

  unit 1
  一、单词: first floor second floor home room bedroom
  bathroom living room kitchen classroom school
  park library bookstore farm zoo garden
  study playground teacher’s office library gym
  art room computer room music room tv room shop
  next to homework class forty way
  二、let’s do:
  go to the library. read a book.
  go to the teachers’ office. say hello.
  go to the playground. play football.
  go to the garden. water the flowers.
  三、发音: er /ə/:sweater tiger father brother mother computer farmer ruler
  driver water sister dinner weather teacher eraser
  1、is that the computer room?
  2、do you have a library? yes, we do. /no, we don’t
  3. where is the library? it’s on the second floor.
  4. how many students are there in your class? forty-five students.
  5. it is a computer.
  this is my school.。
  that is the playground.
  6. is this the art room? yes, it is. no, it isn’t.
  is that the teacher’s office? yes, it is. no, it isn’t.
  is it a computer? yes, it is. no, it isn’t.
  do you have a playground?
  yes, we do no, we don’t./ yes, i do. no, i don’t.
  7. this way please.
  unit 2
  一、单词:一日三餐 breakfast lunch dinner/supper
  课程(classes):science chinese class math class
  pe class english class computer class art class
  music class english class music class pe class
  get up go to school go home go to bed over now
  o’clock kid thirty hurry come on just a minute
  二、 let’s do:
  it’s time for breakfast. let’s drink some milk.
  it’s time for lunch. let’s have some chicken.
  it’s time for dinner. let’s eat some rice.
  it’s time for pe class. let’s jump and run.
  it’s time for english class. let’s read and write.
  it’s time for music class. let’s sing and dance.
  ir /ə:/: bird girl birthday thirty shirt t-shirt skirt first
  ur /ə:/ : nurse hamburger hurt turn
  it’s time for +名词
  it’s time to +动词
  what time is it now? it’s 5 o’clock.。
  it’s time for english class. 。
  it’s time to go to school.
  it’s time to get up.
  time to go home, kids. school is over.
  hurry up.
  just a minute. come on.
  breakfast is ready. 。
  unit 3
  1.天气(weather):cold warm cool hot snowy sunny
  rainy windy cloud weather report
  2.国家、城市(countries & cities):
  china/prc america/usa uk england canada/can
  australia new york london sydney
  moscow cairo singapore
  3.人称代词(pron.): i we you he she it
  they my our your his her
  4.介词词汇(prep.): in on under near next to
  5.颜色类单词(colors): red blue yellow green white
  black pink purple orange brown
  6. outside be careful how about degree world
  fly love
  ar /a:/: art arm car card scarf garden hard mark
  al /ɔ:/ : all ball wall tall small football
  1、can i go outside now? ——yes, you can. no, you can’t.
  2、what’s the weather like in new york?
  it’s rainy. it’s 26 degrees.
  3、it’s sunny and warm in beijing.
  4. is it sunny? ——no, it isn’t.
  5. can i go outside now? ----yes, you can. no, you can’t.
  6. can you fly your kite? yes, i can./ no, i can’t.
  7. how are you ? -----i’m fine. thank you.
  8. how old are you ? ------i’m ten years old.
  9. is it sunny in beijing? ----yes, it is./no, it isn’t.
  10. it’s cold outside. put on a hat.
  11.it’s warm inside. take off your shoes.
  12.be careful!
  unit 4
  1.动物(animals): hen turkey lamb sheep goat
  cow horse cat dog pig duck rabbit
  elephant ant fish bird mouse squirrel
  kangaroo monkey panda bear lion tiger
  deer giraffe
  2.蔬菜( vegetables):
  green beans tomato potato cucumber onion carrot
  3.食品、饮料(food & drink): beef chicken noodles
  vegetable rice bread egg fish cake
  candy salad milk water ice-cream
  coke juice tea coffee soup
  4.水果 (fruit): apple banana pear orange watermelon grape peach strawberry tomato
  potato green beans carrot
  5.其它:these those yum garden farm eat
  or/ɔ:/ : horse short shorts for fork forty born new york
  w-or work word world homework housework firework
  1. what are these? they are tomatoes.
  2. what are those? they’re carrots.
  3. what are they? they are hens.
  4. are these hens? yes, they are. /no, they aren’t.
  5. are those cows? yes, they are. / no, they aren’t.
  6. are they goats? yes, they are. / no, they aren’t.
  7. you have a lot of animals.
  how many horses do you have? one hundred.
  8. these are tomatoes and green beans.
  9. those are carrots and potatoes over there.
  10. they love to eat carrots.
  unit 5
  1.衣服(clothes): jacket shirt t-shirt skirt
  dress pants socks shoes sweater coat
  raincoat shorts hat cap sunglasses
  scarf gloves
  2. 形容词(adj.) pretty cheap nice expensive
  big small long tall short thin
  quiet funny clean happy good fine
  great fat happy hungry cute little
  beautiful helpful
  3.yours whose mine pack wait
  二、let’s do:
  put on your shirt.
  hang up your dress.
  take off your hat.
  wash your skirt.
  put away your pants.
  le /l/: apple people table uncle little circle sale
  1. i like that green skirt. me too. and i like those pants.
  2. are these yours? yes, they are. no, they aren’t.
  3.they’re chen jie’s.
  4.is this john’s? yes, it is. no, it isn’t.
  5. sarah, can you help me , please? ok. / of course.
  6. whose skirt is this? it’s amy’s. 。
  7. whose coat is this? it’s mine.
  8. whose pants are those? they are your father’s.
  unit 6
  1.基数词:one two three four five six seven
  eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen
  fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen
  nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty
  seventy eighty ninety forty-two hundred
  one/a hundred and thirty-six
  2.序数词: first second third fourth
  fifth eighth ninth twelfth twentieth
  3. glove scarf umbrella sunglasses pretty
  expensive cheap nice try …on size
  of course too just how much eighty
  dollar sale more us
  1. -a- dad cat hat cap that pants fan candy fat bag black
  a-e face cake grape plate take
  2. -i- pig this six it big
  i-e like kite five nine nice time size
  3. -o- hot dog box dollar
  -o-e nose coke home phone rose
  4. -u- duck umbrella us lunch sunglasses mum
  u-e use cute excuse
  5. -e he she me we
  -e- bed red pen pencil leg hen
  expensive pretty ten
  1. can i help you? yes. these shoes are nice. /no, thanks.
  2. can i try them on? can i try it on?
  3. size 6, please.
  4. they’re too small. they are just right. 。
  5. how do you like this skirt? it’s very pretty.
  6. how much is this skirt? =how much is it? it’s $89.
  oh, that’s expensive
  7.how much are these pants? =how much are they? they’re 450 yuan. 。
  8. i’ll take it./ i’ll take them.
  9. it’s hot. so i put on my t-shirt.
  10. of course, here you are !
