

  本册书的能力目标依据课标中的二级目标和教参的要求,主要要完成听、说、读、写、译、演、唱、音标拼读等项目标,培养学生的这几方面的能力。听说读写的内容是本册书的钥匙上的所有单词、短语和句子,也包括对音标和音标词的掌握达到四会的要求。对会话的要求达到三会要求,也包括语音中的句子。认读、理解part 4。演和唱的内容是本册书的会话部分和兴趣活动部分。
  通过本册书的学习,养成良好的生活习惯,培养学生养成独立自主、关心家庭的生活习惯, 培养学生如何待人处事,培养学生合理放置自己的生活物品的习惯。
  了解中外生活作息习惯的不同,了解超市的购物程序、标记及日常用语, 了解一些中外的风土人情。
  教 学 进 度 表
  lesson 1
  lesson 1
  lesson 2, 3
  lesson 2, 3
  lesson 4
  lesson 4
  lesson5, 6
  lesson5, 6
  lesson 7
  lesson 7
  lesson 8, 9
  lesson 7
  lesson 10 11
  lesson 8, 9
  lesson 12, 13
  lesson 10 11
  lesson 14,15
  lesson 12, 13
  lesson 16, 17
  lesson 18,19
  lesson22 23
  general revision
  period plan
  unit 1
  title:what do you do every day?
  lesson 1   teaching aims   ⅰ. enable the students to read, say and write the phrases: get up, eat breakfast, go to school.   ⅱ. ask and answer the sentences: what time is it? it’s…   ⅲ. introduce own habits of work and rest to the others and inquire the others. grasp the sentence "it’s time to…"   ⅳ. enable them to perform the "learn to say" skillfully.   ⅴ. enable the students to understand and sing "let us do morning exercises."   teaching tools   ⅰ. four verb cards and a teaching wall map.   ⅱ. a clock and the sentence pattern cards: what time is it? it’s… it’s time to…   ⅲ. a tape-recorder and the text tape.   xkb1.com   key points   ⅰ. enable the students to read, say and write the phrases: get up, eat breakfast, go to school.   ⅱ. ask and answer the sentences: what time is it? it’s…   ⅲ. perform the "learn to say" skillfully.   difficult points   grasp the sentence pattern "it’s time to…"   teaching process   the activities of the teacher   the activities of the students   ⅰ.warming-up:   ⅰ. sing the song "how are you?" together.   ⅱ. greetings:   hi, boys and girls. today is the first day of the new term. nice to see you again. welcome back to school. how are you going?   i will lead the students to greet each other.   ⅱ.presentation:   t: today is the first day of the new term. do you have a happy school day life? let’s talk about your day.   ⅰ.try to use   ⅰ) t(show the clock):look, what time is it?   ⅱ) t(show the sentence pattern cards):what time is it? it’s…   ⅲ) i will show some verb cards , stick them on the blackboard.   t(show the clock): what time is it?   t: it’s time to…   ⅳ) show the pictures of get up, eat breakfast, watch tv and go to school,   ⅴ) open the book and read aloud.   ⅵ) according to the pictures that the teacher offered and sentence patterns,   what time is it? it’s … it’s time to…   ⅱ.learn to say   ⅰ) t( show the picture of the dialogue): today is the first day of the new term. let’s see david’s daily life. look at the picture. this is david. look at him. he’s in a hurry. why? let’s listen to the tape, then answer my questions.   ⅱ) t(show the clock): look, what time is it?   t: but david is in bed. he ’s late for school. he’s in a hurry and forget his slippers. (show the cards and say: late. he’s late. i’m late.)   ⅲ) listen to the recording and read aloud the text.   ⅲ. consolidation and extension:   ⅰ. i will show the picture of try to use, lead the students to adapt the contents of the text.   ⅱ. appreciate the song "let us do morning exercises."   ⅳ. homework:   make sentences with sentence patterns of this lesson: what time is it? it’s… it’s time to…   sing the song "how are you?" together. and. greetings with teacher.   ss: it’s …   (practice in pairs)   ss: it’s…   students practice the sentence patterns.   the students choose to write the sentence patterns.   what time is it? it’s … it’s time to…   ss: it’s 7:20. it’s time to go to school.   ⅳperform according to the contents of the text.   students do it after class.   blackboard design   lesson 1   what time is it?   it’s…   it’s time to get up/ eat breakfast/ go to school/ watch tv…   look back   students master the words and sentences very well. they can have a good command of the dialogue.   period plan   unit 1   title:what do you do every day?   time   2
  lesson 1   teaching aims   ⅰ. review and use the phrases: get up, eat breakfast, go to school.   ⅱ. ask and answer skillfully with the sentences: what time is it? it’s… introduce own habits of work and rest to the others and inquire the others with the sentence "it’s time to…"   ⅲ. perform the "learn to say" skillfully and adapt it.   ⅳ. understand the contents of the "read and think" and answer the questions.   ⅴ. enable the students to listen, read, say and write the phonetic symbols /i:/, /p/, /b/ and grasp the pronunciations of "ea, ee, p, b".   teaching tools   ⅰ. four verb cards and a teaching wall map.   ⅱ. a clock and the sentence pattern cards: what time is it? it’s… it’s time to…   ⅲ. the phonetic symbol and word cards.   ⅳ.a tape-recorder and the text tape.   key points   ⅰ. understand the contents of the "read and think" and answer the questions.   ⅱ. enable the students to listen, read, say and write the phonetic symbols /i:/, /p/, /b/ and grasp the pronunciations of "ea, ee, p, b".   difficult points   distinguish between "it’s time to…" and "it’s time for…".   teaching process   the activities of the teacher   the activities of the students   ⅰ.warming-up:   hi, boys and girls. good to see you. how are you going?   ⅱ.revision:   ⅰ. i will show a clock and ask the students "what time is it?"   x k b1.c o m ⅲ. i will show the pictures: get up, eat breakfast, go to school. according to the pictures,   ⅳ. write the sentence patterns.   ⅴ. review the text.   ⅲ.presentation:   i will lead the students to discuss.   do you go to see the movie on sunday?   do your parents go to see the movie with you?   do you have a good time there?   t: but billy is not happy for the movie. do you know why? let’s look at the picture and read the dialogue.   ⅰ.try to use   ⅰ) i will lead the students to read the dialogue, then ask them the easy question: what time is the movie?   is it early for the movie?   what’s wrong with dad’s watch?   ⅱ. listen, match and read   ⅰ) i will show the pictures of bee, pea and beep and broadcast the recording.   t: do you like this rhyme? let’s listen again.   ⅱ) the students listen to the recording again. then i will show the contents of the rhyme and lead the students to find the rhyme.   ⅲ) i will show the new words and lead the students to sum up the pronunciations of ee, ea.   ⅳ) i will show the phonetic symbol cards of /i:/, /p/, /b/, and coach them to pronounce one by one.   ⅳ. consolidation and extension:   ⅴ. homework:   ⅰ. read aloud the phonetic symbol, the phonetic symbol words and the rhyme.   ⅱ. listen to the recording and read aloud it.   ⅰ. listen and d get up, eat breakfast, go to school, go to bed .   ⅱ. listen to the song: let ’s do morning exercises.   ⅲ. free talk: greetings .   ⅱ. practice in pairs with "what time is it? it’s …"   the students choose to practice the sentence patterns.   ⅵ. perform the "learn to say".   ⅱ) the students read the text, and try to answer the questions.   is it early for the movie?   what’s wrong with dad’s watch?   ⅲ) listen to the recording and read aloud the text.   ⅳ) perform according to the contents of the text.   ⅱ) the students listen to the recording again   ⅴ) the students listen to the recording and read aloud it.   ⅰ. play the game: what’s missing?   ⅱ. the students write the phonetic symbol and the phonetic symbol words after me.   blackboard design   lesson 1   /i:/ /p/ /b/   bee /bi:/ beep /bi:p/ pea /pi:/   look back   the students are good at the pronunciation. they understand the dialogue very well.
