to/ with… 与……相比(常用做状语)compared to/with many women, she was indeed very fortunate. 同许多妇女相比,她确实是很幸运的。(5) comparison n. 比较; in comparison with… 与……比较起来例: i have done little this year in comparison with what i did last year. 同我去年所做的比起来,我今年真没做什么。 9. warning (1) warning n. 警告;提醒;前车之鉴 his heart attack will be a warning to him not to work so hard. 他心脏病的突发将会是对他如此卖命工作的一个警告(警告他不要如此卖命工作了)。(2) warn vt.警告 warn sb. of/about sth.警告某人某事 warn sb. not to do sth.警告某人不要做某事=warn sb. against doing sth.warn sb. against sth. 警告某人提防某事 warn sb. that 警告某人……he was warned of the danger. 他被警告有危险。she warned him against eating too much candy. 她警告他吃太多糖不好。i warned you not to buy that old car. 我曾警告你/提醒你不要买那辆旧车的。she warned me against pickpockets. 她提醒我小心扒手。he warned us that the roads were icy. 他警告我们路上结冰了。10. manage (1) manage vt.设法, 努力, 争取 the repair work is difficult but i can manage (it). 这修理工作不容易, 但我能对付下来。(2) manage to do sth.=succeed in doing sth.设法做成某事 try to do sth.尽力做某事(但不一定做成功) the box was heavy but he managed to carry it away. 那箱子很重但他还是设法把它搬走了。he tried to get there on time but he failed. 他试图按时到那儿, 可是没能做到。三、词汇拓展训练(一) 单项填空 1. ---they are said to be quarrelling about our new language lab.  --- i don’t care. it has __________ to do with me.  a. nothing b. something c. anything d. everything 2. success results ________ hard work, while laziness leads _________ failure.  a. from; in b. in; to c. from; to d. to; in 3. e-mail, as well as telephones, ________ an important part in daily communication.  a. play b. have played c. are playing d. is playing 4. the problem _______ to be more difficult than we had supposed.  a. proved b. turned c. was proved d. was turned out 5. at the meeting, all the _________ agreed to make mr. jackson principal. a. present teachers b. teachers at present c. at present teachers d. teachers present 6. --- can you show me mr. jaffer’s office, please? --- ________. but i don’t know if he is in at the moment.  a. thanks b. go on c. sure d. you are welcome.7. _______ wild plants that they decided to make a trip to madagascar for further research. a. so curious about the couple was b. so curious were the couple about  c. how curious to the couple were d. the couple was such curious on 8. after 3 years of hard work, he ________ to enter the best university in china. a. succeeded b. managed c. tried d. attempted 9. after ten years of hard work, his dream _________. a. came true b. lived c. realized d. was come true 10. the operation on my mother was _______ for 20 minutes because there was electricity failure. a. interrupted b. disturbed c. missed d. lost (二) 单词拼写 1. if ___________ (呼吸)in, these viruses can result in illness or even death. 2. practise your spoken english and then you can _________ (表达) yourself freely. 3. he was punished for __________ (打扰)others when they were working. 4. the policeman showed great _________(勇敢)in face of danger. 5. this article is not well ___________(组织). 6. it was a ___________(巧合)that he was born on his mother"s birthday.  7. the ancient buildings in this area are well ____________(保护). 8. we need food and water for _____________ (生存). 9. she is one of the best ____________ (秘书) i have ever seen. 10. the doctor __________(检查)the boy and found there was nothing the matter with him.  (三)选择合适的短语并用其正确形式填空。  a set sail(for), as well as, right away, pay off, a great deal of, shortly after
  1. he passed through a difficult period _____________his marriage broke down. 2. he is ill. you should call in a doctor ______________. 3. the ship will _______________ london at 8:30. 4. after several years’ self study, he acquired(获得) ______________ knowledge. 5. according to tom, two years of business school really _____________. 6. tom,___________ his parents, is fond of classical music.    b have something to do with, live on, not … but …, make a contribution to, look up to sb, live one’s dream1. it is our duty to _____________ our motherland. 2. they all ______________ him as their leader. 3. our purpose is ________ to do it for you _______ to teach you to do it by yourself. 4. most people in that country ____________ rice. 5. the man insisted that he ____________ the murder. he was not on the spot at the moment. 6. young as he is, he has ______________ and become well known throughout the world. (四) 综合填空 1. --- did many people attend mike’s wedding last night?  --- yes, there were around 100 people _________ at the wedding. 2. --- are the vegetables still ____________?  --- yes, i just bought them this morning. 3. --- did he pass his driving test in the end?  --- yes, he ___________ made it since he had been practising hard for two months. 4. --- are egyptian pyramids among the oldest buildings in the world?  --- yes, the _________ egyptians were clever enough to build them even though there were not modern machines then. 5. --- it it true what one experiences as a child often plays a big part in shaping his character?  --- yes, one’s ___________ experiences will have a life-long influence on him. 6. --- has tom finally got his desired position?  --- yes, because he is the best one among all the _________. 7. --- do these goods sell well?  --- no, the ______ of them is too poor. 8. --- is it important for a person to have a sense of success in his job?  --- certainly, being _________ in one’s job is one of the elements that makes a person happy. 9. --- do people still keep in touch with each other by writing letters today?  --- yes, but most often they _______ each other by e-mail or msn. 10. --- is she the right person for the job?  --- yes, she is quite ________ to do the job.(五)短文填空  howard carter, a famous brave and (1) explorer, discovered many amazing things during his lifetime. his (2) about the world led him to explore egypt, where he found several important tombs, with the (3) bodies of dead kings known as mummies. in 1922, sponsored(赞助) by lord carnarvon, a british man interested in egypt, he made his most amazing (4) of all—the tomb of king tutankhamun. by (5) the tomb of everything it contained, carter and his team became rich and famous right away. however, (6) seven years after the discovery, 21 people related to the opening of the tomb died (7) one after another except howard carter. people are puzzled about the causes of so many deaths. some think it was just coincidence. others believe the deaths resulted from the mummy’s (8) _ , which punishes those disturbing the resting dead. however, a (9)_ explanation says those people died as a result of breathing in some viruses. today, the mystery of tutankhamun’s tomb still remains (10) .  参考答案(keys):(一) 1-5 acdad 6-10 cbbaa(二) 1. breathed 2. express 3. disturbing 4. bravery 5. organized 6. coincidence 7. preserved/ protected 8. survival 9. secretaries 10. examined (三) a: 1. shortly after 2. right away 3. set sail for 4. a great deal of 5. paid off 6. as well as b: 1. make a contribution to / make contributions to 2. look up to 3. not… but… 4. live on 5.had nothing to do with 6. lived his dream (四) 1. present 2. fresh 3. finally/eventually 4.ancient 5. childhood 6. candidates/ applicants 7. quality 8. successful 9. contact 10. qualified (五) (1) adventurous (2) curiosity (3) preserved (4) discovery (5) emptying (6) within (7) strangely (8) curse (9) scientific (10) unexplained/unsolved
