

  1. 一……就……
  as soon as
  the moment,
  the minute,
  the instant,
  2. 尽可能
  as … as possible
  as…as you can
  be glad to do sth。
  be pleased to do sth。
  be happy to do sth。
  be delighted to do sth。
  have pleasure to do sth。
  get ready for sth。
  get sth. ready
  be ready for sth。
  be ready to do sth。
  prepare for sth。
  prepare oneself for sth。
  prepare to do sth。
  prepare sth. for sb。
  be prepared for sth。
  5. "邀请"与"请求"
  would you like to do sth.?
  would you like sth.?
  would you please do…?
  (回答:i’d love to 。)
  it is no use (in)doing sth。
  there is no use doing sth。
  it is useless to do sth。
  it is no good (in) doing sth。
  7. "结果"
  so …that…
  enough to do sth。
  too … to…
  8. "花费"
  sb. spends some time/money on sth
  sb. spends some time/money (in) doing sth。
  sb. pays some money for sth。
  sb. buy sth. for some money。
  (sb sells sth. for some money。)
  sth. costs sb. some time/money
  it costs sb. some money/time to do sth。
  it takes sb. some time/money to do sth。
  it takes some time/money for sb. to do sth。
  9. "为了"
  so that (引导目的状语从句)
  in order that (引导目的状语从句)
  so as to do sth. (引导目的状语,只位于句尾)
  in order to do sth. (引导目的状语,可首可尾)
  to do sth. (引导目的状语,可首可尾)
  10. "以至于不"
  so …… that…not…。.
  not…enough to…
  11. "习惯"
  be used to doing sth。
  be accustomed to doing sth。
  12. 表示建议的表达
  what about sth./doing sth.?
  how about sth./doing sth.?
  why not do sth.?
  13. "出什么毛病了"
  what’s the matter with…?
  what’s wrong with…?
  what’s the trouble with…?
  what happens to…?
  14. "为什么不"
  why not do sth.?
  why don’t you do sth?
  15. "不但……而且……"
  not only…but also
  not only…but…
  not only…but …as well
  stop sb. from doing
  keep sb. from doing
  prevent sb. from doing
  discourage sb. from doing sth。
  dissuade sb. from doing sth。
  17. "相处"
  get on with sb。
  get on well with sb。
  get along with sb。
  get along well with sb。
  mix with sb。
  mix well with sb。
  18. "因为"
  thanks to
  due to
  because of
  as a result of
  owing to
  it’s + adj. (for/of sb. ) to do sth. (形式主语)
  find/think/feel it + adj. + to do sth. (形式宾语)
  20. stress 句型汇总
  be stressed out
  be under a lot of stress
  takestand the stress 忍受压力
  put stress on sth. 强调
  21. "弥补"
  make up for
  compensate for
  22. "在…看来"
  in one’s opinion,
  to one’s mind
  in one’s view
  in one’s eye
  according to sb.
  23. "丢"
  be lost
  be missing
  be gone
  24. "著名"
  be famous for sth.
  be famous to sb.
  be famous as + 职位
  be famous to sb. as+ 职位
  be known for sth.
  be known to sb.
  be known as+ 职位
  be known to sb. as+ 职位
  25. "满意"
  be satisfied with
  be pleased with
  be happy with
  be delighted with
  26. "为……而高兴"
  be pleased for sb
  be happy for sb.
  be glad for sb.
  be delighted for sth.
  27. "祝贺"
  congratulate sb. on sth.
  congratulations to sb. on sth.
  28. "道歉"
  apologize to sb. for sth.
  make an apology to sb. for sth.
  29. "玩得高兴"
  have a good time
  have fun (doing sth.)
  enjoy oneself
  30. "决定"
  decide to do sth.
  make a decision to do sth.
  determine to do sth.
  be determined to do sth.
  make a determination to do sth
  resolve to do sth.
  make a resolution to do sth.
  make up one’s mind to do sth.
  set one’s mind to do sth.
  31. "使役"
  make sb. do sth.
  let sb. do sth.
  have sb. do sth.
  get sb. to do sth.
  set sb. to do sth.
  32. to表示 "的"
  the key to the door
  the key/answer to the question
  the solution to a problem
  the way to sp.
  the entrance to sp.
  be on a visit to sp.
  pay a visit to sp.
  a trip to sp.
  a ticket to sp. (a ticket for + 比赛名称)
  33. "花了"
  pay some money for sth.
  spend some money on sth.
  buy sth. for some money.
  cost sb. some money
  34. "怎么样"怎么样表达?
  what do you think of sth.?
  how do you like sth.?
  what’s your view on sth.?
  how do you feel sth.?
  what’s your opinion about sth?
  35. 对……的态度:
  be kind to sb.
  be nice to sb.
  be friendly to sb.
  be amiable to sb.
  be polite to sb.
  be respectful to sb.
  be impolite to sb.
  be rude to sb.
  be mean to sb.
  be patient with sb.
  be impatient with sb.
  be angry with sb. at sth.
  be mad with sth.
  be strict with sb. in sth.
  36. 疑问词+动词不定式
  what to do
  how to do sth.
  where to do sth.
  when to do sth.
  whether to do sth.
  37. "刚……就……"
  no sooner… than…
  be about to do sth. when…
  38. like句型汇总
  like sth./sb.
  like doing sth
  like to do sth.
  would like to do sth.
  would like sth.
  feel like doing sth.
  feel like sth.
  look like…
  what’s … like…
  39. need句型汇总
  need sth/sb.
  need to do sth.
  need sb. to do sth.
  need doing sth. =
  need to be done
  needn’t do sth.
  need…do sth.?
  (need 作情态动词时常用于否与疑)
  in need of = in want of
  in great need of
  meet the needs of
  40. "到达"
  get to sp.
  arrive in/at sp.
  reach sp.
  41. interest句型汇总
  be interested in sth.
  have interest in sth./doing sth
  interest sb. in sth./doing sth.
  lose interest in sth/doing sth
  it’s interesting (for sb.)to do sth.
  a place of interest
  42. tell句型汇总
  tell sb. sth.
  tell sth. to sb.
  tell sb. about sth.
  tell sb. to do sth.
  tell sb. not to do sth.
  tell a from b
  tell the difference between a and b
  43. "相同"
  be the same as
  look like
  be similar to
  44. "拜访"
  call at sp
  call on sb.
  drop in at sp.
  drop in on sb.
  注意call on 还有"号召"的意思,句型为
  call on sb. to do sth.
  45. hope与wish句型汇总
  hope to do sth.
  hope that……
  wish to do sth.
  wish sb. to do sth.
  wish that…
  hope sb. to do sth. ( )
  46. "翻译"
  translate … into…
  turn … into…
  change … into…
  47. suggest句型汇总
  suggest that……(虚拟语气)
  suggest to sb. that……
  suggest that……(表明 )
  suggest doing sth.
  suggest sb. to do sth. ( )
  48. advise句型汇总
  advise sb. against sth/doing sth
  advise sb. to do sth.
  advise sb. not to do sth.
  49. …to doing sth汇总
  look forward to doing sth.
  devote oneself to doing sth.
  devote one’s life to doing sth.
  pay attention to doing sth.
  be used to doing sth.
  be accustomed to doing
  stick to doing sth. 坚持做……
  adapt to doing sth.
  admit to doing sth.
  apply to doing sth.
  be addicted to doing sth.
  be dedicated to doing sth. 致力于;献身于
  be indifferent to doing sth.
  be opposed to diong sth.
  be similar to doing sth.
  get down to doing sth.
  give one’s mind to doing sth.
  give rise to doing sth.
  lead to doing sth.
  object to doing sth.
  prefer doing a to doing b
  respond to doing sth.
  take to doing sth. 喜欢上;从事;养成…的习惯;沉湎于…
  turn to doing sth.求助;转而从事于
  in addition to doing sth.
  50. "容忍"
  put up with
  51. "对……厌烦"
  be tired of
  be fed up with
  be sick of
  be bored with
  52. tired句型概览
  be tired of 对…厌倦,对……烦
  be tired with/from sth./doing sth. 因…感到疲劳
  be tired out 精疲力竭 (=be exhausted)
  53. "擅长"
  do well in sth.doing sth.
  be good at sth.doing sth.
  be expert at sth.doing sth.
  be clever at sth.doing sth.
  be great at sth.doing sth.
  be excellent at sth.doing sth.
  be skilled at sth.doing sth.
  be adept at sth.doing sth.
  54. "弱"
  be weak in
  be bad at
  be poor at
  55. 感叹句句型汇总
  what + a/an + adj + [c] + 主+ 谓!
  what + adj+ pl./[u] +主+ 谓!
  how + adj/ adv + 主+ 谓!
  how + 句子!
  56. "双宾语"总揽
  show sb. sth   show sth. to sb.
  pass sb. sth.   pass sth. to sb.
  post sb. sth.   post sth. to sb.
  give sb. sth   give sth. to sb.
  take sb. sth.   take sth. to sb.
  lend sb sth.   lend sth. to sb.
  throw sb. sth.   throw sth. to sb.
  do sb. harm   do harm to sb.
  offer sb. sth.   offer sth. to sb.
  wave sb. sth.   wave sth. to sb.
  tell sb. sth.   tell sth. to sb.
  send sb. sth.   send sth.to sb.
  wish sb. sth.   wish sth. to sb.
  read sb. sth.   read sth. to sb.
  teach sb. sth.   teach sth. to sb.
  telegraph sb. sth.   telegraph sth. to sb.
  sing sb. sth.   sing sth. to/for sb.
  write sb. sth.   write sth. to sb.
  save sb. sth.   save sth. for sb.
  order sb. sth.   order sth. for sb.
  pour sb. sth.   pour sth. for sb.
  make sb. sth.   make sth. for sb.
  buy sb. sth.   buy sth. for sb.
  cook sb. sth.   cook sth for sb.
  get sb. sth.   get sth. for sb.
  win sb. sth.   win sth. for sb.
  his hard work won him a lot of praise.
  his hard work won a lot of praise for him.
  leave sb. sth.   leave sth. for sb.
  57. "毛病"
  there is sth. wrong with sth./sb.
  sth. is wrong with ……
  58. doing与to do,意思别模糊
  forget doing sth. 做了忘了
  forget to do sth. 忘了做了
  remember doing sth. 记得已做
  remember to do sth. 记住要做
  stop doing sth. 停止做
  stop to do sth. 停下来去做
  watch/see/hear sb. doing sth. 看/听见在做
  watch/see/hear sb. do sth. 看/听见做
  go on doing sth. 继续做(同一件事)
  go on to do sth. 继续做(另一件事)
  try doing sth. 努力做
  try to do sth. 尝试做
  mean doing sth. 意味着…
  mean to do sth. 打算做
  learn doing sth. 学过… (不一定会)
  learn to do sth. 学会做
  59. "告别"
  wave sb off 挥手告别
  wave goodbye to sb.
  say goodbye to sb.
  see sb. off
  call sb
  ring sb.
  call up sb.
  ring up sb.
  phone sb
  phone sb. to do sth.
  give sb a phone
  give sb. a call
  call sb. at+电话号码
  dial +电话号码
  61. "吃惊"
  be surprised at
  be amazed at
  be astonished at
  be astounded at
  be shocked at 对……很震惊
  62. "生气" 的句型
  be angry with sb.
  be angry about sth.
  be angry at sb./sth.
  be angry with/at sb. about sth.
  be angry that……
  be mad at sb.
  be annoyed with sb.
  be strict with sb.
  be strict in sth.
  be strict with sb. in sth.
  64. "根据"
  base a. on/upon b
  a be based on/upon b
  try to do sth.
  try one’s best to do sth.
  do one’s best to do sth.
  do one’s upmost to do sth.
  put one’s effort into sth./doing sth
  spare no effort to do sth. 全力以赴做…
  endeavor to do sth. 竭尽全力做……
  go out of one’s way to do sth.
  66. "哪儿残疾"
  be blind in…
  be deaf in…
  be lame in
  67. "视而不见"与"充耳不闻"
  be blind to
  close one’s eyes to sth.
  be deaf to
  be all ears
  be all eyes
  69. "与某人做生意"
  do business with sb.
  make a deal with sb.
  70. "surprise"句型汇总
  in surprise
  to one’s surprise
  be surprised at sth./doing sth.
  with a surprised look
  call sb.
  call sb.up
  call on sb. 拜访某人
  call on sb. to do sth. 号召某人做…
  drop in on sb 拜访某人
  call at sp.
  call sb. at + 电话号码
  call off sth/dong sth. = cancel sth/dong sth.
  put off sth./doing sth. = postpone sth/dong sth.
  72. "care"句型汇总
  care sth. 在意…
  care for sth./sb. 喜欢…; 照顾…
  care about sth./sb.关心…;担心…;对…感兴趣
  take care of
  take good care of
  take care to do sth.
  take care not to do sth.
  be under the care of
  be careful about/of…
  be careless about/of…
  it’s careless of sb. to do sth.
  73. "如何打、抓人"
  catch sb. by the +身体部位
  grasp sb by the +身体部位
  hit sb. on/in the +身体部位
  tap sb. on the back/shoulder
  74. 关于"up with" 的句型
  catch up with 追赶
  keep up with 与…保持一致
  put up with 容忍
  come up with 提出
  be fed up with 厌恶
  75. "choose"句型总汇
  choose to do sth
  choose sb as +职位
  choose a before b 选择a而非b
  choose sb. sth.
  choose sth. for sb
  76. "把……视为"
  take a as b
  look on a as b
  regard a as b
  treat a as b
  consider a as b
  count a as b
  view a as b
  think of a as b
  77. "充满"
  be filled with
  be full of
  be crowed with
  be flooded with
  be peopled with
  78. "in"句型汇总
  in danger
  in trouble
  in surprise
  in black and white
  in brief
  in case
  in case of
  in that case
  in charge of
  in the charge of
  in common
  in depth
  in fact
  in effect
  in favor of
  in future
  in general
  in hand
  in order
  in order to do sth.
  in order that…
  in other words
  in pairs
  in person
  in private
  in public
  in progress
  in rags
  in reality
  in return
  in short
  in spirit
  in spite of = despite
  in sum
  in store for sb.
  in terms of
  in the air=in the sky
  in the end
  in truth
  in turn
  in vain
  in view of
  in want of
  in need of
  in one’s twenties
  interest sb. in sth.doing sth.
  be interested in sth.doing sth.
  have difficulty in doing sth.
  succeed in doing sth.
  spend some time in doing sth.
  be weak in sth.doing sth.
  do well in sth.doing sth.
  in stitches 笑破肚皮,笑得前仰后合
  the play had us in stitches.
  in (full) bloom 盛开
  in blossom 盛开
  in ruins
  in rough
  in that 在于
  in the blink of an eye 眨眼间,瞬间
  in pawn 典押
  in camera 秘密地
  decide to do sth,
  decide sb. to do sth.
  decide on sth.
  you decide. = it depends on you.
  80. "dream"句型汇总
  realize one’s dream
  make one’s dream come true
  dream of doing sth.
  follow one’s dream
  81. "鼓励"与"泄气"句型
  encourage sb. to do sth.
  discourage sb. from doing sth.
  82. 五"照顾、照看"
  look after sb.
  take care of sb.
  attend to sb.
  wait on sb.
  care for sb.
  keep an eye on sth./sb.
  have an eye for sth.
  83. fail的句型
  fail (in)sth.
  fail to do sth.
  fail sb. = make sb. disappointed
  84. 从"做成"到"做败"
  succeed in doing sth.
  manage to do sth.
  attempt to do sth.
  fail to do sth.
  feel + adj.
  feel like doing sth
  feel it + adj. + to do sth
  feel for sth. 摸索…
  feel sb. do sth.
  feel sth. to be
  86. "适合做……","有资格做……"
  be fit for
  be suitable for
  be great for
  be responsible for
  be qualified for
  be eligible for
  87. fit句型总汇
  fit sb. for sth.
  fit sb to do sth.
  be fit to sth.
  it is fit for sb. to do sth.
  88. free句型总汇
  be free from
  free sb.sth from
  set sb. free
  89. fun句型总汇
  have fun doing sth.
  it’s great fun doing sth.
  make fun of sb.
  90. "尊重"与"鄙视"
  look up to sb.
  respect sb.
  look down upon sb.
  despise sb.
  marry sb.
  get married to sb.
  be married to sb.
  porce sb.
  one’s marriage with sb.
  one’s porce from sb.
  92. 过去分词短语做宾补
  have sth done
  get sth. done
  want sth done
  with sth done
  93. 两"放弃"
  give up sth./doing sth.
  drop sth.
  94. 两"检查"
  look over sb./sth.
  examine sb./sth
  95. good句型汇总
  be good to sb.
  be good for sb./sth.
  be good at sth.
  be good with sb./sth.
  do sb. good
  it’s good of sb. to do sth.
  it’s no good doing sth.
  it’s no good one’s doing sth.
  96. 四"感谢"
  be grateful to sb. for sth./doing sth.
  be thankful to sb. for sth./doing sth.
  thank sb. for sth./doing sth.
  thanks for sth./doing sth.
  97. 如何"猜"
  guess sb./sth to be
  make a guess at sth.
  98. harm句型总汇
  there is no harm in doing sth.
  it does no harm to do sth.
  do sb./sth. harm
  do harm to sb./sth.
  99. 四"渴望"
  be eager to do sth.
  long for
  be hungry for sth.
  be thirsty for sth.
  100. plan句型汇总
  have a plan for sth.
  have a plan to do sth.
  plan to do sth.
  plan out 精心安排
  plan out your route before you go.
  plan on doing sth.打算做某事
  we are planning on visiting him next month.
  101. pleasure应这么用
  take pleasure in sth.doing sth.
  have the pleasure to do sth.
  do sth. for pleasure/fun
  it is a pleasure to do sth.
  with pleasure. (回答请求帮助)
  my pleasure. (回答对方的感谢)
  102. popular句型汇总
  be popular for 以……而受欢迎
  make sth. popular 使…流行;使…受欢迎
  be popular with sb.受……喜爱
  be popular among sb. 受……欢迎
  take a pride in sth.doing sth. 以...自豪
  be one’s pride 是某人的骄傲
  be proud of sb. 以……而自豪
  104. progress 的词组、句型
  in progress 在进行中
  make progress in sth.doing sth. 在...方面取得进步
  105. provide句型总汇
  provide sth. for sb. 向某人提供某物
  provide sb. with sth. 向某人提供某物
  106. 学会"拒绝"
  refuse to do sth.
  refuse sb. sth.
  refuse sth. to sb.
  decline to do sth.
  107. 如何"向……问好"
  remember sb. to sb
  give sb. one’s regards
  give one’s regards to sb.
  give one’s best wishes to sb.
  108. right句型汇总
  be right to do sth. 做…是正确的
  be right in doing sth. 做…是正确的
  109. "偷"与"抢"的宾语不同
  rob sb. of sth.
  steal sth. from sb.
  110. owe句型汇总
  owe a to b ( = attribute a to b) 把a归功/因于b
  owe sb. some money 欠某人多少钱
  owing to … 由于……
  111. 如何"搜查"
  search sb.sth. 搜身
  search for sb.sth. 搜寻某人
  search sp. for sbsth. 搜查某地找寻某人
  112. 关于serve
  serve sb. with sth. 拿…招待某人
  serve sth. to sb. 拿…款待某人
  serve as 干…工作 (相当于work as)
  113. short句型汇总
  be short for 是…的缩写
  be the short form of 是…的缩写形式
  in short 简言之
  in the short term/run (反意:in the long term/run)
  be short of sth. 缺乏,短缺
  114. 如何表达"富于......"
  be rich in sth.
  be rich with sth.
  be abundant in sth.
  abound in sth.
  115. show句型汇总
  show sb. around sp. 带领某人参观某地
  show off 炫耀
  show sb. the way to sp. 指路
  on show 展览中(被陈列着)
  show sb. sth.
  show sth. to sb.
  116. 如此shy
  be shy about/of sth./doing sth. 难为情,羞怯
  be shy with sb. 和…某人在一起感到害羞
  shy away from sth./doing sth. 躲避;羞于
  117. 四"厌烦"
  be sick of sb./sth/doing sth.
  be tired of sb./sth/doing sth.
  be fed up with sb./sth/doing sth.
  be bored with sth.
  118. "快"与"慢"
  be slow in doing sth.
  be slow to do sth.
  be quick at doing sth.
  119. "遗憾"还是"后悔"
  feel/be sorry for/about sth.
  regret to do sth.
  regret doing sth. 后悔做某事
  be/feel sorry for sb. 同情某人
  be/feel happy for sb. 为某人高兴
  121. sure 与certain
  be sure of/about sth./doing sth.
  be certain of/about sth./doing sth.
  be sure to do sth.
  be certain to do sth.
  make sure that……
  make sure of sth.
  122. 用of时要么褒奖,要么贬批
  it is sweetkindnicegoodpolitebravepatient
  impoliterudeimpatient/carelesswrong of sb to do sth.
  123. talk 句型汇总
  have a talk with sb.
  give a talk on sth.
  listen to a talk on sth.
  talk to sb.
  talk with sb.
  talk about sth.
  talk withto sb. about sth.
  talk sb. into doing sth
  persuade sb. to do sth.
  124. 如此"发报"
  telegraph sb. sth
  telegraph sth. to sb.
  125. 介词不同,意思不同
  throw sb. sth. 把某物扔给某人
  throw sth. to sb. 把某物扔给某人
  throw sth. at sb. 拿…砸某人
  126. "搏"
  fight for sth.
  battle for sth.
  struggle for sth. 力争……
  127. "治疗"与"治愈"
  treat sb. with sth. 用…治疗某人
  cure sb. of + 疾病 治愈了某人的……病
  treat sb. to sth.用…款待某人,请某人吃…
  128. turn句型汇总
  do sth. by turn /in turn
  take turns to do sth.
  it’s one’s turn to do sth.
  turn over 翻页
  turn to sb.向…求助
  turn out to be 结果是
  turn a into b 把…变成…
  turn on 打开
  turn up 调大音量;出现(=show up)
  turn down 调小音量
  turn off 关掉
  turn against one’s country 背叛祖国
  129. use句型汇总
  use a to do b
  use a for b/doing b
  be used to do sth.
  be used for doing sth.
  used to do sth 过去常常做…
  be used to doing sth. 习惯做…
  be accustomed to doing sth. 习惯做…
  it’s no use/good doing sth. 做…没用
  it’s useful in doing sth. 有助于做……
  130. wait 句型汇总
  wait for sb. to do sth.
  can’t wait to do sth. 等不及做…
  wait on sb. 服侍…
  131. 关于walk的表达
  a walking dictionary 活词典
  take a walk
  go out for a walk
  walk sb. to sp. 陪某人走到某地
  walk one’s dog 遛狗
  a walking stick 拐杖
  132. want句型速递
  want to do sth.
  want sb. to do sth.
  want sth.
  want sth. done 想某事被做
  i want your homework done right now.
  in want of sth.
  133. warn句型速递
  warn sb. about/against sth. 让某人警惕或提防某事
  warn sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事,预先通知某人某事
  warn sb. against doing sth. 警告某人不可做某事
  (=warn sb. not to do sth.)
  warn sb. not to do sth.
  134. 如何wash
  wash sth. off sth.
  wash away 冲走
  do the washing 洗洗
  135. 如此"浪费"
  waste some time/money on sth.
  waste some time in doing sth.
  it’s a waste of… 是浪费…
  136. wave句型速递
  wave sb. sth. he waved a greeting to me.
  wave sth. to sb. they waved a goodbye to me.
  wave sth. at sb. 对某人挥动某物
  the girl waved the handkerchief at her boyfriend.
  137. 如此"担心"
  worry sb./oneself about sth.
  be worried about sb./sth.
  be apprehensive about sth.doing sth. 担心
  138. 你会"写"吗?
  write to sb. = write a letter to sb.
  get a letter from sb. 收信
  receive a letter from sb.
  hear from sb.
  write back to sb. 回信
  return a letter to sb.
  139. 如何"订"
  order sth. from sb.向某处订购某物
  book a table for ten
  140. able, enable, ability 与disable
  be able to do sth.
  have the ability to do sth.
  enable sb. to do sth. 是某人能够做……
  disable sb.
  the disabled 残疾人
  141. 积极 "参与"
  be active in sth.
  take an active part in sth./doing sth.
  participate in sth./doing sth.
  142. 关于"年龄"
  at the age of
  what’s the age of sb.?
  the aged 老人
  of one’s age 同龄
  in one’s thirties 在某人三十几岁时
  for ages=for years=for a long time
  under age成年
  over age超龄
  143. air词组汇总
  on the air在传播
  put on airs摆架子
  in the open air 在野外,在露天
  by air
  144. "疼痛"的表达
  have a headache
  have backache
  have a toothache
  have a stomachache
  have a sore throat
  learn sth. by heart
  remember sth.
  keep sth. in mind
  bear sth. in mind
  bear in mind that…
  keep in mind that…
  146. 如此"穿戴"
  put on sth.
  wear sth.
  have sth on.
  dress sb.
  be dressed in
  147. put词组与句型
  put away 收拾
  put down放下,写下
  put off sth./doing sth.推迟…
  put up sth.
  they put up a tent and we took it down.
  put up with 容忍
  put out the fire 扑灭火
  148. 三 "发生"
  take place
  come about
  149. 关于"纪录"的句型
  set a new record 创新纪录
  hold the record for (the 100 meters) 保持纪录
  break the record 打破纪录
  150. first 句型总汇
  at first
  first of all 首先,最重要的是
  first sight咋一看来
  fall in love with sb. at first sight 一见钟情
  first aid 急救
  first class头等舱
  first come, first serve.
  first hand第一手的
  first name
  the first person第一人称
  first and foremost首要的是,首先
  151. follow句型总汇
  follow one’s advice 听从某人的劝告
  as follows 如下
  follow in one’s footsteps效仿他人
  follow suit 照着做,跟着某人做,效仿榜样
  152. 不是"合成的"人复数加-s
  153. play句型总汇
  play sb.同某人打比赛
  play with sb. 与某人玩
  play with sth. 玩某物
  play the drum/violin/piano/flute/guitar/trumpet/
  play football/basketball/tabletennis/badminton/volleyball/baseball
  play an important/a leading role
  when the cat’s away the mice will play. 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。
  154. 有关too的词组
  too much + 不可数名词
  much too + adj./adv.
  too many + 可数名词
  too…to… 太…以至于不
  155. 四"目前"
  at the moment
  at present
  for the time being
  156. "to do"还是"doing"
  a. to do 句型汇总
  1、ought to do sth.
  2、try to do sth.
  3、want to do sth.
  4、hope to do sth.
  5、forget to do sth.
  6、remember to do sth.
  7、go on to do sth.
  8、stop to do sth.
  9、like to do sth.
  10、would like to do sth.
  11、it is + adj. for sb to do sth.
  12、be glad to do sth.
  13、used to do sth.
  14、decide to do sth.
  15、make up one’s mind to do sth.
  16、agree to do sth.
  17、it takes sb some time to do sth.
  18、learn to do sth.
  19、plan to do sth.
  20、begin to do sth.
  21、need to do sth.
  22、wish to do sth.
  23、what to do?
  24、how to do sth?
  25、where to go?
  26、be made to do sth.
  27、be let to do sth.
  28、would like sb to do sth.
  29、teach sb to do sth.
  30、ask sb to do sth.
  31、be afraid to do sth
  32、it’s time to do sth.
  33、be ready to do sth.
  b. doing句型汇总
  1、enjoy doing sth.
  2、thank sb for doing sth.
  3、see sb doing sth.
  4、hear sb doing sth.
  5、forget doing sth.
  6、remember doing sth.
  7、what about doing sth?
  8、how about doing sth?
  9、like doing sth.
  10、feel like doing sth.
  11、it’s no use doing sth.
  12、keep sb doing sth.
  13、stop doing sth.
  14、go on doing sth.
  15、can’t help doing sth
  16、be worth doing sth.
  17、would you mind doing sth?
  18、give up doing sth.
  19、need doing sth.
  20、look forward to doing sth.
  21、be tired of doing sth.
  22、succeed in doing sth.
  23、be fond of doing sth.
  24、be afraid of doing sth.
  25、be good at doing sth.
  26、be interested in doing sth.
  27、be sorry for doing sth.
  28、be used to doing sth.
  29、stop sb from doing sth.
  30、spend some time (in) doing sth.
  21、be tired of doing sth.
  22、succeed in doing sth.
  23、spend some time (in) doing sth.
  24、be afraid of doing sth.
  25、be good at doing sth.
  26、be interested in doing sth.
  27、be sorry for doing sth.
  28、be used to doing sth.
  29、stop sb from doing sth.
  157. agree句型汇总
  agree to one’s plan/suggestion
  agree with sb.
  agree with sth. 与……一致;与……相符
  your account of the accident does not agree with hers.
  agree on、upon sth. 达成一致
  agree to do sth.
  agree that……
  agree to differ/disagree同意各自保留不同意见
  we must just agree to differ on this.
  i couldn’t agree more! = i completely agree. 我完全同意。
  158. before的词组与句型
  before long = soon
  long before 很久以前
  the day before yesterday前天
  the year before last前年
  look before you leap.三思而后行。
  two months before
  two months ago
  159. 四"小心,注意"
  mind you请注意(留心)
  mind you don’t make a mistake.
  take care (of)
  be careful (of)
  look out (for)
  160. 关于invite
  invite sb. to sp.
  invite sb. to do sth.
  thanks for inviting me.
  161. 某类人、物
  the poor
  the rich
  the old
  the aged
  the young
  the sick
  the wounded
  the oppressed受压迫的人
  the deaf
  the blind
  the dead
  the beautiful 美丽的东西
  the new新东西
  the good 好东西
  imagine doing sth.
  imagine sb. doing sth.
  picture sb. doing sth.
  163. join a to b
  join with sb. in sth./doing sth.
  164. "玩笑"该这么开
  have a joke with sb.
  joke with sb. about sth.
  make a joke about sb./sth.
  play a joke on sb.
  165. 关于keep
  keep doing sth.
  keep on doing sth.
  keep sb. from doing sth.
  keep sth. from sb.
  166. know的句型
  know sb. to be
  know of sb./sth.
  get to know sb.
  know sb.
  167. "嘲笑"与"朝某人笑"
  laugh sb. out of sth.
  laugh at sb.
  jeer at sb.
  smile at sb.
  168. learn 的句型
  learn about sth.
  learn from sth.
  learn sth. from sth.
  learn sth by heart.
  learn to do sth.
  169. leave句型汇总
  leave sth. to sb.
  leave doing sth. to sb.
  leave for sp.
  leave sth. +介词短语
  leave sb./sth. doing sth.
  leave sb./sth. with sb.
  ask for a sick leave
  leave sb. alone
  liter sp.
  liter sp. with sth.
  171. look 与listen
  look at sb. do sth.
  look at sb. doing sth.
  sb. be looked at to do sth.
  listen to sb. do sth.
  listen to sb. doing sth.
  sb. be listened to to do sth.
  172. 如何"专注"
  lose oneself in sth.doing sth.
  apply oneself to sth.doing sth.
  be absorbed in sth. doing sth.
  concentrate on sth.doing sth.
  put one’s heart into sth.doing sth.
  173. mention的句型
  mention sb. as …
  mention … to sb.
  mention to sb. that…
  not to mention……
  don’t mention it.
  174. mind句型总汇
  in one’s mind 在脑海中
  on one’s mind 在脑海中(多用于不顺心的事)
  to one’s mind 在某人开来
  never mind
  have sth. in mind
  keep sth. in mind
  bear sth. in mind
  bear sth. in mind that…
  keep sth. in mind that…
  would you mind doing sth.?
  would you mind one’s doing sth?
  make up one’s mind to do sth.
  change one’s mind to do sth. 决定做某事
  set one’s mind to do sth. 决定做某事
  be/go out of one’s mind变得神志不清
  lose one’s mind 失去理智,失控
  put/get sth. out of one’s mind 忘怀…
  slip one’s mind 遗忘;走神
  mind/watch your step 小心脚下;小心
  175. 向"错误"学习
  do sth. by mistake 错干
  mistake a for b 误认
  make some mistakes
  make a mistake
  176. 如何"挣钱"
  make money by doing sth.
  earn money by doing sth.
  177. 学会"感动"
  be moved
  be touched
  be affected
  be deeply moved by…
  be deeply touched by…
  be deeply affected by…
  move sb. to tearslaughter
  178. dare句型汇总
  dare do sth.
  daren’t do sth.
  dare to do sth.
  i dare say …… 有理由说;有根据说;我敢说;
  179. "提醒"或"告诉"
  give sb. notice that…
  inform sb. of sth.
  remind sb. of sth.
  remind sb. to do sth./doing sth.
  remind sb. that…
  just to remind you that you have four overdue books. (09宣武一模阅读a)
  180. 三"期望"
  look forward to do sth.
  expect to do sth.
  anticipate doing sth.
  181. 三"组成"
  be made up of
  consist of
  be composed of
  182. 英语中的"许多"
  可数"许多" many
  a good many
  a great many
  many a
  a number of
  a large number of
  a great number of
  numbers of
  a deal of
  a great deal of
  an amount of
  large amounts of
  万能"许多" a lot of
  lots of
  a quantity of
  large quantities of
  masses of
  183. afford句型总汇
  afford to do sth.
  can’t afford to do sth.
  be able to afford to do sth.
  1). 先行词即有人,又有物时;
  2). 先行词为不定代词时;
  3). 先行词被the only, the very修饰时;
  4). 先行词被形容词最高级修饰时;
  5). 先行词被序数词修饰时;
  6). 在以which、who引导的特殊疑问句中;
  7). 先行词在句中做表语时。
  win sth.(the match, the race, the first place, the prize, a gold medal…)
  beat sb.one’s competitorrivialopponentadversarya team
  at once
  right now
  right away
  in no time
  before long
  187. as句型总汇
  as a result 结果
  as a result of 因为;由于
  as a matter of fact 实际上;事实上
  as soon as
  the same … as
  as if
  as though
  regard ... as
  look on …as
  treat …as
  not as…as
  not so … as
  serve as
  work as
  as well as
  as far as i know 据我所知
  as far as sb. is concerned就…而言
  asso long as
  as for sb.sth. 至于…
  be knownfamous as
  as time goes by 随着时间的推移 (over time)
  on one’s own
  by oneself
  these days
  191. come句型汇总
  make one’s dream come true梦想成真
  come to life复活
  come up to sb. 走近某人
  come up close to sb.走近某人
  come at sb. 向某人扑过来
  come up with 提出
  come on加油
  192. 如何 "面对"
  face sth.
  be faced with sth.
  193. 迷一样的me
  why me? 为什么是我?
  it’s me. 是我!
  not me. 不是我(干的)
  me too. 我也。
  me neither. 我也不。
  follow me. 跟我来;跟我学
  194. 工具不同,用词不同
  in pencil
  in red/black/blue ink
  in chalk
  in english/japanese/chinese
  with a pen
  with a pencil
  with a brush
  195. 比较级的否定形式表示最高级
  i couldn’t agree more! 我完全同意。
  couldn’t be better! 再好不过了。
  couldn’t be worse! 再糟糕不过了。
  nothing is more important than this.
  nobody is cleverer than you in our class.
  196. at宾语是人,好事不多
  smile at sb.
  call out at sb. 向某人呼喊
  shout at sb. 对某人大叫大嚷
  laugh at sb.
  jeer at sb. 嘲笑某人
  come at sb. 向…扑过来
  fly at sb. 向…扑来
  throw sth. at sb.
  shoot at sb. 瞄准某人 (shoot sb. 向某人开枪)
  aim at sb. 瞄准某人
  bark at sb. (狗)朝某人叫
  197. 三个句型
  be similar to sth.与……相似,与……差不多
  be familar to sb. …对某人来说是熟悉的
  be familar with sth. 某人对某事熟悉
  198. time句型汇总
  it’s time to so sth.
  it’s time for sb. to do sth.
  it’s time for sth.
  it’s time that + 主语 + did / should do sth. 该做某事了。(虚拟语气)
  it’s the + 序数词 + time that + 现在完成时
  it was the +序数词+ time that + 过去完成时
  199. 三"乘车"
  go to sp. on a bus
  take a bus to sp.
  go to sp. by bus
  200. 七"如果"
  as long as
  so long as
  unless (=if not)
  given (that)
  provided (that)
  201. offer句型总汇
  offer sb. sth.
  offer sth. to sb.
  offer to do sth.
  202. 这些词是作动词时是及物动词
  congratulate sb. on sth.
  contact sb.
  marry sb.
  porce sb.
  lack sth.
  congratulation to sb. on sth.
  keep/get/lose in contact with sb.
  one’s marriage with sb.
  one’s porce from sb.
  for lack of sth.
  203. 做……没有意义
  there is no sense in doing sth.
  there is no point in doing sth.
  204. have句型汇总
  have sb. do
  have sb. doing 让某人…个不停
  have sth. done (相当于ask sb. to do sth.)
  have sth. to do
  205 令某人……的是
  to one’s surprise
  to one’s joy
  to one’s shame
  to one"s astonishment
  to one’s disappointment
  to one’s shock
  to one’s sorrow
  206. 有关effect的表达
  side effect 副作用
  have effect on… 对…有影响
  have great effect on
  have no effect on
  take effect 起作用,生效
  207. 四"位于"/"坐落":两主动+两被动
  be + 介词短语
  lie + 介词短语
  be located + 介词短语
  be situated + 介词短语
  208. 四"梦想成真"
  make one’s dream come true
  realize one’s dream
  achieve one’s dream
  fulfill one’s dream
  sleep now, you will dream; study now, you will realize/achieve/fulfill your dream.
  209. "点燃"、" 扑灭"与"自灭"
  set fire to sth.
  set light to sth.
  put out the fire
  beat out the fire
  the fire goes out
  210. fight句型汇总
  fight for sth. 为…而战 fight for freedom.
  fight against sb. 与…战斗
  fight with sb. 与…并肩作战
  211. 这三个句型可以考验你的意志
  have trouble in doing sth.
  have difficulty in doing sth.
  have a hard time in doing sth.
  212. 三"入睡"
  go to sleep
  get to sleep
  fall asleep
  213. 与"疯"有关的词组
  go mad
  go crazy
  go insane
  drive sb. mad
  drive sb. insane
  drive sb. crazy
  214. 注意这四个动词的习惯用法
  advise sb. to do sth.
  allow sb. to do sb.
  forbid sb. to do sth.
  permit sb. to do sth.
  advise doing sth.
  allow doing sth.
  forbid doing sth.
  permit doing sth.
  215. 三"提前"
  ahead of time
  in advance
  216. 如何起诉/控告某人
  accuse sb. of sth./doing sth.
  charge sb. with sth. /doing sth.
  sue sb. for sth. /doing sth.
  persecute sb. for sth. /doing sth.
  217. 两"依赖/靠"
  depend on
  rely on
  218. fix句型汇总
  fix one’s eyes on/upon sb./sth.注视……
  fix one’s attention on/upon sth. 集中注意力于……
  fix up 修理好,装饰好
  fix a to b 把a固定在b上
  i fixed the board to the wall with some nails.
  219. under表示"正在被……"
  under repair正在维修中
  under discussion 正在讨论中
  under research 正在被研究
  under consideration正在被考虑
  under development 正在被开发
  under attack 正在受到袭击
  220. promise句型汇总
  promise that…
  make a promise that…
  promise to do sth.
  promise not to do sth.
  make a promise to do sth.
  make a promise not to do sth.
  keep one’s promise 遵守诺言
