

  book 7 词汇复习练习题集
  unit 1 living well
  一. 根据所给汉语或所给首字母,写出单词的正确形式。
  1. his a__________ is to become prime minster is likely to be realized.
  2. i quite like living alone, because it makes me more _______________(独立).
  3. she was given ____________(鼓励)to try something new.
  4. i show my sincere congratulations on your g_____________ from beijing university.
  5. my e_________ daughter is at university now but the other one is at school.
  6. i _____________(祝贺)you on your election.
  7. sunshine is _____________(有益)to plants.
  8. he frowns when he is ______________.(颇为生气)
  9. john and mike are twins, but the l___________ is taller than the former.
  10. money m__________ nothing to her.
  11. every one of us should try our best to help people with ____________.(伤残)
  12. the newcomers who aren’t familiar with their job need advice and __________(帮助).
  13. li hua was my only chinese _______________(同伴)during my stay in austria.
  14. he was __________ (伤残) in the car accident.
  二. 根据所给汉语完成下列句子
  1. mr green will be in charge ______________________(在我离开期间).
  2. it was the first time that she ___________________.(独立生活)
  3. a boy who is ____________________(有雄心) usually works hard.
  4. i’m glad to see _______________ (你在校的行为)has improved.
  5. __________________________(我感到生气)when he refused to help.
  6. 他的休假已产生了有益的效果。(beneficial)
  7. 这本书适用于初学者。(adapt for)
  8. 我们期待着毕业。(graduation)
  9. 由于缺乏证据,警方只好放他走。(absence)
  10. 我们会帮助你找到住的地方。(assist in)
  11. her unhappy childhood is ______________________.(她性格的关键)
  12. _______________________(我怎么能坐着无所事事)when there are so many things to do.
  13. my father is sitting on the sofa______________________________ (看书).
  14. the district has _____________________(呈现出一派新面貌) since the new roads were built.
  15. he ___________________(谋生容易)ever since his father died and left him the business.
  unit 2 robots
  一. 根据所给汉语或所给首字母,写出单词的正确形式。
  1. the plane flies so s___________ that we can rest well during the trip.
  2. they then ____________(宣布) to us all what had been decided.
  3. i am really _____________(担心) to hear that you’re planning to leave the company.
  4. it was __________(荒谬)of you to suggest such a thing.
  5. the whole country celebrated the v_________ of the war.
  6. tom is too young understand such c___________ problem.
  7. it’s well known that mozart had a t___________ for music.
  8. every citizen should o__________ the law.
  9. they got married in 1999 and d__________ the next year.
  10. snow is ______________(缺少) in some countries.
  11. an english girl will feel ____________(窘迫) when you ask how old she is.
  12. you shouldn’t ______________(嫉妒) him his success.
  二. 根据所给汉语完成下列句子
  1. a small boy saw the smoke and ___________________.(发出警报).
  2. she always tires to avoid being _____________________.(和杰克单独相处)
  3. britain has lots of its ________________(足球天才) to clubs abroad.
  4. father ____________________(把报纸放在一边) and reached for his cigarettes and lighter.
  5. ______________________(警方自称) to be completely puzzled by the lack of evidence.
  6. the $400 million loan will help ________________________.(使俄罗斯经济好转)
  7. ______________________(真是荒谬)not to wear a coat in such cold weather.
  8. we_______________________(渴望得到你尽早的回复)to this matter.
  9. the soldiers will ____________________(被考验) under the stress of war.
  10. during the first few months ________________________________(一切进展地很顺利).
  11. 我不忌妒你有好运气。
  12. 你最好别碰钢琴。(leave…alone)
  13. it is one thing to work out a plan and it is another to ____________________(执行它)
  14. the dam _________________________(将要建成)by the year XX, will benefit the whole country.
  15. she told me that her proposal needed _________________.(考虑)
  16. i feel it is your husband who is _____________________(被谴责)for the spoiled child.
  unit 3 under the sea
  一. 根据所给汉语或所给首字母,写出单词的正确形式。
  1. they were in an ________________(令人畏惧) silence.
  2. the ____________(年度) farm output is to be increased by 4-5 percent.
  3. the doctor will be here soon; in the m___________ , try and relax.
  4. are you a__________ that your son has difficulty in studying at school.
  5. one w__________ claimed to have seen the gun.
  6. the russian army had a successful e_________ into the city.
  7. he told us some amusing a____________ about his life in the countryside.
  8. he can speak english well, but his mother t__________ is german.
  9. this hospital has _____________(住宿) for 200 patients.
  10. the ______________(关系) between the two countries is being improved.
  二. 根据所给汉语完成下列句子
  1. many german artists __________________ (逃到美国) at the beginning of world war ii.
  2. janice lay on the floor trembling, ___________________(太害怕所以不能动)。
  3. there are four people ___________________(在我前面)at the doctor’s.
  4. all that stress at work had begun to _____________________________(使他的健康情况变坏) and he was badly in need of a holiday.
  5. the national guard has ___________________(被调动) to help fight fires.
  6. he _________________(正要离开)when his father came in.
  7. _____________________(有一段时间)when a number of pupils stayed away from school without permission.
  8. i don’t remember ___________________(你告诉过我)that you were going to be a lawyer.
  9. i am happy to see my grandmother __________________.(被照顾)。
  10. all flights _______________________(都被取消了)because of the snowstorm, we decided to take the train.
  unit 4 sharing
  一. 根据所给汉语或所给首字母,写出单词的正确形式。
  1. our members have the __________(特权) of using the lending service of the library.
  2. the ___________(宇航员) soon get used to the condition of weightlessness.
  3. the foreign friends hope that they can join the celebrations for the university’s 80th ____________(周年纪念).
  4. what i need now is the _____________(安全)of a happy home.
  5. mail comes to this r__________ village only once a week.
  6. he is being treated at a private c_____________.
  7. this type of university course is no longer r____________ to today’s problems.
  8. it is said that this company is in serious f_____________ difficulties now.
  9. i’ll make ___________(安排)for you to be met at the railway station.
  10. in my opinion, these are _____________(政治) rather than social matters.
  二. 根据所给汉语完成下列句子
  1. he said he ____________________(从未遇到) such a funny person.
  2. i could see a pair of feet ____________________(伸出) at the end of the blanket.
  3. everyone was asked to ____________________ (捐赠一天的收入) children’s hospital.
  4. i didn’t know you would get up at 6:00, _____________________(不然我会来得更早)。
  5. the course will help you to develop you r_______________________.(阅读与听力技能)
  6. it took several seconds for his eyes to _______________________.(习惯黑暗)。
  7. the government encourages people to ___________________(参与)protecting and improving the environment.
  8. 如果我是你,我就接受了这份工作。(if)
  unit 5 travelling abroad
  一. 根据所给汉语或所给首字母,写出单词的正确形式。
  1. do americans need v________ to visit canada?
  2. experience in a related field is a ______________(要求) for this job.
  3. i take ____________(安慰) from the fact that his friends are there to help him.
  4. passengers may b__________ the ship at 4:00 p. m.
  5. money is no s_____________ for happiness.
  6. britain is g___________ by prime minister and the cabinet.
  7. was going to college a good p____________ for your career?
  8. the country is a____________ in natural resources.
  9. the teacher r_____________ the students to read the following books.
  10. the students attended a history l_______________ today.
  11. the railway lines run p_____________ to the road, so they will never meet.
  12. reading o_________ most of my spare time.
  13. many of the poor _____________(认为)him as their spiritual leader.
  二. 根据所给汉语完成下列句子
  1. the browns will ______________________(给你供应膳食) quite cheaply.
  2. coffee is not served here. we have to ____________________________.(用茶代替咖啡)
  3. ________________________(就我而言), this story is not interesting at all.
  4. i_______________________(感觉自在)living here. the landlady is very kind to me.
  5. he ___________________________(很快使自己适应了) the heat of the country.
  6. he ___________________________(被广泛承认) as being the best player in the world.
  7. we______________________________(建议早点预订),as this event is popular.
  8. without self- control, a man can have no patience, no power to ____________.(支配自己)。
  9. he experienced great difficulty in _______________________(申请出国签证)。
  10. the teacher refused to ________________(对……做出评论)the examination results.
  11. i must get rid of the large desk; it _______________________(占据太大的空间)
  12. she made the children glad __________________________(用各种方法)
  13. the journalist immediately set out to get these important facts, but he ______________(花了很长时间) to send them.
  14. 要适应另一国家的风俗习惯是很困难的。(get used to)
  15. 我和保罗有许多的共同点。
  unit 1 living well
  一. 1. ambition2. independent3. encouragement
  4. graduation5. elder6. congratulated
  7. beneficial8. annoyed9. latter
  10. means11. disabilities12. assistance
  14. companion15. disabled
  二. 1. during my absence2. had lived independently
  3. filled with ambition4. your conduct at school
  5. i felt annoyed6. his holiday has had a beneficial effect.
  7. this book is adapted for beginners.
  8. we’re looking forward to graduation.
  9. in the absence of evidence, the police had to let him go.
  10. we’ll assist you in finding somewhere to live.
  11. the key to her character.
  12. how can i set around
  13. reading books
  14. taken on a flash
  15. had little difficulty in making a living
  unit 2 robots
  一. 1. smoothly2. announced3. alarmed
  4. absurd5. victory6. complicated
  7. talent8. obey9. porced
  10. absent11. embarrassed12. envy
  二. 1. raised the alarm2. left alone with jack
  3. football talents4. set aside the papers
  5. the police declared themselves6. turn the russian economy around
  7. it’s absurd8. desire your early reply
  9. be tested out10. everything went smoothly
  11. i don’t envy you having good luck12. you’d better leave the piano alone.
  13. carry it out14. to be completed
  15. to be taken into consideration16. to blame
  unit 3 under the sea
  一. 1. awesome2. annual3. meantime
  4. aware5. witness6. entry
  7. anecdote8. tongue9. accommodations
  10. relationship
  二. 1. fled to america2. too scared to move
  3. ahead of me4. drag him down
  5. been called out6. was about to leave
  7. there was a time8. your saying to me
  9. has been taken care of10. having been cancelled
  unit 4 sharing
  一. 1. privilege2. astronaut3. anniversary
  4. security5. remote6. clinic
  7. relevant8. financial9. arrangements
  10. political
  二. 1. had never come across2. sticking out
  3. donate one day’s pay4. otherwise, i would have come easier
  5. reading and listening skills6. adjust to the dark
  7. participate in8. if i were you, i would have taken the job.
  unit 5 travelling abroad
  一. 1. visas2. requirement3. comfort
  4. board5. substitute6. governed
  7. preparation8. abundant9. recommended
  10. lecture11. parallel12. occupied
  13. acknowledge
  二. 1. board you2. substitute coffee with/by tea
  3. as far as i am concerned4. feel at home
  5. adjusted himself very quickly to6. is widely acknowledged
  7. recommended book early8. govern himself
  9. getting a visa to leave the country10. comment on
  11. takes up too much room12. in a variety of ways
  13. took a long time
  14. it’s difficult to get used to another country’s customs.
  15. i have a lot in common with paul.
