

  unit 9 health care (integrating skills and writing)
  integrating skills
  1. get ss to review the text health care
  2. enable ss to improve the ability of reading comprehension
  3. learn the text the little mould that could
  task 1 listening and following
  listen to the tape carefully and follow it to know the outline of the text.
  task 2 reading aloud
  read the passage aloud and try to understand the main idea of the whole passage,
  then finish the exercises below:
  1. before the discovery of penicillin ,medical treatments were________c____.
  a expensive b effective c dangerous d simple
  2. penicillin was discovered in _______b_______.
  a 1914 b 1928 c 1929 d 1945
  3. when fleming saw the mould growing in the jar he was surprised because _d___.
  a moulds did not usually grow in the jars
  b he was not looking for it
  c the moukd had stopped growing
  d the mould had killed the bacteria
  4. when fleming reported his discovery, other scientists _______b___.
  a did not believe him b did not care
  c did not understand him c did not agree with him
  5. penicillin saved many lives in ____b______.
  a world war i b world war ii c france d england
  6. the discovery of penicillin has led to all of the following except ____c_____.
  a new treatments b safer hospitals
  c fewer diseases d better health care
  task 3 read the text again and underline some useful phrases and expressions
  1 suffer deadly infections as a result of operations
  2 be considered incurable
  3 on a bench by the sink
  4 belong to /be excited about
  5 be designed to / by then
  6 so far /occupy an important position
  7 live on money/live in poverty
  8 as well as /care for /treat the wounded
  9 receive the nobel prize
  10 be serious about
  11 in fact , even a small cut vould cause an infection that would kill the patient.
  12 the story is a story of hard work and a happy accident.
  13 it was not until after the war that he made his most important discovery.
  14 despite their lack of interest, he kept trying to develop the chemical so that it would be safe and effective .
  15 when asked about his discovery ,he said :one sometimes finds what one is not looking for.
  task 4 work in pairs which of the characteristics below do you think helped alexander fleming discover penicillin ?expain your choices.
  devotion to duty full of confidence
  carefulness perseverance
  sacrifice aggressive
  intelligence sympathy
  observation interest
  willingness sense of responsibility
  integrating reading and writing skills
  angels in white (p213-215)
  step 1. warming-up
  task 1 :
  do the oral pratice on p74, and enable the students to express opinions and make decisions.
  step 2. reading
  task 2: read the passage and finish the exercises. if possible, guide the students to analyze some long and complex sentences.
  task 3: guided writing
  give ss 20 minutes to finish the writing assignment on p216,
  then ask ss to score their work according to the following chart.
  3 pluses & 1 wish
  name _______ title _____________________ date _______________
  + _________________________________________________________
  + _________________________________________________________
  + _________________________________________________________
  ? _________________________________________________________
  note: how to use this chart effectively?
  ask the student to read his/her deskmateˇs writing carefully, and then find 3 valuable things (structure, passage arrangement, sentence, diction, etc) and give 1 suggestion. and then feed the message back. next, ask the ss to correct their work according to the chart.
